Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

963 ratings
Lynx's Guide to Cheating
By Lynx
In this guide I will show you all of the cheats you can possibly do in the console. And I will also show you all the item codes too.
All Possible Cheats
Before we start open up the console by pressing the tilde key (~) then enter in the desired cheat.

Display all console commands: help

God mode: tgm

Restore health and limb health: player.resethealth

Gain one level: getXPfornextlevel

Advance one level: advlevel

Set player level: player.setlevel [number]

Set skill level: player.setav [skill name] [1-100]

Set special points: setspecialpoints [1-10]

Set tag skill points: settagskills [number]

Set health: player.modav health [number]

Add Karma points (use negative values for negative karma): RewardKarma [number]

Add skill points: modpcs [skill name] [number]

Add S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points: modpca [skill name] [number]

Add special points: addspecialpoints [number]

Add tag skill points: addtagskills [number]

Add Perks: player.addperk [perk code]

Add bottle caps: player.additem 000000F [number]

Add sunset sarsaparilla blue star bottle caps: player.additem 00103B1C [number]

Add Anti-Material Rifle: player.additem 0012B38D [number]

Add item: player.additem [item code] [number]

Set currently equipped weapon's condition to 100: player.setweaponhealthperc 100

Set ownership of selected item: setownership

Set maximum carrying weight: player.modav carryweight [number]

Set speed of NPCs and player default is "4": setgs fmoverunmult [number]

Set NPC scale; 1 is default: setscale [number]

Set scale for yourself; 1 is default: player.setscale [number]

Sets player jump height; 64 is default: setgs fJumpHeightMin [number]

Spawn ammo item box: player.placeatme 69EE6

Spawn armor item box: player.placeatme 69EE7

Spawn books item box: player.placeatme 69EE8

Spawn misc item box: player.placeatme 69EE9

Spawn potions item box: player.placeatme 69EEA

Spawn weapons item box: player.placeatme 8F7B9

Complete current quest: GetQuestCompleted

Repair items: player.srm

All map markers: tmm 1

Move to quest marker: movetoqt

Toggle no clipping mode: tcl

Toggle fog of war in local map: tfow

Toggle power armor use: setpccanusepowerarmor [0 or 1]

Remove player from all factions: removefromallfactions

Remove all items from selected NPC: removeallitems

Remove Perk: player.removeperk [perk ID]

Kill selected NPC or enemy: kill

Kill everyone: killall

Resurrect selected dead NPC or enemy: resurrect

Unlock selected physical lock or terminal: unlock

Open door without unlocking: activate

Perfect VATS aiming: SetGS fVATSHitChanceMult 100

Developer test room: coc DevArmory

Change faction reputation: SetReputation [faction ID] [0 or 1] [1-100]

Change gender: SexChange

Change all face options: ShowPlasticSurgeonMenu

Change all hair options: ShowBarberMenu

Toggle debug display: tdt

Debug MegaPistol: player.additem 001465A6 1

Toggle detection: tDetect

Toggle free camera mode: tfc

Toggle gore: bDisableAllGore=[0 or 1]

Toggles grass: tg

Toggle leaves: tlv

Close all menus: CloseAllMenus

Save game: Save [name]

Save and quit: saq

Quit game: QQQ
All Weapon Item Codes
001720BC - AntiMaterielRifleStatic
001720BB - LightMachineGunStatic
001720BA - TrailCarbineStatic
001720B9 - HuntingShotgunStatic
00176E59 - MacheteBoone
00176E57 - 44RevolverRaul
00176E55 - CaravanShotgunCass
00174094 - PlasmaDefenderArcade
00174093 - AssaultCarbineLily
00171B48 - SlaveBackPack
00167685 - MacheteGladiator
00162C92 - KnifeCombatUnique
001629B6 - MinigunUnique
00162019 - MissileLauncherUnique
00161246 - ThrowingKnife
0015FFF4 - GrenadeMachinegunUnique
0015FF5D - BBGunUnique
0015FE44 - Chainsaw
0015BA78 - ZapGlove
0015BA72 - ZapGloveUnique
0015BA03 - BallisticFist
0015B38D - GaussRifleUnique
0015A47F - TeslaCannonUnique
0015837B - GaussRifle
00157BCA - LeadPipeUnique
00156F7C - FireaxeUnique
00156968 - SuperSledgeUnique
001568E6 - SpikedKnucklesUnique
00155E6D - DisplacerGloveUnique
00155E66 - DisplacerGlove
0015430B - MacheteGladius
001524B3 - MantisGauntlet
00151D0C - BladedGauntletUnique
001519E0 - BladedGauntlet
0014F474 - FireGeckoYoungFlame
0014EB3C - EuclidsCFinder
0014EA5A - GrenadeFragHoly
0014DE1D - ThrowingHatchet
0014DDDF - GrenadeStun
0014DDDE - GrenadeIncendiary
0014D2AC - ThrowingSpear
0014D2AA - CleaverUnique
0014D2A7 - StraightRazorUnique
0014C068 - DetonatorLoyal
001479B3 - LaserRifleUnique
00146C79 - DogTagFist
001465A6 - DebugMegaPistol
00143FBA - LegateSword2
001429E2 - GrenadeRifleUnique
001429E1 - SniperRifleUnique
001429D1 - 127mmSubmachineGun
0013F76F - KnifeAssassin
0013E540 - SuperSledgeMeanie
0013E4DE - LegateSword
0013D534 - TimeBomb
0013568B - MissFortuneGun
0013316D - CattleProd
00133058 - ThatGun
00130041 - Detonator
0012D852 - BoxingTape
0012ADB8 - DogTagFistUnique
00129A44 - RangerSequoia
00127E45 - MacheteDeadSea
00127C6C - 44RevolverUnique
0012701F - GrenadeGas
001251CD - LaserRifleVanGraff
001251CC - PlasmaRifleVanGraff
001221C1 - C4PlasticExplosive
00121168 - MultiPlasRifle
00121154 - RechargerRifle
00121148 - BrushGun
0011E46F - Shovel
0011A8E4 - Hatchet
0011A8B9 - Fireaxe
0011A8A0 - DressCane
00113248 - FireGeckoFlame
0010BA90 - SecuritronMissile
0010A70C - SecuritronPowerFist
0010A70B - SecuritronLaser
0010A70A - SecuritronLauncher
0010A709 - SecuritronSubmachineGun
00109A0C - LongFuseDynamite
00109A0B - MinePowderCharge
00109A0A - Cleaver
00106FEB - MarksmanCarbineUnique
00106FEA - MarksmanCarbine
00105CF6 - LilyGauntlet
00105CF5 - LilySword
001056D3 - GrenadeRifleBroken
001056D2 - MissileLauncherBroken
00103B1D - LaserPistolUnique
0010108D - DynamiteNoDrop
000FF576 - GrenadeRifle
000FC335 - 9iron
000F82AA - LaserRifleAlwaysCrits
000F7EAE - PlasmaRifleAlwaysCrit
000F56F6 - DriverUnique
000F56F5 - CowboyRepeaterUnique
000F0F04 - StraightRazor
000F0B12 - HuntingShotgunUnique
000F062B - BattleRifleUnique
000E9C3B - ServiceRifle
000E7655 - 9mmPistolUnique
000E6346 - Binoculars
000E6064 - PlasmaRifleUnique
000E5B17 - VarmintRifleUnique
000E58BB - BoxingGoldenGloves
000E5391 - BoxingGloves
000E393B - SingleShotgun
000E377A - Silenced22Pistol
000E3778 - 9mmPistol
000BA0F3 - Dynamite
000E32F4 - 9mmSubmachineGunUnique
000E2C86 - 357RevolverUnique
000E2BFC - HeavyIncinerator
000E2BF4 - TriBeamLaserRifle
000CE569 - Machete
000CE549 - BooneSniperRifle
000CD53A - CaravanShotgun
000CD539 - TrailCarbine
000CD50E - RebarClub
000CD50D - BumperSword
00090A6B - PulseGun
00090A6A - GrenadeMachinegun
0009073B - LaserRCW
00090727 - PlasmaDefender
0009071F - RechargerPistol
000906DF - LightMachineGun
000906DA - Incinerator
000906CF - PlasmaCaster
0008F21E - AssaultCarbine
0008F21C - AntiMaterielRifle
0008F21A - CowboyRepeater
0008F218 - Silenced22SMG
0008F217 - 9mmSubmachineGun
0008F216 - 357Revolver
0008F215 - 44Revolver
0008F214 - HuntingRevolver
0008F213 - 127mmPistol
0008ED0C - LeverActionShotgun
0008ED0B - HuntingShotgun
0008ED0A - RiotShotgun
0007EA25 - GrenadeLauncher
0007EA24 - VarmintRifle
All Ammunition Item Codes
00176E5C - Ammo9mmRobot
00176E54 - AmmoCompanion
0016AEF9 - AmmoNVArchimedesII
00166F62 - AmmoFlamerFuelHomemade
00166B5A - AmmoSmallEnergyCellTurret
00165E7A - Ammo20GaMagnum
00165E79 - Ammo12GaMagnum
001613FF - Ammo5mmHollowPoint
001613D4 - Ammo127mmHollowPoint
00160C41 - Ammo223
00160C40 - Ammo9mmP
0015FD42 - AmmoPureWater
0015E8EE - Ammo38Special
0015E8ED - Ammo44Special
00158313 - AmmoSmallEnergyCellBulk
00158312 - AmmoMicroFusionCellBulk
00158311 - AmmoElectronChargePackBulk
0015830E - AmmoElectronChargePackMaxCharge
0015830D - AmmoElectronChargePackOverCharge
0015830C - AmmoMicroFusionCellMaxCharge
0015830B - AmmoMicroFusionCellOverCharge
00158307 - Ammo40mmGrenadeIncendiary
001582E0 - AmmoSmallEnergyCellMaxCharge
001582DF - AmmoSmallEnergyCellOverCharge
001582DA - Ammo12GaCoinShot
0014F44A - AmmoLakelurk
001429CF - Ammo127mm
00140AA8 - Ammo10mmJHPHandLoad
00140AA1 - Ammo50MGHandLoad
00140AA0 - Ammo308JSPHandLoad
00140A9F - Ammo556mmArmorPiercing
00140A9E - Ammo357MagnumJFPHandLoad
0013E44C - AmmoMissileHighVelocity
0013E44B - AmmoMissileHighExplosive
0013E449 - Ammo25mmGrenadeHighExplosive
0013E448 - Ammo20GaSlug
0013E447 - Ammo12GaSlug
0013E446 - Ammo12GaBeanBag
0013E445 - Ammo50MGArmorPiercing
0013E444 - Ammo50MGIncendiary
0013E443 - Ammo308HollowPoint
0013E442 - Ammo308ArmorPiercing
0013E441 - Ammo556mmHollowPoint
0013E440 - Ammo556mmSurplus
0013E43F - Ammo5mmArmorPiercing
0013E43E - Ammo4570SWCHandLoad
0013E43D - Ammo4570HollowPoint
0013E43C - Ammo357MagnumHollowPoint
0013E43B - Ammo10mmHollowPoint
0013E43A - Ammo9mmHollowPoint
0013E439 - Ammo22LRHollowPoint
0013E438 - Ammo44MagnumSWCHandLoad
0013E437 - Ammo44MagnumHollowPoint
00121162 - Ammo22LRPlinking
00121155 - AmmoMicroBreeder
00121150 - Ammo5mmSurplus
00121133 - Ammo4570
0011A207 - AmmoMS22Camera
001003B0 - ammoNellisArtillery
000E86F2 - Ammo20Ga
00096C40 - Ammo25mmGrenade
0008ED03 - Ammo9mm
0008ED02 - Ammo357Magnum
0008ECFF - Ammo50MG
0008ECF5 - Ammo12Ga
0007EA27 - Ammo22LR
0007EA26 - Ammo40mmGrenade
000615AF - AmmoElectronChargePackRobot
000615A8 - Ammo5mmRobot
00056634 - AmmoMirelurkKing
000B8791 - AmmoAntSpit
0006B53E - AmmoElectronChargePack
0006B53D - Ammo5mm
0006B53C - Ammo308
00078CC5 - AmmoMissileRobot
00078CC4 - Ammo556mmRobot
00078CC3 - AmmoMicroFusionCellRobot
00078CC2 - AmmoSmallEnergyCellRobot
00078CC1 - AmmoFlamerFuelRobot
0006A80D - AmmoMesmetronPowerCell
0005F706 - AmmoCentaurSpit
00047419 - AmmoBloatflyDart
00029383 - AmmoMissile
0002937E - Ammo44magnum
00029371 - AmmoFlamerFuel
00029364 - AmmoAlienPowerCell
0002935B - AmmoBB
00020799 - AmmoFatMans
00020772 - AmmoSmallEnergyCell
00004485 - AmmoMicroFusionCell
00004241 - Ammo10mm
00004240 - Ammo556mm
001476B0 - ModNV127mmSubmachinegunSilencer
All Weapon Mod Item Codes
00147620 - 127mmPistolSilencer
00129878 - 10mmPistolSilencer
0010C86F - Silenced22SMGDrums
0010C86E - MissileLauncherGuidanceSys
0010C86D - GatlingLaserCFFrame
0010C86C - GatlingLaserFocusOptics
0010C86B - PlasmaRifleMagneticAccelerator
0010C86A - LaserRifleBeamSplitter
0010C869 - LaserRifleFocusOptics
0010C868 - LaserRifleScope
0010C867 - MinigunHighSpeedMotor
0010C866 - MinigunDampedSubframe
0010C865 - SniperRifleCarbonFiberParts
0010C864 - SniperRifleSuppressor
0010C863 - AssaultCarbineExtMags
0010C862 - HuntingRifleExtMag
0010C861 - HuntingRifleCustomAction
0010C860 - HuntingRifleScope
0010C85F - FlamerExpandedTanks
0010C85E - 10mmSMGRecoilCompensator
0010C85D - 10mmSMGExtMags
0010C85C - 44RevolverHeavyFrame
0010C85B - 44RevolverScope
0010C859 - 10mmPistolLaserSight
0010C858 - 10mmPistolExtMags
0010C857 - GrenadeMachinegunHSKit
0010C856 - GrenadeRifleLongBarrel
0010C855 - PlasmaCasterHSElectrode
0010C854 - LaserRCWRecycler
0010C852 - LightMGExpandedDrums
0010C851 - ServiceRifleForgedReceiver
0010C850 - ServiceRifleUpgradedSprings
0010C1AD - FatManLittleBoyKit
0010B968 - 9mmSMGLightBolt
000F18FC - 9mmSMGDrums
000F0FE9 - HuntingShotgunChoke
000F0FE8 - HuntingShotgunLongTube
000EEEDB - VarmintRifleNightScope
000EEEDA - 357RevolverLongBarrel
000EEED9 - 357RevolverHDCylinder
000EEED8 - VarmintRifleExtMags
000EEED7 - VarmintRifleSilencer
000EED3D - 9mmPistolExtMags
000EED3C - 9mmPistolScope
000EED3B - CowboyRepeaterMapleStock
000EED3A - CowboyRepeaterLongTube
000EED39 - CowboyRepeaterCustomAction
000EEA72 - BrushGunForgedReceiver
000EEA70 - TrailCarbineScope
All Perk Codes
00165AF0 - SplashDamage

00165AEF - PlasmaSpaz

00165AEC - TheProfessional

00165AE6 - NukaChemist

0016581B - HandLoader

00165816 - VigilantRecycler

00165815 - JuryRigging

0016578B - ShotgunSurgeon

00165789 - LaserCommander

001656FD - RadChild

00165449 - Stonewall

00165447 - UnstoppableForce

00165446 - Slayer

001651B6 - HitTheDeck

00165182 - CenterOfMass

00165181 - SprayAndPray

00165180 - FerociousLoyalty

00165118 - FriendOfTheNight

00164ED1 - LooseCannon

0014609F - PiercingStrike

0014609E - SuperSlam

0014609D - RunNGun

0014609C - HeaveHo

0014609B - PackRat

0014609A - Meltdown

00146099 - LivingAnatomy

00146098 - LongHaul

00146097 - WeaponHandling

00146096 - TravelLight

00138562 - Cowboy

00137B02 - BuiltToDestroy

00137AFE - GoodNatured

00137800 - MissFortunePerk

001377FE - QuickDraw

001377FD - RapidReload

00136E14 - DeathclawOmelet

001361B4 - ConfirmedBachelor

001361B3 - CherchezLaFemme

00135F75 - Purifier

00135F18 - Hunter

00135F05 - Kamikaze

00135EC9 - GhastlyScavenger

00135EC8 - TriggerDiscipline

00135EC7 - FastShot

00135EC6 - SmallFrame

00135EC5 - HeavyHanded

00135EC4 - FourEyes

00135EC3 - MathWrath

0010F09E - Retention

00099834 - GrimReaperSprint

0009982D - Chemist

00099828 - Commando

00099827 - ChemResistant

00094EC4 - AdamantiumSkeleton

00094EC1 - Finesse

00094EBF - FastMetabolism

00094EBD - NightPerson

00094EBC - Cannibal

00094EBB - Gunslinger

00094EBA - BloodyMess

00094EB9 - LadyKiller

00094EB8 - BlackWidow

0007B202 - ActionGirl

00044CB1 - IntenseTraining

00044CB0 - Infiltrator

00044CAF - ConcentratedFire

00044CAA - ParalyzingPalm

00044CA9 - LeadBelly

00044CA7 - NerdRage

00031DE5 - Explorer

00031DE3 - FortuneFinder

00031DE1 - Comprehension

00031DE0 - Toughness

00031DDE - StrongBack

00031DD9 - Entomologist

00031DD8 - Educated

00031DD3 - SwiftLearner

00031DCC - Ninja

00031DC5 - SolarPowered

00031DC4 - ComputerWhiz

00031DC2 - RoboticsExpert

00031DBD - Tag

00031DBC - MysteriousStranger

00031DBB - BetterCriticals

00031DBA - ActionBoy

00031DB7 - LightStep

00031DB5 - AnimalFriend

00031DB4 - Sniper

00031DB3 - SilentRunning

00031DB2 - Pyromaniac

00031DB1 - LifeGiver

00031DAD - MisterSandman

00031DAC - HereandNow

00031DAB - DemolitionExpert

00031DAA - Scrounger

00031DA9 - RadResistance
All Miscellaneous Item Codes
00058FDF - PowerArmorTraining
000A6F78 - ArmorPowerT51bHelmet
000A6F77 - ArmorPowerT51b
00014E13 - ArmorPowerT45d
00014C08 - ArmorPowerT45dHelmet
0006B463 - TeslaPowerArmorHelmet
0006B462 - TeslaPowerArmorGO
00060C6F - OutcastPowerArmor
00138DC3 - ArmorVault34SecurityHelmet
00138DC2 - ArmorVault34Security
00134094 - ArmorRemnantsTeslaHelm
00133F31 - ArmorRemnantsTesla
0013316B - ArmorPowerNCRHelmet
0013316A - ArmorPowerNCRSalvaged
00133169 - ArmorGannonTeslaHelmet
00133168 - ArmorGannonTesla
00133167 - ArmorPowerRemnantsHelmet
00133166 - ArmorPowerRemnants
00129254 - ArmorNVNCRRangerCombat
00126500 - ArmorCombatReinforced
001264FF - ArmorMetalReinforced
001264FE - ArmorLeatherReinforced
0010D8DC - ArmorCombatBlack
000F3797 - ArmorFiendHelmetRare

0015DB3D - SnowglobeTheStrip
0015DB3C - SnowglobeNellis
0015DB3B - SnowglobeTestSite
0015DB3A - SnowglobeGoodsprings
0015DB39 - SnowglobeHooverDam
0015DB38 - SnowglobeMtCharleston
0015DB37 - SnowglobeFortmormon

00004322 - Alien Blaster Form
00029364 - Alien Power Cell
All Armor Item Codes Part 1
00058FDF - PowerArmorTraining
000A6F78 - ArmorPowerT51bHelmet
000A6F77 - ArmorPowerT51b
00014E13 - ArmorPowerT45d
00014C08 - ArmorPowerT45dHelmet
0006B463 - TeslaPowerArmorHelmet
0006B462 - TeslaPowerArmorGO
00060C6F - OutcastPowerArmor
00138DC3 - Vault34SecurityHelmet
00138DC2 - Vault34Security
00134094 - ArmorRemnantsTeslaHelm
00133F31 - ArmorRemnantsTesla
0013316B - ArmorPowerNCRHelmet
0013316A - ArmorPowerNCRSalvaged
00133169 - ArmorGannonTeslaHelmet
00133168 - ArmorGannonTesla
00133167 - ArmorPowerRemnantsHelmet
00133166 - ArmorPowerRemnants
00129254 - ArmorNVNCRRangerCombat
00126500 - ArmorCombatReinforced
001264FF - ArmorMetalReinforced
001264FE - ArmorLeatherReinforced
0010D8DC - ArmorCombatBlack
000F3797 - ArmorFiendHelmetRare
00100633 - Rebreather
00120853 - Prostitute Outfit
00120854 - Chained Prostitute Outfit
00120855 - Exposed Prostitute Outfit
00020420 - Combat Armor
00020423 - Leather Armor
00020426 - Combat Helmet
00020429 - Sheriff's Duster
0002042e - Tunnel Snake Outfit
0002042f - Raider Painspike Armor
00020432 - Raider Psycho-Tic Helmet
000c09d4 - Environment Suit
00140c38 - 1st Recon Survival Armor
00140c39 - 1st Recon Assault Armor
00140d46 - Metal Helmet, Reinforced
0012116a - NCR Military Police Armor
000c111a - Makeshift Gas Mask
00081792 - Bright Brotherhood Robe
0008198c - Pre-War Outfit and Watch
000c24f9 - Lesko's Lab Coat
001428ec - Jason Bright's Outfit
000425ba - Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit
000e2dd0 - Desperado Cowboy Hat
00163119 - White Glove Society Attire
000e2f40 - Vance's Lucky Hat
000a3045 - Merc Grunt Outfit
000e32f1 - Vikki's Bonnet
00023030 - Ranger Battle Armor
000e3791 - Explosive Collar
000236d8 - Pip-Boy 3000
00023b62 - Enclave Power Armor
00104184 - Vault 21 Jumpsuit
001046f8 - Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit
0000431e - Vault 101 Jumpsuit
0004443e - Enclave Power Armor
0004443f - Helmet Enclave Power Helmet
001649dd - Legate's Armor
000a472e - Powder Gang Soldier Outfit
000a472f - Powder Gang Plain Outfit
000a4730 - Powder Gang Guard Armor
000a4731 - Powder Gang Simple Outfit
00104c23 - Benny's Suit
001251c9 - Van Graff Combat Armor
00025083 - Power Armor
000854cf - Brotherhood Scribe Robe
001258c2 - Formal Wear
001258c3 - Tuxedo Hat
00145ec5 - Ranger Helmet
000c5d34 - Merc Cruiser Outfit
00025b83 - Pip-Boy Glove
001264fe - Leather Armor Reinforced
001264ff - Metal Armor Reinforced
00126500 - Combat Armor Reinforced
000e6749 - Great Khan Soldier Armor
000e674a - Great Khan Suit Armor
000e674b - Great Khan Armored Leather
000e674c - Great Khan Simple Armor
0006696d - Mysterious Stranger Outfit
00146f23 - Fire Helmet
0014722a - Combat Helmet Reinforced
000a6f77 - T-51b Power Armor
000e7091 - Great Khan Spike Helmet
000a6f78 - T-51b Power Helmet
000c71e1 - The Surgeon's Lab Coat
000c72fb - Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap
000e78c6 - Construction Hat
00107af2 - Janet's Boomer Outfit
00127c6a - Slave Backpack
000c7c4e - Torcher's Mask
000c7c54 - Wanderer's Leather Armor
0014823e - Veronica's Armored Robes
001083e0 - Cattleman Cowboy Hat
001083e1 - Rawhide Cowboy Hat
000e89f3 - Fiend Battle Helmet
000c8e07 - Naughty Nightwear
00129254 - NCR Ranger Combat Armor
00028ead - Recon Armor Helmet
00028ff8 - Kid's Party Hat
00028ff9 - Pre-War Baseball Cap
00028ffa - Ballcap with Glasses
00109a92 - Boomer Jumpsuit
00109a93 - Boomer Flightsuit
00089b52 - Underwear Underwear
0016a26f - Veronica's Hood
0010a0d0 - Welding Helmet
0010a427 - Rattan Cowboy Hat
0010a428 - Old Cowboy Hat
000eaddf - Psychic Nullifier
0014b053 - Raul Armor
0014b054 - Raoul Hat
000cafbe - Vault 77 Jumpsuit
0010b3e7 - Boomers Cap
0010b3e8 - Boomers Hat
0010b3e9 - Boomers Helmet
000ab491 - Police Hat
000cb543 - Defender Armor
000cb544 - Commando Armor
000cb545 - Wastelander's Gear
000cb549 - Explorer's Gear
000cb54b - Lucky Shades
000cb5ef - Shellshocked Combat Armor
000cb5f0 - Helmet Shellshocked Combat Helmet
000cb5f3 - Enclave Shocktrooper Armor
000cb5f4 - Enclave Shocktrooper Helmet
000cb5f5 - Road Rascal Leather Armor
000cb5f6 - Apocalypse Gladiator Armor
000cb5f7 - Apocalypse Gladiator Helmet
000cb5fa - Composite Recon Armor
000cb5fb - Composite Recon Helmet
000cb5fc - Sharp-Dressed Raider's Armor
000cb5fd - The Devil's Pigtails
000cb5fe - Hand-Me-Down Raider Armor
000cb5ff - Highway Scar Armor
000cb600 - Pyro Helmet
000cb605 - All-Purpose Science Suit
000cb606 - Merc Charmer Outfit
000cb607 - Merc Troublemaker Outfit
000cb608 - Merc Adventurer Outfit
000cb609 - Wasteland Legend Outfit
000cb60a - OutfitUniqueMerc05 Merc Grunt Outfit
0006b464 - Tesla Armor
000cb60b - Merc Cruiser Outfit
0006b465 - Tesla Helmet
000cb60c - Power-Suit Armor
000cb60d - Pre-War Casualwear
0006b467 - Mysterious Stranger Hat
000cb60e - Sleepwear
000cb60f - Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit
0002b385 -Roving Trader Outfit
0012b86d - Suave Gambler Hat
0012b86e - Well-Heeled Gambler Hat
0012b965 - Vault 34 Jumpsuit
0012b966 - Vault 11 Jumpsuit
000abbe2 - Pre-War Outfit and Watch
0010bee9 - MP Trooper Helmet
0010c67c - Jailhouse Rocker
0006c587 - Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit
0010c876 - Followers Doctor Coat
0008c83c - Merc Veteran Outfit
0010cda4 - Arcade's Lab Coat
000acd5a - Brotherhood Elder's Robe
000acda4 - Sunglasses
000ccebf - 1st Recon Beret
0010d2cd - NCR Trooper Fatigues
000cd270 - Beret
0002d11b - MacCread
All Armor Item Codes Part 2
0010d8db - Bounty Hunter Duster
0010d8dc - Combat Armor
0002dc05 - Leather Armor
000cdf63 - Destroyed Party Hat
0002dd80 - Sheriff's Hat
0010e1dd - Fancy Gambler Suit
0010e1de - Well-Heeled Gambler Suit
0010e1df - Dapper Gambler Suit
0010e1e0 - Shabby Gambler Suit
000ce26d - Ranger Hat
000ee47b - Legion Explorer Armor
000ee47c - Legion Recruit Armor
000ee47d - Legion Prime Armor
000ee47e - Legion Veteran Armor
000ee47f - Vexillarius Legion Vexillarius Armor
000ee480 - Praetorian Legion Praetorian Armor
000ee481 - Centurion Legion Centurion Armor
000ee482 - Explorer Explorer Hood
000ee483 - Centurion Centurion Helmet
000ee484 - Vexillarius Vexillarius Helmet
000ee485 - Recruit Recruit Helmet
000ee486 - RecruitDecanus Recruit Decanus Helmet
000ee487 - Prime Prime Helmet
000ee488 - PrimeDecanus Prime Decanus Helmet
000ee489 - Veteran Veteran Helmet
000ee48a - VeteranDecanus Veteran Decanus Helmet
000ce552 - SpaceSuit Space Suit
000ce553 - NCRRangerPatrol NCR Ranger Patrol Armor
000ee68d - Brotherhood T-51b Power Armor
0014e834 - Destroyed Collar
000ee68e - Goggles Helmet
000ee68f - Trooper Helmet
000ee690 - NCR Face Wrap Armor
000ee691 - NCR Bandoleer Armor
000ee692 - NCR Trooper Armor
000ee693 - NCR Mantle Armor
0004e6a0 - Eyebot Helmet
0010ea7f - Dapper Gambler Hat
0010ea80 - Stylish Gambler Hat
0010ea81 - Fancy Gambler Hat
000cee21 - Space Suit Helmet
000ef1cb - Caravaneer Outfit
000ef1cc - Field Hand Outfit
000ef1cd - Settler Outfit
000ef1ce - Prospector Outfit
0008f571 - Tesla Armor
0002f563 - Slave Collar
0008f775 - Boogeyman's Hood
000efb23 - Vault 3 Jumpsuit
0013002c - President Kimball's Suit
001300af - Vault 19 Jumpsuit
001300b0 - Vault 24 Jumpsuit
0003064d - Recon Armor
00110a71 - Chained Prostitute Outfit
00110a72 - Exposed Prostitute Outfit
00110a73 - Prostitute Outfit
00110a74 - Outfit
00050e44 - Hat
000b1056 - Grimy Pre-War Businesswear
000b17a0 - Crow's Eyebot Helmet
00112daf - Kid Outfit
00133166 - Power Armor
00133167 - Power Helmet
00133168 - Tesla Armor
00133169 - Tesla Helmet
0013316a - NCR Salvaged Power Armor
0013316b - Salvaged Power Helmet
00033078 - Radiation Suit
0003307a - Advanced Radiation Suit
0003307c - Raider Sadist Armor
0003307d - Raider Badlands Armor
0003307e - Raider Blastmaster Armor
0003307f - Metal Armor
00033080 - Metal Helmet
000f3797 - Motor-Runner's Helmet
00153a0e - Repconn Jumpsuit
00033598 - Hockey Mask
00133f31 - Remnants Tesla Armor
0017409d - Jessup's Bandana
00134094 - Remnants Tesla Helmet
00073d57 - Bandana
00134490 - Oliver's Cap
000340c1 - Baseball Cap
000340c3 - Pre-War Kid's Outfit
000340c4 - Pre-War Kid's Outfit
000340c8 - Pre-War Hat
000340cd - Pre-War Bonnet
000340cf - Dirty Pre-War Casualwear
000340d0 - Pre-War Spring Outfit
000340d1 - Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit
000340d7 - Lab Technician Outfit
000340d9 - Scientist Outfit
000340de - Enclave Officer Uniform
000340e1 - Kid's Police Hat
000340e4 - Kid's Cave Rat Outfit
000340e6 - Sexy Sleepwear
000340e7 - Mayor MacCready's Outfit
000340ed - Vault 87 Jumpsuit
000340ef - Vault 112 Jumpsuit
000340f2 - Vault 101 Child's Jumpsuit
000340f8 - Ragamuffin Outfit
000340f9 - Junior Officer Outfit
000340fa - Wasteland Scout Uniform
000340fb - Athlete of the Wastes Outfit
000340fd - Eyeglasses
000340fe - Wasteland Doctor Fatigues
000340ff - Wasteland Surgeon Outfit
00034105 - Ranger Battle Helmet
0003411a - RobCo Jumpsuit
0003411b - Red Racer Jumpsuit
00034122 - Merc Charmer Outfit
00034123 - Merc Troublemaker Outfit
00034124 - Merc Adventurer Outfit
00034125 - Eulogy Jones' Suit
00034126 - Eulogy Jones' Hat
00074296 - Head Wrap1
00074334 - Head Wrap2
00074335 - Head Wrap3
00074336 - Head Wrap4
0007494c - Blast Off Helmet
00074950 - Ragamuffin Tophat
00074952 - Wasteland Scout Hat
001350ef - Cass' Outfit
00014c08 - T-45d Power Helmet
00014e13 - T-45d Power Armor
00015038 - Pip-Boy 3000
00075201 - Brotherhood T-45d Power Armor
0011689a - Trenchcoat
0011689b - Fedora
001168a4 - White Glove Society Mask
00116e26 - McCaffery's Hat
00096cb7 - Tenpenny's Suit
001370d6 - Slave Rags1
001370d7 - Slave Rags2
001370fd - Slave Scarf1
001370fe - Slave Scarf2
000b73f1 - Vault 108 Jumpsuit
000b73f2 - Vault 106 Jumpsuit
000b73f3 - Vault 92 Jumpsuit
001176e3 - Viva Las Vegas
000b75e2 - Party HatStanley
000d7779 - Broken Power Helmet
000d777a - Broken Recon Armor
000d777b - Broken Power Armor
00157cd2 - Gladiator Armor
000b7f53 - Boone's Beret
00158615 - Followers Lab Coat
0007836e - Prototype Medic Power Armor
00078643 - Kid's Murray the Mole Hat
00078644 - Raider Arclight Helmet
00078645 - Raider Wastehound Helmet
00078647 - Enclave Officer Hat
00078648 - Roving Trader Hat
00138dc2 - Vault 34 Security Armor
00138dc3 - Vault 34 Security Helmet
00018de5 - Brahmin-Skin Outfit
00079f09 - Dad's Wasteland Outfit
0015a935 - Papa Khan Helmet
0015a937 - Papa Khan Armor
0011a970 - White Mask
0013b1a8 - Aura Token Kicker
0009b185 - Kid's Ballcap with Glasses
All Armor Item Codes Part 3
0009b186 - Motorcycle Helmet
0009b188 - Biker Goggles
0009b189 - Stormchaser Hat
0001b5bd - Enclave Scientist Outfit
0005b6e8 - Raider Blastmaster Helmet
0005b6ea - Blast Off Pajamas
0011bacb - Pimp-Boy 3 Billion
0011bcf8 - PimpBoy 3 Billion
0001ba00 - Wasteland Wanderer Outfit
0005bb63 - Pre-War Relaxedwear
0005bb66 - Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit
0005bb6f - Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear
0005bb70 - Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit
0013bf53 - Caesar's Armor
0011bee2 - Ambassador Crocker's Suit
0007c109 - ChildBlastoffHelmet
0007c17d - Shady Hat
0001c295 - Tinted Reading Glasses
0001c296 - Reading Glasses
0005c682 - Dirty Pre-War Businesswear
0005c99f - GlassesShades Sunglasses
0005c9a0 - Doctor Li's Glasses
0005c9a1 - Tortiseshell Glasses
000fcebb - Fiend Warrior Helmet
000fcebc - Fiend Helmet
0001cbdb - Wasteland Settler Outfit
0001cbdc - Vault Lab Uniform
000fd175 - Vault 22 Jumpsuit
0007cfef - BirthSkirt
0013d3b5 - ArmorLightAudioTemplate
0013d3b6 - ArmorHeavyAudioTemplate
0003d1fe - MS13Collar Slave Collar
000fd561 - Raul's Petro-Chico Jumpsuit
000fd771 - Vault 3 Utility Jumpsuit
0005dc82 - GlassesReadingChild
0013e25a - Legate Legate Helmet
0015e35d - General Oliver's Uniform
0003e54a - Regulator Duster
0015ea6d - Raul Jumpsuit Armor
0003e591 - Surgical Mask
0013eb32 - ArmorPlasticAudioTemplate
0013eb33 - ArmorMediumAudioTemplate
0013ec03 - NCR Trooper Armor1
0013ec04 - NCR Trooper Armor2
0013ec05 - NCR Trooper Armor3
0013ec06 - NCR Trooper Armor4
0013ec07 - NCR Trooper Armor5
0015ef66 - Combat Armor, Reinforced Mark 2
0015ef67 - Combat Helmet, Reinforced Mark 2
0015ef8b - Cass's Hat
0001ea6d - Pre-War Casualwear
0013f297 - ArmorPowerAudioTemplate
0013f3a2 - DamWar power armor
0013f3a3 - DamWar Enclave Officer
0013f3a4 - DamWar Legion
0013f3a5 - DamWar Centurion
0013f3a6 - DamWar Enclave Scientist
0013f3a7 - DamWar Ranger
0013f3a8 - DamWar Combat Ranger
0013f3a9 - DamWar Great Khan
0013f3aa - DamWar Trooper
0013f3ac - DamWar Combat Ranger Helmet
0013f3ad - DamWar Legion Helmet
0013f3ae - DamWar Face Mask
0013f80e - Civilian Engineer Jumpsuit
0013f80f - NCR Engineer Jumpsuit
0011f87b - Ranger Red Scarf Outfit
0011f87c - Ranger Vest Outfit
0011f87d - Ranger Casual Outfit
0011f87e - Ranger Brown Hat
0011f87f - Ranger Grey Hat
0011f880 - Ranger Tan Hat
0011f881 - Authority Glasses
000bf6fd - Handyman Jumpsuit
0015fd5c - Chinese Stealth Armor
0015fd5d - Chinese Stealth Helmet
0007836e - Prototype Medical Power Armor
Savior of The Free 23 Jun, 2024 @ 1:18pm 
your commitment to this is commendable.

Thanks for the guide.
9023232323210 15 Jul, 2022 @ 8:28am 
@kaiG you need to press ~ and like for armour player.additem 001046f8 1 that console command its armoured vault leather or something like that.
kaiG 6 Jan, 2022 @ 7:10pm 
it dont work for me:steamsad:
sani 20 Aug, 2021 @ 12:25pm 
click on the door while in console
Benny 10 Aug, 2021 @ 1:06pm 
this guy is a god
vaterlandstreuer 1 Feb, 2021 @ 10:38am 
+Vlad Da Baker Use 0000000F or 001017C6
Homeless Harold 28 Jan, 2021 @ 9:07pm 
i cant find caps
Lynx  [author] 9 Aug, 2020 @ 4:12pm 
+conditjj Yeah it doesn't work. Type "coc goodsprings" if you find yourself stuck. There's mods that fix this, but the alternative is to spawn the item boxes that contain 'All Weapons' or 'All Armor', etc. Even then those boxes don't contain exactly everything in the game as they say they do, so you'll have to get the code for a specific item. It's a bit of a mess as compared to Skyrim's fully fledged dev armory that actually works and actually contains every item in the game all organized.
Zhur 9 Aug, 2020 @ 3:31pm 
Quick question, is the dev armory supposed to be a void where you fall infinitely?
vaterlandstreuer 23 Apr, 2020 @ 9:53am 
+puggles2g It's not "NCR." Try "setreputation 000a46e7 1 100"