Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

101 hodnocení
''Bible of NW Roleplay server'' [Things you need to know!]
Vytvořil: Iskrax
Hello dear Roleplayers! This thread is dedicated to our favourite Napoleonic Roleplay server. Here you can find all information, roleplays, contacts and etc. about the server. Make sure you analyse everything because you can be slain for not knowing the rules.

This is ''Bible of NW Roleplay server''

Post is not small, but I guarantee you will enjoy reading it! Hope to see you on this server!

***Not finished!!!!****
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Introduction; dictionary; rules

-----------------------------Greetings everyone who likes to roleplay!----------------------------------

So you just got thrown into battlefield to fight for your country! You will be slayed by an admin really soon without knowing the basics and rules!

I will make separate paragraphs. Each of these paragraphs represents a roleplay/game mode which is offered by our Server admins.


- Troll: Everything like spamming chat, spamming TNT, kicking people, taking control of boats without permission... (Spamming recruiting messages will be considered trolling)

- Ramboing: Not following your commanders, shooting out of line without orders, hiding in order to survive...

- Insulting: Everything that could offend someone. Try not to be offensive.

- Order 66: Kill all surrenders.


No Personal Attacks against another player, for whatever reason, in either team or global chat.

No Spamming either the global or team chat - since this is Roleplay, both are vital for players to be able to communicate, and spam only impedes this and ruins the immersion.

No Insulting the Admins for whatever reason, especially when unprovoked - it only displays your ingratitude for their voluntary service and dilutes the validity of the point you are trying to get across.

Follow the Admin(s)' orders at all times, especially when they are related to the rules and your conduct within the game.

Do not Spam TNT - Spamming TNT for no purpose is considered a waste of buildpoints at the very least, or can be considered trolling if the player tries to teamkill his own teammates or destroy their fortifications. Some maps have TNT disabled. Please Use TNT with great moderation.

No Racism, Bigotry, Misogyny or other form of discrimination - please let your real-life differences aside, and focus on playing the actual game in an 18th century context.

Historically-accurate names, which are relevant to the RP being played (such as Adolf_Hitler for D-Day RP), are allowed. However, names which aim to offend others explicitly (such as "Gas_The_Jews") will not be tolerated. The admin may choose to kick you after warning you to change your name, so that you will change it immediately. Coming back with the same name after a kick may result in a ban.

Be Mature and Civilised! Perhaps the most important rule, which links to every single one above. Be calm and respectful of others, try to immerse yourself into the setting, and, above all, try to enjoy your time on the server!

Do not spam grenades.

Battle Roleplay
General of the Army: Alright, listen up Soldiers!

You just got into the battlefield. You choose your favourite class. I don't care if you are a regular line infantry soldier, an honourable cavalrymen or a highly trained artillerist! Our task is simple-kill the enemy team. Our army is very organised and because of that we all follow our regimental officer. That means if you are a Blackwatch soldier you follow the Blackwatch officer and noone else. If you are a sniper, you follow the sniper officer. We listen to the officers orders, which we can see in teamchat. Our cavalry regiments, if separated, are weak and because of that, all cavalry follows our general.

Of course, in every battle there are fools who wish to surrender and not to fight! We never kill surrenders without our commanders command! Killing surrenders is a shame and in battlefield shame is nothing and victory is everything! All surrenders should be executed only by an officer’s command. Usually in a form of a firing squad (players line up and on an officers command they shoot), but sometimes explosives are being used too! Or we do the old school method-beating prisoners with knuckles!


1) No Rambo .
2) No surrender killing. All surrenders must drop their weapons and hold their hands up. During rounds end they should be executed by officers or admins command. Usually firing squad, beating them to death or TNT.
3) Always follow your classes officer and his orders. Cavalry follows the general.
Line battle Roleplay
Officer: Line up soldiers! Stand until death! PRESENT! FIRE!!!!!!!


1) No rambo.
2) Follow yours class officer and his teamchat orders.
3) No crouching. Only skirmishers/snipers/light inf, can crouch. Line infantry crouching is punishable.
Town Roleplay
Elder of the Town: Everyone listen!

Our town just got occupied by the French! They are patrolling our streets! Enemies in the town shouldn’t be a reason why we can’t continue our work. Fishes can’t be caught by themselves! Trees can’t be cut by themselves and of course wheatfield’s can’t be harvested by themselves!

Frenchies are making sure there won’t be any riot. I guess they are stupid-they didn’t take our weapons. Tomorrow we will begin a massive riot! Let’s push the enemy out of our town! When the time hits 8 o’ clock (example, revolt time is set by admin) we will be rioting! Do not fight them before that time or you will be killed alone. You know one scythe cannot win against one bayonet. But 10 scythes can!

Tomorrow at 8 o‘clock we riot! Muhahah


1) No revolt before 57:00 (Time may be changed accordingly at the admin's discretion)
2) Partisanis should roleplay! Like cutting trees, work in wheatfields, going fishing, work in the bar and etc…
3) All Russians must take partisani class.
4) Russians may keep their tools for working.
5)Random punching or kicking may result in the offender being imprisoned, or stabbed.
6)<More rules, as long as they are reasonable, can be imposed "live" in the game itself by the admins.
Naval Roleplay
Naval General: Set sails! Prepare cannons! Equip rifles! We are about to board enemy ship!


1) Both team must go naval crew class.
2) Arty can be enabled and disabled by admin.
3) Do not troll ship.
4) Do not sail until everyone is on ship!
Assassination Roleplay
General: We are outnumbered by russian partizani! Retreat to the palace!!! Retreat! If I fall-we lose. Defend my life and don’t let any rusky come close to me!

Partizanis: We must find and kill enemy general. He is our target. Watchout for enemy because they got firearms while we have bad weapons…. Ooh! I got idea! Let’s take dead enemies muskets! You know how it’s told: Worst death is being killed by yours musket!


1) All Russians must go partisans only.
2) Defenders team must defend general life. If general falls defenders lose.
3) Attackers (partisans) must find and kill enemy general in order to win. They mustn’t kill whole team, their target is general!
4) Both teams can take sappers, however defenders should get a lot of build points for barricades, Russian team can get maximum 20 BP.
5) Balance should be 1:2.5
Storm the Palace Roleplay
Defenders army: Retreat to palace! Barricade all doors and windows! We are outnumbered heavily by partisans! Let’s make our last stand on the 2nd floor!


1) All Russians must go partisans only.
2) Defenders must defend house. They can use engineers to put barricades
3) Attackers task is to kill enemy.
4) Balance should be 1:2.5
Hostage Roleplay
Surrender: Please do not kill me! I have family and a dog!
Captain: Yours friends will try to rescue you! I give them couple minutes if they won't make it-hasta la vista baby!


1) One team defends surrender, another one tries to rescue him.
2) Surrenders must drop weapons and hold hands in the air.
3) Defenders team must secure surrender until 12:00(set by admin), after that they should execute surrender in order to win.
4) Attackers must find and rescue surrender! They should escort him to spawn in order to win.
5) If hostage is rescued, defenders still can win by killing hostage.
Cavalry VS infantry Roleplay
Infantry officer: Make a damn square on flag!!! Cavalry is coming!!! Pray to god and do not even try to break formation you fool!


1) One team goes cavalry, another one line infantry.
2) No sappers.
3) Cavalry lines up at spawn and waits for order while line infranty is forming squares.
Cavalry VS cavalry Roleplay
General: Let's see whose cavalry is better!


1) Both team go cavalry.
2) Line up at spawn and wait for charge command.
Stalingrad Roleplay (Year 1942-1943, World War II)
Stalin: Nazis are approaching our city! Everyone get a weapon and prepare to defend yourself! I want you to take sapper class and make barricades. Grab a weapon!! See enemy? Don’t worry! Fire at him. No mecry, no surrenders! Soldiers we should defend our city!

First couple days we will use our firing power. On Red day, which is third day we will do massive bayonets only charge to expel enemies from their positions!

Red day- Round when only meele fight happen. Shooting is forbidden. Red day happens every 3 rounds!


1) Russians are representing Soviet army and Prussians-Nazi Germany.
2) Sappers must dig a lot of barricades, they can also use TNT to blow enemy.
3) No TNT spam.
4) Every 3 rounds there will be Red day. Red day-round when only meele fights can happen. Shooting is forbidden!
Volley Roleplay
Regular soldier: I hope I won't catch bullet. AUCH !!!**....


1) Follow yours class officer.
2) This is massive 100 men line vs 100 men line.
3) Do not fire without admins orders.
4) Listen to admin chat or face a slay!
D-DAY Roleplay
Officer: STORM the land!!!! Charge the nazis!! TOGETHER TO VICTORY!!!!!


1) About 1:2 or 2:3 Ratio Defenders to Attackers
2) Defenders are Prussian (it is recommended that they take Freikorps class if infantry), while the Attackers are British, who may take any class they wish.
3) Artillery is allowed for both teams, and is recommended escpecially for Prussia
4) Prussia may take Engineers to build fortifications and defend its position
5) The Round is won either when the flag has been captured by the British (Siege Mode), or until the Prussian commander has been killed (Battle Mode)
Trench Roleplay
The year is 1916, in an attempt to break the stalemate on the western front the British army has launched its offensive in the Somme region of France, against it is aligned the German forces under the command of Crownprince Ruppert

5th Line Battalion Officer: Bayonets! To the death! CHARGE!!!!


1) Admin announces ''peace period'' (<one minute of no shooting, charging enemy team).
2) After ''peace period'' you are allowed to charge. There can be more roleplay elements, look at admin orders.
Western Roleplay
Desert...small town filled with dust...Shops are closed, citizens are hiding in the houses. Only 2 brave men are standing infront of each other. They are prepared to pull they gun out and shoot each other!


1) Everyone must select any officer class (Admins should set officer limit to 99).
2) Map must be Spanish Village.
3) Cavalry must be available at 10% .
---------------Thank you 59th for providing us with this amazing server!-------------
Thank you 59th Regiment for this amazing server.

If you wish to join 59th Regiment go to

Servers name: Napoleonic_Roleplay_Server
Servers website:
Servers official steam group:

Check out 59th Jailbreak server community guide:

See you on server! Good luck and don't break rules :)
Donating system
Please help the upkeep of the server and paying for new scripts by donating to through paypal. £10 gives you a custom tag, £ any gives you "donator" tag and a medal on the ts!

Add Pew Pew You're Dead [R0b1N] ( ;
[59th] Tim ( ;
Kaide ( on steam for more information!

Thank you!
-----------------------Here are couple videos about our server--------------------------------------------------

Počet komentářů: 85
Fake 1. čvc. 2018 v 11.41 
Fake 1. čvc. 2018 v 11.41 
napoleonic role play?
Avatar 8. zář. 2017 v 8.28 
whats problem with server? Server was removed from list
The Frelle 17. úno. 2017 v 16.46 
Include that killing musicians give you bad karma ;(
AloStan 7. led. 2017 v 11.12 
Where is helms?
Iskrax  [autor] 3. říj. 2016 v 2.38 
All of these roleplays (and couple more, though I did not put them here), are being played on server. You may be unlucky with joining time.
A Chubby Mogwai 2. říj. 2016 v 14.00 
some fun looking game mods, quick question. Are some of the game play modes announced ahead of time? As whenever i join the servers it seems to be either battle or helms Deep, not that i have any issues with them. :)
Cipri 15. zář. 2016 v 10.50 
I respect you bro for making this guide.Very good job.
Cubiie 1. srp. 2016 v 23.40 
The Harambe ressurectionist 19. čvc. 2016 v 13.20 