199 평점
How to obtain Clock.exe
Lux Æterna 님이 작성
How to obtain Clock.exe and unlock the "TRUE ULTIMATE POWER" achievement
즐겨찾기 해제
The following guide will explain how to obtain Clock.exe (and the "TRUE ULTIMATE POWER" achievement) with the least effort possible.
However, if you're a new player or don't like getting things spoiled I'd advise against reading further.
This game is full of hidden paths to follow and rewards those who dare to look for more, and you'd do yourself a disservice by just spoiling yourself the fun.
If you still want to enjoy the game but don't know where to start looking, here are two different trails you can follow to reach Clock.exe:

During a mission for CSEC you'll have to decrypt a file called C_EXE_contact.dec. Instead of just completing the mission, try reading it and going on from there.

If you still haven't hacked jmail.com's server (seriously? That's the first thing I'd do!), do it now, and snoop around the mailboxes. One email in particular has a... clock themed subject. Go on from there.
In addition to the tools you have at your disposal right off the bat, you'll need Decypher.exe and to be able to crack at least 4 of the following services of your choosing:

HTTP WebServer (Port 80)
SSH (Port 22)
FTP Server (Port 21)
SMTP MailServer (Port 25)
SQL Server (Port 1433)
Blizzard Updater (Port 3724)
Getting Clock.exe
1) Pop some shells around, you'll need them to overload the proxy.
2) Connect to
3) Analyze and solve the firewall, overload the proxy and hack 4 ports. The tracing process is pretty fast so you may want to take it easy and do this point in two steps.
4) Copy the file VAULT/Clock.dec into your machine.
5) Connect to your machine and decrypt it with "Decypher Clock.dec yuna"
6) Copy Clock.exe into the binaries folder with "mv Clock.exe /bin"
7) Execute "Clock"
8) Enjoy your achievement and your new game breaking tool.
댓글 122
TriangleDude 2024년 6월 24일 오전 1시 15분 
Bro. This is so OP. i beat the dlc without ever using porthack with clock.
Jaze 2024년 4월 14일 오후 12시 04분 
I get that it's a cheat, but isn't it still a bit TOO game-breaking to be included? Personally I think it should be removed, it's too powerful.
FromIwoJima 2023년 11월 19일 오후 4시 10분 
@SKULL CRUSHER Did you obtain ultimate power with Clock.exe?
bumbaclot 2023년 11월 19일 오전 3시 58분 
@Lux Æterna: np bro im finished the game
Lux Æterna  [작성자] 2023년 11월 14일 오후 9시 43분 
@SKULL CRUSHER: can't remember off the top off my head but I think one of the emails mentions the password being "the best character from FFX"
bumbaclot 2023년 11월 12일 오전 6시 23분 
Where did you find the password?
ModdedInstall2 2023년 7월 22일 오후 1시 41분 
It's... just a clock. What does it do, exactly? (other than tell time)
TacoCat7F 2023년 4월 27일 오후 1시 53분 
Literally made all my other .exe stuff look like childs play against the clock!
Doflamingo 2023년 2월 3일 오전 1시 16분 
Thank You So Much Dude!
FromIwoJima 2022년 7월 13일 오후 7시 48분 
Very powerful tool, a game changer.