Fistful of Frags

Fistful of Frags

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[Utterly Outdated] The Coachgun
By Polkovnik Berezin
The following guide cocernes the "Coachgun"- a double- barrel shotgun in Fistful of Frags.
This is my first guide, so please excuse any lack of factual information (although I'll do my best!) and/or gramatical errors. Thank you!
The Double-Barelled Beaut'
The Coachgun can be found in red crates (the second tier of weapons). It has 2 shots per clip of nicely spreading lead beads (also known as buckshot) that are guarantied to tear a massive hole in you opponents if they are at short range, but will still do decent damage at medium range, due to a lower spread of pellets (compared to the sawn-off, at least in my experience). These 2 shots don't take too long to reload, so you shouldn't have any problems, unless a mad, axe-armed, drunk berserk Bandito comes charging up at you. After shooting the first chamber you have to wait approx. 1 second, before being able to fire the second. While moving, accuracy is very low- so you should either press shift (which increases it to ...%) or hold right mouse button (...%). It deals about 80HP of damage (at short range) and a decend ~40HP at medium(ish) range. It's basically useless at long range, so having a buddy with revolvers/a rifle/or other longer ranged weapon is advised.
I usually team up with a friend when using the Coachgun, when I'd perfer him to be armed with revolvers, so that I'm backed up when reloading. Another option is to just have spare weapons (such as the "Volcanic" pistol- an all time favourite of mine, because of it's high ammo capacity per clip). Camping a bar is a great idea, as it means that there's always booze for you and your buddy, and many players often gather in the Saloons (as always- "Pass the whiskeh!")- thus providing an endless chain of kills.
Getting Started
Spawn in with a revolver or more prefferebly the Volcanic pistol, because it does decent damage (although less than revolvers) and has a wonderful clip of 10 bullets. If you don't know the map well, head for buildings like bars or towers, as Red Crates are usually found there. To open the crate, get near to it and hold "E". However, make sure that no enemy players are nearby, before you try and open the crate, as to avoid getting killed off while your back is turned. As I mentioned earlier- get near whiskey. For whiskey is key! The question remains- what perks do you choose? I think that it doesn't matter t all, but TNT is usefull, bear that in mind. After you have carefully followed these steps, prepare for victory!
Q: "If I get to the Golden Crate, what should I take from it, if anything?"
My answer is this- take a backup wapon such as a revolver or something, but not the Pump- Shotgun! Why? Simply because the Pump- Shotgun takes longer to reload, and also has more of a pellet spread radius, making it worse than the Coachgun (In my opinion at least. Even if the Pump-Shotgun did the same amount of damage, I'm pro- Coachgun. I mean- everyone wants a double- barrled shotgun, right?). Just get a "Walker", if anything at all.
Please use the comments to give me constructive criticism. Point out where I did well and where I failed and give me proper facts if mine are incorrect. I will be thankful if you can all help me become better at making guides. Also, I want to hear your opinion of this loadout that I've pointed out! Please use "CC" at the beginig of your comment if it's a criticism and "O" if you want to share opinion. Thank you very much!
Polkovnik Berezin  [author] 4 Oct, 2020 @ 3:28am 
My sincere apologies, I made this years ago and haven't looked back since. I don't even know why you'd read this, but thanks anyway.
Garenzo 3 Oct, 2020 @ 9:16am 
Did this moron just use the term 'clip' to refer to two individual shells you load in by hand?
Nantes 7 Jul, 2015 @ 9:14am 
Also, I felt that this guide is rather useless, as you didn't supply enough non-obvious tactics with the gun to be worth my time reading.
Nantes 7 Jul, 2015 @ 9:13am 
"To open the crate, get near to it and hold "E". However, make sure that no enemy players are nearby, before you try and open the crate, as to avoid getting killed off while your back is turned."

You can press E and turn around while holding it, the crate will still open even though you aren't facing it. No need to have your back turned.
WhiteZe 4 Jul, 2015 @ 2:24pm 
Pump Shotgun will kill 3x further away than coachgun, if shooting at head. Only 3 out of 6 bullets wasted. At close range or body shots its pretty medium gun. It also reloads faster than walker. The bullet just won't kill like Walkers. Walker is not good at long distance maps, and you should stay in close range spots with it! (Exept if you use the left hand mode, in that case walker is very good choice if used right.)
Jack Clock 25 Jun, 2015 @ 12:56pm 
oh it was sooooo fun. back then, you would run around, see an enemy, right click and go blast the enemy into a corner, and have his corpse go eeearrrrgggggg
76561198087520553 25 Jun, 2015 @ 7:07am 
pump shotgun best!
Polkovnik Berezin  [author] 20 Jun, 2015 @ 7:59am 
Btw thanks for keeping to the O/CC system!
Polkovnik Berezin  [author] 20 Jun, 2015 @ 1:02am 
It probably was, shame I didn't have the game then!
jojoshabado1 19 Jun, 2015 @ 2:47pm 
O The coachgun was way better before they nerfed the ability to fire both shots at once... when that was still in the game it was a leathal, one shot close range weapon that I loved.