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MK4 Green mini crosshair + dot (V3)
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20 lug 2015, ore 4:41
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MK4 Green mini crosshair + dot (V3)

Green Dot and mini illuminated crosshair (V3)
15 commenti
[FINSOF] DELTA-1-6 5 apr 2017, ore 3:09 
Why is the scope mirrored for me?? The numbers are the wrong way??
Okami 23 apr 2016, ore 10:25 
why is the scope mirrored for me? (the numbers are the wrong way)
J.T. 21 set 2015, ore 13:57 
oooo, can you do a red one?
Fitfit 26 lug 2015, ore 22:45 
Sinjar is a good example. When you are at the first objective and enemies spawn on the bridge.
BirtDike  [autore] 26 lug 2015, ore 22:16 
Really? there needs to be long range maps then with less fog
Fitfit 26 lug 2015, ore 21:55 
You have a slight bullet drop. The bullet still travel at a certain speeds and having lines is usefull when you have a moving target for example.
BirtDike  [autore] 26 lug 2015, ore 21:54 
Yea, and in this game there is no windage and elevation so its worthless even having lines but its cool for most people I guess
Fitfit 26 lug 2015, ore 21:51 
Well it's useless on top anyway so yeah, it would be better without I guess.
BirtDike  [autore] 26 lug 2015, ore 21:46 
No not for this particular scope, the numbers on the top represent both to top and bottom of the scope, the long lines on the bottom are the same distance apart as the top, but for better organization the numbers are on top. I might end up taking them off anyways since they are backwards. @Fitfit the Weird