Portal 2
Μη επαρκής αριθμός βαθμολογιών
Too Many Lasers
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Too Many Lasers

Or "Gridlock." I wasn't sure what to call it, and then decided because of how many lasers there are, I'd call it "Too Many Lasers." It's also a slight reference to Antichamber, since it's my second favorite game after Portal (and Portal 2 of course, but I consider them one single entity).

Note: This test is of a medium-hard difficulty, and while it isn't too hard to figure out exactly how to solve the test, one must have a degree of skill to be quick enough to solve it. Don't come crying to me, complaining that I didn't add enough time to the timers or something. I've played through it, and it works. Also, it's pretty impossible to trap yourself in this, but if that occurs, please tell me where you trapped yourself and how you trapped yourself.