The Enchanted Cave 2

The Enchanted Cave 2

30 lượt đánh giá
A Beginners Guide to the Enchanted Cave!
Bởi Sarah
In this guide you'll learn how to survive and thrive in The Enchanted Cave! From learning how to hit things without dying and drinking homemade potions that WONT kill you, you'll learn everything you need to dive right in and get lost within the Caves!
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Game Basics

Welcome to town young adventurer! Let's dive right into the game shall we?
This is the main menu, where you can start your new journy, or change some settings to make your adventure more enjoyable.

Before we jump into the game, click on the Options button.
Here we can make some quality of life changes. To lower the Music / Sound of the game, click and drag the slider to whatever value suits you (These values are in %). Next up is Full Screen or Windowed view. Choose whichever suits your playstyle. After that is battlespeed. During combat, youll need to have reflexes for potions / spells during combat. Having Slow battle speed allows you to have more time to react to battles. Or if you feel brave, keep it on fast ;) And finally we have Stairs Confirm. While in the caves, youll find stairs to go to the next floor. Having this on prompts you asking ''Hey, you sure you want to go down?'' which is useful incase you misclick or want to explore the current floor some more. I recommend keeping that on :) 1 last thing. On the bottom left side is an option to Clear All Data. Never click that, unless you want to start everything from scratch as youll loose EVERYTHING! After choosing all the settings, click close.

Now time for the fun stuff! Click Start / New Game.
Upon making a new game, you'll have 4 characters you can choose from. You can change your appearance later in the game by going to the in-game menu! After choosing your character, you'll end up in town right next to the cave, spawning in front of the Inn. Be sure to visit here after you leave the dungeon, as there are NPCs looking for certain stuff from it, looking to pay you with items or gold!

Your character can move 2 ways. By clicking on the ground where you want to go with the left mouse button, or by using the WSAD keys.

W = Up / S = Down / A = left / D = right

You can interact with NPCs by clicking on them, or moving in their direction
. Example, if someone is 1 space to your right, press D to talk to them.

To the left side of the town is The Museum.

Here you can deposit the legendary items you find within the Cave. This is a good way store extras of the gear you have, or if you just want to collect every piece of gear. However, you can only store ONE of each item in here.

And last but not least, at the top of the town is the Enchanted Cave!
The first time you try to enter, the Gaurd will stop you and ask if you want to know the basics. If you choose yes, he'll tell you everything you need to know to get started :)

Finally, we're inside the cave!
When we first enter the cave, we are greeted by a traveling merchant!

Talking to the merchant brings up his store. We cant buy much right now since we haven't got much gold, but after a few runs we'll be able to grab some stuff from him!

Now lets go into to the 1st floor!

Welcome to the 1st floor everyone!
Now we're ready to get into the action! From the screenshot above, you can see a few rats and bats blocking the way to a chest and the next floor. We'll fix that right up! To fight monsters, simply move towards them with the WSAD Keys or clicking on them. Also, if you wish to see the stats of a monster before fighting it, simply left click the monster and hold the click for 2 seconds.

Now go kill a monster!
That's right, show it whos boss! After you've killed a baddy, let's see what happened. Look at the top left of the screen.

See those 3 bars? Those are your Health, Mana, and Experience Bars.

Your HP is how many Hitpoints you have before dying.
Your Mana is required to cast skills (such as heal) crafting, or enchanting items at the forge.
Your Experience determines your level. Once that bar fills up fully, you level up! Gaining a stat boost that you choose and earning 3 skill points in the process.

Once your HP hits 0, you die. Game Over. Try to stop that bar from hitting 0. :P

Let's explore and kill some more!
There's lots to keep an eye out for while exploring.

Gold Bag:
Walking onto this Bag of gold gives you a bit of gold. Who woulda thought?!

Equipment Chest:
This chest gives you random gear, with a small chance of getting Legendary Gear from it!

Item Chest:
This chest gives materials you can use to craft Potions, as well as enchant weapons and armor!

Green Chest:
This chest gives you random potions and a magical pickaxe that can break down walls of the dungeon making shortcuts or avoiding fights! It also gives you the Escape Wings you need to use to exit the cave before dying!

Gold Chest:
This chest gives the best loot in the game. The Legendary Gear. These items have a gold border around them, and give better stats then regular equipment.

Hidden Room:
While exploring the caves, you may find this strange shiny spot on the wall. Clicking / walking to it reveals is hidden room! Inside is a Gold Chest, random loot containers, stairs to the next floor, and a journal entry from the person responisble for creating the Enchanted Caves!

And this is the inside of the hidden room!

From some of the chests or monsters you've taken care of, you might have found some new equipment to put on! To put on your new gear, Click on the Gear icon on the bottom right side of the screen. From there, click on Items, then double click on the equipment you want to put on or take off. Back to exploring!

You just leveled up!
Woohoo! All those monsters you slain are paying off! Everytime you level up, you gain a stat point and 3 skill points you can use to upgrade yourself.

--- Stat Points---

There are 5 stats in the game you can level up: Attack, Defense, Magic, HP, and MP.

Everytime you level up, you get to choose which stat to increase;

Attack gives you +1 Attack.

Defense gives you +1 Defense.

Magic gives you +1 Magic.

HP gives you +10 HP.

MP gives you +2 MP.

There is no way to repick you stat points, so pick carefully!

There is also another way to gain stat points besides leveling up. You can absorb Stat Gems found randomly in the Caves! Here is a Stat Gem I found that gives you +2 MP!

There are 5 types of these gems, each one raising a different stat. There's also a special stat gem that can be found. It has a purplish color to it, and it allows you to level up any stat you choose! I love finding these :)

---Skill Points---

This is the hard part: Choosing which path to take. You can go down any path at anytime, but points you put in CANT BE UNDONE. In otherwords, your stuck with what you pick :)

The Green path
is Magic. Putting points here unlocks useful spells such Heal and Transmute! Following this Path gives you more Magic, MP, HP, and Spells.

The Yellow path
is Combat. Putting points here makes your regular combat much more effective, as well as gaining more XP from fights! Following this path gives you more Attack, Defense, HP, Crit Chance, and Bonus XP from Fights.

The Purple path
is Items. Putting points here makes monsters drop more loot and gold, as well as making potions more effective! Following this path gives you Higher Gold Drops, Higher Item Drops, Longer Potion Duration + Effiency, and HP.
During your adventure you may have found an Item called the Magic Pickaxe.
These things are great at making your life a lot easier. They can be found in the Green chests and can be used on wall tiles in the dungeon to remove them!

To use them, go near a wall and use a pickaxe. You'll see the map grid appear.

Now Click on the wall you want destroyed!

Notice how the wall suddenly exploded?! Now you can cut across a long hallway filled with monsters!

So we've killed a few monsters, found a few stat gems, and leveled up a few times. Good Job!
However, If you die, all that progress is lost! All your gold, items, exp, gone! The only way out of the dungeon is to use Escape Wings found in the Greenish chests. Make sure you use it before you die!

This is what you get when you use the wings. Click Yes or Q when your ready to go home!

Upon using the wings to escape the Cave, you get this Run Successful! screen summing up everything you got!

Notice on your items it only shows the gold bordered ones? All the grey equipment and crafting materials are LOST when you leave the cave unless you use the Transmute spell on them. So its recommended that you sell your junk items / unused materials to the merchant that appears on every 10 floors!

So we've killed monsters, got stronger, and made it out of the cave for the first time! Well Done! Soon those monsters won't know what hit them! Now that we've went over the basics of playing, time to go into the advanced stuff!

Its time to Craft!

So after killing some creatures and looting some chests, you've probably come across some raw materials like White Morels and Tiny Tooth's. When crafting, each of these items give a boost, depending on their potency. Open your invantory by clicking the Gear icon on the bottom right side of the screen. Then click on the Craft button.

So now that the Crafting screen is open, click on the pile of dust on the invantory tab
; Those are your crafting materials. By clicking on them, you can see what the item will do when combined into a potion. For example, a White Morel has about a medium potency in Health Restore.

You can add/remove items in a potion by double clicking on the item. So now, lets try creating a potion. For this example, I will combine a White Morels with a Tiny Tooth.

As you can see after combining the 2 items togather, we have previewed a potion we can craft.
This specific potion will give a 40 HP Restore + give us +1 attack for one battle. Duration for a potion means a fight, a single encounter with a monster. Duration can be increased by putting points into the Purple Skill Tree.

So now that the materials are together, click CRAFT POTION. The materials will be consumed and we'll have ourselves a shiny new potion! Woohoo! Hopefully this one wont kill me! Note that crafting potions does not consume MP, unlike forging that does consume MP.

Crafting your own potion is Important to surviving in the Caves.
Potions you buy from the traveling merchant every 10 floors can be quite expensive, especially when you are just starting out. These potions cost nothing but materials you find, and they also provide helpful stat boosts, such as double crit chance, or cause bleeding.

But materials aren't only for Potions, they make your equipment become super strong and provide amazing boosts to your character!
Time to smear some troll poop on our armor to make us regain health after every fight!

No but seriously, smearing poop on your armor and sprinkling some rocks on it will make you become much stronger. Wouldn't someone covered in poop chasing you with Dagger made of fire be terrifying? Lets get started!

First thing we need to do is find a Forge!

They can be found when you first enter the Cave in the merchants room. They can also be found every 10 floors when you see the merchant again. Sometimes they can be found randomly in the Cave, but its quite uncommon.

So lets try enchanting some armor! Remember that enchanting your gear consumes MP!
Click on the Forge and this screen will pop up.

To enchant an item, double click on the peice of gear you want to enchant. That will put it in the Forge. Next, click on the Materials Tab. To see what effects the forging will have, double click an item into it. For this example, I will Forge a Mining Helmet.

So theres a few things to notice here. See the Property 1 + Property 2? Those are the stats the item will gain from consuming these materials. So the Tiny tooth is granting +1 attack damage, and the Tiny Spine is granting 3 Bleed Damage per hit (basically true damage) + 2% crit chance. Not too shabby. Also notice that doing this enchantment costs 30 MP. Some items dont gain any stat bonus' when applied to an item though, as picture below.

See how the first Property is greyed out? That means that bonus will not be applied to the item when forged. Its important to make sure to have good enchanted gear, as it helps tremendously.
Also know that any gear thats been forged CAN be reforged to get new stats applied to the gear. My favorite is Troll Poop and Mortimus Iron, which gives HP Regen + MP Regen after every battle!
This section of the guide will be about NPC's and what they can do for you!

Traveling Merchant:
The Traveling Merchant sells/buys items for the player. He sells potions, gear (sometimes legendary), and crafting materials. Make sure to sell all your unneeded materials /junk gear before you finish a run!


Gem Dealer:
The Gem Dealer can rarely be found within the same room as the Traveling Merchant. He sells stat gems to the players. The gems he sells can be purchased as many times as you can afford, however the prices increases each time you buy.


16 bình luận
APoCaLyPSE666NoW 17 Thg08, 2017 @ 11:39am 
HP regen or HP restore on armor ?

Are two bonuses cumulative ? For example +3 HP regen x2 = +6 HP regen ?
APoCaLyPSE666NoW 15 Thg08, 2017 @ 4:23am 
That mean i don't master how to fix regen on item (except for potions).
Sarah  [tác giả] 14 Thg08, 2017 @ 6:57pm 
you can have both HP and MP regen on an item, forgetting which items though. Literally all of my armor has +hp and +mp on kill, think i get 88 hp and 32mp per kill
APoCaLyPSE666NoW 14 Thg08, 2017 @ 2:27am 
I found the way to transmute but i need to put tons of points into magic (i need problaby 7 level up more).

I hope i'll be able to master all trees. And i'am glad this game have many NG game +.

Is it possible to add HP regen & MP regen into items by crafting ?
I created regen potion but nuff time is severely reduced to 1 turn by default.
I gained MP regen helmet trading 1 item with npc.
I forged twice same item but his property HP regen disapeared.
Sarah  [tác giả] 13 Thg08, 2017 @ 5:59pm 
yup :v
APoCaLyPSE666NoW 8 Thg08, 2017 @ 5:58am 
If i understand right, the only way to keep one of "no yellow item" is to transmute it.
Sarah  [tác giả] 14 Thg06, 2015 @ 12:14pm 
I still need to add some more info the guide, been playing some new games and was made a head moderator for the community so been busy on that too :gmod::gmod: Il be updating it soon I promise! :P
Eggility 14 Thg06, 2015 @ 8:58am 
oh something else - someone found a loop for the angry stone? 12 times angry ( 108% instantkill) with 8 times manareg (16 reg) would be imba :)
Eggility 14 Thg06, 2015 @ 8:54am 
Hidden room - there is 1 from x1-x4 and an secound from x5-x9 (2 rooms per 10 floors) ... i tested the information - seems legit - maybe you should add it ;)
Sarah  [tác giả] 4 Thg06, 2015 @ 7:49pm 
Thanks for the input, il add it when I get some free time :3 I was trying to remember everything, hard to sometimes :P