Pixel Piracy

Pixel Piracy

70 ratings
The "Newbie" progression guide
By Jazmine
This Guide, Will be the RAW basics. I will cover stupid but effective methods to advance your game even as a newbie. This 'Should' work on any difficulty and will build a path to being unrivaled while micromanaging the least amount of characters possible.

I cannot say this build helps in the late game as I've never got that far. But it is effective to get tons of cash with little effort.
The general result of using the guide.
New Note

14 Mar 2017 - Sorry for being away so long but even still the game hasn't really updated, I'll maybe spend the next few days cataloguing all items in the game and talk about some ship builds. To do so I'll be replying to game to check the effectiveness of my tactics I talk about in the guide, to know if I need to change anything.

30 July 2015 - I spent only 3 hours working on this while suffering from carpel tunnel and suffering with photosensitivity. I say I will mention things later on but 3 hours in I need a break. I'll continue with this ASAP.
Thanks for your cooperation.

Using this guide is a surefire way to help you get tons of money rolling in and letting you easily win most battles without bothering to micromanage or think. This guide isn't a "Pro" guide by any means but is basic enough that if followed anyone could reach the point of using less than 5 characters like I do in level 6+ areas.

By the end of this you will have:
A stupidly overleveled captain who is untouchable even in the biggest of fights.
A really small but specialised crew set.
Tons of money even from level 1 or 2 ships.

Another route you may wish to take is along the pets method that I may mention later on.
Character creation.
Right. If you are new to the game but not new to all games you should be able to work your way to character creation.
If not then you launch the game, hit new game and then select a save slot.

For new players you may want to go for the easier settings and once you feel ready you could make another save for when you feel the game is too easy.

I'll be creating a new game along with you so I'll try and tell you the setting in
"Setting - What you choose"

After you get to creating a new game you are faced with deciding names for everything.

Your captains name is the name of the main character the game will rely on. They are the only person able to carry animals and interact with objects or shops. The game also ends if they die but you can reload to the last island you visited even if there were hostiles.
Sometimes the game will reduce the amount of hostiles on the island if you died there the last time.
The name for the captain doesn't effect anything so go ahead and get creative.
(You choose their sex later on so keep the name in mind depending on what name you choose)

Next is the world name. Again this doesn't matter besides the possible world seed generation that may come from it. It won't effect anything in the world otherwise meaning you can go ahead and name the world whatever you want.

The next option is the difficulty, for the tutorial I'll go Captain mode but if you are new I suggest Sailor mode.

And finally, the tutorial, if you want to follow this fully then I'd recommend to disable it as the guide will probably ignore most of what it will try to get you to do. I do recommend trying it out though as I won't mention all the mechanics of the game in this guide.

After this hit "Start game" to continue creating your world and character.

Now you get world generation questions. These will change what appears in the world more and what the places you go to are like.
For the sake of this guide I'd recommend not choosing the top one (Monsters) as this increases the chance of a boss monster spawning when you don't want it to.
Choosing (Mystery) increases island inhabitants and (Drama) I guess has something to do with morale which can be important in the beginning but quickly loses priority when you feed your crew money.
For the guide I'm going to go with (Mystery).

Again a new but different window with three more options appears, this time it seems all three are bad, for the guide I recommend (More Ship Encounters) instead of (Plague) or (Long Dangerous Nights).

Following the guide we chose (Mystery) + (More Ships). Yes, This is a walkthrough of how to take over the world while at war.

Finally you get another 3 options.
(Falcon Blade)
(Additional Crew)
(+25 Gold)

I'll put it this way, to start you need money. The (+25 Gold) looks nice till you realise the Falcon blade sells for 300 Gold and is only slightly effective.
Additional crew means you need more food early on meaning it costs you more to start.

For this we will take the (Falcon Blade) which as soon as we raid a few ships we will sell off.

Finally, create how your main character looks. Just do it as you wish, there are no benefits for choosing specific things.
Character Creation. (The short version)
Captain Name - (Choose your own)
World name - (Choose your own)
Difficulty - (Easy for beginners or medium if you have played before, some newbies could easily play on medium using this guide.)
Tutorial - No thanks, you should be following my guide :3

Question 1 - (Mystery)
Question 2 - (More Ships)
Question 3 - (Falcon Blade)

Gender (Or to be PC sex) - (Choose yourself)
(Not that the game devs are smart enough to know the difference)
(Or if they do then not polite enough to put it in)

Character appearance - (Choose your own)

Done! - Hit begin game and we can get started.
How to level your character.
Ok so if you have been following the long tutorial and I mean FOLLOWED, you should have the falcon blade for obvious reasons.

To start we need to level up the character. Hit space to open up the menu and hit "YOUR CREW"
This will take you to a grid page where only one slot is filled up with our main character.
Clicking on them will bring up their stat page.

The bar that comes with a stat shows how far you have progressed up to the cap in that skill.
The max level is 100 (I think)

TP - Training Points / The amount of Points you can use to upgrade their stats (As explained below)
Level / The characters level, each level gives 2 TP
EXP - Experience / The progression towards the next level.
HP - Hit points;Health points (Shut up people get the idea) / The amount of life the character has, when it hits 0 they will die.
Hunger / Out of 600 usually, this tells you about when they need to eat, they will eat automatically when the food around them takes them to >=100% hunger, because it takes time to eat they will rarely be at 100% hunger for long.
Morale / Don't let this drop too low, items can give morale and some decorations for the ship can reduce the loss of morale, some skills can help with reducing morale loss.

One point in (Stat) gives (Bonus)
STR / +5% Attack damage
VIT / +1 HP Regen and 0.1 armor (Rounded down) [10 VIT gives 1 armor]
INT / +2 Passive XP (Some items can boost this further, passive XP allows people to continue levelling even if they are outside of combat.)
DEX / +5% Ranged damage and +2% Hit chance
AGI / +5% Dodge chance
LUCK / +1% Crit chance.

To start I would honestly recommend levelling your AGI up to at least 20 points. As I explain before, yes dodge caps at 90% but only after a penalty of -10% per enemy you face.
Having 200% dodge chance means you can face 11 enemies and still have 90% chance to dodge all attacks. (With skills you can push it even further)
It will also reduce the amount of damage you take early on, Most new players will find themselves drowing a few times, it is wise to get the swim ability ASAP if you don't wish to keep losing the game. Level 1 gives an 100% chance for your character to spawn back on your ship. (well I haven't had anyone drown yet)

Once up to a respectable amount I recommend to focus STR and DEX.
STR increases the amount of damage you deal per hit, meaning you kill people quicker.
DEX allows you to negate their dodge chances and have a reasonable chance to hit them.
After that it is mainly up to you how to proceed but keep in mind that VIT may become important later for the armor bonus and HP regen while in a fight. 100 HP per few seconds could negate pretty much all attacks on small scale, the amount of knockback would probably kill you first though.
What is this new screen?!?
Say hello to our little character!

The C in the box above their head means they are the "Captain" of the ship.
If they die there are two different events that happen.

Route 1 - When they die the game ends. Unless on a harder difficulty you will get to press R to reload to the last 'safe' area you were in. This does also mean if you died on an island with hostiles you will respawn where those hostiles were.

Route 2 - Someone with the skill [First Mate] is promoted to captain.

Route 2 can only happen if you have given the skill [First Mate] to one of your other crew members otherwise Route 1 will always happen.

"Hostile" areas are normally encounters, the safe places are when you are docked at an island like when you start off.

The object they are standing on is our boat!
Say hello! You will be stuck with a boat for the whole of the game so it's good if you treat it nicely.
Stop time. Hammer Time!
Pressing ESC or SPACEBAR will pause the game, it will also bring up a new menu like so:

This menu will be the screen you look at for half the game, I'd recommend getting friendly with it otherwise your relationship with it might be tough as you will have to use it tons.

Lets work through the tabs.


Ok, here you can see the character we just created and a bunch of empty slots.
Clicking on the empty slots doesn't open anything, they are telling you how many more slots you have to hire new crew members from taverns.

Lets click on our character!
You will get a screen with a ton of writing and details about the character.

I'll break it down for you.

Here you can pay your crew. Yes you need to pay them and yes there are ways of making you need to pay them less. The first button "PAY SALARY" Will return the crew member to full "Morale", if you press "PAY ALL" then it will return all crew members to full "Morale".

The next picture ties into the first.

Working from the top.

TP - Training points. These are what you use to upgrade the characters stats (I'll cover this slightly later here)
Level - The characters level that they have reached. Each level gives 2 TP and increases the crews HP
EXP - This will keep growing as long as the crew member is around when fighting takes place or if their INT stat is at 1 or more, the higher the INT stat the faster they will level even if you went AFK.
HP - This tells you how much more damage they can take before dying. All character will die forever, no matter what. Unless your captain died and you reload. Reloading would resurrect all dead crew that died in the combat your captain died in.
Hunger - This is how full they are and it tells you when they need to eat next.
Morale - This tells you how likely a crew member is to rebel and attempt a mutiny. The easiest way to counter it is to pay them. The more dangerous way is to supply them with different items to increase morale but making them less combat effective.

Items of note
There are some items that give TP / Levels / EXP.
As far as I know there are no HP increasing items, there are only regeneration items that heal damaged crew.
There are food items that you can feed your crew if you don't have food on your ship or to help cure scurvy quickly.
Morale can only be countered by letting your crew drink. When they get drunk it will boost their morale but lower their fighting ability. Letting your crew run into taverns can let them gain morale at the cost of money from your pocket but is possibly more cost effective than buying them out.

Watch out for their hunger! Letting your crew go hungry will lower their stats and eventually cause death no matter how many regen items you have!
Personally I don't let them have items like (RUM) because it reduces the stat I value most and boosts one that doesn't matter in small amounts.

The character name and description.

This doesn't effect stats or EXP gain. It seems like it is flavour text with no current purpose, eventually it may influence what starting skills you have.

Phoenix Wright - Male model. You heard it here first folks!

Next we have the Stats section.

The related stats are

STR - Bonus Melee damage
VIT - HP Regen / Armor
INT - Passive XP
DEX - Bonus Range damage / Hit Chance
AGI - Dodge Chance
LUCK - Critical Chance

STR will boost any attacks using swords and similar items.
VIT will give more HP regen every few seconds and with every 10 VIT it will give you an armor point that reduces incoming damage.
INT will give you passive XP that progresses to the character levelling, this can be boosted in many ways and higher passive XP will get more of a boost.
DEX will increase damage dealt by guns / bows / thrown rocks, it will also increase your hit chance on a target to counter their dodge chance.
AGI will give your character better ability to dodge, the higher AGI a character has the more likely their dodge will work, the dodge ability will counter DEX and will be reduced for every opponent that can attack the character. It may cap at 90% but you will find yourself getting killed if surrounded by 5 people because they will have reduced your dodge chance, putting more than 90% in this skill will counter their reduction. With enough points you can have a near 100% dodge chance while surrounded by 10-20 enemies.

Third to last of this section.

Here are the current items the character you clicked on and whose name is displayed above currently can use while fighting or doing other tasks.

Passive item - This is an item they will use when doing a relevent task, some items are automatic and don't require them to use them and some require you to apply them to the character.
Items like bandages will be used if the character needed it or otherwise equipped in the slot for later.

You will also use the passive slot to give them (Skill Books) that you find or buy.

Melee weapon - This is the way you will deal most of your damage unless they have a good enough gun they never need to use their sword. It is more likely to gain levels than your ranged weapon which will increase the amount of damage it deals.

Ranged weapon - This is the way you will deal the first hit in combat and also some supportive attack, the ranged weapon has lower attack rate than a melee weapon on average and are normally higher damage but less frequent when attacking, it is nice to have them because ranged weapons have a higher dodge counter than melee weapons because of their longer range.

Next are the skills, There are many skills, some are less known than others and some are just a mystery.

I'll make a section below with all the books and how I have figured out how to work them into the game.

A quick note because it is important. If you have a crew with the [Fishing] Skill and a fishing rod, they will neglect ALL OTHER ship duties, including reloading cannons, cleaning the ship, cooking food and repairing. The fishing rod isn't a combat weapon so they won't be much help there either and the fishing rod takes up the Melee slot.

The skills the character has will appear here and will give you an overview of what they do. Normally they will refer to the level of the skill with some multiplier to a specific skill, this will be covered in the list below.

Finally, we have the grouping.
Each group has a set of behaviours that you cannot change.

Boarders are characters you can put into the group to command them to board, they will not automatically board other ships.

Gunners will try to reload and fire any cannons you have onboard. If there are none they will stand around and attack any enemies in range or attack locations you specify.

Ship Crew will keep your ship afloat. They will do any job that needs a skillbook.
The list includes but isn't limited to: Repairing, cleaning, cooking.

Training will attempt to use any requipment lying around including but not limited to: training swords, bookshelves and lifting weights.
Skills! What are they good for?!
In this section I will list EVERY BOOK I come across and I will list them here from Best to Worst
The layout will be
(Book Name) - (Price from shop) - (Dropped as loot?) - What does it do
Keep in mind, it is only marked as dropping as loot when I get it dropped as loot. So I'm wrong in some cases.
Please note prices seem to vary, either depending on shop or some invisible number. Sell prices remain the same but prices seem not to.

Swimming - 99 - Yes - Every The Crewmember falls into the water, they are saved without needing a life buoy.

Cooking - 199 - Yes - This crew member can now prepare food. 25% skill per level Not sure why this has a percent involved

Fishing - 199 - Yes - This crew member, when equipped with a fishing rod as a melee weapon, can catch fish which can then be cooked. 25% skill per level I assume the percent makes it faster

Cleaning - 199 - Yes - This crew member can now clean the ship of all the waste your crew and birds leave behind. 25% skill per level Still not sure why some have percents

Treasure Hunt - 298 - Yes - "Find better stuff while digging" Helps increase the loot amount and value (Stacks with other crew members)

Map Awareness - 298 - Yes - 25% skill per level, Allows you to see more locations and travel further

Map Reading - 298 - Yes - 25% skill per level, Allows you to view information on locations you can see further away (requires Map awareness to be of much use)

Fast Learner - 298 - Yes

Treasure coins - 298 - Yes - 5% gold per level looted from chests

Ship Plunder - 298 - Yes - 5% more gold from plundering per level

Parry Basics - ? - Yes - 1% parry chance per level

Counter Attack - ? - Yes - 5% chance to counter per level

Light Steps - ? - Yes - 10% move speed per level

Sailing - ? - Yes - 2% Sail speed per level

Hawk Eyes - ? - Yes - 10% critical damage (Increases the amount a critical hit does, not its chance of happening)

Ship Repair - ? - Yes - 25% skill per level, higher skill heals the ship quicker. Only useful when you start encountering cannons

Cannon Mastery - ? - Yes - Allows person to use cannons Acts like a ranged weapon I think

Advanced Skills (Many of these abilities are vague, I have no idea if some trigger more than once)
All advanced skills when learnt start at level 99

Ace - N/A - Yes - This crew member has a chance to randomly heal 50% hp

Headshot - N/A - Yes - Next ranged attack deals X3 damage (Unsure if single use)

Dash Attack - N/A - Yes - Some sort of dash attack, dealing (I think) normal damage. Useful to fight against units with high knockback I guess.

Quadro Strike - N/A - Yes - "4 rapid critical strikes" No effect upon use, it might have a low % chance to trigger

Falcon Dance - N/A - Yes - Deals 4 strikes each dealing [your level] damage
Welcome to the item catalogue!
Welcome to the catalogue, a few notes for if you are new.

Anything with a (?) is pending information and may change later on, I am only one person and I'm doing everything without entering the game files and writing out lines of code here so exact details may never be known, This also means I'll need more than just one person telling me yes or no in the comments.
Anything buying for 0 cannot be bought, this is just to upkeep the format.
When I say a format is like
[Item name] [Buy-Sell] / [Information on item] My notes
I will be putting each item in this format;
Item name is the name of the item in question, as spelt in game
Buy-Sell, this means I will put the price you buy it at first, with a hyphen ( - ) to separate the selling price, so 50-20 means it buys for 50 and sells for 20, you can work out you lose 30 money for doing this.
Information on item, depending on if this is about weapons or consumables, this will list the different effects or qualities of the item.
My notes, these will be my notes, where to find the items if useful or any additional information like only one can exist, for example the falcon blade which cannot be found anywhere besides from starting the game(?)
Please note prices seem to vary, either depending on shop or some invisible number. Sell prices remain the same but prices seem not to.

Passive Items
Everything that can be will be listed in the format below
[Item name] [Buy-Sell] / [Information on item] My notes

I'll put healing items first then more consumables then non consumables.
Anything I recommend I'll put in a list later as a recommended goal.
Anything labelled [Vitamins] Can cure scurvy, very useful to keep till later.

Crab meat 0-1 / Restores 10% of life If you discover a Crab Nest island early on, this can be a great way of climbing quickly by getting a bunch of health items.
Egg 0-1 / Restores 7% of life
Coconut 0-1 / Restores 10% of life [Vitamins 1]
Small Elixir 14-1 / Restores 10% of life
Elixir 49-5 / Restores 20% of life
Auto Elixir 0-0 / Restores 20% of life when below 20% This will be one of the first 'equip and forget' health items you might find

Treasure Map 0-0 / Reveals treasure location on use ( They aren't hidden, they appear when you use the item)
Kaboom 0-10 / On death pirate explodes
Wine / +2 levels on consumption Useful at high levels or to help a crew catch up if newly bought
Tobacco Leaves 0-0 / Recover 200 morale
Bandages 4-1 / Stops bleeding (Really useful to keep a ton)
Bottle of Rum 0-1 / +200 morale and the drunk effect Really useful if you don't want to fill up your ship with Ale but don't wish to pay your crew to keep their morale high.
Manga 0-350 / +5 TP on consumption

Rosary 0-10 / +5% Critical Chance This is basically the same as saying +5 luck
Glasses 0- / +10 Dex Obtained from treasure chests
Ancestor Mask 0- / 30% more EXP from kills Obtained from treasure chests

Oyster Shell 0-15 / Obtained by killing Oysters that appear on islands Valuable Item
Tortoise Egg 0-25 / Obtained by killing Turtles Valuable Item
Golden Egg 0-100 / Obtained from treasure chests on islands Valuable Item
Big Pearl 0-150 / Obtained from treasure chests on islands Valuable Item

Melee Weapons
Each weapon will be displayed in this format
[Weapon Name] [Buy-Sell] / Base DPS (At rank 1, from shop), Knockback, Range, Maximum Ranks; Extra abilities
For a weapon to be used, like a fishing rod to catch fish or a shovel to dig, they must be equipped as a melee weapon

Shovel 796-0 / 2.3, 5, 0.02, 10; Required to dig treasure
Fishing Rod 497-0 / 0.98, 1, 0.03, 30; Required, along with the fishing skill to catch fish

Falcon Blade 0-300 / 5, <Pending info>
Flail 199-20 / 1.72, 5, 0.02, 30; 20% chance to increase damage by 40%
Cleaver 199-20 / 1.78, 3.75, 1.80, 50; 35% chance to kill enemy under 20% hp
Club 0-20 / 1.52, 6, 1.6, 10; 25% chance to increase knockback by 30%
Blade 199-20 / 2.06, 2.5, 0.02, 30; 15% chance to increase damage by 30%
Spear 199-20 / 1.92, 2.5, 2.3, 50; 25% chance to hit all enemies in front of you

[Forgotten item] - A scythe or something that causes bleeding with max 30 levels // Bleeding +40% chance
Dao - Great step up from it, plus more levels [max 50] // 20% stun 20% parry
YingYang - Even bigger step up and rare, I only got it as a loot drop, never seen it in the shop. // 10% chance for knockback = 200% and 30% chance parry
Nodachi - On par with YingYang, the ability to hit mutiple enemies makes it better though. // 80% chance to instakill below 20% HP and 30% chance to hit all enemies in front.

Range Weapons (Any ranged weapon is always better than none. besides the animal cage that deals no damage, but even then could stop a rampaging animal hurting you by turning it against the opponents)

Mini Pistol - Really useful to start and is a solid ranged weapon. [10 levels] // 20% chance to crit
Flintlock pistol - A slightly better version with more upgrade room [30 level cap] // 20 chance to crit and 25% chance to increase attack damage by 50%
Veronica Pistol - Again another good upgrade, with [Sniper Shot] to increase fire distance you can fire over half an island now.
Ship Building
Please note prices seem to vary, either depending on shop or some invisible number. Sell prices remain the same but prices seem not to.
Anything bought as 0 cannot be bought, anything sold at 0 either sells for nothing or in most cases, I haven't had to attempt to sell.

The blocks for the ship I'll put after but most are cheap and sell back for 1 no matter what colour they are.

The format for items is:
[Item name] [Buy-Sell] / [Information on item] My notes

(I'll might later buy everything to find out its sell price but again as I said at the start of my guide I'm starting fresh)

Items with a use(?)

Toilet Paper 29-0 / "3 stacks, no morale loss on poop" I assume this means either for 3 poops on the ship people don't get mad, or it stops three poops from happening

Cards 99-0 / Restores morale while playing

Chicken Nest 99-0 / Chickens gain XP while in a nest

Spare Swords 79-0 / Pirates can use these to gain extra XP

Telescope 995-0 / during combat crew gains 10% critical chance Unsure if it stacks, might test later

Barrel 79-0 / Increases plundered gold by 5% (Stackable)

Guard Post 298-0 / Morale decreases 10% slower for the ship when in use

Toys 995-0 / Gain 1 extra TPif you level up while using

Cow Bucket 298-0 / Holds two servings

Toilet bowl 298-0 / Has space for 5 poops

Items without a use [Cosmetic] (?)

Hanging Map 298 /
Picture Island 259 /
Hanging Blue Mat 298 /
Hanging Red Mat 298 /
Cabbage God Painting 199 /
Lamp 29 /
Pirate Flag 199 /
R. AB. Painting 199 /
B. AB. Painting 199 /
My build and My Reasoning.
People ask for the best builds.

By midgame my stats (On the captain) are normally
STR / 20-30
VIT / 10-20
INT / 10
DEX / 15 + 10 (from an item you can easily aquire and I'll mention later)
AGI / 30 - 50
LUCK / 5-10

People may complain that my dodge chance is over 200%, about how it caps at 90% and becomes usless after. They also forget to mention that you lose 5-10% dodge chance for each enemy that is within melee range.
Ranged weapons can ignore some dodges meaning the skills that I talk about later are essential.
STR being high helps you deal damage and the more the character fights they gain passive damage from the basic attack skill.
VIT Helps with HP regen plus having the points increases the HP cap slightly. Only aim for numbers 10;20;30 because they give armor points. a number between those values means some points are being wasted.
INT helps later on with passive levelling but fighting enemies will always level you quicker (Thats why we chose for more enemies at the start)
DEX helps because I normally use an overpowered range weapon meaning the damage is so useful when you can deal 100+ DMG before boarding the enemies.
AGI, people complain that it caps at 90%; this is true. But that 90% only caps the remainder after taking into account how surrounded you are. Last time I checked any of the mechanics it was -10% dodge per enemy the character is facing. Taking on a ship of 10 people means you need 105% dodge chance before you dodge anything. Having a +200% dodge chance means I can face 10-15 people solo and still have 70-90% dodge.
LUCK, I rarely focus it and it becomes an after though, although later in the game I don't even need crit chance because my crew support enough I get an extra 30-60% crit chance.
My Crew members and my Skill Layout.
I feel like this goes together as I only use my Captain to kill stuff and then I later on I start making a second "Captain" hoping to get a [First Mate] Skillbook but also to just double my firepower.

The first Crew member I get will have no other job, than to fish. Oh and sometimes let him use the cannons. I guess giving the gunners DEX might help their damage? But it doesn't seem to add much.
If someone has the fishing skill and a fishing rod then they will prioritise that job over ALL OTHERS.
I just let that guy get on with fishing. I actually think I got a guy to max his fishing by sitting at a island for a while.

My main game character -

I think just by that you can see how the character is focused to fight. He can solo Level 5 ships Taking barely any damage if they manage to hit him.

He doesn't even have his full equipment as I gave that to his "Son" in my storyline who will be his boarding partner.

My second boarding character -

Yes, They are both heavily combat based, having no [Cooking] [Cleaning] [Fishing] [Sailing] Etc
Those are left to my other 3 guys.

My level 10 fisherman -

I left him fish while playing the game for 3 hours. Yes I have multiple level 50 characters within 3 hours.

After that I have two ship helpers who also have [Ship Plunder] and most of the support skills like [Cooking] [Cleaning] [Ship repair] [Cannon Mastery] [Doctor Aura] [Sailing] [Map Awareness] [Map Reading] The skills stack in total plus multiple people make the jobs quicker.
Those guys don't ever leave the ship. They are the slaves to my desires.


While writing this I had a L7 enounter after I've only had 1 level 6. I decided to make a run for a level 8 town to get more overpowered items.

My two boarders took out the 14 crew members while 3 guys fired cannons. I think my build might be OP. And it goes without saying that the two boarders didn't got below 90% HP each. The level 22 guy with his 160% dodge went down to 90% HP and took no more noticable damage.

Just because I'm documenting it I'll show you their ship.

Also to prove a point I pillaged it.

+7071 gold, my ship and crew increase my pillaging gains by about 300%


Sure I may not have great builds for late game. But using 2 boarders to kill 10+ enemies while my fishing guy gets me another 300 fish (Yes I have sold over 500 fish total)
I just found a combat fishing rod.
Now my fisherman is OP XD
Afternote and all the random talk. (Also my notes on things)
Blah Blah Blah.

"The screenshots are part of the game Pixel Piracy. I don't own the rights to the game or the pictures but in a guide about the game I'm not breaking laws."

My guide is only telling you how to get tons of money and speed track your levelling. It is not an 100% researched guide with heavy details. What it is; is my general playstyle of the game.

I do not expect people to really pay attention to anything I've done but if you have read this far I'd like if you could comment somewhere to give me some bits to add in or otherwise. If people want to help I'm happy to add in things they do and to reference them as their stuff and not mine.

Otherwise, Thanks for reading however much of this you have read (If any) and I hope for some constructive feedback if you want to throw any at me.

It would also help, if instead of just rating this down, to give me a reason to why it is bad and I will maybe correct it. If you don't tell me why it is bad then how am I suppose to improve it?
Jazmine  [author] 24 Jun, 2024 @ 5:09pm 
[First mate] might only work if the captain dies in normal combat, although it has been years since I've taken a look at the game, it might be wroth me trying to update this guild sometime.
jelly1joe 24 Jun, 2024 @ 11:54am 
First mate might be outdated. I've had my captain die to mutiny and then it just gave the captain role to the next highest level character.
RIP2UALL 27 Aug, 2023 @ 6:43pm 
Gonna assume this ain't up to date.
Psysop 6 Dec, 2019 @ 5:25am 
From recent tests I got that 1 INT = 0.5% discount, capped at 50% total (100 INT) from what you said.
Jazmine  [author] 5 Dec, 2019 @ 12:03pm 
You are 100% correct. Unfortunately I've been busy enough that this became a dead project. Although from the quick test I did just now, it seems even the 1 INT you start with is a discount since 199 looks like a discounted number, not the starting value. As a funny note, getting myself to 569 INT in a test game actually only dropped the prices down by about half, from the 199(200) to a flat 100 money. If people still have interest I could finish this but I think I at least got the simple way to beat the game across.
Psysop 5 Dec, 2019 @ 11:04am 
INT also influences prices in shop. More INT -> cheaper prices.
1978 FIFA World Cup knockout sta 22 Jul, 2016 @ 11:44am 
So maybe you could seperate the skills into combat and utility
Icetalon92 7 Jul, 2016 @ 9:55pm 
Ouch.. Good luck to you, good sir. I've got an internship I have to find.
Jazmine  [author] 7 Jul, 2016 @ 9:36pm 
@Furry Force
Sorry yes I've been a bit busy with a few things inc getting kicked out of uni because they screwed up and getting dumped.
I'll get on it in a day or two.
Icetalon92 7 Jul, 2016 @ 8:01pm 
The item that gives +5 TP is Manga, by the way. I was hoping you'd work a bit more on the skill books, too, but I won't pester you about it.