The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle

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[DLC] Road To Gehenna - Secret Stars - Hints + Complete Solutions [With spoiler tags]
By *Evil Vasile
If you're missing a star but don't want an outright solution, you can check out the spoiler tagged hints. Full solutions also included.

The Road to Gehenna DLC is out and some of those pesky Stars are really hard to get! If you need a hint or straight up want to know how to get them, this is the place to be.

If you are looking for hints in finding the stars in the base game, check out my other guide:

General guide formatting

Each section covers a single level. In each section has two parts:
  • How to find the star
  • How to actually get the star

For each part I tried to list hints, starting from vague directions and leading to the actual solution. So if the first hint doesn't help, you can check the next one, and so on.

NOTE: Most stars are located in plain-sight so I didn't really have any hints to offer on how to locate the stars. Of course, getting them is always tricky, so there should be plenty of hints there.

How many Stars are there in the Road to Gehenna DLC?
There are a total of 16 stars. However, you only need 10 stars to open the gate to the extra 'secret' puzzles.

Where are the extra 'secret' puzzles that are unlocked using the Stars?

Notice those small floating islands in the hub level? One of them has the entrance to the 'secret' puzzle level with really tough puzzles! To open the entrance you will need 10 stars.

To actually reach that small floating island, you have to take a series of Fan-jumps... The starting point is located on the 4th island (the island with the entrance to Zone 4) behind the big fancy building in the middle of the floating island. Just look around the edge and you should see a small floating island with a fan on it. Jump down and begin the wild ride! At some point you will land on a Fanless island and will have to jump down to another island that does have a fan. Other than that, it's straightforward.
In closing...
Good luck finding the Stars, hopefully you won't have to use this guide too much.

NOTE: Since the guide was just published, some hints may be incorrect or too vague. Please let me know in the comments if a section is problematic.
Zone 1 - Part I
Star 1 - The Swapper
Where is it?
  • 1st hint: On top of a wall, should be easy to spot...
  • Solution: On top of the wall behind the first Blue Forcefield Barrier.

How to get it?
  • 1st hint: You need to find a way to climb the wall...
  • 2nd hint: Try looking for things that are next to the wall and that can be climbed.
  • 3rd hint: Gargoyle Statues. Find them. Climb them.
  • 4th hint: The Gargoyle statues in the area beyond the third Blue Forcefield can be climbed using the Hexahaedron.
  • 5th hint: Once you're on the wall, just keep heading towards the Star. Use the Hexahaedron to climb on the higher parts of the walls and the rest of the path should just be auto-jumps.

  • Solution: Use the Connector to link the first Blue Receiver and all of the fixed Connectors above. Place the fan on the button to open the second Blue Forcefield. Take the Hexahaedron with you in the area after the third Blue Forcefield. Use it to climb the Gargoyle and take it with you. Continue along the wall towards the Star using the Hexahaedron along the way when you need to climb a higher part of the wall. The path should be marked by lots of auto-jump spots.

Star 2 - Open Field
Where is it?
  • 1st hint: On top of a wall and it's pretty hard to see... Around the middle of the puzzle area.
  • Solution: On top of the gate/wall opposite to the Messenger you're supposed to free.

How to get it?
  • 1st hint: You can't just climb the wall, you need to find a certain Fan...
  • 2nd hint: Try looking for the Fan you need in the rear area of the puzzle...
  • 3rd hint: The Fan is behind the So Close, So Far puzzle area, enclosed by some walls. You can get to it by jumping over a rock at a gap in the wall.
  • 4th hint: To activate the fan, proceed similarly to solving the puzzle, but this time link the Red Laser last.

  • Solution: Look behind the So Close, So Far puzzle area behind a walled off area for a Fan. You can get through the walls by jumping over a rock at a gap in the wall... Go place the Hexahedron onto the Red Fan platform you used to solve the puzzle. Place the Connector linked to both Fan Blue Laser Receivers. Finally, activate the Red Fan using the second Connector - simply go way way in front of the Red Laser Source until you see both the Source and the Receiver.

Star 3 - Central Spawn Area
Where is it?
  • 1st hint: On top of a wall enclosing the spawn area.
  • Solution: On top of the gate to the Through a Window puzzle area.

How to get it?
  • 1st hint: You'll need to smuggle a Hexahaedron into the Spawn area from one of the puzzles...
  • 2nd hint: The easiest place to get a Hexahaedron is the Open Field puzzle.
  • 3rd hint: You can get the Hexahedron over the wall at the Puzzle Entrance, by using the Hexahaedront o climb the walls here.
  • 4th hint: In the Open Field puzzle, climb the walls with the small windows next to the Puzzle Entrance, from top of them you can do an auto-jump over the big wall.
  • 5th hint: Look for a spot to climb in the corner left of the Through a Window puzzle entrance.
  • 6th hint: After you climb the wall, use the Hexahaedron to climb onto a narrow ledge on the side of a square tower.

  • Solution: Go to Open Field and get the Hexahaedron to the puzzle entrance. Use it to climb the walls with the small windows next to the entrance. (Place the Hexahaedron on top of the stairs, jump on the higher platform and grab the Hexahaedron. Place it next to the thin wall, climb it, then grab the Hexahaedron again.) From here you can do an auto-jump on top of the BIG WALL.

    After you get over the Big Wall with the Hexahaedron, go in the corner to the left of the entrance to Through a Window. Use the blocks next to the wall here in combination with the Hexahaedron to climb the wall. Don't forget to take the Hexahaedron with you up on the wall.

    Once on the wall, place the Hexahaedron next to the square Tower that is closest to the Through a Window puzzle. From the Hexahaedron, jump onto the ledge at the side of the tower and then take the Hexahaedron with you again. From the other end of the ledge, you can auto-jump onto one of the arches in front of you.

    Finally, just walk towards the Star and use the Hexahaedron one last time to jump over to it.
Zone 1 - Part II
Star 4 - So Close, So Far
Where is it?
  • Solution: You can see it from the Messenger's prizon in this puzzle... No mystery here.

How to get it?
Note #1 I'll be referring to the side with the Red Laser Source as the RIGHT side and the side with the Blue Laser Source as the LEFT side.

Note #2 There are many ways to solve this puzzle, some more convoluted than others. This should be one of the simpler ways to do it...
  • 1st hint: Start by getting both Connectors to the RIGHT side.
  • 2nd hint: At the start of the recording, you'll have to get the Real Connectors back to the LEFT side and at the same time use the Recorded Connectors to get the Red Laser through the window at the back of the puzzle area from the RIGHT side to the LEFT side.
  • 3rd hint: While the recording is active, you need to link all of the Blue Laser Receivers at the same time.
  • 4th hint: While the recording is active, you need to open both LEFT and RIGHT side final Forcefields by placing Fans on their Buttons.

  • Solution: Get both Connectors to the RIGHT side. Place Connector #1 in the corner with the Blue Receiver. Place the Fan onto the Forcefield Button. Place Connector #2 linked to Connector #1, the Red Laser Source, AND so that it sees through the mid-section Wide Windows.

    Start a recording. Your goal here is to allow yourself to grab both Connectors and the Fan back to the LEFT side. After that just stand on the Forcefield Button for a while.

    EX: [RECORDING] Stand on Forcefield button for 10 seconds. Stand on Fan Button for 25 seconds. Stand on Forcefield Button for 30-40 seconds. [END RECORDING]

    While the Recording is active, get both Connectors and the Fan back to the LEFT side. Start with Connector #2, jump into the fan, place Connector #2 on the Left Side Fan button. Go back to the Right side and get the rest of the items.

    When you get everything on the LEFT side: Place Connector #1 on the Blue Laser Source Button while linking to the Red Receiver and to the RECORDED Connector #1 through the window. Place Connector #2 so it links to all of the Blue Receivers and the Blue Source at the same time. (The Star's Receiver will be blocked by the forcefield for now.) Place Connector #1 so it links the mid-section Forcefield Red Receiver to the RECORDED Connector #2 through the mid-section Wide Windows.

    Finally, place the two Fans on the buttons that open the forcefields leading into the final area before the Star. Grab Connector #1 and use it to link the Red Laser Source and the Star's Red Laser Receiver.

How to get it? - Alternate solution by Allah
Note #1: I'll be referring to the side with the Red Laser Source as the RIGHT side and the side with the Blue Laser Source as the LEFT side.

Note #2: Despite the long solution spoiler area, this solution is A LOT easier than my initial solution.
  • 1st hint: You can smuggle the two Connectors and a Hexahaedron from Open Field into So Close, So Far.
  • 2nd hint: Look around just behind the So Close, So Far puzzle...
  • 3rd hint: Just behind the So Close, So Far puzzle, there are some stone-blocks that form some sort of stairs (Close to the RIGHT side of the So Close, So Far puzzle.) You can jump on those stairs from a nearby rock and take the Connectors and Hexahaedron with you.
  • Solution:
    Go into Open Field just behind So Close, So Far. Close to the RIGHT side, next to the wall, there should be a stair-like structure. You can climb on those stairs by jumping from a nearby rock. From the stairs you can jump over the wall into So Close, So Far.

    Smuggle the two Connectors and Hexahaedron from Open Field into So Close, So Far.

    Get 2 Connectors in the RIGHT side and 2 Connectors in the LEFT side. Keep the Hexahaedron in the RIGHT side.

    In the RIGHT side:
    Place the Hexahaedron onto the button that opens the Barrier.
    Place Connector #1 so it links to the Red Source, it sees through the two Wide Windows in the middle of the puzzle, and it sees in the direction the Blue Receiver in the first room in this side.
    Place Connector #2 in the corner with the Blue Receiver, linked to Connector #1.
    Start a recording and activate the fan so you can go back to the RIGHT side once the recording is over...

    In the LEFT side:
    Place Connector #3 on the button controlling the forcefield and also link it to the Red Receiver.
    Place Connector #4 so it links the Blue Laser Source to all three of the Blue Receivers.
    Place Connector #3 so it links the Red Receiver that opens the last barrier, to the Red Connector from the RIGHT side, through the windows.

    Get the Fan from its socket and place it on the button to open the last Barrier on the RIGHT side.
    Get Connector #2 and use it to activate the Star's Red Receiver.
    Grab the Star!
Zone 2 - Part I
Star 5 - Cube Driver
Where is it?
  • Solution: Just after hitting the puzzle switch, you'll see a Fan with a Blue Receiver. The Star is above the fan.

How to get it?
  • 1st hint: You'll need to activate the Blue Receiver from above.
  • 2nd hint: Notice all the fallen pillars? Maybe you can use them to climb around.
  • 3rd hint: You can place the Hexahaedron on top of a Column to jump further.
  • 4th hint: You only need the Hexahaedron and a Connector to solve this...
  • Solution: First, get the Hexahaedron and a Connector into the area with the Blue barriers. Next, grab the Hexahaedron and head for the fallen column that is in the corner to the right of the Purple Forcefield. Climb up the wall that should be to your right, then jump onto the column that lies fallen on a long stone beam.

    You can place the Hexahaedron on top of a column at the end of the long stone beam. You can now use it to jump to the other undamaged stone beam. Take a Connector with you before you jump.

    After jumping onto the undamaged stone beam, place the Conector at the very end, linking the Blue Laser Source behind the Blue Forcefield to the Blue Fan Receiver. Finally, just jump into the Fan to collect your reward!

Star 6 - Static Vexer
Where is it?
  • Solution: You should plainly see it after you solve Static Vexer, right before climbing the stairs out of the final puzzle room.

How to get it?
  • 1st hint: Cube Driver seems to be the only puzzle where you can get a Red Laser from into Static Vexer.
  • 2nd hint: You don't need to keep the Red Receiver active at all times. Once you trigger it, the gate remains open.
  • 3rd hint: After you open the gate, simply solve the puzzle one more time, taking the Jammers with you all the way.
  • Solution: If you haven't solved it once already, solve Static Vexer then reset the puzzle. Now go to Cube Driver and place a Connectors so it stares towards the Static Vexer entrance through the leftmost wide wall window. Go back to Static Vexer and link the Star Receiver to the red Connector in Cube Driver

    After you trigger the Star gate Receiver once, simply solve the puzzle, but make sure to bring the two Jammers with you all the way to the end of the puzzle. Use them to Jam the two mines and collect the Star.

Star 7 - Crater
Note: There are probably multiple ways to get this one, I'll probably add more solutions later on.
Note: I'll refer to the side with the Blue Laser Source as the BLUE SIDE and the side with the Red Laser Source as the RED SIDE. The main area of the puzzle that is neither enclosed in the BLUE SIDE nor the RED SIDE shall be referred to as OUTSIDE.

Where is it?
  • Solution: On the BLUE SIDE, behind a Forcefield.

How to get it? - Solution inspired by Dunvi's and Solais' suggestions regarding the Crater Stars.

  • 1st hint: Try getting 1 Connector OUTSIDE, at least 3 Connectors in the BLUE SIDE and at least 1 Connector in the RED SIDE.
  • 2nd hint: Start by taking the central floating Connector into the OUTSIDE area. (Simply drop it during your flight after you grab it.)
  • 3rd hint: By placing the OUTSIDE Connector in the right spot, you should be able to send the Blue and Red beams over eachother.
  • 4th hint: Place the OUTSIDE Connector on the elevated platform where the Jammer was initially.
  • 5th hint: You can use the Jammer to open one of the two barriers in the middle of the BLUE SIDE.
  • Solution: First, solve the puzzle normally. You should now have 4 Connectors in the RED SIDE, 1 Floating, and 1 in the BLUE SIDE.

    Jump into the RED SIDE Fan, grab the floating Connector, and drop it outside. After you land, get yourself OUTSIDE and place the Connector you just dropped on top of the slightly elevated platform where the Jammer was initially. Make sure to also link it to the Red Receiver in the BLUE SIDE that controls the Forcefield.

    You should be able to use 1 Connector in the BLUE SIDE and 2 more in the RED SIDE to reactivate the angled Fan over in the RED SIDE. This frees up the other 2 Conectors in the RED SIDE so you can take them with you to the BLUE SIDE.

    You should now have 1 Conector OUTSIDE, 3 Connectors in the BLUE SIDE and 2 Connectors in the RED SIDE.

    Use a Connector from the RED SIDE to connect to the OUTSIDE Connector.

    Use the Jammer to unlock the second Forcefield in the BLUE SIDE.

    Use one Connector in the BLUE SIDE to send the Red Beam from the connector OUTSIDE to the Star's Red Receiver. Use two Connectors to link the Blue Laser Source to the Star's Blue Receiver.

    NOTE: A good place to put the Red Connector and the second Blue Connector is near the right side of the first Forcefield you opened, with the Blue Connector being closer to the cliff-side.

How to get it? - Quaestio's cheeky solution
  • 1st hint: The Jammer can jam some barriers over the metal fences...
  • Solution: You can use the Jammer to jam the Barriers that hide the Fans and the first Star from the OUTSIDE area.

    In the OUTSIDE area, get the Jammer and go towards the metal fence of the room with the first Star. Stand next to the big obelisk so you can see the Star's Barrier and keep jumping up and down. At the peak of your jump, you should be selecting the Barrier.

    If you let go of the Jammer at the peak of the jump just as it selects the Barrier, you will successfully jam the Barrier from outside the room.

How to get it? - My initial solution
  • 1st hint: One way to do it is to get 4 Connectors in to the BLUE SIDE.
  • 2nd hint: Start by taking the central floating Connector over to the Blue side.
  • 3rd hint: Use the Jammer to jam the second Forcefield in the BLUE SIDE - the one with a single Blue Laser Receiver.
  • 4th hint: Use the remaining Connector in the RED SIDE to send a Red laser to the BLUE SIDE.
  • Solution: First, solve the puzzle normally. You should now have 4 Connectors on the RED SIDE, one Floating, and one on the BLUE SIDE.

    Jump into the RED SIDE angled Fan, grab the floating Connector and take it with you to the BLUE SIDE.

    You should be able to use 1 Connector in the BLUE SIDE and 2 more in the RED SIDE to re-activate the angled Fan over in the RED SIDE. This frees up the other 2 Conectors in the RED SIDE so you can take them with you to the BLUE SIDE.

    You should now have 4 Connectors in the BLUE SIDE and 2 Connectors in the RED SIDE.

    Use one Connector from the RED SIDE to send a Red Laser towards the BLUE SIDE.

    Use a CONNECTOR to open first Forcefield by linking its Red Receiver to the laser from the RED SIDE.

    Use the Jammer to open the second Forcefield.

    By placing two Connectors near the right side of the first Forcefield you just opened, you should be able to easily link the Star's Red and Blue Receivers to their corresponding Lasers.
Zone 2 - Part II
Star 8 - Crater
Note: Like with the previous Star, there are probably multiple ways to get this one, I'll probably add more solutions later on.
Note: I'll refer to the side with the Blue Laser Source as the BLUE SIDE and the side with the Red Laser Source as the RED SIDE. The main area of the puzzle that is neither enclosed in the BLUE SIDE nor the RED SIDE shall be referred to as OUTSIDE.
Note: This is probably the hardest Star to get in the whole DLC.

Where is it?
  • Solution: In the middle of the Crater puzzle.

How to get it? - Solution inspired by Dunvi's and Solais' suggestions regarding the "Crater" Stars.

  • 1st hint: Before you can collect this Star, you'll need to have solved the previous Star puzzle.
  • 2nd hint: The only way to reach the Star is from above. You need to find a way to drop down to it...
  • 3rd hint: All of the tools you need are in this puzzle.
  • 4th hint: A mid air collision could drop you down to the Star.
  • 5th hint: If you could launch the Hexahaedron from one Fan and yourself from the other at the same time, you would collide with it above the Star and fall down to it...
  • 6th hint: With the right Connector placement, you can keep the Hexahaedron perpetually floating from one fan to the other. Then it's simply a matter of timing your jump into one of the Fans so you hit it.
  • 7th hint: By placing a connector OUTSIDE in the right location, you can 'cross' the beams by sending one above the other.
  • 8th hint: Place the connector OUTSIDE on top of the platform where the Jammer was initially.
  • Solution: Solve the previous Star's puzzle using the solution which leads to having: 1 connector OUTSIDE, 3 Connectors in the BLUE SIDE and 2 Connectors inthe RED SIDE.

    Place the second fan in its socket in the BLUE SIDE and activate it. Activate the floating Hexahaedron and the fan you just placed. Next, jump into the angled fan, grab the floating Hexahaedron and place it on the Fan over in the RED SIDE.

    Go to the BLUE SIDE and take one connector back to the RED SIDE.

    You should now have 1 Connector OUTSIDE, 2 Connectors in the BLUE SIDE, 3 Connectors in the RED SIDE.

    You should be able to easily link the angled Fans in the BLUE and RED SIDES at the same time now.

    Afterwards, it's just a matter of jumping into one of the angled Fans and colliding with the Hexahaedron that is flying between the two Fans. You should be dropped down on top of the central stone structure - from here you can jump down over the fence to where the Star is. (Actually, if you time your collision right you'll land exactly on the Star!)

    For the BLUE SIDE FAN: Use 1 Connector from the RED SIDE, 1 Connector OUTSIDE, 1 Connector from the BLUE SIDE.

    For the RED SIDE FAN: Use 1 Connector from the BLUE SIDE and 2 Connectors from the RED SIDE.

How to get it? - My initial convoluted solution
  • 1st hint: Before you can collect this Star, you'll need to have solved the previous Star puzzle.
  • 2nd hint: The only way to reach the Star is from above. You need to find a way to drop down to it...
  • 3rd hint: All of the tools you need are in this puzzle.
  • 4th hint: A mid air collision could drop you down to the Star.
  • 5th hint: If you could launch the Hexahaedron from one Fan and yourself from the other at the same time, you would collide with it above the Star and fall down to it...
  • 6th hint: With the right Connector placement, you can keep the Hexahaedron perpetually floating from one fan to the other. Then it's simply a matter of timing your jump into one of the Fans so you collide with it.
  • 7th hint: You can link one Fan Receiver directly, while using a Connector placed on the Hexahaedron itself to link to the other...
  • 8th hint: Try linking the Blue Fan Receiver using a Connector placed on the Hexahaedron and two aditional Connectors (One in the BLUE SIDE, one in the RED SIDE). The Rad Fan Receiver can be linked directly using one connector in the RED SIDE and two in the BLUE SIDE.
  • Solution: Solve the previous Star's puzzle using the solution which leads to having: 4 Connectors in the BLUE SIDE and 2 Connectors inthe RED SIDE. You should also have the Hexahaedron still stuck in its cage above the central Fan and the two angled Fans mounted in their sockets.

    Send the Red Laser towards the BLUE SIDE using one of the Connectors. In the BLUE SIDE, use the Connectors to activate both the central Fan and the angled Fan. Jump in the angled Fan and take the floating Hexahaedron with you over to the RED SIDE. Now link the angled Fan in the RED SIDE instead of the other one. Use it to take the Hexahaedron over to the BLUE SIDE.

    You should now have 4 Connectors in the BLUE SIDE, a Hexahaedron in the BLUE SIDE, and 2 Connectors in the RED SIDE.

    In the RED SIDE: Place a Connector in the room with the angled Fan, near the Barrier closest to the Red Laser Source so that it is visible through the fence from the BLUE SIDE. Link it only to the Fan's blue Receiver. Place the other Connector so it sends the Red Laser towards the BLUE SIDE.

    In the BLUE SIDE: Link a Connector through the purple Forcefield to the Blue Forcefield's Red Receiver. Place the Hexahaedron on top of the angled Fan. Place a connector linked to the Blue Source, just left of the purple Forcefield. Place the third connector on top of the Hexahaedron, linked to the previous connector and to the Connector in the RED SIDE that is linked to the Blue Receiver (you can select it through the fence). Use the fourth and final Connector to link the previous Red Connector to the Fan's red Receiver.

    If you've done everything right, the Red Fan should be active all of the time and the Blue Fan should activate at the last second as the Hexahaedron is floating towards it. If it's not working properly, try adjusting the position of the Connector linked to the Blue Laser Source and the Connector linked to the Blue Receiver over on the RED SIDE.

    Now you just have to jump into one of the angled Fans so you collide with the Hexahaedron in mid air. Even if you don't fall on top of the star and you land on top of the stone structure in the middle, you can jump down at the Star.
Zone 3 - Part I
Star 9 - Harmony
Where is it?
  • 1st hint: Near where one of the Red Laser Sources is...
  • Solution: In the courtyard beyond the big Purple Barrier, left of the Blue Barrier that blocks the Red Laser.

How to get it?
  • 1st hint: Jam a barrier through a square wall window.
  • 2nd hint: Try getting a Hexahaedron over into the courtyard beyond the Purple Barrier...
  • 3rd hint: After acquiring the Fan Blades, you can solve the puzzle and activate the fan using just one of the two Hexahaedrons...
  • Solution: First, solve the puzzle. Note that you can place the Connector on the second button directly and still connect it to both Laser Sources...

    This should free the second Hexahaedron, so pick it up, and take it with you into the fan and up at the Switch's platform. From here you can jump on top of the wall leading to the courtyard with the Red Laser Source behind a Blue Forcefield. Now you should have a Hexahaedron and a Connector in this yard.

    Next, simply jam the first Blue Forcefield through the window next to the second button. Go over the wall using the ladder and use the Connector and Hexahaedron to open the second and third barriers that block your way to the Star.

Star 10 - Pendulum
Where is it?
  • Solution: Right next to the puzzle's final Switch...

How to get it?
  • 1st hint: To activate the second Blue Laser Receiver, you will have to solve the puzzle without 'pendulating' the laser beam...
  • 2nd hint: If only you could place the Connector somewhere higher so the beam can go through the windows without having to sit on a moving Shocker...
  • 3rd hint: Climbing walls and nearby hills is required...
  • 4th hint: Some creative Hexahaedron placement is also required to assist the wall climbing...
  • Solution: First, grab the two Hexahaderons and take them to the entrance furthest from the Bridge. While facing the entrance, stack the two Hexahaedrons on top of eachother in such a way that their corner touches the right side corner of the brick gate structure. Now, go get a Connector and place it next to the Hexahaedrons.

    Go on the nearby hill left of that entrance, and drop down on top of the wall left of the entrance. From this wall, you should be able to jump on top of the two stacked Hexahaedrons. Pick up the connector and place it on the wide wall right of the entrance. Pick up the top Hexahaedron and follow the wall until the edge next to where there's an arching alcove on your left. Place the Hexahaedron here and get the Connector. From the Hexahaedron, jump with the Connector on to the taller wall at the other side of the arched alcove.

    Simply follow the platform you are on until you can see the Blue Laser Source. Place the connector so that it links the Source and it looks through the left most top window in the tall wall in the middle of the puzzle area.

    Now go back down, grab the Hexahaedron from the gate, and place it on top of the elevated platform nearest to the prison cell. You should be able to place the second Connector on top of it so that it links to the first Connector and both of the Blue Laser Receivers. Use the Jammer to disable the middle barrier and you can now get the Star!

How to get it? - Alternate solution, credits to b0mb and Dabus
  • 1st hint: You can take the Connectors from the BFF puzzle...
  • 2nd hint: In the BFF Puzzle, you can place a Hexahaedron on the button farthest from the entrance. From the Hexahaedron, you can climb over the walls...
  • 3rd hint: Once on top of the Hexahaedron, facing opposite from the entrance, look at the left corner. You should be able to perform an auto-jump there.
  • Solution:
    In the BFF puzzle, you can place a Hexahaedron on the button farthest from the entrance. Jump on top of the Hexahaedron, facing opposite from the entrance, look at the left corner. You should be able to perform an auto-jump there. (It may be a bit tricky, but it should work.)

    Now you can just take a Connector from the BFF puzzle to the hill near the Pendulum puzzle and use it to send the blue laser around the central wall in Pendulum.
Zone 3 - Part II
Star 11 - Pendulum
Where is it?
  • 1st hint: The walls around Pendulum enclose a larger area than the area the puzzle takes place in...
  • 2nd hint: From the bridge, looking down at Pendulum, you should see a rather large and suspicious courtyard adjacent to the puzzle area itself... If you look from the right angle, you should even see the Star.
  • Solution: Entering Pendulum from the side with the bridge, just right of the entrance is a wall behind which is hidden a secret courtyard. In that courtyard there is a Star hidden behind more walls... If you stand on the bridge in front of the puzzle's entrance, look to the right, behind the wall that is next to the Messenger's prison cell. You should see the Star there...

How to get it?
  • 1st hint: There are three Shockers in Pendulum, one of which moves differently from the rest and isn't used in the standard puzzle solution...
  • 2nd hint: You can stack two Hexahaedrons on the third Shocker and use them to jump over a certain wall leading to the Star...
  • Solution: Notice the Shocker that patrols perpendicularly to the other two... Your goal is to stack two Hexahaedrons on it, and from them, jump over a wall near the Puzzle's prison cell.

    First stack a single Hexahaedron on top of the Shocker. While holding the second Hexahaedron, climb the first from the platform next to the Shocker's patrol route. Get off at the end opposite to the prison cell, on to the elevated brick platform next to the wall there. When the Shocker returns to that spot, carefully place the second Hexahaedron on top of it.

    Next, you should be able to jump on top of the Hexahaedrons. Simply ride to the other end of the patrol route and jump on top of the wall to your left.

    Now, drop down on to the lower and wider brick wall behind the wall on which you are standing. Walk along sticking close to the right side wall, and you should reach the Star after turning right two times.

Star 12 - Outside
Where is it?
  • 1st hint: It is floating above the river...
  • 2nd hint: ...between Pendulum and Ray Trivia
  • Solution: It is floating above the river, between Pendulum and Ray Trivia. Not much else to say...

How to get it?
  • 1st hint: There is a fan somewhere up high that can throw you at the Star...
  • 2nd hint: Try looking at the highest level of the bridge for the Fan. Some platforming is required.
  • 3rd hint: The easiest way to activate the Fan is to get a Red Laser Beam over from Ray Trivia.
  • 4th hint: If you're having trouble aligning the beam, try using the bridge Connector to link the Fan's receiver to the Red Receiver from Ray Trivia that opens the prison cell gate. That should give you an idea of where the beam should go through...
  • Solution: There is a Fan in the middle of the highest level of the bridge/aqueduct. Climb over to it and you'll see a Fan with a Red Laser Receiver, a Connector, and a bunch of Purple Barriers... Use the Connector to link the Fan's Laser Receiver to the Red Laser Receiver from Ray Trivia that opens the prison cell gate. By linking to the Red Receiver in Red Trivia like this, you'll have an easier time aligning the Connector in Ray Trivia correctly.

    Now go down to Ray Trivia and use the three connectors to link to the bridge Connector.

    Go back to the top of the bridge and jump into the Fan's stream to collect the Star.
Zone 4 - Part I
Star 13 - Colliding Beams
Where is it?
  • Solution: Left of the final puzzle switch, can't miss it.

How to get it?
  • 1st hint: There's a button that opens the forcefield just behind the Star.
  • 2nd hint: You need an additional object to push it... Perhaps there's one lying around?
  • 3rd hint: Try looking for a Hexahaedron on the floating island with the puzzle, but outside the actual puzzle itself.
  • 4th hint: There's a Hexahaedron behind a lone crooked wall on the right side of the island.
  • 5th hint: Look for a way to climb over the puzzle walls in the back of the island.
  • Solution: Solve the puzzle normally. Look for a Hexahaedron on the right side of the island, behind a lone crooked wall, next to the edge.
    Go around to the back of the island. At about the middle of the wall there are some platforms you can use to jump over the wall with the Hexahaedron. Simply place it onto the button located behind the Star and then go collect it.

Star 14 - Air Delivery
Where is it?
  • 1st hint: Not quite on the same island as the Air Delivery puzzle...
  • Solution: Once you arrive on the Air Delivery puzzle island, look left at one of the smaller islands and you'll see a Star.

How to get it? - Solution A
  • 1st hint: Look for a Fan to throw you towards the Star...
  • 2nd hint: The Fan is behind the Air Delivery puzzle. You just need to find a way to press the button...
  • 3rd hint: You can get the Hexahaedron from the previous Star over to the Fan button. There are auto-jumps indicators on the central island.
  • 4th hint: You can get the Hexahaedron over the Press and Jam gate on the central island on its right side.
  • 5th hint: You can climb on top of the stone arches in the middle of the central island near the "Goliath" gate...
  • Solution: Firstly, note there's a Fan behind the Air Delivery puzzle that can take you to the star.

    Now, go to the "Colliding Beams" island and grab the Hexahaedron. Take the fan back to the central island. You can use the rocks right of the purple forcefield gate to climb over the wall. Once in the middle, head for the Goliath gate - you can climb the wall just to its left. From there you can jump on top of the central arches and make your way towards the Air Delivery gate using auto-jumps. Once on the Air Delivery island, go behind the puzzle with the Hexahaedron and use it to activate the Fan here. Jump into the Fan to get the Star.

How to get it? - Solution B
  • 1st hint: Look for a Fan to throw you towards the Star...
  • 2nd hint: The Fan is behind the Air Delivery puzzle. You just need to find a way to press the button...
  • 3rd hint: You can smuggle the Jammer out of the Air Delivery puzzle...
  • 4th hint: One way to smuggle the Jammer out, is over the metal fence right next to the entrance.
  • Solution: Notice the Fan behind the Air Delivery puzzle... Now go into the Air Delivery puzzle and get the Jammer and Hexahaedron near the entrance. Place the Hexahaedron next to the wall-column near the entrance. Grab the Jammer and from the Hexahaedron jump onto the wall column. From there, you can jump onto the column jutting out from the left side of the entrance gate. You can jump at the metal fence to your left and just as you reach it, drop the Jammer over the fence. Simply take the Jammer and place it on the Fan's button and ride the Fan's stream to the Star.

How to get it? - Dunvi's (easier) solution
  • 1st hint: Despite the fences on the wooden walls, you can jump on top of the walls from the angled fans.
  • 2nd hint: You should be able to just smuggle the Hexahaedron out by jumping on the walls with it...

  • Solution: After you open the Barrier to the Hexahaedron, simply grab the Hexahaedron and jump on top of the angled fan. From here you should be able to jump onto the wooden wall left of the Fan and afterwards jump over the puzzle wall.

    Simply take the Hexahaedron to the Fan behind the puzzle, activate the Fan, and collect the Star!

How to get it? - klinglehella's solution
  • 1st hint: Try going to Press and Jam and leaving the puzzle area while in Recording mode...
  • 2nd hint: Most likely because of a bug, the recording mechanic doesn't stop when going through the purple barriers in the central island.
  • 3rd hint: If you first solve the Press and Jam puzzle, you can then enter and leave the puzzle area while in the Recording mechanic by going throught he messenger's prison cell.

  • Solution: Most likely because of a bug, the recording mechanic doesn't stop when going through the purple barriers in the central island.

    Go to Press and Jam, solve it, then start a recording. During the recording, exit the puzzle through the messenger cell and head back to the central island.

    On the central island, just head over to the Air Delivery puzzle.

    Stand on the Star Fan's button for a while, then go back to Press and Jam. Go back through the messenger's prison cell and end the recording.

    After all of this, go back to the Star's Fan and wait for your recording to activate the fan.
Zone 4 - Part II
Star 15 - Goliath
Where is it?
  • Solution: On top of the big left side wall. You should see it by looking at the middle of the wall just as you enter the puzzle.

How to get it?
  • 1st hint: You can climb the wall with some Hexahaedron assistance...
  • Solution: There are multiple ways to climb the wall... One such ways is to use two Hexahaedrons and the shocker in the corner just left of the entrance. Trap the Shocker next to the wall as tightly as you can with one Hexahaedron. Place the other Hexahaedron on top of it, then climb it and jump on top of the small wall to the right of the Shocker. Grab the Hexahaedron from the top of the shocker. Use it along with the ledges in the corner to climb the big wall. Make your way along the wall to the Star and collect it.

Star 16 - Press and Jam
Where is it?
  • Solution: Above the wall at the end of the puzzle...

How to get it?
  • 1st hint: Try sending a beam towards the Fan's receiver from somewhere above...
  • 2nd hint: You can climb the hill at the start of the puzzle area.
  • Solution: After you solve the puzzle, take the Fan from its socket and place it into the other empty Fan Socket. Next, take a Connector on top of the hill behind the puzzle starting area. Place it on the right side of the hill, linking it to the Red Laser Source (right side while facing to the Star). Start a recording, chill around for 30 seconds or more. After the recording starts playing back, climb the hill and grab the real Connector. Make your way to the end of the puzzle with it, and use it to link the recorded Connector to the Fan's receiver.

How to get it? - slyer01's solution

  • 1st hint: This involves getting a red laser from the Goliath puzzle.
  • 2nd hint: When getting the Star in Goliath, place a connector on top of a Hexahedron on top of the wall so that it links to the Red Laser Source.
  • Solution:
    Climb to where the Star is in the Goliath puzzle. Take a Connector and a Hexahedron with you to the top of the wall. Place the Hexahaedron on the top of the wall and place the Connector on it, linking it to the Red Laser Source.

    After you link the connector in Goliath, go back to Press and Jam. Solve the puzzle and get a connector just outside the prison room. Looking at the prison room from outside, place the connector to the right of the gate, linking it to the connector you placed in Goliath

    Don't forget to also place a fan into the fan socket in the prison room.

    Finally, start a recording and wait around for around 20-30 seconds. When the playback starts, climb the hill in the back, jump down after passing the purple barriers. Pick up the connector and use it to link the fan's Laser Receiver to the recorded connector.
Xcyiterr 14 May @ 8:22am 
@Mr Phillby
aw damn, I was just going to post about that alternate solution after finding it myself haha
Arc 17 Apr @ 7:30am 
there is a typo, in zone 1 open field, it's the blue receiver instead of the red , next to the secret fan
Mr Phillby 19 Mar @ 8:28pm 
Heres the solution i hit upon for the 'so close so far' star in area 1

it requires no outside items to be smuggled in and barely uses the recorder.

The key is the gargoyle statue in the cell. You can use it to hop up on the walls ad get pretty much anywhere in the puzzle without the fans.

First free the connector on the red side. Put it on the pad to open the forcefield.

Now use the recorder to hop back to the blue side.

Take the connector and climb up the gargoyle. Head left along the top of the wall and jump across the force field. You'll find in this spot on top of the wall will let you connect the recievers for the star and the emmiter forcefields and the emmiter itself.

Hop down and hold the button to set the blue lasers going.

Now take the fan from the blue side and carry it up on the walls via the gargoyle. Take it into the area with the star. Use it to open the way to the red emmiter, swap the fan with the connector and hook up the red laser to open the star.
dong schlong 8 Jan @ 5:37pm 
Alternative for Zone 1 Star 2:

After solving "So close, so far", you can smuggle the laser connectors out into "Open Field", using the Gargoyles to get onto the big wall which is the closest to the outside ruins which has the fan it. Now you can place the connector on the gap in the wall and connect it to the blue source from "Open Field" using the other two connectors. Only one is needed to be smuggled out, but it's possible to get both out which also would make Open Field much easier.

Another thing i discovered:
There is a way to get items from outside into "So close, so far" - but only into the closed off square inbetween the two fans. But you could place the two connectors from outside in there and make the puzzle a little easier. It's easy to find when you're looking for it. It seems like they put some stones there on purpose
orian34 3 Dec, 2023 @ 5:28pm 
In the Pendulum star 10, I found a very simple solution: Get the cube in front of the angel statue after solving the puzzle, grab a connector, then jump on top of the statue, then jump towards the crumbled wall, with a few tries and spamming jump, you can end up on top of it and then you just connect it all directly, and jam the last door for the star.

In the Air Delivery Star 14, after solving the puzzle, you place the cube on the stump, grab anything else, then jump on the cube, the left wall column, and you can jump more up, directly outside of the puzzle area.
MannyKlystron 1 Dec, 2023 @ 3:10pm 
Alternate for star 5 "Cube Driver": From a connector on the raised inner ring of Haircut you can pick up a red laser just grazing the top of the stairway, through a window. This frees up one connector that can light the receiver after the puzzle's solved with the box on the pressure plate. A beef I have with some of these jumping-around solutions is that the distance the game decides you can go seems arbitrary sometimes.
General WVPM 27 Nov, 2023 @ 2:31pm 
Alternatively for 'Pendulum':

1. Block the shocker near the laser source with a box when it is about to come back to the stairs.

2. Add a box on top of the shocker and grab a connector.

3. Jump on the blocking box and onto the box on the shocker.

4. Look at the building nearby and keep scanning for a place to jump (it's hard to find).

5. Jump! Place the connector on the building and connect it with the 2 receivers.

6. Use the other connector to connect the source to the connector on the building.
dunvi 24 Nov, 2023 @ 10:46pm 
Also for star 12 i discovered this playthru that a box smuggled outside can be placed precariously on the rock near it in the water (further into the river), then jumped on, then a running leap got me it. ridiculously easy since i'd already smuggled everything out of BFF for the challenge of it. (star 10 can also be done easily using an extra disrupter smuggled out of BFF.)
dunvi 24 Nov, 2023 @ 1:13am 
Played the new sequel and it gave me such a want to play Gehenna again, which I don't think I've gotten around to replaying since it first came out. Couldn't remember where one of the zone 1 stars was, popped this guide open, overscrolled, and lo behold what do I see? my own name! <3

Anyway and seriously, good work on this guide. This is a great resource!

(I didn't even solve the crater stars the same way I did the first time! xD)
Hollowriller 23 Nov, 2023 @ 10:02am 
For in the crater, the star in the very middle.

Probably not the intended solution but i carried the cube with me into the fan with both active, so i just bounced from one to the other with box in hand.
Then released box in front of me when it got close to bounce, ended up on top of it and got back control again so could just walk of when above the star.
Though if box had fallen down or tumbled away i would had to reset puzzle but was a bit funny it worked.

Though now that i think of it, could just have stopped one side, put box in place, activated again and so it would bounce from one to the other and just get on when it would reach the other side, probably safer.

(had both active as i stole one connector from Bunny hop, jumped over one wall carrying it by using a box near the wall where connector spawns and got a jump prompt onto it where spikes are and just jumped over after.