Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

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top 5 worst items from sertan solgers
By Tabby3456
now the game is fun but some secondary's or primarys are geting out of the gameplay and know how to ruin the battle
keep in mind: i only played 3 gamemodes so far im tellin you this just in case if i have the wrong idea of that wepon's use.
an some people might agree with me some will not and again a personal opinion.
this top 10 could help you to NOT use any of these weps so you might wana continue
#5 stat rally buffs
for something thats not a wepon they gave you something ALOT MORE HORRIBLE
look its an ok type of extra damage,Health,or even speed bost's
they do nothing unless the servers are flooded with players (and trust me not everyone can use the multiplayer mod because not everyones smart. Even Children with pistols are beter than that surroinding BEACON! its ok but if gamespy didnt have to shut down
#4 Arc Caster (owned by: dark trooper)
when the nightmare of the boban spy, the one i cant play correctly or even can beat 10 of them in a row but can still go through 15 jedi's with just a shotgun
but there is a wepon that get more on my nerves than skin (horrible body pun)

this wepon forces you to ither take it shotgun style while the republic's guns are good and all of them are so there not on this list. not only will it take a long time to instantly kill youre target but it also risk's youre death.

diying in real life is bad but dying in video games is also bad but if youre going a 1v1 on LAN. one of you have to die, or if youre a coward then you can hide and retreat
#3 Force Chock
even though chargine is bad but you also have....

A) Force Chock for a desent amount of time and a bit if time wasted

B) Dash into the enemy lines and kill them faster then they would when suffering from poison.

Choce one and youre destiny is like

A) youre dumb and you should dash more so you can kill them quickly and quit the reason you're bad as a "Hero"

B) Smartest Shot so ill give you 10/10

some people might say" but it protects you and you can stay at a safe distance"
but same thing is with lybsaber throw, force pull youre victims towards you, or even eletrocute them to death. that WILL change youre mind.
#2 Recon droids
there not only weak but they can also be even more wothless they become controllable
when battle front 3 comes out or when i get the game and an update has been installed. atlest they can make the recon droids A.I's. but if not then there usless so they shouln't be in the game
they can self destruct but not automaticaly. its SO ANNOYING AND POINTLESS!
#5 All of the boban spy equipment and the idea of the gameplay if it as well!!!
with an assassin but with up close to the player and harder to even master narcasisum (makeing good scupltures)
the only thing i have a light heart is for the regeneration health. If you agree with me thats good and if you are deeply in live with boban spys leave unless you what youre mind changed about the sonova snitch. that will kill you to without any words. I dont hate Bobans because there hard to master but boban spys are the reason i only stick to clone wars and might play galactic cival war. if theres not much of them. but anyways this is the worst example of what a rebble is. rebbles are againts some democracy,or alicarcys but NORMAL SOLGERS WORK TOGETHER TO GET WHAT THEY WHANT BACK, not alone.
I must state i dont hate this game. its fun even on singleplayer instant action, but when there bad wepons, theres bad gameplay. You Should buy this game if you havent. its just some wepons just dont work for me or even find it challenging when going againts someone useing it.

And keep on playing but try avoiding these items from ever being used.

you can use youre debates on a sertan wepon and say how i should use them and i migh change my mind about it but up to date this guide was made in

june,24,2015... just in case. because im to lazy to go back remakeing it

and again my personal top 5
Me-163 Komet 29 Mar, 2020 @ 10:38am 
"Force Chock" He is speaking the language of the gods
BagOfPlums 2 Jan, 2020 @ 1:46pm 
be proud you have created this god tier guide
Visari 2 Jan, 2020 @ 1:14pm 
i mean even tho you made this 15 years ago its pretty legendary:soviet:
Tabby3456  [author] 2 Jan, 2020 @ 12:59pm 
Wow, I made this 15 years ago

still keeping it up but yea
BagOfPlums 2 Jan, 2020 @ 12:57pm 
Force chock
Visari 30 Dec, 2019 @ 3:16pm 
lol, 10/10 would arc caster again
MAPPY 26 Dec, 2019 @ 1:37am 
> "Languages: English"

Quartich 22 Dec, 2019 @ 9:34pm 
General Kenobi, you are a bold one
Андрюша Трусонюх 21 Dec, 2019 @ 9:28am 
hello there :2019smile: