Moonbase Alpha

Moonbase Alpha

653 个评价
Moonbase Alpha - ULTIMATE Text to Speech Handbook
由 jk3 制作
The ultimate guide for all your Moonbase Alpha needs! Songs, commands, and more! Created by davidjl123/jk3.

Our steam group is "John Madden's Server of Science"!

If you have something to submit to the Guide, such as a song, feel free to leave the suggestion in the comments!
Moonbase Alpha - Ultimate Handbook

This handbook is a comprehensive document including:

- All the Moon Tunes you need!
- How to copy and paste messages into chat!
- How to use AutoHotkey scripts to automatically copy and paste!
- How to ban griefers from your server!
- How to access MBAOS!

Coming soon:

- How to code/create Moon Tunes!
- How to enable and use Text to Speech!
- Text to Speech voices and commands!
- How to create a server!
- How to create a dedicated server!
- Controls!
- How to play and win Lunar Base Alpha!
- How to play and win Text Island Alpha!
- Frequently asked questions + troubleshooting!
- More!

Our steam group is "John Madden's Server of Science" (where the memes are born)!

The "John Madden Simulator", which emulates the Moonbase Alpha text-to-speech in Twitch:
[CONSOLE] Moonbase Cheats! - How to Enable and Use the Console
Moonbase Alpha has a normally inaccessible developers' console that allows you to use cheat commands that make gameplay more interesting!

The console must be activated by manually changing the MoonBaseAlphaInput.ini file.

Enabling the Console (Setting the Keybinds)

Go to:
- C:\Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Moonbase Alpha\MoonBaseAlphaGame\Config
(Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10)

- C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Moonbase Alpha\MoonBaseAlphaGame\Config
(Windows 2000, XP)

ALTERNATE LOCATION (If the console does not work after you have modified it, try this one):

- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\moon base alpha\MoonBaseAlphaGame\Config
(Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10)

- C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\moon base alpha\MoonBaseAlphaGame\Config
(Windows 2000, XP)


Now, open MoonBaseAlphaInput.ini with a text editor.

Find where it says:


Change it to:


Now RESTART the game if you have it running, then SAVE the document.


Activating Cheats

Start or join a game, and press either Tilde or Tab (doesn't matter which) to open the console.

(Tilde is the squiggly key usually to the left of 1.)

- Tab opens up a simple box where you can enter commands.
- Tilde opens up the same text box, but also includes commands history.

Now, type "allowcheats" (without quotes) in the console. This will allow cheat usage.



Console Commands

Example Usage
Makes a random damaged coupler go critical.
Enables cheats.
Makes all characters (including spawned MBA_pawns) dance. Type again to switch between dance moves.
Closes Moonbase Alpha.
Allows the user to fly.
Sets your field of view (normal 100, maximum 170).
Allows to user to fly and go through everything.
Makes the player jump.
When used while riding a 2-occupant rover, the user becomes the driver and takes over.
Triggers the losing screen as if you weren't able to get enough oxygen in time.
Opens a map locally.
open mba_transition
Allows the camera to orbit around the player. Type again to return to normal camera mode.
Pauses/freezes the game for everyone in the server. Type again to unpause/unfreeze.
Closes Moonbase Alpha.
Disconnects from the server and immediately rejoins.
Repairs everything, including couplers, power cables, power distributor items, and life support system items.
Destroys all damaged couplers.
Types a message in chat.
say Hello World!
Allows you to bind any key to any command.
setbind h spawncar
Changes your name in-game temporarily.
setname John Madden
Changes your player color. Example usage: "setplayercolor 4286f4" (using hex)
setname John Madden
Increases/decreases the game speed.
slomo 4
Spawns a rover.
Spawns a robot with a welder attachment.
Displays the game info depending on the command. See below for valid command usages.
stat fps
Spawns the item specified. Items that can be spawned are mentioned below.
summon hose
Teleports your character to where your cursor is pointed.
Cancels ghost and fly effects.
Triggers the winning screen as if you reached 100% total oxygen.

A list of ALL COMMANDS for the console can be viewed here:


Commands That Work Anytime

These commands work even if not all the players have typed "allowcheats" into their consoles.

- allowcheats
- fov
- orbitcam
- say
- setname
- stat


Summonable Items

These items can be spawned with the "summon" command.

Item Code
A beacon.
A coupler.
A power cable/hose/tube.
The entry way to the command center. (warning: people who enter will be unable to exit).
A power cable socket (unusable).
A lunar rover/car.
An astronaut character.
A coupler.
A relay connection (which normally connects the power supply to the life support system).
A solar array.
A socket where one can insert a solar panel.
A robot with an arm attachment.
A lunar rover/car.
A solar panel.
A tool box.
A welding torch.
A wrench.
[CONSOLE] The Statistics Commands
The "stat" command can be used to show game information such as frames per second (FPS), performance, and more.

These are the commands.

stat anim
stat audio
stat beamparticles
stat canvas
stat characterlighting
stat collision
stat d3d9rhi
stat d3d10rhi
stat decals
stat defaultstatgroup
stat engine
stat facefx
stat fluids
stat fps
stat fpschart
stat game
stat levels
stat memory
stat meshparticles
stat net
stat octree
stat particles
stat pathfinding
stat physics
stat physicscloth
stat physicsfields
stat scenerendering
stat sceneupdate
stat script
stat shadercompiling
stat streaming
stat trailparticles
stat ui


Statistics Lists

stat list groups (This command groups of stats)
stat list sets (This command lists saved sets)
stat list group (This command lists specific stats within a specified group)


Saved Statistics Sets

When these are entered, the games pulls up two or more statistics groups at once. Therefore, these need two or more commands to reverse.

stat ld
stat memlean

To exit "stat ld":
Type "stat audio", "stat decals", "stat engine", "stat fpschart", "stat memory", "stat scenerendering", and "stat streaming".

To exit "stat memlean":
Type "stat audio" and "stat memory".
How to Copy and Paste Messages (such as moon tunes)
The Moonbase Alpha chat window has the ability to copy and paste messages into it.

You can copy messages (Ctrl+C), and then paste them into the game by going into the chat window and pressing Ctrl+V.

It's that easy!

If you see a square (like this: □) at the end of your pasted messages, then take it out. Squares, when entered, mess up the chat window in a way that new messages cannot be seen. Scrolling or rejoining the server will help fix this.
The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)









2001: A Space Odyssey (Also sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss):


[bah<200,8>][bah<200,13>][bah<200,8>][bah<200,13>][bah<200,8>][bah<200,13>] [bah<200,8>][bah<800,1>]


[bah<200,8>][bah<200,13>][bah<200,8>][bah<200,13>][bah<200,8>][bah<200,13>] [bah<200,8>][bah<800,1>]




2001: A Space Odyssey (Also sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss) [ALTERNATE]:


Take Me Out to the Ball Game (coded by w4tche):




[ay<500,22>,<500,20>dow<500,22>k ae<500,22>r rixih<500,24>fay<500,25>eh<500,27>vrx<500,24>gih<500,22>tbae<500,20>k]



[ae<500,19>tx dhax<500,20> ow<1500,22>lxd baa<1500,24>lx gey<2000,25>m<100,25>_<500,20>]

Take Me Out to the Ball Game [VARIANT] (Take Me Out to the Gay Bar):


Dramatic Choir Now with John Madden:

Dram[aa<250,21>] matic [hxae<250,26>]coir[hxae<250,28>]na[aa<450,29>][aa<200,26>]with jonh[mae<900,24>deh<1000,26>nn]

John Madden Choir (coded by a_pants_wizard AKA Headcrab addict):



John Madden Choir [VARIANT 1] (coded by a_pants_wizard):


[buw<400,20>uw<800,25>uw<400,24>uw<400,25>uw<800,20 >uw<400,18>uw<800,17>uw<800,15>biy<800,13>s]

John Madden Choir [VARIANT 2] (coded by a_pants_wizard):


[gey<400,20>ih<800,25>ih<400,24>ih<400,25>ih<800,20 >ih<400,18>ih<800,17>ih<800,15>beh<800,13>n]

My Little Pony Cupcakes Song (coded by a_pants_wizard):

[s<1,20>]all you have to do is[s<1,24>]take a[s<1,22>]cup[s<1,20>]of[s<1,22>]flah[s<1,20>]wer[s<1,25>]add[s<1,20>]it[s<1,25>]to

[s<1,29>]mix.[s<1,20>]now just take a little[s<1,24>]something[s<1,22>]sweet[s<1,20>]not[s<1,22>]sah[s<1,20>]wer[s<1,25>]a bit

[s<1,20>]of[s<1,25>]salt[s<1,27>]just a[s<1,29>]pinch.[s<1,30>]bakeing these treats is[s<1,29>]such[s<1,27>]a[s<1,25>]sinch

[s<1,25>]add a[s<1,27>]tea[s<1,20>]spoon[s<1,24>]of[s<1,27>]vah[s<1,29>]nill[s<1,25>]ah.[s<1,30>]add a little more and you

[s<1,29>]count[s<1,27>]to[s<1,25>]four and you[s<1,27>]neh[s<1,22>]ver[s<1,27>]get[s<1,31>]your[s<1,32>]fill[ah<400,32>]

Batman 1966 TV theme:


Dynamite [VARIANT] (Saying Ayo, I'm in Space, Yo) (coded by a_pants_wizard):

[_<1,29>]I throw my hoe[_<1,27>]zez[_<1,25>]in[_<1,27>]the[_<1,29>]air[_<1,20>]some[_<1,22>]times[_<1,25>]say[_<1,27>]ing


A-Team Theme:




Party Rock:



[aa<200,20>ndwiy<200,11>gah<200,11>nmay<200,11>kyuw<200,11>]ool [uw<500,23>]ooze[yuw<200,23>]or[may<700,21>]ind


[wiy<200,16>]eej[uh<200,18>stwaa<200,20>nuh<200,18>siy<200,16>aa<200,18>][:dv hs 200]SHAKE THAT[:np]

National Anthem of Russia:







Call Me Maybe:

[s<1,20>]hey.[s<1,12>]eye[s<1,15>]just[s<1,20>]met[s<1,15>]you.[s<1,12>]and this[s<1,15>]is[s<1,24>]creh[eh<200,24>]e[s<1,20>]Z

[s<1,20>]but[s<1,24>]here's[s<1,25>]my[s<1,24>]numb[s<1,20>]ber.[s<1,20>]so[s<1,24>]call[s<1,22>]me may[s<1,20>]be

Call Me Maybe [ALTERNATE]:


[s<1,20>]but[s<1,24>]here's[s<1,25>]my[s<1,24>]numb[s<1,20>]ber.[s<1,20>]so[s<1,24>]call[s<1,22>]me. may[s<1,20>]be


[_<1,20>]but[_<1,24>]here's[_<1,25>]my[_<1,24>]num[_<1,20>]ber[_<800,20>]so[_<1,24>]call[_<1,22>]me mey[_<1,20>]be
MOON TUNES/SONGS (Singing) (Part 2)
I am Glad, 'cause I'm Finally Returning Back Home (Trololo):











Daisy Bell (coded by a_pants_wizard) (12 Aug 2012):







Daisy Bell [ALTERNATE] (coded by Vonje) (10 Aug 2012):



Whaling Tune (coded by a_pants_wizard) (2012):


[_<1,22>]but there[_<1,23>]aint no[_<1,15>]whales[_<1,23>]so we[_<1,22>]tell tall[_<1,18>]tales and

[_<1,20>]sing our[_<1,18>]whale[_<1,17>]ing[_<1,18>]tune

Portal - Still Alive:













Portal - Still Alive [ALTERNATE]:

[thih<150,20>]ihs [wao<150,19>]s [aa<150,17>] tra[aa<125,17>]i [uh<150,19>]umf

[_<150,10>]I'm [_<150,20>]make [ih<150,19>]ing [aa<150,17>] [nao<275,17>]oat [_<250,19>]here

[_<200,15>]huge [suh<50,17>]uhks [eh<600,10>]s

[_<150,10>]It's ha[aa<300,17>]ard [_<150,19>]to [ow<450,20>] vu[uh<150,17>]ur [_<150,13>]state

[may<450,15>] sa[aa<300,17>] [tih<125,10>]ihs fa[aa<300,10>]ack shuh[uh<600,19>]un

[aa<150,20>] [per<200,19>] cha[aa<150,17>]ur sa[aa<125,17>]i [uh<150,19>]uns

[_<150,10>]We [_<150,20>]do [waa<150,19>]at [_<150,17>]we muh[uh<405,17>]ust

[_<150,19>]be [kuh<450,15>]uz [_<50,17>]we [kaa<450,10>]anne

[fow<300,17>]or [_<150,19>]the [guh<450,20>]ud [uh<150,17>]of [aw<200,14>]all [_<150,15>]of [uh<255,17>]us

[eh<150,10>]eks [eh<125,15>]ept [_<150,17>]the wu[uh<220,18>]uns [_<10,17>]who [aa<125,15>]r deh[eh<100,13>]ed

Portal - Still Alive [ALTERNATE] (Bass Line):

[aa<300,10>] [aa<300,15>] [aa<300,19>] [aa<300,15>] [aa<300,12>] [aa<300,15>] [aa<300,19>] [aa<300,15>]

Snooper Mario Bros.:


[smow<450,9>][kwiy<400,4>]eed [eh<450,1>][vriy<300,6>][dey<300,8>][dey<150,7>][dey<300,6>]


[dey<600,8>][smow<450,9>][kwiy<400,4>]eed [eh<450,1>][vriy<300,6>][dey<300,8>][dey<150,7>][dey<300,6>]


[dey<300,8>][smow<150,16>][kwiy<125,15>]eed [eh<150,14>][vriy<300,12>][dey<300,13>][dey<150,5>][dey<150,6>][dey<300,9>]

[dey<150,6>][dey<150,9>][dey<300,11>][smow<150,16>][kwiy<125,15>]eed [eh<150,14>][vriy<300,12>][dey<300,13>]


[smow<150,16>][kwiy<125,15>]eed [eh<150,14>][vriy<300,12>][dey<300,13>][dey<150,5>][dey<150,6>][dey<300,9>][dey<150,6>]


Happy Birthday to You:





Happy Birthday to You [ALTERNATE] (coded by davidjl123):





They see me rolling:

They see me [row<400,13>ll<50>ih<400,10>n<100>_<400>] They [hxey<400,13>tih<400,15>n<100>]

Let's smoke weed (coded by w4tche):



MOON TUNES/SONGS (Singing) (Part 3)
Skyrim Theme (coded by PurpleGentleman) (22 Sep 2012):














Skyrim Theme [ALTERNATE]:








Star Wars Theme:



The Star Spangled Banner:

[ow<200,18>ow<200,15> sey<400,11> kae<400,15>n yu<400,18>w siy<600,23>]

[bay<350,27> dhah<50,25> dao<400,23>nz rr<400,15>ll iy<400,17> llay<600,18>t]

[wah<200>t sow<200> praw<600,27>dlliy<200,25> wiy<400,23> hxey<400,22>eld]

[ae<300,20>t dhah<100,22> tway<400,23> llay<400>ts llae<400,18>st glliy<400,15>m iy<200,11>nx]

[hxuw<300,18>z brao<100,15>d stray<400,11>ps ae<400,15>nd bray<400,18>t stah<600,23>rz]

[thruw<300,27> dhah<100,25> peh<400,23> rrel<400,15> ah<400,17>s fay<600,18>t]

[ow<200,18>r dhah<200,18> rrae<600,27>mpah<200,25>rts wiy<400,23> waa<600,22>cht]

[wrr<300,20> sow<100,22> gae<400,23>llah<400>ent lliy<400,18> striy<400,15>miy<200,11>nx]

[ae<300,27>nd dhah<100> raa<400> keh<400,28>ts r eh<400,30>d glley<700>r]

[dhah<100,28> baa<400,27>mz brr<400,25>stih<400,27>nx ih<400,28>n ey<600>r]

[gey<400,28>v pruw<600,27>f thruw<200,25> dhah<400,23> nay<900,22>t]

[dhae<300,20>d aw<100,22>rr fllae<400,23>g wah<400,15> stih<400,17>ll dheh<600,18>r]

[ow<400> sey<400,23> dah<400>z dhae<200,23>ae<200,22>t stah<400,20>r spae<400>ngel<400>d]

[bae<400,25>nrr<200,28>rr<200,27> yxeh<200,25>eh<200,23>t wey<800,23>ey<150,25>ey<150,23>ey<1200,22>v]

[fow<300,18>rdhah<300> llae<900,23>ae<400,25>nd ah<300,27>v dhah<300,28> friy<1000,30>]

[ae<300,23>nd dhah<300,25> hxow<1000,27>m]

[ah<300,28>v dhah<1000,25> brrey<1500,23>v]

In the Hall of the Mountain King:



MLP Smile Song:

[_<1,15>]my[_<1,20>]name is[_<1,22>]pink[_<1,25>]E[_<1,24>]pie.[_<1,15>]and[_<1,20>]I am[_<1,22>]here to[_<1,20>]say

[_<1,19>]i'm[_<1,20>]gah nah[_<1,22>]make[_<1,20>]you[_<1,27>]smile[_<250,24>]and I, will[_<1,25>]bri[_<1,24>]ten[_<1,25>]up


[_<1,19>]it[_<1,20>]doesn't[_<1,22>]mah[_<1,25>]tur[ah<1,24>]now.[_<1,15>]if[_<1,20>]you, are[_<1,22>]sad or[_<1,20>]blue

[_<1,19>]cause[_<1,20>]cheering[_<1,22>]up,[_<1,20>]my[_<1,27>]friends[_<1,24>]is just what,[_<1,25>]pink[_<1,24>]ease



[_<1,20>]Yes[_<1,24>]I[_<1,22>]do.[_<1,20>]it[_<1,29>]fills[_<1,27>]my heart[_<1,24>]with[_<1,25>]sun[_<1,24>]shine

[_<1,22>]all[_<1,24>]the[_<1,20>]while, yes[_<1,24>]it[_<1,22>]does.[_<1,20>]cuz[_<1,29>]all[_<1,27>]I ril[_<1,24>]E


[_<1,20>]from[_<1,22>]these[_<1,24>]happy friends[_<1,22>]of[_<1,20>]mine.

MLP Find a Way:

[ay<200,18> hxae<400,20> ftuw<400,18> fay<400,15> ndey<400,18> wey<800,18> _<400,1>]

[tuw<200,18> mey<400,20> kthih<400,18> sah<400,15> llow<400,13> key<800,11> _<200,1>]

[ay<200,23> kae<200,23> ntbiy<200,23> lliy<200,22> vthih<400,18> smah<400,15> llmih<400,20> stey<800,18> k]

[kuh<200,15> dah<200,18> vkah<200,18> zdsow<400,15> mah<400,11> chhxah<400,13> rtey<400,11> k_<200,1> ow<400,11> way<2800,18>]

[:nh][ah<2800,27> _<800,1> ah<2800,27>][:np]

[ow<400,11> wah<1000,18> iy<200,16> ah<200,15> iy<200,16> ay<1200,15>]

[lluw<800,18> zih<800,22> ngprah<800,23> mih<800,20> s]

[ay<200,23> dow<400,28> ntnnow<400,27> wah<400,23> ttuw<400,27> duw<1600,25>]

[siy<800,20> kiy<800,23> ngae<800,25> nsah<800,22> rs]

[ay<200,27> fiy<400,28> ray<400,27> wow<400,25> ntgih<400,23> t_thruw<1200,20> _<400,1> tuw<400,18> yu<1600,18>]

MLP theme [variant 1]:



MLP theme [variant 2]:




MLP theme [variant of variant 2] (My Little Football):



[jhah<499,24>][aa<499,26>][aa<499,27>]n [mae<499,29>][deh<900,27>]n

MLP theme [variant 3]:

[.<0,19>may<600,22>] little[ao<0,17>]paw[ao<0,22>]oni[.<0,15>may<600,17>]little[ao<0,14>]paw[ao<0,10>]oni

Auld Lang Syne (coded mostly by davidjl123):




MOON TUNES/SONGS (Singing) (Part 4)











Windows XP Startup:


Scooby Doo Theme:







Indiana Jones Theme:
















Reading Rainbow Theme (coded by brithall) (25 May 2013):


[_<1,14>]I can go [_<1,12>]twice[_<200,19>]as[_<1,17>]high





[_<400,26>]N[_<80,22>]E[_<80,17>]E Where





[_<400,26>]N[_<80,22>]E[_<80,17>]E Thing






Uchuu Kyoudai (coded by brithall) (5 Jun 2013):


[_<2225,14>]I'm walking on air[_<1,19>]and[_<1,14>]it[_<333,14>]feels so good


[_<1200,12>]first [_<1,10>]love

[_<2225,14>]Theres no left or right [_<1,19>]and[_<1,14>]it[_<333,14>]feels so good

Pop Goes the Weasel (coded mostly by davidjl123):





Rebecca Black - Friday:



David Bowie - Space Oddity (Moonbase Oddity) (coded by MikeCothren) (7 Jan 2014) [VARIANT 1]:

David Bowie - Space Oddity (Moonbase Oddity) (coded by davidjl123) (29 May 2014) [VARIANT 2]:

I have just lost The Game (coded by Shadowhawk712) (10 Jun 2014):


Legend of Zelda: Song of Storms (coded by Br0shaan) (28 Sep 2013):









Chocolate Rain - unfinished (coded by Br0shaan) (28 Sep 2013):




[may<300,11> ney<400,16> mih<100,16> zpih<300,18> nkiy<500,21> pay<400,20>]

[ae<300,11> nday<400,16> ae<100,16> mhxiy<300,18> rtuw<500,18> sey<400,16>]

[ay<300,15> mgah<300,16> nah<150,16> mey<400,18> kyxuw<300,16> smay<300,23> llae<100,20> nday<500,20>]

[wih<300,20> llbray<200,21> teh<150,20> nah<250,21> pyxrr<300,20> dey<500,18> ey<200,16> ey<200,20> ey<400,18>]

[ih<300,11> tdah<350,16> zih<150,16> ntmae<300,18> trr<450,21> nnaw<400,20>]

[ih<300,11> fyxuw<400,16> ah<150,16> rsae<300,18> dow<450,18> rblluw<400,16>]

[kah<300,15> zchiy<300,16> rih<150,16> ngah<400,18> pmay<300,16> freh<300,23> ndsih<100,20> sjhah<400,20> st]

[wah<300,20> tpih<300,21> nkiy<170,20> s_hxiy<300,21> rtuw<300,20> duw<600,18>]

[kah<300,16> zah<400,25> ay<200,23> llah<200,23> vtuw<200,20> mey<300,21> kyxuw<200,20>]

[smay<400,18> llsmay<500,20> llsmay<300,16> ll]

[yxeh<100,16> say<300,20> duw<500,18> _<800,1> ih<300,16> tfih<300,25> llsmay<150,23> hxah<300,23> rtwih<300,20> th]

[sah<300,21> nshay<200,20> nah<400,18> llthah<500,20> way<300,16> ll_<800,1> yxeh<100,16> sih<200,20> tdah<500,18> s]

[kah<300,16> zah<300,25> llay<200,23> rih<300,23> lliy<300,20> niy<300,21> dsah<100,20>]

[smay<300,18> llsmay<500,20> llsmay<400,16> ll]

[frah<300,16> mthiy<100,18> s_hxae<300,20> piy<400,20> freh<500,20> ndsah<300,18> vmay<300,16> n]
MOON TUNES/SONGS (Singing) (Part 5)
JonTron Theme:








Jon Madden! [aa<150,999>]eiou

John Madden Tune:


Flux Pavilion - I Can't Stop (2015):




Taylor Swift - Bad Blood (coded by w4tche) (16 Jul 2015):




Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (coded by davidjl123):





















Wonderful day no?:

Oh, [aa<100,30>] it's a wonderful [aa<100,25>] day no? [aa<100,27>] The sun shining on this glor [aa<100,29>] ee us moon!

Yar har:


Oh yeah:


Supertramp - Breakfast in America (coded by w4tche) (17 Jul 2015):



Crystal Johns (coded by Rapistsanta) (12 Jul 2015):

[_<1,14>]WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [_<1,24>] AAAAARE [_<1,22>] THE[_<1,20>] KRIS[_<1,22>]TAAAAAL [_<1,19>]JAAAHNS



[_<1,17>]WHEEEEEEL[_<1,24>]AAAALL[_<1,22>]WAYS[_<1,20>]FUH AINDE[_<1,22>]EH[_<1,20>]BAY

[_<1,14>]THATS [_<1,24>] WUHAAAAI [_<1,22>] THE[_<1,20>] PEA[_<1,22>]PEL[_<200,24>]aawf[_<150,22>]THIIIIIH[SS][_<100,19>]MOOOON


[_<1,24>]FOOT[_<1,22>]BALL [_<200,20>]GEYH[_<100,19>]EH[_<1,20>]BEN[_<1000,17>]AND[_<1,24>]aeiou


Andrew Gold - Spooky Scary Skeletons (coded by davidjl123) (19 Jul 2015):





























Andrew Gold - Spooky Scary Skeletons [Alternate]:




MOON TUNES/SONGS (Singing) (Part 6)
Smash Mouth - All Star (coded by PurpleGentleman) (26 Jul 2015):

Old version. Newer version below.







Mulan - I'll Make a Man Out of You:








George Michael - Careless Whisper:



Spiderman 1967 TV theme:






Fun - Some Nights:



Bette Midler - The Rose (coded by PurpleGentleman) (4 Nov 2012):







Bette Midler - The Rose (Alternate):


Space Invaders (coded by XzTS) (14 Mar 2015):


Capital Cities - Safe and Sound (coded by davidjl123) (18 Jul 2015):







Imgur (coded by TheHystericalGaming) (28 Sep 2015):

(This supposedly leads to an Imgur link. Details unknown.)

(Linked in an annotation featured in "A Signal from the Moon" by TheHystericalGaming)





[kah<200,10>][pih<200,10>][txah<200,10>ll]y ayy [dah<200,10>t][piy<200,10>][eh<200,10>n][jhiy<200,10>]

Shaman King Theme (coded by Rapistsanta) (30 Aug 2015):
































Sia - Chandelier (coded by Cufflux) (7 Apr 2016):




Undertale - Toriel's Theme (coded by TryHard Videos) (22 Oct 2015):

John Cena:


MOON TUNES/SONGS (Singing) (Part 7)
Pep & Rash - Fatality (by Markus Kjær) (24 May 2016):



R3hab & Quintino – Freak (by Markus Kjær) (24 May 2016):





Hotline Bling (by Markus Kjær) (24 May 2016):



Skrillex - Kyoto (by Markus Kjær) (24 May 2016):[/b]





Motivation (by Markus Kjær) (24 May 2016):



Swedish House Mafia - One (Your Name) (by Markus Kjær) (24 May 2016):





Avicii - Waiting for Love (by Markus Kjær) (24 May 2016):





Tiёsto - Red Lights (by Markus Kjær) (24 May 2016):





Please read the channel description (by Reithe) (6 Nov 2016):

[plx<150,20>iy<150,20>s<150,20> r<150,13>iy<100,13>d<10,13>_<400,13>]


You Reposted in the Wrong Neighborhood (by Moonman) (9 Feb 2017):


We are Number One (by karambitlorefaknewstattrak) (26 May 2017):




JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Bloody Stream (by Wait8X) (fixed by davidjl123) (23 Apr 2017):











Darude: Sandstorm (by davidjl123) (17 Jul 2017):

Smash Mouth: All Star (by davidjl123) (17 Jul 2017):























Jona Lewie - Stop the Cavalry (by BreadBull) (31 Jul 2017):









MOON TUNES/SONGS (Singing) (Part 8)
Macintosh Plus "Lisa Frank 420 / Modern Computing" (by Naftzger Inc.) (24 Jan 2018):



Muse "Knights of Cydonia" (FoxChaotica) (fixed by davidjl123):


NFL on Fox Theme:


Back to the Future v1:


Back to the Future v3:


Windows XP Startup (Alternate):


Take on Me:


The Beatles - Yesterday (John Madden) (coded by General Anubis) (20 Sep 2018):


CaptainSparklez - Revenge (coded by davidjl123) (11 Aug 2019):



Arpeggione Sonata (coded by thonkery) (23 Jun 2020):


Megalovania (coded by Lemon) (1 Apr 2020):


Fireflies (coded by krynil):


Yellow Submarine (coded by krynil):



MOON TUNES/SONGS (Singing) (Part 9)
Baka Mitai (by davidjl123) (2020/10/04):


Evangelion: Cruel Angel's Thesis (by MikeCothren) (2015/04/27):









Transformers (by DieselCrab) (2014/03/22):



Meg & Dia - Monster (by xomdjl_) (2021/05/29):



Super Mario Bros. theme:

[:tone 165,200][:tone 165,400][:tone 165,400][:tone 131,200][:tone 165,400][:tone 196,800][:tone 98,1000]

Keyboard Cat:




Tetris (coded by davidjl123) (14 Jul 2015):







Tetris [ALTERNATE] (2012):

[:t 430,500][:t 320,250][:t 350,250][:t 390,500][:t 350,250][:t 330,250][:t 290,500][:t 290,250][:t 350,250][:t 430,500]

The Final Countdown (coded by davidjl123) (14 Jul 2015):



The Stars and Stripes Forever (coded by davidjl123) (14 Jul 2015):










Funky Town (2012):

[:t 520,250][:t 520,250][:t 460,250][:t 520,500][:t 390,500][:t 390,250][:t 520,250][:t 700,250][:t 660,250][:t 520,500]

Pokemon / Pokémon Theme (coded by a_pants_wizard):





Metal Gear Solid (coded by Beegee7730) (11 Aug 2012):

[:tone 190,500][:tone 170,500][:tone 150,750][:tone 170,300][:tone 190,300][:tone 130,300][:tone 190,500][:tone 170,500]

JonTron Theme (coded by davidjl123) (15 Jul 2015):





Nokia (by BreadBull) (16 Oct 2017):


Using an AutoHotkey Script to Send Messages at a Fast Rate
Ever think it would be pretty cool to be able to send multiple messages quick and easy, without having to tediously copy and paste each one? You're in luck, it is possible!

Using a program called AutoHotkey can allow this to happen, giving you to ability to send messages automatically without having to copy and paste.

To be able to do this, songs need to be converted into a script. You can download pre-made scripts made by the community below.

Normally, exiting a script is done by right clicking the green "H" square in the Taskbar and selecting "Exit".

"The Singing Maddens" by SOE

Alt + (key) is used for single-line phrases currently.
Ctrl + (key) is used for songs with several lines you would normally have to copy and paste individually, and will time each next line to make it sound as smooth as possible. This is the fun part.

Working Hotkeys:
Alt: b, e, f, g, m, p, s, t
Ctrl: a, d, f, i, m, n, o, p, q, r, u, w, y


The Singing Maddens forum post:

Download The Singing Maddens (0.2):
Banning Players - How To
Note: Banning players is believed to have a risk of momentarily cutting off the server's connection. Beware!

We know that feeling. People killing your chat with time zones and spam, without any sign of stopping. People just being a total nuisance.

Sometimes you wish there was a "ban" option in Moonbase Alpha. Well, believe it or not, it is possible. Now, with a simple program, now you can successfully deny them from your server forever!


- A dedicated server
- PeerBlock (

Obtaining the IP

First of all, you will have to be hosting a dedicated server for this. Sorry, but hosting a regular server won't work for this!

In your dedicated server MBA console, each time a player joins your server, their IP will be logged. To find the IP, you will most likely have to scroll up to find it (this is the hardest part). Use the image above for reference.

Creating a Banlist/Blacklist

For this part, you will need a program called PeerBlock ( This is a free program that allows you to "control who your computer 'talks to' on the Internet". In this case, we will use it to ban the troublemaker.

Once you have finished installing PeerBlock, open it.

On the top menu of your window, select "List Manager" (highlighted in blue).

Next, in the new window, click the "Create List" button on the bottom.

A "Create List" window will then pop up. Put anything you want in the description (eg. "MoonbaseBanlist").

Then, select the location of the .p2p file and name it anything you want (eg. "MBAbanlist").

Select the type option to "Block". (IMPORTANT)

Press OK.

Banning/Blacklisting the IP

In the List Manager window, select the ban list you have just created, and click the "View" button.

Now, in the new List window, click the "Add" button.

Name the Range anything you want (eg. the username of the troublemaker), and put both of the Starting and Ending IPs the IP of the person you want to ban.

Voila! You are done!
Glitching Power Cables/Hoses
You will need two people (you, and another person).

Supplies needed:
- Power cable/hose
- Coupler

[COMMAND CENTER] (MBAOS) Moonbase Alpha Operating System
In the Command Center, you can access the Moonbase Alpha Operating System (MBAOS), a neat little easter egg.

MBAOS is accessed by selecting the top right monitor inside the Command Center and selecting "Access MBAOS".

You will see a console-like interface.


Clears all lines of text.
Exits MBAOS.
Shows a list of commands.
Shows a list of games.
Opens the text-based adventure game Lunar Base Alpha. Type 'exit' to exit.
Opens the text-based adventure game Text Island Alpha. Type 'exit' to exit.
163 条留言
Beatrix 7 月 13 日 上午 7:13 
Part of the ending chorus of Red Vox - Memories Lie.




Stefanski 6 月 15 日 下午 4:19 
john madden choir fuck you version
dkobeissi09 3 月 16 日 下午 8:42 
dkobeissi09 3 月 16 日 下午 8:42 
Hala hala get dolla
Souper 2 月 1 日 下午 9:23 
Extended version of 'NFL on FOX' (Take 3)
The Great Destiny 2023 年 12 月 26 日 上午 11:35 
Claxx1 2023 年 11 月 8 日 下午 2:56 
I have timed the Star Spangled Banner out roughly correct, it may need some short tweaking to make it ready for the Singing Maddens:
Pink Mario 2023 年 9 月 25 日 下午 10:54 
Idk if it works on moonbase alpha but for the original DECtalk, using the command
[:phone arpa on :n(letter) ]
the (letter) being a letter like
p b h d w k u
it changes the voice between the characters
Sue Purgay 2023 年 8 月 30 日 下午 4:42 
mamma mia, poppa pia, your momma got the dy[aa<999,999>]reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaa
JamesTDG 2023 年 1 月 25 日 上午 3:19 
I'm saddened there isn't the Halo theme on this list. Though I am going to tease that I have a tune on my to do list RN, but it isn't Halo.