599 ratings
How to run Project Brutality/Brutal DOOM on Steam for Windows! (UPDATED)
By slyfuldragon
This guide is to help you getting Brutal Doom to run through Steam for updated version of DOOM or the newly released DOOM + DOOM II version
It's very simple actually.
Getting Started
What you will need

Project Brutality (For GZDoom only)*
  • Project Brutality 3.0 (most recent version is located here [].
  • Latest GZDoom v4.5.0 here []
  • Doom WAD files and folders
* - note that you will need to run either Brutal Doom or Project Brutality, you cannot run both otherwise you will come across crashes

This is the updated guide from the guide that was created for the older versions: here
Project Brutality (GZDoom)
  1. Have Doom purchased through Steam.
  2. Download the latest version of Project Brutality (currently 3.0)
  3. Download the latest version of GZDoom (currently 4.12.2)
  4. Install Doom then locate the folder in explorer (Steam/steamapps/common/(Ultimate Doom)/dosbox
  5. Open the GZDoom 7zip file you downloaded [e.g.]
  6. Open /dosbox folder (if you are in the Master Levels of Doom folder you will not see a /base folder. That's ok, just apply the following steps below in that folder -- as if you are treating it like it's a /dosbox folder)
  7. Copy all files from the GZDoom zip folder to your Steam Doom /dosbox folder
  8. Delete dosbox.exe, then rename gzdoom.exe to dosbox.exe
  9. Go to the GitHub Repository for Project Brutality 3.0 in the "Getting Started" Section
  10. Click on the Green Button that is labeled as "Code"
  11. Download as ZIP
  12. Once downloaded, rename " to "Project_Brutality-master.pk3 (it's important that you have File Name Extensions checked; in File Explorer, click the Ribbon dropdown > Go To View tab > Under Show/hide section > Make sure the "File Name Extentions" checkbox is enabled/checked)
  13. Copy/Move "Project_Brutality-master.pk3 over to the '/dosbox' folder located within the doom steam folder
  14. Run the game once to have the gzdoom-(YourPCUserNameHere).ini created automatically.
  15. Open the 'gzdoom-(YourPCUserNameHere).ini' and scroll down to where you see [doom.Autoload]
    *NOTE: If the .ini file is not in this folder once you have launched the dosbox version of GZDoom, then it might be located in the following path: Documents»My Games»GZDoom. It may simply be named: gzdoom.ini (without your username).
  16. Type or Copy/Paste Path=Project_Brutality-master.pk3 right under [doom.Autoload], [] and/or [] if the autoload doesn't work for doom
  17. Rinse and repeat for however many Doom games you want to apply this to (The Ulitmate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, and Master Levels of Doom)
  18. "Play" Doom through Steam, you will need to select the "Launch DOS version", and you will have Brutal Doom automatically loaded
  19. Enjoy

* - note (again) that you will need to run either Brutal Doom or Project Brutality, you cannot run both otherwise you will come across crashes
Visual Guide
A-Man 4 Jan @ 4:09pm 
For those who might run into problems using Brutal Doom, don´t simply rename the Brutal Doom zip file to pk3, instead open the zip file and move the pk3 file in there over to your Ultimate Doom folder. It didn´t work for me otherwise. Fantastic guide tho, I´m loving the :cooltoilet: outta this mod!
slyfuldragon  [author] 4 Nov, 2024 @ 3:09pm 
Yeah I can't confirm the process for music since I haven't tried that yet. I may update this or throw a new one out when I do.
VxWolf 4 Nov, 2024 @ 6:45am 
Thought I could get the remaster/Hulshult's music working by just throwing in extras.wad into the config but that didn't work. Guess I'll need to manually add the music in myself somehow
slyfuldragon  [author] 13 Oct, 2024 @ 1:08pm 
That's weird, did you happen to have Ultimate Doom installed before the DOOM + DOOM II update?

Either way, glad to hear you got it working! :The_Slayer:
Swedgin 13 Oct, 2024 @ 11:23am 
I got it working!

I figured this problem was perhaps caused by GZDOOM not detecting other games besides The Ultimate Doom for some reason. I copied files DOOM.WAD and DOOM2.WAD to my dosbox folder and after launching DOOM + DOOM II via steam in DOS mode I immediately saw GZDOOM's launcher where I could select which game to run. I didn't get these launcher before. I also checked I had all relevant settings in game and in .ini file so that menu should've appeared (queryiwad=true).

Still weird why it required this extra step for me.
slyfuldragon  [author] 13 Oct, 2024 @ 6:46am 
In GZDoom when you run it in DOS mode through Steam, when you go to the Options tab, do you have "Don't ask me again" checked? It sounds like you do.
Because when you run the game through Steam in DOS mode, GZDoom will always ask you which GAME/WAD you want to load
Swedgin 13 Oct, 2024 @ 2:38am 
Okay I tried again with exactly the same files.

Maybe I don't understand how this is supposed to work. I tried launching the game (DOOM + DOOM 2) from Steam in DOS mode and it seems after step 8 I no longer get the menu where I can select which game to run. The menu I'm talking about is kind of DOS interface where you must choose from options between 1 to 7 first being The Ultimate doom and last is Quit.

So how do I select if I want to run Ultimate Doom or Doom 2?

Also in step 7 when I'm copying files from GZDOOM .zip file to dosbox folder there's one file which already exists in the said folder. I think it was libsndfile-1.dll. Are you supposed to replace the original file with the new file in GZDOOM .zip file? I chose to replace with new file.
slyfuldragon  [author] 13 Oct, 2024 @ 2:16am 
I would recommend not installing the test versions and stick with the stable versions of both the mod and source as a first step in troubleshooting. I just tried again and the guide continues to work flawlessly when doing that. I haven't go through the process of trying test versions of the source/mod because of bugs.

Additionally, try to edit the ini file as laid out in the guide. Any additional edits you make, I can't speak to as I haven't tested.
Swedgin 13 Oct, 2024 @ 1:56am 
I used to have this setup and working with separate installations of Ultimate Doom and Doom 2. I now followed this guide for new DOOM + DOOM 2. I removed all existing installations of the games and GZDOOM.

I got it kind of working but when running DOOM + DOOM 2 from steam it goes straight to Ultimate Doom. Before I edited the .ini file running the game in DOS mode went into menu where I could select which Doom to run but now it just goes straight to Ultimate Doom.

I followed the guide exactly but instead Project Brutality I downloaded Brutal Doom v22 test 4. So downloaded different mod files and also edited the .ini file with lines Path=brutalv22test4.pk3.

What am I doing wrong? How do I get the menu where I select the game?
slyfuldragon  [author] 29 Sep, 2024 @ 9:46am 
Jadiz, yes that's correct Step 8 has you doing that, deleting dosbox then renaming gzdoom to dosbox.
After you do the fresh install of both the source and the mod and generated the .ini config file and edited that, you launched it through Steam?

You should have gotten the option after that to launch the "Doom + Doom II" version or the "DOS version". You want to launch the DOS version in order for GZDoom to launch (a.k.a. the renamed dosbox.exe) then your mods you have enabled in the .ini file should load up without any issues.