LEGO® Worlds

LEGO® Worlds

39 évaluations
LEGO Worlds Guide: Access Secret Characters + More
De Luna Fate
LEGO Worlds has a bunch of hidden characters, creatures and vehicles that you cannot access by normal means. This guide shows you how to unlock these secrets!
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LEGO Worlds has a bunch of hidden characters, creatures and vehicles that you cannot access by normal means. Today I'm going to show you how to unlock these secrets!

Thanks to Neal of for the tip:

Step 1. Navigate to the installation folder of LEGO Worlds in Steam, ( C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\LEGO® Worlds ) on most computers and make a backup of the "GAME.DAT" file. Keep this folder open

Step 2. Find youR LEGO Worlds save files ( C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment\LEGOWorlds\SavedGames ) on most computers, save a backup of that folder, especially if you're going to do a complete unlock.

Step 3. Download and unzip QuickBMS

Step 4. Download "" here:

Step 5. Extract to its own folder and put the file in there too.

Step 6. Drag and drop the file onto the QuickBMS.exe file. This will open a new window. Navigate to the original "GAME.DAT" file and location in the LEGO Worlds folder, select it and hit 'open'. on QuickBMS.

Step 7. Rename, remove or delete the original "GAME.DAT" (keep the backup!) and launch LEGO Worlds to ensure it still works. If so, proceed to the next step.

Step 8. Navigate to the LEGO Worlds installation folder once more and see all the new folders we have extracted with QuickBMS, open the "CHARS" folder and find the 'collection.txt' file. Open that file.

Step 9. Download these 'collection.txt' files

Step 10. From the downloaded collection files, open "COLLECTION_First.TXT", select all the text inside, copy and replace the original collection.txt file's contents with the copied text.

Step 11. Launch LEGO Worlds, enter one of your worlds (or a newly
generated one). Once inside, check to see if you have any characters, vehicles or creatures unlocked. You should see 0 on them all. If so, save and exit LEGO Worlds and proceed to the next step.

Step 12. Replace the collection.txt file with either the contents of
COLLECTION_Second_Official.txt file or COLLECTION_Second_Complete.txt. The official file unlocks only collectables that are currently accessible in the game right now, the complete file unlocks hidden collectables also - some of which may cause problems for your game.

Step 13. Launch LEGO Worlds once more, if it loaded correctly then you can enjoy all the new items!

11 commentaires
Deffrey 16 mars 2017 à 11h38 
I'm at step 6 now. Dragged the .bms file onto the quickbms.exe and selected the GAME.DAT file in the LEGO Worlds folder. It then asks me for an output folder and I just clicked okay again, after which it gives me this error:

"Error: [myfseek] the offset 0x443432e8 in the file -1 can't be reached

Last script line before the error or that produced the error:

Pls halp :D
JakeZZ 16 mai 2016 à 19h02 
Night Fury [CZ] 4 mai 2016 à 12h59 
after i extract it and rename game.dat game dont want start
TitanRogue 7 sept. 2015 à 8h34 
i cant open the data file
Eli 14 aout 2015 à 10h57 


Weedy 5 aout 2015 à 11h52 
thanks very much it worked first try
Luna Fate  [créateur] 1 aout 2015 à 9h08 
If you're having trouble getting this to work then I recommend restoring your backed up save files and the game.dat file - that's why it is important to back those files up!
ahsan1975 1 aout 2015 à 4h57 
my one was just taking so long to install (4 days) and then i played for about a day when it stoped working now ive fixed it but it sends me to this thing saying slot 1 and slot 2 butthe mous always freezes and i can play :-(
Tephlan 30 juil. 2015 à 13h26 
these were very cool - not sure i have the confidence to make the changes. The Constable, Police boat, Airboat and broomstick were all in the last release (my airboat wobbles about as if on very choppy water if i run it fast for a few seconds - not sure why - glad yours worked smoothly) Cheers!
Weedy 29 juil. 2015 à 14h12 
cuz u probably didnt do it right