Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

5,191 人が評価
Timboh's Motorway Rest Area
Assets: Intersection
688.476 KB
2015年8月2日 4時08分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Timboh's Motorway Rest Area

Timboh 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Timboh's Marvelous Interchange Emporium
34 アイテム
Here's a bit of an experiment for you. A rest area! See, in the modern era, humans require access to basic necessities 24/7, such as lead-free petrol, chocolate bars and "fresh" wrapped sandwiches. Now you can provide those services with the Motorway Rest Area, or something. Yeah, I have honestly no idea if this is something people will find interesting or not, but its here for those who want it!


Cost: 17 490
Upkeep: 226 / week

In-game Description: Time for a snack on the trip? Time for some fine locations for petrol stations and fast food restaurants? Time for a rest area!
26 件のコメント
Lordwarblade 2023年7月1日 8時09分 
I think I came late to the party. How did I miss this for so long?
pyxell 2023年5月31日 10時54分 
This will be wonderful for breaking off into bus stops and train stations, thank you!
Gaspurr 2022年2月20日 0時52分 
Oh man, exactly what I was looking for.
doomz 2022年2月7日 5時44分 
Beautiful. I love your works so much; they make the game loads better. Thank you and wish you a happy new year from Korea. :chirp:
Glizzy McGuire 2020年9月21日 0時11分 
BRILLIANT!!!!! We call these "En Routes" here in Ontario Canada
Kingssman 2020年7月10日 23時59分 
I have modified the lanes of this to serve as my inner city utility depot. Bus stops, train stations,
codewitch 2020年6月22日 14時07分 
I find this too impractical/difficult to use without u-turns, which I use a different workshop interchange.

As for this use, I to want to use it as a park-and-ride system but I have yet to make a system that works well for that.
Montbard 2020年6月21日 1時30分 
This asset is failing to load. Any idea why?
TitaniumTurtle 2020年1月13日 8時48分 
Nostalgia for those of us who grew up taking long road trips ever year or so...
fighterslam 2019年1月13日 18時31分 
Broken. F