Interstellar Marines

Interstellar Marines

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The Neurogen Incident Transcripts
Készítő: ZPSSpectre
This guide isn't a replacement for captions and subtitles, just a temporary substitute until we can get those implemented. It contains the text for all audio logs and other audio transmissions featured in The Neurogen Incident mission.
Ruben Snyder -
Attention to all crew! Some of our benefactors from NeuroGen Pharma Corporation are visiting this facility on the 27th of this month. The purpose of this meeting is to increase their financial support to the vital work we are developing here. I therefore request that all service and maintenance personnel perform a full check on the station’s main systems and wear their uniform in pristine condition. To the research teams, please provide updated reports on your work as soon as possible for presentation and evaluation.

Ruben’s assistant (Ellen Weaver) -
I’ve had to deal with more complaints than usual this week because of the communications restrictions, but Ruben is correct in imposing them. After our arrangement with ITO we must be very careful on the information we let slip to the outside, at least until the board of investors have had the opportunity to weigh in on the matter. I am sure they will agree with Ruben’s decision to let Dr. Barbero pursue this new avenue of research. Besides, it will surely provide much better profit than the one we achieve by treating the sick.

Dr. Sarah Magellan -
It’s always the same thing, doesn’t matter whether you’re still in college or at a top level private company, something always goes missing! Honestly, how can Dr. Barbero expect me to continue my work when the supplies keep going missing?

Leo Stark -
Dr. Sarah was right, someone is accessing the storage room and taking supplies without signing them off. Whoever it is, there’s only the timestamp left, I can’t identify anything else. I’ve asked Hank Choo to check on this and see if anyone altered the access mechanism, but I am still waiting on his report. I should notify Mr. Snyder about this.

Hank Choo -
Leo Stark asked me to check on the access door to the storage room. Apparently someone has been accessing it without leaving a record of whose access card was used. The access mechanism is working fine and the manual override hasn’t been used as far as I can tell. Given the circumstances, I think someone got their hands on a skeleton key, but the only people able to produce one would be me, David Cutler, or Ruben Snyder. Still not sure if I should report this back to Leo or Mr. Snyder.

Dr. Barbero -
Snyder just came around asking about the missing supplies from storage. Had to tell him about Dr. Magellan’s last breakthrough and about the ramifications of her results. He became rather interested on my own side experiments, asking me to continue on them and not to worry about Stark’s investigation. Apparently his contacts in the ITO Defense Department are interested in this line of research, which means that funding is no longer an issue, even if NeuroGen pulls the plug on us.

Leo Stark -
Just finished reading Hank Choo’s report, he can’t find anything wrong with the access mechanisms to the storage area, so I’ve got no other option but to keep a close eye on this. To make matters worse, when I mentioned this event to Snyder he just said that if I couldn’t find anything else, I should just let it die. I can’t do that! I have an obligation to these people, their safety is my responsibility. If there’s any foul play here that endangers the crew, I’ll be crucified!

Hank Choo -
Talking with Mr. Snyder about the storage situation seems to have expedited our next delivery. NeuroGen headquarters is sending a cargo mission 18 days ahead of schedule. I’ll have to send a team to clear the hangar bay for the extra supplies we’re getting, but at least Kimmy will have her birthday gift in time this year instead of having to wait for the usual delivery dates. Despite all the hassle, there’s a silver lining! I really hope she likes it, I miss my little girl.

Dr. Sarah Magellan -
Finally some progress! The subjects have shown improvement in the cognitive tests and sensorial memory after only 3 weeks of being administered the MT-17 compound on a daily basis. Most of the subjects have also shown intermittent explosive disorder, a behavioral disorder characterized by extreme expression of anger, often to the point of uncontrollable rage. It is yet unclear if this is the result of the lesions in the prefrontal cortex caused by the Alzheimer's or if it’s a side-effect of the drug. We’ll have to wait for the autopsy to make sure.

Dr. Barbero -
Dr. Magellan’s latest results are quite promising. However, she did fail to mention some rather interesting side-effects on a small percentage of the test sample. Some of the subjects exhibited a decrease in sensitivity to pain, increased aggressiveness and intermittent explosive disorder, as reported previously by Dr. Magellan. Of special note, this subgroup in the sample takes their aggression to rather extreme effects. A couple of the subjects fought each other to the point of inflicting lethal injuries on one another without stopping or diminishing the ferocity of the attacks.

Dr. Barbero -
I’ve been replicating Dr. Magellan’s experiment and finally identified and isolated the responsible neurotransmitters for the decreased sensitivity to pain. Aggressiveness remains an issue. One way to control this was to include an hallucinogenic agent that increases susceptibility to suggestion. The aggression is still there, but the subjects can be more easily controlled by a third-party. Also, aerial dispersion of a modified viral agent has proven to be just as effective as individual inoculation, and much simpler to apply. Just need to place samples in a closed environment and spray!

Dr. Sara Magellan -
Dr. Barbero has been quite moody as of late. Since my last breakthrough he’s been so focused on his lab, he barely takes a rest. I’m concerned he will soon enough have a nervous breakdown. I don’t get it why he’s acting like this. I mean, I know the investor meeting is in a couple of days, but the progress we’ve had is tremendous. I’m sure NeuroGen will continue (to) fund us, there’s no need for this.

Dr. Sarah Magellan -
I just had to go to see Snyder. William… um… Dr. Barbero’s behaviour of late is starting to really concern me. No longer lets his research assistant in the lab, and shouts at anyone who even passes by. I hope Snyder can talk him into taking some time off, he really needs it.

Dr. Barbero -
[angrily] After all I’ve done to bring her to NeuroGen’s research department, that whiny little ♥♥♥♥♥ went over my back to Ruben! What is it to her if I’m spending too much time in my lab? It’s my damn work! She wouldn’t be so damn opinionated if I showed her my own progress! (sigh), maybe I should...

Ruben’s assistant (Ellen Weaver) -
I’ve had to deal with more complaints than usual this week because of the communications restrictions, but Ruben is correct in imposing them. After our arrangement with ITO we must be very careful on the information we let slip to the outside, at least until the board of investors have had the opportunity to weigh in on the matter. I am sure they will agree with Ruben’s decision to let Dr. Barbero pursue this new avenue of research. Besides, it will surely provide much better profit than the one we achieve by treating the sick.

Dr. Byen -
As usual this time of year, I’ve rounded up all the station’s personnel, including the patients, and conducted the mandatory medical check-up. Still, how i hate it when people call me Dr. Ben… It’s like the running joke when it’s time to draw some blood! Really, how difficult is it to say Dr. Miki By-en? Anyway, the first lab works are complete, and there is a potentially alarming result. Dr. Barbero’s blood work is very similar to one of patient Dakotah DeCou, one of the volunteers from ITO military. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to report this to headquarters until communications are restored, but I notified Snyder about it. Hopefully, he’ll take some safety measures.
In Progress
In Progress
6 megjegyzés
wellen1981 2015. dec. 23., 19:54 
This guide... SPOILER ALERT!
But for the hearing impaired, much appreciated until subtitles make it into IM.
smashbot 2015. szept. 21., 3:24 
2 and 2nd to last comment are identical. Is that correct?
TW-62 2015. aug. 8., 13:26 
And can you guys pleeeeeeaaase make the map look less confusing? Nearly all corridors are identical, and it takes a lot of time to make sure every corridor has been checked or double-checked.
Jun 2015. júl. 31., 9:23 
I hope so and fix Nurogen plus Evacuation map ASAP :)
ZPSSpectre  [készítő] 2015. júl. 31., 9:21 
I do ancillary work for the team so don't worry, my work on this doesn't detract from the development of the game at all.
Jun 2015. júl. 31., 4:59 
Transcripting is okay but I can't even play Neurogen in Co-Op, it become laggy and turns my system down. You should have work on that! Anyway I really liked this game so please don't disappoint us.