Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

How To Pro Medic
由 FoxActual 與 1 位協作者共同發表
This guide is for people who like to play medic, and how to go from skilled medic (A little on that as well) to pro medic.
What hats to wear
The first thing you need as a pro medic is the air around you saying to everyone "I am a pro medic." In order to do this, you need hats. the hats that would without a doubt improve your standing as a medic are...

The Practitioner's Processing Mask,
Das Naggenvatcher,
Macho Mann,
Deus Specs,
Heer's Helmet,
Surgeon's Stahlhelm,
Der Wintermantle,
and Achemedes/Mecha-Medes,

Great, now you're on your way to becoming a pro medic! (at least you look like one).
Weapons and Mediguns (and when to use them)
There are many other guides on this, so i'll try and keep this part short.

The stock medigun
This is the default medigun. Pro medics will usually have a strange or botkiller one, but you can still be a pro without one. Use this medigun when survival is top priority, and when pushing against sentry guns. the invulnerablity granted by it can lead to massive pushes, such as capturing the first part of Dustbowl by powering through before the enemy can reposition.

The Kritzkrieg

This Medigun is to be used when sentry presence is minimal, and you need to clear out heavily populated areas. used in conjunction with soldiers using the Battalions Backup or Cocheror the effects can be devestating.

The Quick-Fix

This Medigun is used not very much, but is still effective. when you have Rocket jumping soldiers or Stickyjumping/Trimping Demos, this is very effective. It can be used to keep your buddy alive versus the couple of soldiers and heavy all pelting him at once.


The Crusader's Crossbow

Arguably the best Medic weapon out there, the Crusader's heals allies on hit, and damages enemies on hit, depending on the distance it travels. It shoots a single arching bolt, similarly to the huntsman. Nothing beats the feeling on hitting an ally with this as he is about to die of fall damage/enemy fire.

The Blutsauger

The Weapon of choice for Combat Medics, this weapon lowers your automatic heal rate from 4 to 2, but regens 3 health on hit.

Melee Weapons

This is almost completely opinion, but pro medics use such weapons as,

The Bonesaw (Festive)

The Ubersaw

The only Melee on this list that actually isnt a reskin, the Ubersaw, attacks 20% slower but adds 25% Ubercharge on hit. this can be used to smack an enemy and uber yourself for a quick getaway/push.

The Crossing Guard

My Melee of choice, nothing beats the satisfaction of killing somone with a railroad sign. (also, if you want some laughs, the demoman when taunting with it uses the same taunt as the regular bottle :P)

You probably know the rest, the Pan
and possibly the Ham Shank. or, if you're one of those Uber rich people, a Golden Pan or Saxxy.

(Note, I didnt add the Vaccinator, Overdose, Amputator or Solem Vow because the V and the O are useless, and the A and SV are all opinion.)

Taunts, and when to use them.
The medic's Taunts are really cheap, and pretty satisfying.

The Results Are In Taunt Is rarely used, but, if you somehow manage to 1v1 another class while they are at full health and no one else is around, feel free to use it.

The Meet the Medic Taunt is a taunt I like to use at the Beginning of the round right after my Uber is full.

The Schadenfreude is a taunt that is also fun to use after you kill somone, or if you think the noob wearing a gibus doing stock taunts in front of your door is funny.

Tips on how to play Pro medic
Medic can be a tricky class to play, you may think the demo you're healing is about to cross the doorway, so you follow him only for him to change his mind last second and leave you in the firing line. some things medic's do wrong are,

Crowding your heal target.

Most medics stay on guys hard, and in reality you dont have to be close to your guy. the range of your medigun is surprisingly long, use it to the best of your abilities to take cover and let your target take the damage.

Not healing Everyone

Some medics just find one guy and heal him until he gets killed. While everyone around him is at 20 HP and screaming medic he just keeps healing that one soldier who's overhealed. As a medic you are there to heal EVERYONE. if somone yells medic or even just has low health and doesnt, heal them.

Following people to the bitter end.

As a medic, if that demo wants to charge the main enemy defensive line all by himself, dont follow him to his death. if he wants, let him go, but if he's getting ready to try and take down two sentry nests with no cover, just leave and heal somone else.

Not taking enough use of their weapons

Some medics never use their guns, they have them for a reason. if you are being chased by that lone scout, let him have it, dont just stand there with your medigun and die. medics are there for support, but have weapons if the going gets tough.

Using your weapons too much

Contrary to above, some medics overuse their weapons, if you feel the need, pull out your weapon, fire a few shots and whip out the medigun again. your weapons are to save your life, not to kill other players randomly.

Turning your back on the enemy

NEVER RUN AWAY WITH YOUR FACE TOWARDS YOUR ALLIES. This only makes you fodder for the nearest spy. always run backwards to as to notice things such as, Is there a sniper around, do I need to evade? Is that suspicious scout a spy? and other things. it can easily save your life to be able to avoid that rocket because you saw it.

Using Uber as a lifesaver

Uber is there for pushes, and to keep your target from dying, its not there just as a free instahealz, use it tactically, not recklessly.

A good video listing most of the things i talked about here is this video, by ArraySeven.

Common (Or Uncommon) Courtesies.
Now you may be thinking, "What do you mean courtesies? why would i need those?"
Well, in order to sound truly pro, you need to respond.
good patients will always say thanks with the commands when you save them, when somone yells for medic and you heal them, you should say "Yes" by pressing Z, then by pressing 7.
When somone saves you, you should say "Thank you", by pressing Z and 2.

This may be a little thing, but pro players will always know that you are at least somewhat pro when you respond.
At first it may be a hinderance, but after awhile your fingers will do it almost unconsiously.
Most of you have heard of sprays and know how to use them. but, for truly pro medics, you need your own spray. it doesnt have to be fancy, it just has to show that you are the medic around here, and if you need heals, you're the guy to come too.

A good example of this would be this spray, by Stealing Your Wifi, a Pro Medic.

If you dont want your own, but still want to show you main medic, you can use something like these.

Thanks for reading!
If you have any suggestions (Pictures you'd like to add, tips, ideas for new sections,) Leave them in the comments!
7 則留言
ChushiGangdruk 2015 年 6 月 7 日 下午 6:03 
I don't agree on the Vaccinator. I find it very useful to me personally, disregarding the way others use it. I have watched most of ArraySeven's videos, and when I play Combat Medic, the Vaccinator is the Medi Gun of choice for me as a quick escape.

I very much agree with Hetzer down there on the "this guide is also completely oblivious to really important things like positioning and crit healing" and maybe a bit more effort should've been put into this guide, and maybe actually write on sections like "skills, pros and cons(maybe), what to never do, etc." Also, I think another video made by ArraySeven should've been added, but thats just me.
Tealtime 2015 年 6 月 7 日 下午 12:18 
created by a guy with 400 hours and another with little over 1300 who both probably never even played in any league, this guide is also completely oblivious to really important things like positioning and crit healing.

2/5 for the effort. Most of the things in this guide can be figured out if you have any common sense at all.
Altruistic Muffin 2015 年 6 月 7 日 上午 11:21 
and also the quick fix is really good, its just used for when you need alot of people healed, and the uber allows you to quickly heal people
Altruistic Muffin 2015 年 6 月 7 日 上午 11:13 
Pro tip: heal people!
nem 2015 年 6 月 7 日 上午 6:47 
Very good and informative. I don't see why you didn't talk about vaccinator or overdose tho ^^
COVID-19 2015 年 6 月 7 日 上午 3:00 
i am gibus pro medic
Canon 2015 年 6 月 3 日 上午 2:10 
Best guide evar