Crystal Story II

Crystal Story II

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Logro/Achievement - Impossible Deck
Door Zoppy Lums
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Logro - Impossible Deck - Español
Para conseguir este Logro, deberemos llevar una baraja concreta de 5 cartas
con los personajes del juego, en concreto a Tristam, Kaeli, Phoebe, Reuben y Orrora

Una vez armemos esta baraja, deberemos disputar una partida en el Rango Gran Maestro
(Rank GM) en el cual nos retará a jugar Tristam, si le ganas, el Logro será tuyo


Parece que la quinta carta, no tiene porqué ser Orrora, vale cualquier otra
Achievement - Impossible Deck - English
To get this Achivement you must build a deck with this five cards:
Tristam, Kaeli, Phoebe, Reuben and Orrora

With this deck, only left to play a game in Rank GM, then Tristam appears to play with you!

Win him, and you will get this Achievement


Looks like, you don't need the fifth card to be Orrora, can be any other card
3 opmerkingen
123 8 okt 2015 om 0:54 
So, how did you get Tristam, Kaeli, PHOEBE and Reuben?
The whole internet has zero answer. Please help!
Zoppy Lums  [auteur] 14 jul 2015 om 8:49 
Oh, thanks, I know the first four are the main characters from the first game, but Orrora not, I go to update the guide then ^^
MaitreVaati 14 jul 2015 om 8:19 
Hi, thanks for the tip! I'd like to inform however that you only need Tristam, Kaeli, Phoebe and Reuben, the fifth card can be absolutely any other card. I even tested the lowest cards to make sure of it.