Act of Aggression

Act of Aggression

62 ratings
Chimera Field Manual
By Viper Actual
An introduction to the Chimera faction.
Section 01 - Introduction

Welcome Commander to the Chimera Field Manual! This manual will serve as a virtual introduction and guide to the Chimera forces.

You have, alongside various other skilled individuals, been tasked with taking control of your own Chimera Quick Reaction Force.
Funded by the United Nations, you will succeed where NATO failed.

You are the Spear, Shield and Sword of the free people.

Know that people are counting on you, especially during these treacherous and hard times where former allies have turned foe.

Good luck Commander!
Section 02 - Structures
Military structures are a vital part of any Chimera operation. As a Commander, it is your job to make sure that your base is can react, defend and strike back at the enemy.

Structure #01 - HQ:
Info: The HQ is the heart of any Chimera base. It is more than just a seat of command, from this facility you will be able to construct all of the Chimera structures.

Wise commanders will know how useful it can be to have two or three HQ's to delegate building orders.

Structure #02 - Refinery:
Info: Without a refinery a Chimera commander can't do much. The Chimera refineries both proccess and store oil, aluminium and rare earth minerals.
(The latter only once a HQ upgrade has been completed.)

Your refineries will automatically construct and assign one Crusher UGV for transportation of minerals, this structure also has the ability to upgrade Crushers.

Structure #03 - Barracks:
Info: From here your army will take shape, Chimera barracks can only build four different units however it is worth noting that all of these units are powerful in various fields.

Structure #04 - Prison:
Info: The UN has approved the construction of prisons for housing POW's.
For each POW you manage to capture you will be given a small cash reward.

Please note that due to secuirty reasons, prisons must remain connected to a Barracks at all times.

Can use the following abilities:

(Outpost - Construction Outpost - Repair Outpost - Income Outpost)
Structure #05 - Outpost:
Info: Outposts are small Chimera bases used to expand the construction area as well as for storing resources.
The more outposts you have, the bigger the storage capacity. Outposts also provides power for your structures.

Outposts can be upgraded to fill a variety of roles, such as construction of additional structures, repairing nearby units and structures as well as providing a steady income of cash per two seconds.

(Sentinel Basic - Sentinel Advanced)
Structure #06 - Sentinel Turret:
Info: The sentinel turret is a unmanned base defense used to counter both air and ground targets.

Strong in groups, these turrets can be upgraded to intercept incoming projectiles, engage aerial targets and destroy armored targets.

Structure #07 - Spear Vehicle Bay:
Info: Like all units that follow the Spear protocol, vehicles built in the Spear Vehicle Bay are quick to respond and attack.

While only able to deploy three units, these units can be devastating early on in a conflict if used well.

Structure #08 - Support Bay:
Info: The Support Bay fields the more support-oriented Chimera units. This includes stealth helicopters, troop transports, drones and crowd control weapons.

While they might not be good on their own, they can be truly devastating in combination with other units.

Structure #09 - Helipad:
Info: Chimera air forces consist mostly of two workhorses: the Tigre and the Valor.
The helipad allows you to deploy these two units, your enemies are surely to run for cover as you take to the skies.

Structure #10 - Air Control Center:
Info: The Air Control Center or ACC allows Chimera commanders to call in long-range aerial support.
Aside from fighter jets you will also have the ability to make use of stealth drones for scouting and precision bombing.

Multiple ACC's allows you to field more of these units.

Structure #11 - Defensive Center:
Info: Provides various defenisve and passive upgrades.

Structure #12 - Research Center:
Info: Provides various offensive upgrades.

Structure #13 - Sword Vehicle Bay:
Info: The Sword vehicle bay is capable of deploying the hevaier units of the Chimera forces.
Aside from the stealthy Fennek, commanders will have the ability to make use of the multirole Terminator AFV and the Buratino MRL.
Section 03 - Ground Units
The forces of the Chimera military comes in a variety of forms and hail from all around the world.
Most Chimera forces fills a variety of roles, however as modularity is the main focus no unit is specialized in a certain field.

Unit #01 - Recon UGV:
Info: The Recon UGV is a modified Metal Storm drone equipped with geographical instruments for locating resources.

It is crucial that you use these to scout as much of your battlefield as possible, Commander.

Unit #02 - Felin:
Info: Baseline infantry armed with french FAMAS FELIN rifles, these soldiers will storm and occupy both neutral and hostile buildings.
They can also be used to seize enemy structures.

While good at eliminating and capturing infantry, they won't last long against other units.

Unit #03 - SAS:
Info: The british SAS has been kind enough to train expert marksmen enmasse, allowing Chimera commanders to field these devastating infantry units whenever they need.

SAS soldiers are equipped with a .50 anti-material rifle capable of tearing through infantry and vehicles alike, their only weakness is the lack of defenses from aerial units.

Unit #04 - Exo Soldier:
Info: Utilizing state-of-the-art military exoskeletons, these soldiers can dish out damage to almost any unit using their powerful weapons.

Their exoskeletons also allows the soldiers to cover distances faster than most infantry, making them good in combination with some vehicles.

Unit #05 - Grenadier:
Info: A two-man team with a Y3 automatic grenade launcher, Chimera grenadiers are exellent at holding key locations from enemy units.

Unit #06 - Puma AFV:
Info: The Puma Armored Fighting Vehicle is one of the ground-based workhorses of the Chimera forces.
Capable of engaging both air and ground targets, the Puma is as effective defensively as it is offensively,

Unit #07 - Pantsir Mobile AA:
Info: Pantsirs are fast and effective, while its main purpose is to keep the skies clear Chimera commanders have made a habit of disabling the turret safety locks, allowing the turret to engage any ground units that dare approach.

Unit #08 - Rhino:
Info: The Rhino is a mobile artillery unit that can fire while on the move, creating a great advantage as they can participate directly in assaults againts enemy forces.

Unit #09 - Namer APC:
Info: For transporting larger groups of infantry on the ground, Chimera forces rely on the Israeli-designed Namer Armored Personnel Carrier.

Like most Chimera units, the Namer focuses alot on modularity as it can be used to transport, heal and provide smoke cover.

Unit #10 - ADS:
Info: The Active Denial System is used by Chimera commanders to neutralize enemy infantry in a less bloody way, providing exellent opportunity to capture enemy forces.

Some commanders have taken this a step further, modifying their ADS's to target enemy forces occupying structures.

Unit #11 - Metal Storm:
Info: The Metal Storm is a weaponized drone equipped with optic camouflage and a devastating grenade launcher.

As is is very fast, it's not uncommon to see these units operate alongside vehicles or infantry.

Unit #12 - Fennek:
Info: The Fennek is a armored car equipped with a machinegun and optic camouflage as well as four passenger seats, allowing it to act as a stealth transport.

Unit #13 - Terminator AFV:
Info: The Terminator is a multirole vehicle used by the Chimera as a Main Battle Tank.
Equipped with a plethora of weapons, the Termiantor is sure to obliterate any hostiles it encounters.

Unit #14 - Buratino:
Info: When conventional artillery guns aren't enough, Chimera commanders can choose to deploy the Buratino multiple rocket launcher that uses devastating wepaonry in combination with an amazing range to turn enemy forces into dust.

Unit #22 - Crusher UGV:
Info: The Crusher Unmanned Ground Vehicle is a six-wheeled drone used to transport cargo between Chimera HQ's and refienries.

It can be upgraded with some armor skirts and a 12,4mm cannon for self-defense.

Unit #23 - Kodiak CV:
Info: The Kodiak Construction Vehicle is used by all Chimera forces to cosntruct structures.
Should an enemy destroy one of your Kodiaks, it will take some additional time untill the designated structure is finished.

Some commanders choose to modify their Kodiaks to be outfitted with optic camouflage and better weapons to prevent any possible delays.
Section 03.5 - Air & Advanced Units
Air Units

Unit #15 - Ninja:
Info: A japanes-made helicopter equipped with some impressive optic camouflage and radar system, the Ninja is any Chimera commander's eyes and ears in the sky.

Can be modified to carry some offensive air-to-air missiles.

Unit #16 - Tigre:
Info: The Tigre attack helicopter is one of two aerial workhorses of the Chimera military.
Capable of engaging both ground and air targets, this helicopter will make life sour for any hostile it comes across.

Used in groups or in combination with other units only adds to its effectiveness.

Unit #17 - Valor:
Info: Chimera commanders have one choice when it comes to airborne insertions and rescue operations: the Valor.
Capable of transporting either ten soldiers, two light vehicles or one heavy vehicle, the valor is sure to get the job done.

Unit #18 - Corax:
Info: Corax drones are used by Chimera commanders for intelligence gathering as they come equipped with optic camouflage and some highly sophisticated sensors.

Unit #19 - Pak FA:
Info: Pak FA fighter jets are used by the Chimera to dominate the skies.
Fast and efficient, the enemy will have little time to react when this air superiority fighter suddenly appears to remove any airborne threats.

Unit #20 - nEUROn:
Info: The Chimera nEUROn is the solution to most stationary ground-based targets that gives Chimera commanders problems.

NEUROn's are camouflaged UCAV's that will deliver a precision payload, perfect for taking out defenses or infantry.

One thing is certain: they won't see it coming.

Special Units

Unit #21 - Antey-2500:
Info: This russian-made tracked heavy vehicle is used to carry tactical intercpetion munition - also known as "nuke-killers".
While not very fast, the Antey can be used in variety of ways thanks to the fact that it can move.

It doesn't matter if the nuke is headed for your base or for your army; the Antey will make all the problems go away.
Section 04 - Advanced Structures
This section lists the more advanced structures at your disposal, Commander.

Most of these structures can provide game-changing options for the cunning tactician, including the flagship project of the Chimera: the Omega Blitzer.

Advanced Structure #01 - Ballistics Center:
Info: The Chimera Ballistics Center is used to produce and enhance the Antey-2500.
A vital structure to say the least, commanders are encouraged to keep it safe.

Advanced Structure #02 - Syntech Lab:
Info: Revolutionary advancements allows Chimera forces to construct this incredibly useful structure for producing aluminium.

Many commanders have been saved by this new technology in situations when all local resources have been exhausted.

Advanced Structure #03 - The Omega Blitzer:
Info: The UN committee once asked the Chimera administration if they had a weapon that could possibly end battles in a mere second.

Chimera said yes and presented the Omega Blitzer, a stationary artillery cannon with a very impressive range that turn anyone on the receiving end into dust, if even that.

To fire the Omega Blitzer, you will first need to construct ammunition for it.

Other Advanced Structures

Miscellaneous Advanced Structure #01 - Rare Earth Outpost:
Info: The Rare Earth Outpost is a modified outpost structure used to store Rare Earth Minerals.
Section 05 - Protocols
Chimera forces operate under three main protocols. Commanders will initially only have access to the Spear protocol which will provide them with the more basic units untill they are given authority to expand injto the Shield and Sword protocols.

Protocol #01 - Spear Protocol

The Spear protocol focuses on quick reaction and retaliation, granting access to base and light Chimera units.

Protocol #02 - Shield Protocol

The Shield protocol gives commanders access to a variety of defensive-oriented structures and research projects.

Protocol #03 - Sword Protocol

The Sword protocol grants access to the more offensive and heavier units of the Chimera forces, alongside research projetcs meant to enhance offensive capabilities.
Section 06 - Help & Support
For beginners I recommend reading some of the other Steam guides (found below) as well as asking around on the AoA forums.

"AoA 101" by LupisVolk:

"Getting started with Act of Aggression" by Amadeus:

For additional help and support with the game, be sure to ask around on the Steam forums as well. There's tons of other players out there, ready to help answer any question you might have!

If you feel like this guide requires additional info, fixing/adding/removing of any kind, please leave a comment! I would appreciate it greatly.
Section 07 - Advice
Advice #01 - Capturing POWs:
When attempting to capture POWs it is important to know that they will cease moving when your units approach.
Units capturing POWs are vulnerable when restraining the subject.

Please make sure to frisk POWs, keep an eye on them at all times!

Advice #02 - Resource Management:
Every commander needs to know the basis of resource management on the battlefield;
- Make sure not to overload your resource network by performing too many construction orders as resources are delegated out to each project.
- Keep your transports safe, a broken supply line is sometimes the only thing needed for an army to collapse.

Advice #03 - Resource Scouting:
It is crucial that you scout out as many resource locations as possible at the beginning of the game, not being able to see possible deposits can ruin even the most grizzled tactician.

Advice #04 - Recon:
Keeping tabs on your enemy is as crucial as resource scouting, if you don't know where your enemy is or what they are doing then how will you be able to plan accordingly?

Advice #05 - Base Defenses:
While the best defense might be a good offense, having some spare units or turrets watching over your base is never bad.

Because as you may know a cornered enemy can be driven to desperate tactics.

Advice #06 - United Forces:
When deploying a group of different units to a location, make sure to hold down Ctrl (Control) while right-clicking.
This will make all the currently selected units travel at the same pace, removing the risk of having some of the faster units charge head-first without support.

Beware though, groups travelling as convoys make great targets for airstrikes.
Author's Thanks
Thank you for reading this guide, I hope that it has been of some use to you wether if you're a greenhorn or a seasoned veteran.
I'd like to pass on my gratitude to Eugen Systems for making this game, thank you guys/gals!

Huge thanks to my friend Joazzz whom helped me out with the replication of the Chimera armed forces symbol used for the guide image, thank you!

Also, thanks to my friend Xieneus for the banner!

Last but not least I'd like to thank my family for supporting me whenever I do some form of writing; despite how nerdy it might be. Love you guys!

// Leon A.K.A Viper123_SWE

Titan Methos 19 Apr, 2022 @ 11:55am 
And Tips for fighting the Chimera...

The Chimera are the *DEFENSE* Specialists of the Three Factions. They lack the raw damage output and more powerful units of the Cartel and the US, but between their powerful turrets, advanced and cheap technologies, and greater sustainably between Outpost, Passive Prison Income, and Synthetics Labs, they are the Wall that can fight off any threat when played right.

The Chimera's Weakness, (other than the time they need to dig in and build up, which is universal,) is Air Superiority. They make up for it with the powerful ANTY, but the ANTY is a glass cannon that often reveals itself when firing on air units. After that's out of play, a swarm of fighters to take out Ninjas, and a legion of Bombers can break their line and obliterate their QRF. Nuke's can finish the base once all ANTY's are scrapped.
Titan Methos 19 Apr, 2022 @ 11:55am 
It is worth noting...

The ANTY is also an extremely powerful, long range Surface to Air Unit. Like the US's Patriot, it can engage incoming helicopters and aircraft from forever away (As long as you have something to detect the incoming craft. Which is where the ACC's AWAC upgrade comes in super handy...) The fact that it's mobile makes it the deadliest of the long range Anti-Air. As it can appear anywhere, then move before you can counter.

The Rhino's are not as powerful as other Artillery, but their Trajectory Computer upgrade will reveal hostile artillery that fires within their range, that they will then engage if not already tasked. That makes them the perfect counter-barrage specialists.

The PAK Fa's can be upgraded with Air-to-Ground Missiles, giving them Close Air Support capabilities, on top of being interceptors. Perfect for Covering your army while advancing. The trade off is that they are more expensive and fragile than the US's more specialized air units.
MentallyLatent 12 May, 2016 @ 1:35pm 
Seems like a legitimate tactic for Chimera
Viper Actual  [author] 12 May, 2016 @ 9:42am 
Blackguard 12 May, 2016 @ 9:34am 
How 2 Play Chimera:

Spam snipers with transports

If that fails, spam Terminators

Congrats you won, opponent gg'd out
MentallyLatent 7 Apr, 2016 @ 12:39pm 
I was just wondering, i dont play AoA much anyways.
Viper Actual  [author] 6 Apr, 2016 @ 11:51pm 
Not really much to update but I'll consider it.
MentallyLatent 6 Apr, 2016 @ 3:07pm 
Mmmmm update for the Reboot edition?
Viper Actual  [author] 25 Aug, 2015 @ 3:35am 
v a d e r 4 25 Aug, 2015 @ 1:50am 
go windows 10:steamhappy: