28 ratings
By JC7119
So I seen a few guides so far on how use grider deck, figured I'd post how I'd do it.
This a guide to how I put a Grinder build together. This is my first guide so if I didn't explain something well enough please let me know. The way I put this build together really revolves around new and old DLC. Fun part is this build uses fast movement, hard hitting weapons, alot of weapons stability, and a ton of accuracy. Basically it makes you Gensec killing, FBI murdering, death machine that the police really won't like :)
-Gage Weapon Pack #01
-Gage Courier Mod Pack
-Butcher Mod Pack
-AK/Car Pack
-Gage Shotgun Pack
-Sokol Character Pack
-Infamy V-100

Since the Grinder deck only works with a suit or light weight ballistic vest, I figured armor is better then none in this case.
So I have seen a lot of these builds have revolved around the new rifle. Although that rifle is truly fantastic it falls short in one very important way, magazine capacity.

My solution, the CAR-4. Although it lacks the rate of fire that Valkyria has, it makes up for it with 34 or 60 rounds depending on how you configure it. I personally like having the extra accuracy however this can be changed if you don't mind bringing the accuracy from 18 to 15.

The next weapon I use for my personal build is the Judge.

This beauty is your dozer and shield control. I have also found it useful switch to if you bleed the magazine on the CAR-4 and are surrounded. The HE rounds can knock back your enemies giving time to reload CAR-4 or if sufficent damage is done a quick stab can finish the job without bleeding to much of the precious HE ammo.
Skills and Perk Deck
In the next section we will be discussing the skill selection that I have chosen for my take on the grinder build. Odviously this will be using the Grinder Perk deck and it's health regen abilities.


Endurance (Aced)
Goes without saying, if you can't move and can't recover, you're dead.

Combat Medic (Aced)
The skill is handy for when you should people up, extra damage for you, which you may need if the person downed was surounded, but also good for them for the extra health on there revival.

Cable Guy (Aced)
You can never have to many hostages

Leadership (Aced)
This is an important one. One of the best parts to this build is the weapon stability. Having an aditional 50% is a good thing.

Dominator (1 Point)
This skill is very important for missions like Cookout where there are no civilians to take as a hostage. Being able to make LE your hostage has big advantages.

Spotter (1 Point)
Marking "Special Units" for an extra 15% goes without saying.

Combat Medic (Aced)
This is your support skill. Help your team, be a good friend, hell get your Obama mask achivement and Ace this skill.

Kilmer (Aced)
This skill is one of your best friends. It drops the reload time of your CAR down to under 2 seconds and allows for sprinting and reloading. Lets face it sometimes your killing, not being careful, and poof you're out of ammo. This skill lets you get out of harms way and give you that precious time to reload.

Inspire (Aced)
The ultimate support skill. The use of this skill should go without saying, but since this is a guide lets go through it. Reviving people through walls...Enough said...

Transporter (Aced)
Movement is key to helping keep you alive, if you are carrying a bag you wanna make sure you don't move to slow.

Diehard (Aced)
This skill has two benefits. One, you don't have to wait to pull out the judge in bleed out, and two is that you regen armor 15% faster. This puts your armor into regen in just under 3 seconds which is helpful.

Underdog (1 Point)
Some people put 2 points into this skill, however since you are already regenerating health lowering the damage you take isn't super important, dishing it out on the hand is nice.

Stun Resistance (Aced)
Tired of pesky flashbangs? Here's your solution.

This tree has no skill points spent in it.

Sprinter (Aced)
This is mainly for speed and stamina regen. Since we aren't running a dodge build the secondary effect isn't really useful.

Cat Burglar (1 point)
Because to much fall damage can be annoying.

Dead Presidents
Unfortunately this is just a wasted point that is needed.

Fast Hands (Aced)
This skill is useful to be able to pick up most things pretty quick, again never know when you will need to grab something under fire.

Cleaner (1 Point)
What hiester doesn't want an extra 5% damage against pesky specials?

Shinobi (1 Point)
Shinobi is all about movement speed. On the off chance you run out of stamina, don't wanna move slow do you?

Martial Arts (Aced)
Who doesn't wanna be Bruce Lee and beat people up?

SMG Specialist (1 Point)
For the way I have this build setup this is needed to get up the tree, however if you plan on not using a judge, this could be very useful when combined with Kilmer.

SIlent Killer (Aced)
Essential. This is where 30% of your damage is coming from.

The Professional (Aced)
This is the complementing skill to the Silent Killer. As nice as 30% damage being able to put shot after shot into enemies without having to remove your finger from the trigger. 50% more acuracy and stability as well as an additional 15% change to pierce armor bringing the chance to pierce armor to 60%.

Thick Skin
Since you will be using a lightweight ballistic vest, this skill helps keep you alive giving you an extra 20 armor.

Run and Gun
Movement speed bonus goes without saying. Unhindered movement speed is also a huge plus when there are multiple targets.
Play Style and Conclusion
This build is the definition of a run and gun deck. High speed heavy and heavy hitting is the key to making this build perfect. If the armor drops and your health starts to drop just take cover for a second, reload, and get right back in the fight with more health. I personally love playing this build and think that people can have alot of fun with this. Thank you for reading and looking forward to your comments. Happy hiesting everyone!
Reiddonith 23 Jul, 2016 @ 12:28pm 
Maybe update this build a bit?
[RIP] hYx 6 Jun, 2016 @ 3:29am 
try a shotgun grinder style and you'll see that rate of fire is not important at all
[RIP] hYx 6 Jun, 2016 @ 3:27am 
how do you kill snipers with only 18 accuraccy..personnaly i prefer Asval...60 accuracy 100 headshot everythings and you can deal with snipers and you don't need high rate of fire with fact you need less, because of the cooldown between your regen
JC7119  [author] 29 Jul, 2015 @ 7:55pm 
@Naja Hage, curious what you would have done differently to increase survivability.
Tridek 25 Jul, 2015 @ 12:06pm 
You're going to get your ass whooped if you try this on DW, no surviveability at all.
Monkey King 22 Jul, 2015 @ 8:04pm 
Not a bad build at all. I think why some of the people are trying to use the Valkyrie (probably spelt that wrong) over the CAR-4 is because it's new and less mainstream...Unlike the CAR. When you add a CAR-4 to a build, it becomes a great build, but not a unique one weapon wise. Other than that, good job.