134 ratings
In-Game Chat Commands!
By Littlepudintater
This guide will show you all the commands you can type in-game!
Chat Commands
/1 Joins global chat

/2 Joins world chat

/join Joins a named chat ie: fishing, trade more listed below


  • price For price checking items

  • trade For trading purposes

  • sa Your one-stop shop for shadow arena talk

  • sky Chat solely based around the sky-realm, not about todays weather

  • recipe recipe chat for talking about recipes or letting players in onrecipe dungeons

  • fishing The daddest chat around

  • adventure Adventure general cht
/leave Leaves a chat

/say Says a mesage, who knew?

/whisper [player name] Sends a private message to the named player

/reply Replies to the last whisper you got.
Basic Commands
/loc Names your location in 3D grid coordinates

/who List who's in the same world instance with you

/chatlist List people who are in the same chat with you

/getxp Displays XP progress in numbers

/friendlist Opens friendslist, So does 'O'!

/ignore [player name] blocks named user

/store Opens store $$$$, so does 'N'!

/respawn Respawns you

/showhat Turns your hat on and off, only for visual looks

/showface Turns your mask on and off, only for visual looks

/quit Closes Trove

/getworldid Tells you the world number ie: 123523

/joinworld [world number] Joins world number specified

/joinme [player name] If accepted named player will teleport to you

/tutorial Lets you go back to the tutorial world, only really useful for getting the rare fish there

/kick Used to kick nuisance players from shadow arena

/stats Shows all stats your character and account has

/clearcornerstone destroyed your cornerstone leaving it new without the starting house

/mastery Shows stats about your mastery and XP

/welcome Opens the welcome screen seen upon login
Avatar Emotes
/sit Sits

/pose Poses for screenshots or showing off items

/zzz Sleeps

/wave generic hand wave

/dance dances

/laugh laugh, even though we know you're dead inside

/cry release your inner demons

/shrug stop caring
Club Commands
/club Lists club commands

/club invite Invites named player into the club

/club list List the names of players in current club

/club leave Leaves the club

/club promote Promotes named player

/club demote Demotes named player

/club kick Kicks player from your club

/club makeprimary Makes the club your main club

/club zonerestrict Restricts current zone to a rank of your choosing

/club log Shows logs on current club
Stuff I Missed!
/retromode makes the game look pretty funky

/hide offline mode for the popular!

/mf Opens the metaforge, This is pretty much only for modders er testing skins and dungeons, there are more commands for this but its really only for content creators.

/dance Makes your avatar dance, varies with class
End Note
These are all the commands I know of, there are probably more though. Feel free to let me know or add me if you have any questions or concerns.

Yadda Yadda here's my referal code and link KHRFDTWNJKKXLPPMJYZP [] (Copy and Paste this code: KHRFDTWNJKKXLPPMJYZP on the link, be advised this doesn't give you anything in fact it's pretty greedy isn't it? This is only if YOU want to.)
Littlepudintater  [author] 28 Jan, 2021 @ 9:41am 
oh bruh i made this 6 years ago n just stopped playin trove lol, glad its used in 2020 i guess
TheGamingBathtubYT 10 Dec, 2020 @ 8:41am 
Eggmann 3 Apr, 2020 @ 1:54am 
Conrad273 19 Aug, 2017 @ 11:28pm 
There's also the /fxenable 0 or /fx enable 1 command as well as /fov #
Varreign 8 Aug, 2016 @ 10:26pm 
Int there a fighting command?
Derfy 18 Jun, 2016 @ 3:27am 
/epicpose is a thing
Wayfarling 16 May, 2016 @ 10:21am 
how do i get out of /mf mode?
lieutenant 27 Feb, 2016 @ 4:18pm 
Thanks this was very helpful! :steamhappy:
arachnophobia mode enabled 14 Feb, 2016 @ 3:57am 
There's also /debugtext, which lets you see FPS and ping.
Mattistic 13 Feb, 2016 @ 8:20pm 
You don't type a command, you make a club card