Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition

Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition

28 ratings
Hidden Character Parts
By Hyakulegger
Here's a detailed guide on several head and armor part models as well as how you can unlock them.
If you've ever bothered to play the campaign, you'll come across two characters in the 1st chapter; Kensai, an Izanagi operative who watches over the Ronin team early on and Johnson, an Iron Guard soldier and an enemy you fight against. Neither of these characters are unlockable through traditional means, so instead we'll have to tinker with a certain file.

First, you'll need to open UTCustomChar.ini. Assuming you're using Windows 7 or newer, it should be located in C:\Users\yournamehere\Documents\my games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Config.

Don't worry though, you'll only need to edit this file (hopefully).
1. Cyclops (Liandri)

While Cyclops' head model is present in the game's files, Cyclops himself never appears in the campaign.

Add the following line at the end of the head part section (search the last match for "Part=PART_Head")


Next, you will need to bind this head model to a character. Copy and paste the line below under Characters (search the last match for "Characters=(CharName")


2.) Johnson (Iron Guard)

Since his head is already enabled, simply look up "Johnson" and replace his character line with the one below...


3.) Kensai (Ronin)

Unlike the two before, Kensai has no custom portrait of his own. It instead reuses Bishop's.

Like Johnson, his head is also enabled. Just look up "Kensai" and change "bLocked="true" to bLocked="false". It should look like this when you're done...

Other stuff
1.) Boots, arms and pads

Kensai also happens to come with his own parts; namely, boots, arms & shoulder pads. These can also be used by any male Ronin character.
Copy and paste each line to its appropriate section.

Shoulder Pads



Lastly, here are some shoulder pads for the male Necris characters.


2.) Adding a description (optional)
Cyclops doesn't have his own description; instead, it borrows Enigma's. Should you feel like adding one, follow these steps;

  • Locate Cyclops' character line, then scroll to the right until you see "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Enigma_Description>". Replace "Enigma" with Cyclops.

  • Go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Localization\INT" and open UTGameUI on Notepad. Create a new line under Nova and type "Cyclops_Description=yourdescriptionhere". I think you know what to do next.

When all that's done, you should see some new faces in the roster, as well as a few goodies in the customization screen (provided you did everything right); here's some screenies for good measure.

This guide borrows heavily from a thread made back in '07; the addition of the Nova head model in the 2009 Titan Pack uses the same HeadID as the Cyclops head, so I reassigned the latter to rectify this problem.

If you want to see the original post, click here[forums.epicgames.com].

Other than that... I suppose that's it, really. Just be sure to occasionally test-run UT3 after editing a line or two. If something goes awry mid-experiment, leave a comment below and I'll answer it to the best of my knowledge.

Thanks for reading this guide, and I hope you found it useful. See you in the tournament!

Gryphon 18 May, 2021 @ 1:31am 
It's a secret to everyone.
Bliketod 11 Dec, 2018 @ 10:21am 
QUESTION FROM 2018. Does it work on Windows 10? I tried to get Cyclops, but nothing happened. Can you help me
Hyakulegger  [author] 20 Jan, 2018 @ 8:18pm 
I'm assuming they should be, since the models are already in the base game.
Aulus01 #FixTF2 20 Jan, 2018 @ 5:24pm 
Are these heads visible to others in Multiplayer?
DuckTBone 30 Dec, 2017 @ 8:00am 
Nevermind, I got it to work on another computer, I'll just play it on that one.
Thanks for your help. :D
DuckTBone 30 Dec, 2017 @ 5:15am 
I changed it but it didn't change anything. Weird.
Hyakulegger  [author] 29 Dec, 2017 @ 3:01pm 
Oh, I see the problem now.

In your UTCustomChar.ini under line 572, there's a - sign after CharName; change it to a = and it should work.
DuckTBone 28 Dec, 2017 @ 11:39pm 
Here are links to my logs and screenshots, hope those'll help.

My Logs
https://pastebin.com/C9622mw8 (CustomChar)
https://pastebin.com/X2CURwzV (UTGameUI)

My Screenshots
Hyakulegger  [author] 27 Dec, 2017 @ 10:40am 
Posting a link to said log might help, as I can't seem to find it otherwise.

Also, I forgot to ask this earlier, but could you put up a screenshot showing the problem?
DuckTBone 27 Dec, 2017 @ 2:00am 
I've posted it, it's called Unreal Tournament 3 Cyclops issue, now what?