

127 ratings
Bromeo's Map Callouts for Firefight Competitive.
By Spirit and 2 collaborators
This guide contains overlays of most of the main maps played in the "Firefight" game mode on Match Making servers as well as in Competitive scene for DGL and ESL.

I will be adding maps as I finish them.

The Current Maps I have included are as follows;

Ministry (A&B)

In the works;
Ministry (Adding screenshots of Charlie as the overhead does not show it at all)

Up for Debate;
Disclaimer & Explanation of key elements

These overheads are my own work and do not represent a definitive guide to any of the maps, these are intended as a quick reference to players new to competitive mode who wish to work on their personal and team communication.

As such there are some positions that I have not named and even those that I have named, are not the only names that these positions are known as. For example in North America on District, workshop is known as Tires and so on.

To that end please keep in mind that everyone is entitled to call positions whatever they wish, the areas I have named I deemed important enough for new players to be aware of them and have a call-out for competitive play.

Colour Coding and Elevation.

I have colour coded the maps with Blue for Security and Red for Insurgents not just for aesthetics but for timing.

Any area that is Blue, as a security player you should be able to get your character to that area bodily before a member of the Insurgents team can do so, and visa versa. This is not to say that you won't be under fire at some if not all of them but you get my drift.

Also the areas in White are when both sides can reach the area at around the same time. These are contact points and should be taken into account by players struggling with map layout and timing issues.

I have used my best judgement on this but I'm open to corrections if people have better routes to said areas.

And Finally I had the obvious issue of not being able to see some of the lower sections of the maps from the birds-eye view and for sections where I needed to name the section above and below the same area I have inserted a broken white line and the call-out above the line denotes the area on top and the call-out below the line indicates the area underneath, as follows:


If you have any other questions after reading this or any constructive criticism or suggestion please feel free to comment below.
Ministry A&B (C in the works)
Cat-Bear 23 Jun, 2018 @ 5:40am 
#Borneo are you continuing this?
Spirit  [author] 14 Feb, 2018 @ 7:05am 
Hey CAT-BEAR! I'm afraid since we dont really play it for compeditive mode it really didn't call for it.
Sorry brother :-/
Cat-Bear 24 Jan, 2018 @ 8:35am 
please make a PANJ one
Jungli 4 Aug, 2017 @ 2:14pm 
Needed this, thanks. 10/10
jZ 18 Jun, 2017 @ 1:04pm 
thank you
"JUNE" 7 Oct, 2016 @ 9:09am 
This is amazing! Thanks for all these callouts!
ᄿ niemann 28 Feb, 2016 @ 10:08am 
k1ng 4 Oct, 2015 @ 4:31pm 
good work man
Fink6Actual 24 Aug, 2015 @ 9:27am 
These are amazing, Bromeo! Anxiously awaiting Siege and Ministry's C objective!
ninjaholic 24 Jul, 2015 @ 6:30pm 
These literally solved all of my life problems including some insurgency ones.