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Trove Beginner Tips
By Cool
A few tips that might help you when you start the game.
Hey guys, I have played Trove for about 50ish hours, and I just want to write up some tips that would have helped me in the first few hours of the game.

I will admit that I haven't done all the content given in the game, but this guide will help you for the meat of the game content (Hopefully).
Trove Basic Terms
There are 4 Currenies in Trove.

  • Glim - You get Glim from Running over Grass, Killing Monsters and Fishing
  • Flux - You get flux from destroying items in the Loot Collector
  • Cubits - You get Cubits from Quests and by filling up the Star Bar.
  • Credits - You can only get Credits by spending real life cash (as far as I know)

Other Terms
  • Star Bar - This bar appears daily, and will give you 500 cubits on weekdays and 1000 on weekends. Complete Dungeons to fill up the star bar.
  • Hub World - This is where you start off from. There will be portals to go to different worlds, a fisherman NPC among other things.
  • Cornerstone - This is a small plot of land where you can build your house on.
  • Lasermancy - This stat increases the speed of your mining laser. It doesn't seem to affect normal blocks however.
  • U1~5 World - Uber world portals are areas which are much harder than the standard Portals you see in the Hub World. Only the U1 portal will be in the Hub World.
  • Shadow Arena/SA - These are "raid" type of missions which will usually give better rewards than usual, as well as other items.
  • Sky Realm - A collection of floating islands which casn be only reached by a portal.
General Tips
Play with Friends
Some of you might like to just play by themselves, but there is a LOT of grinding in this game. Most of these problems can be fixed by having a few friends to tackle a problem together.
On a related note to this, pick a mix of Ranged and Meele Characters if you're playing with a group of friends. (Having 5 Ranged classes and no Tanker made it a bit hard to do dungeons :/ )

Know Chat Commands
/1 is for Global chat
/2 is for World Chat
/c1 is for your Clan Chat
/whisper Playername is for talking to one person
/joinme Playername is for inviting people to join your location
These are the Basic chat commands that I think you should know.

Use your Mount
'Z' will summon your mount. Your starter mount is pretty slow, but it's better than walking. I would recommend getting another mount ASAP, but its really all about luck if you get a mount. (Unless you buy one with real money)
All mounts, except for the starter have the same speed.

Cornerstone Specs
Your Cornerstone is 16x16 blocks wide, and you can build 50 blocks down and 150 blocks up.
If you're planning on building something cool, just remember that spec before you start building.

Make use of Bombs
Bombs are really cheap to make, and it makes mining ores much more fast and enjoyable.
I usually throw a bomb once, and then clean up the rest with my laser tool.
Bombs can be made in an Adventurer's Workbench.

Get into a decent Club
One of the earlier missions will tell you to make or join a Club. Although you can join any old club, it might be wise to join a club with some Uber Portals/Sky Portal and Crafting benches. It will help in the long run.

Rush Dungeons
This more applies to the dungeons in the Uber+ worlds, as Uber World Chests will drop Shadow key Fragments.
Dungeons cannot be broken into by the laser tool, but you can break the glass blocks, or just simply use a bomb.

Recipe Dungeon Bosses are always Underground
If you are more interested in Decorations, there are things called Recipe Dungeons. I reccomend you ignore all the enemies and go down the stairs straight for the boss. The resulting chest will always drop 1 recipe related to the Biome

Don't Waste your Shadow Key on Uber1 Shadow Arenas
collecting 400 shadow fragments is a real pain in the butt. (You would have to run 100 U1 dungeons). The reward for defeating a U1 Shadow Arena is 1 Shadow Shard.
Doing a U3 drops 5 (from what I remember).
You need at least 10 to buy anything, so unless you want to farm 4000 fragments, I reccommend you just save up your keys until you can fight in a Higher Uber world Shadow Arena.

Try and get help for Shadow Arenas
There is no reason to do Shadow Arena solo, as there is no downside of having as many people as you can doing the arena. (The limit however is 8 players)
Try and recruit people in the Global Chat, and invite them using the command /joinme playername
Typing /join sa will also bring up a chat channel specifically for people looking to do Shadow Arenas.
If they are decent people, they will probably bring a key with them, but don't depend on it.
Thanks A tiny neurotic Securitron for some info here!

Don't bother making wings
To craft your wings, you need an enormous supply of resources, which might take you several days. However, you get a free pair of wings when you reach Mastery Rank 20. It is much faster to try and reach Master Rank 20 than to farm 2000 Radiant Shards, 5000 Crystalized Clouds, 1000 Robotic Salvage, 22500 flux, 500 primodial flame and 12500 Shapestone.

Don't get burnout
This game is really easy at the start, but around the time when you have to make your own portals, you have to grind and grind to get the materials, and progress slows to a crawl.
Burnout is when you played so much of something you just get sick of it. For me it was getting around 400 faerie dust for a Sky Portal.
I just recommend if you see yourself getting really frustrated, just take a small break, or do other activities, like building a prettier house, watch some funny videos etc.
Final Notes
Thanks for reading my Guide, I hope it helps you while Playing Trove.

If there are any typos, or criticisms you have feel free to comment.
I don't see myself playing more Trove, so I won't have any tips for the end game content.
Pasquali 1 Sep, 2019 @ 10:32pm 
Go to site:

and use this code, without "hyphen".

Dragonling Ally: EHPH-K2Z7-CGR2-CJPK-6RCE
heroin hollister 1 Feb, 2017 @ 7:45pm 
i got a recipe for a thing called pink piggy how do i anything with it i dont know how to do literally anything with it
mechamancy 20 Apr, 2016 @ 7:33pm 
Is there any form of like, blocking or shielding?
ƒlechette 20 Mar, 2016 @ 7:39pm 
how DO you activate chat?
Reyhla 1 Aug, 2015 @ 5:23am 
Thanks for the tips
Cool  [author] 1 Aug, 2015 @ 3:58am 
I just looked up what /join sa does; Thanks, I'll put it in the guide.
Cool  [author] 1 Aug, 2015 @ 3:54am 
Jack, if you check the wiki, it will say 50 down 150 up
(That means I was wrong as well :/)

Securitron, what does /join sa do?
Sylph 1 Aug, 2015 @ 1:59am 
I agree with finding help for the shadow arenas, but you should use /join sa instead of global chat.
Jackle 1 Aug, 2015 @ 1:29am 
awesome guide, got some quick questions out of my mind, im new to the game but i asked about the cornerstone in the forums yesterday, they said there is no limit for height and deep on your personal cornestone, you might wanna check that out, cheers
spuddy1981 31 Jul, 2015 @ 6:55pm 
cheers some good stuff, I assumed Lasermancy did smt for combat