Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

265 ratings
How To Mount Black Mesa (Steam Version) to Garry's Mod
By Vuthakral
This guide will show you how to mount the Steam Version of Black Mesa to use it's content in Garry's Mod.

(The other guide was made for how to mount the sourcemod version of the game)
Mounting the Content
This is actually way more simple than you'd think, not as simple as mounting games currently is but still simple.

You will either need the program Notepad++ or to open the file using normal notepad already on Windows (For any other OS, I don't know, sorry.)

You'll want to open (Or create if this file doesnt exist already) the file named "mount.cfg" in your garrysmod/garrysmod/cfg/ folder,

If you already have the file just add the one line you see here titled "bms"
If you're creating the file paste this and save it into it:
// // Use this file to mount additional paths to the filesystem // DO NOT add a slash to the end of the filename // "mountcfg" { "bms" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Black Mesa\bms" }
- Note if your steam is installed somewhere other than "Program Files(x86)" you will have to fix that yourself.
Save the file and launch Garry's Mod
Quite literally put, that's all you need to do. The Black Mesa content is now mounted, Launch Garry's Mod and go to the "browse" section, and check under "all" to find the Black Mesa folders.

I want to make some last minute notes here:
- Some models making spawn icons WILL crash your game like that of some Portal 2 or L4D2 models do.
- Some ragdolls do not spawn properly, and will have disfigured bones.
- Some materials are over-written with those from other games.
vvb78 4 Mar @ 9:06am 
it worked
Vuthakral  [author] 24 Feb @ 7:31pm 
Maps yes, NPCs no
FerCajun 24 Feb @ 5:45pm 
Once I mount black mesa in gmod I will have the npc and maps of the game or I will get those by installing mods
Vuthakral  [author] 9 Feb @ 6:08am 
I don't know much about the modern "Xengine" (the branch of Source Black Mesa is built on), but I'd wager they may have implemented some newer texture formats or rely on shaders which Garry's Mod does not have. This guide is very old and was for the initial Steam release of Black Mesa which was on a pretty standard version of Source for the most part.
Raisin 9 Feb @ 5:12am 
genuine question and statement. Yes I did got it to work, a lot of textures and assets loaded in Black Mesa workshop maps. BUT there are like 1 million missing textures and errors. This REALLY pissed me off. Any way to clear this? I tried addons and asset stuff/ Nothing is working
BJP224 6 Feb @ 4:13pm 
its not working
Scorch215 14 Jan @ 2:06am 
Is there a video explaining how to do this because I honestly don't understand the instructions here. I can make the file, but the rest is what I'm not understanding. I don't know how to do the file pathway part.

Sorry if this is something simple, I don't know too much about computers.
gitbox 7 Dec, 2024 @ 8:20pm 
whenever i try to mount it, most models except for a few are errors and i can't spawn them. help?
chickenmcnuggets 1 Dec, 2024 @ 7:18am 
i'm going to write "every game on Steam" into Notepad and get every game on Steam free
Vuthakral  [author] 26 Sep, 2024 @ 10:33am 
yeah because entering some text into a file magically makes the entire game's files appear on your computer