Interstellar Marines

Interstellar Marines

46 ratings
How to wargames | Update 27
By Fin
This guide will give you basics of things you need to know of current version of wargames.
Objective of the wargames
Battle royale (former: Hell week):
Survive as long as you can in this 64 player deathmatch across 9 different zones. Collect as many points as you can to avoid elimination. Once grace period has passed, game will start eliminating players with least amount of points every 2 minutes. Game will end automaticly when there are only 3 teams left. Player who is playing solo counts as 1 team. Grace period lasts for 60 minutes on normal server allowing you to respawn until grace period ends, on hardcore hell week server you only get one life meaning no respawns.

Player counts as eliminated if he or she has been killed by another player, suicided or left the game once late join/grace period has ended.

Similiar to hell week, lasts for 55 minutes, but the points you have (aslong as you are alive) when the game ends will be saved automaticly. There is no elimination in this variant. Scavenge is point farming gamemode.

Combat points and what are they used for:

Simply put they are your ingame currency that can be used to unlock new armor and weapon skins. Wargames are best ways to get CP, that is if you have what it takes to survive, however you can obtain CP by doing challenges in either SP or Coop.
Connecting and spawning
You are unable to join back once late join timer closes OR if you have been eliminated. Wargames are running 24/7 with 5 minutes inbetween for respawn.

If you get any error messages when connecting; Just keep on trying! You will get in!
If you get stuck "connecting" for more than 10 seconds, simply close the game and try again, keep repeating until you get in. Sometimes however if server requires restart you'll be stuck in what is known as "forever connecting"

You will be placed on elevator room and you will wait for game to start. Just stay calm and listen to AI saras announcements. When game starts elevator will lift you to the map.

If you fall throught the elevator, just wait that it stops moving, leave the game and join back: You'll be placed on top of it. Leaving game during grace period will not eliminate you and allows you to come back however you will lose everything you are carrying.
Let the games begin!
You can press M to see your current location in the map and also team up or invite your friends to your team. Teams share points and allow you to see your teammates on maps.

Once you have spawned in and elevator has taken you to surfice, you should look for ammo and weapons. After all you only do have singlefire pistol that has 18 bullets. There should be black box containing SMG somewhere within 50 meters of the spawn locations, keep your eyes open! Alternative way of getting better weapon easily is to find closest CTR to you and loot it's weapon.

Keep your ears open for any sounds that players could make. Sometimes when you're standing still your character keep making footsteps sounds that only you can hear, this is fixed by taking few extra steps. Usually this happends if you're standing in slope or stairs.

Players can no longer be seen on the kill feed (bottom left of the screen) in zone/map they are in. Chat is global and announces a map where player dies with high point value.

If you find yourself with low points and in danger of being eliminated (in hell week) by timer; try to look for other players and loot their points. Supply drops are good place to find players in populated servers.
Boxes and looting
Boxes contain:
Gold box - Combat points. Sometimes ammo.
Green box - Ammo. Each gun holds its own ammo.
Black box - Weapons and ammo for that weapon.
Locations: Random, dont expect to find same box from same location in every game. However you'll see icons pop up at boxes location once you enter it's proximity of 15 meters.

Player Backpacks: If player dies with 500 or more points his death location and amount of points will be announced in the global chat. These backpacks can also be seen in your map (press 'm').

CTRs: Have high chance of backbag dropping weapon and 50 points. It's possible but much lower chance to find 100 or more points from CTR.

Supply drops: Every 5 minutes you will hear annoucement from AI sara telling where's the next supply drop is landing, Sara will also do another announcement 60 seconds before the drop. Supply drops will appear as waypoint in a map once it spawns 5 minutes after the annoucement and contains total of 1250 points. Keep mind on your surroundings everyone else can be after these two. Waypoint and beeping will disappear once player opens a supply drop. So if you see the indicator disappear that means someone got there before you. It's possible to shoot out the light which causes the waypoint to disappear and beeping to stop. BEWARE: Standing below supply crate as it is landing WILL burn you to crisp or brutally crush you. Stay clear of the landing zone

Aim for the lock in front of the chest and hold down "E" to open it.

When looting backpack, aim for the container that is at bottom of backpack to loot it. Keep eye on "kill feed" to see if you picked up new weapon from player or points. Blinking lights on the packs can be shot out.

Mobility is the key, keep on moving, don't stay in one place for too long if you want to score alot of points. While camping supply drop in theory sounds like good idea, you are more likely to get killed longer you wait. Most players do not actually carry that many points begin with so safest bet most of the time is to get the box asap and get out. Not to mention CTRs are likely to expose your marshmellow party.
Things you should know about zones
Beware of the fall damage in all of maps.

Operations - Contains multiple 1250 crates, has alot of melee CTRs.
Ops is instance added to wargames, it can be accessed once you have located and activated 3 'beacon' boxes spread throught out the map, these boxes should have objective marker on them if they are not activated. Once all 3 are online, Pads all around the map become active and you'll recieve new waypoints. When you step on the pad you will be sent to operations. You'll have bunch of objective markers inside ops for various switches that need to be activated in order to access the 'vault' that contains the point boxes. Once all switched have been activated, floor will open and you can jump down the vault. Don't worry about fall damage, aslong as you land on the red pads you won't take any. To exit operations you need to access the vault and choose any of the doors for the map you desire to go to. You'll appear on one of the respawn pads on map you selected.

Docking bay - Is new instance added with U27. To access docking bay one must first breach operations vault in order to activate the satellite buildings across all maps exluding hell and ops. Climb the towers to the top and hit the switch to activate aligment. Once alignment is complete, all the doors and hatches open, two of the side balcony rooms contain 750 points each. When three of these towers have aligned, all the players will recieve waypoint to hell. Simply enter the middle building in hell and you'll be sent to docking bay. Bay contains multiple high value point boxes that are spread around the map, but they are also guarded by patrolling CTRs. Once power has been activated, two vaults similiar to the one in ops will open, allowing the players to teleport to the maps they choose.

Hell - Gas that is leaking from the ground will kill player instantly. It will serve as the endgame in later updates. Supply crates will never appear in hell. Oh and don't step on lava. Guardians are always watching.

Mountains - Water will kill you

Resort - Expect major drop in FPS. Water below the floor will kill you, "beach" area water is safe.

Industrial - Water will kill you.

Jungle - Water is safe. Don't slip off the cliffs, been there done that. Red pads near the wetlands door negate fall damage, it is safe to jump on them from the bridge.

Canyon - Mind the height, many legdes to fall to your death from.

Lunar - Opening visor in lunar is safe.

Wetlands - Pretty wet as name suggests, alot of tall grass and foliage to hide into.

CTRs are mostly dumb and easily miss a player but keep these in mind:
- Sometimes they can spot player from across the map and open very accurate fire (missing all of them). Soon you will hear very angry "thump thump thump" near you which is that same CTR looking for you.
- They are attracted to your flashlight.
- They are able to see and shoot player throught leaves and other foliage (excluding trees, rocks, etc). Oh jungle how I hate you so.
- Sometimes turn on the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ godmode.
Jazzy 18 Jan, 2018 @ 3:51pm 
ok masta
Fin  [author] 18 Jan, 2018 @ 3:51pm 
Updated for U27
Jazzy 24 May, 2017 @ 2:34pm 
Join button doesn't work for me
Russian Sly 20 Dec, 2016 @ 5:52pm 
>chance that CTR will spawn named as ZPS employee

You meant /former/ employee? :D
Fin  [author] 2 Nov, 2016 @ 3:59pm 
Good call, however subartic doesn't actually have anything special about it, it's basicly canyon with snow cover.
autistic and ashamed 1 Nov, 2016 @ 8:15pm 
You forgot about Subarctic
Korbolko 1 Jun, 2016 @ 11:30am 
I am offended kim.
Fin  [author] 1 Jun, 2016 @ 11:01am 
There's not much I can do if you are unable to read what has been typed down already.
SendarSlayer 1 Jun, 2016 @ 12:18am 
Yes, there is a feature. And i want to know how