Quake III Arena

Quake III Arena

44 ratings
Dreamcast Map Pack
By quake4ever2007
Full single player campaign of SEGA Dreamcast Quake III Arena
Works with the latest version of Quake 3 Arena v1.32
Full Dreamcast soundtrack
Dreamcast Map Pack
Download Link: Moddb

Create a new folder in your Quake 3 Arena folder and name it Dreamcast

Put dc_mappack.pk3 in Dreamcast folder

From main menu go to mods

Select Dreamcast then select load

Hoe_Daddy88 31 May, 2021 @ 8:09pm 
i like what has been done here but it is missing several maps in multiplayer both capture the flag and other mods as well as the full dc sound track other wise it was quite fun to run through the orignal single player
kaiz762 19 Apr, 2020 @ 6:53pm 
I am prompted for a CD key. Is there a fix for that? Did I do something wrong?
coffee009 7 Mar, 2020 @ 9:26pm 
hmmm, any chance to port over Quake Arena Live's singleplayer? I thought that game in general was slept on
Dr.Merlin.THC 4 May, 2019 @ 5:55pm 
is there a way to just boot directly into this?
Swagnus Swagnusson 8 Jun, 2018 @ 1:34pm 
wish I'd never sold my dreamcast, was my introduction to online gaming

Fond memories of trading railgun fire with Germans across the Longest Yard with 300-3000ms ping times on the 28k onboard modem.....
quake4ever2007  [author] 3 Mar, 2018 @ 7:39am 
@BrandeX Both main menu screens are identical. You need to jump into a game first and if the music is different then the mod loaded correctly.
MrYoloDickSwagger 18 Nov, 2017 @ 10:09pm 
I love this mod! it brings back so many memories. Thank you so much :)
quake4ever2007  [author] 26 May, 2017 @ 3:01am 
I've fixed the "no data chunk" and tested it with version 1.32c win-x86 music should work now. Thanks for reporting.
ダニエル 8 Mar, 2017 @ 11:20am 
None of the music files seem to load, they just give this 'no data chunk' message in the console. Shame, I preferred the DC soundtrack over the PC version.
Jove 10 Mar, 2016 @ 5:14pm 
Thanks for this. Now I miss my dreamcast even more..