Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

45 avaliações
rd_asteroid guide (Ride the Asteroid!)
Por ~{A♋T}~ SlayerJuan
I often see people complain about how difficult this game mode is to learn, but that's really not the case! It's quite simple. So please read ahead!
Hopefully you'll love this map and gamemode as much as me, and if you do, don't feel shy about joining the official Asteroid group, Asteroid Tryhards! (I just added official to make us sound fancy)
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Meet the Robots
Nono, not those ugly Mann vs. Machine robots. These friendly robots walk around your base, defenseless and filled with goodies that your enemy wants! That's where this game mode begins.

The objective is to destroy the other team's robots. Upon doing so, robots explode and drop power cores, collecting 300 of these will activate the win condition countdown, where your team will win in 40 seconds.

There are 3 sets of robots, A, B, and C, and each set has 3 robots. Here are their pictures and stats.

A robots have 200 health, and are the first robot enemies will encounter when entering your base. They are the easiest to take down, but also give the lowest power core reward.
They drop 5 power cores each (A total of 15 if you destroy all 3)
Their respawn time is 60 seconds.

B robots have 330 health. These robots will be in an "Ubered" state until the A robots are all destroyed, forcing you to go in order from A, B, and C when destroying the robots!
They drop 10 power cores each (A total of 30 if you destroy all 3)
Their respawn time is 90 seconds.

C robots also have 330 health. These are the last robots, and the most desired ones. As previous stated, these robots will be "Ubered" until both A and B robots are all destroyed.
They drop a whooping 15 power cores each (A total of 45 if you destroy all 3)
Their respawn time is 90 seconds.

So to do the simple math, if you destroy every robot on their side and collect every power core, you will have collected 90 power cores so far!

Once you have destroyed all of the A robots, they will have a timer set, and once the timer is done, the robots will respawn. Just be careful, if you manage to destroy all the A bots and B bots, but only destroy 2 of the 3 C bots before the A bots respawn, then all the robots except for those two C bots will respawn. This means the next time you get to their C bots, you'll only have one to destroy! (So less points!)

That mostly covers it up for the main objective. But here are some tidbits about the robots you should keep in mind!

~Your robots will heal you if you stand next to them, kind of like moving lvl1 dispensers! (No ammo though)
~Robots (Both teams) will get in the way of attacks, so be careful when shooting rockets next to them!
~When you destroy an enemy robot, the pieces of the robot fall on the ground, and they will refill your ammo when picked up!
~Likewise, when you pick up the power cores from a destroyed robot, it will give you health! (It will even overheal you) Keep this in mind when at the enemy base, sometimes you might be able to ignore their damage output if you keep destroying robots and healing yourself!
~Robots will slowly repair themselves if they have not taken damage after a while (No, Engies can't repair them :P )

To finish off this section, here's a picture of the power cores that drop when a robot is destroyed. (Red for red robots)

And what the ubered robots look like!
(An ubered B bot)
Meet the Reactor Core

Now you may be thinking "Now I know everything about those cute robots, that's all there is to this game mode, right?"

Weeeeell. The twist to this mode is, it acts a little like Capture the Flag.

The power cores you collected during the game can actually be stolen back by the enemies! (And vice versa)
The reactor core does not appear in your base until your team has a least 25 power cores.
Unlike capture the flag, this reactor core is a little more difficult to steal. You have to stand on the point, to steal 5 power cores per second(roughly), and you have to at least steal 25 before leaving the point, otherwise they will return.

So for example! If the enemy team has 300 power cores sitting nicely in their base, you can go in there, stand on top of it, and start stealing! You can steal anywhere between 25 to 300, in this scenario. Be smart about how long you want to sit there leeching off that point, you might not make it out alive if you stay there too long.

If you steal their powercores and make it back to your own reactor core, those power cores will be added to your own! This can change the tide of a match drastically, and this means both offense and defense are really important for both teams.

Here are some tidbits about the reactor core, and the room it's stored in!

~The reactor core, when dropped, activates a timer above it, just like the intelligence in capture the flag. However, unlike capture the flag, the timer does not reset simply by touching the reactor core. If the core is half way from being returned to base via timer, and is touched, but dropped again, the timer will resume at that half way point.
~The more power cores you have stolen from the reactor core, gives you a larger timer when dropped. I.E. a stolen core of 25, will return to the base fairly quickly, but a stolen core of 200 will stick around longer.

~There are 3 ways to enter, from the vents, from the laser grid, or from the door.
~The door is one way, and can only be opened from the outside.
~The lasers do 195 damage, murdering almost anyone who touches them.
~You can walk through the lasers by ubering, Bonk! Atomic Punch, and using Dead Ringer with full health.
~That being said, you can time the lasers (There are 3 all together, all moving at different speeds) and be able to run through them! Being able to master when to run through the lasers can make the difference on getting out alive. The vents take much longer to traverse.

~There are a few lightbulbs placed around your base, when your reactor core is being stolen, they will start flashing, indictating that someone is stealing your precious points.

(Here is a picture of the laser grid protecting the reactor core)
Meet the End (Thanks for reading!)
Well, that's all there is to Asteroid! Simple, right?

I'd like to thank Wikipedia for supplying the pictures and information on the robot respawn time (Everything else I learned myself from playing the map)

I'd also like to thank my amazing Steam Group, Asteroid Tryhards. I really do love this map and game mode, and I love that there are so many people who feel the same way. I've met plenty of good players through this group, and hope to meet more.
(^ Link to our steam group ^)

And lastly, thank you, for without you, these words would go unread for eternity... ;-;

(And this is my first guide I've ever made on Steam, hope it came out alright.)
I wrote this guide up, or at least an alpha version of this guide, a while back on the Asteroid Tryhard forums, here's a link to that guide (I feel like I did a better job in explaining somethings on here than I did on there, but I'll leave that first guide untouched)

41 comentário(s)
Sevil 26/jul./2017 às 13:40 
good guilde and im late to the show lol
Xranth 28/jul./2015 às 10:12 
@~{A♋T}~ SlayerJuan くコ:彡 Fite me 1v1 Smash

Keep up the good work, mate.
Skyla! 28/jul./2015 às 9:51 
I like your profile image.
AutoRodas 28/jul./2015 às 9:37 
Nice one Slayer
Smog 28/jul./2015 às 4:11 
~{A♋T}~ SlayerJuan  [autor(a)] 28/jul./2015 às 2:42 
@Xranth, just keep Cindy and the 3 stooges away from Ika. </3

and thanks everyone for the comments and support, even the weird comments. :bbtcat:
Lentilpie317 28/jul./2015 às 0:53 
Thank you!
Kitchmeys 27/jul./2015 às 23:57 
i can smell you
Xranth 27/jul./2015 às 19:59 
This proves squid girl came from space confirmed. The squidians be coming.
brin900 27/jul./2015 às 19:03 
the next update will most likely put it out of beta and finaly be relesed as a real gamemode and have new maps with more stuff to.