Dota 2
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[6.84] Leshrac offlane 4k --> 5.3k MMR
Av lukjov
This is how i got 4k ---> 5.3k MMR
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A lot of people say they have problems with getting SOLO MMR, because of bad teammates. That's why i decided to be independent in solo queue and play hero that is great in early, mid or late game and doesn't need support. That's why Leshrac is perfect choice. Don't missunderstand me, it's Dota, you must teamplay with your teammates, but Leshrac is a hero that can handle game even with bad supports, carrys, or flamers in your team. In almost every game I had best hero and tower damage in both teams.

Subscribe here to use this build in game:


Now i'm doing same with party mmr
Item build

You buy your own observer ward, but if support will buy it for you, you can buy clarity. Don't forget to buy new ward at around 6 min to see incoming gangs. Early game items are ofcourse to increas your regen/mana pool.

Mid game

is your main core item, this is first big item you are going to buy. It increase your total hp/mana and ofcourse regeneration. Ofcourse you use your Arcane Boots to create it.
increase your ultimate's dmg. That mean you are going to nuke enemies way faster. It increase your hp/mana as well.
protect you from nukes/stuns. hit targets around Leshrac, that mean you will be inside fights, so you need to be tanky enough. It depend on every game if you are going for BKB after Aghanim's Scepter, or before.

Late game

mobility is very important. You will use it to save your teammates, join fights, or farm.
will make you much more tanky. Increase total hp/mana and ofcourse lifesteal from your skills, remember you will be inside fights, not on side.
disables - this is how 6-sloted carrys can die without doing any damage in fight.
if you think you have enough disables in team but you need to be more tanky, go for it instead hex, but i think hex may be more useful.
very situational item. Usualy you will have not space for it. In almost every game bkb will be more useful.
Ability build

YES, you saw right, stun level 10! But why? Mostly because Leshrac has stronger early game skills. I will explain this more in early game gameplay. Ofcourse there are situations that force you to take stun faster (but usualy leave it level 1 untill other skills are maxed), but in most of games you will take when you reach level 10.
When team sent me solo easy lane, because there was Broodmother i had to max and then just to defense my self or tower from spiders, so beware there may be situations that make you buy different items or go for different skill build.
Let's start
After you spawn fountain you instantly buy items and ward enemy's jungle to see incoming gangs, before any enemy will scout there for offlaner. This are 2 basic spots:
When you are afraid of deward you can try this way:

Don't contest rune, u should block creeps to make creep waves meet as close your tower as it is possible. You must know that you are save from incoming gangs. If possible, let range creep go first:
Early game
Destiny of your early game is gain experiance. Leshrac is a nuker, so if he will level fastly, he can start nuke enemies faster. Enemy supports probably will try to push you away from creep wave so you won't get experiance. That's why u start with level 1 . With this skill you can win first harras fight versus every support, and if enemy will be not smart enough to run away instantly, you may be able to kill him. You focus more on right clicking enemy carry than deny to make him lose regens before you even start spaming with skills. When you are level 3 you can start spaming but only if you made enemy carry lose most of regens. If creeps are in position that you can leech exp (even if you can't last hit/harras/deny), just leech exp. With level 5 you harras with right clicks and and force enemy carry to stay away from creeps and let you farm, or even force him to run fountain, sometimes you can have even a kill. Level 6 is almost every time 100% kill with 4 sec cd and .
Every time you force enemies to get back or you kill them, go for tower. Your does huge dmg to towers - if enemy run to fountain after your harras and tp back, it is usualy to late to save their tower. Don't forget to buy new ward around 6 min of the game.

There are 2 things you must remember about your early game:
1. Your job is getting experiance, even if you will have 2 last hits in 6 mins, it's fine if you have exp.
2. Play realy save! Stay back when mid is missing, and keep watching your ward.
When enemy support is pulling and it's not save to go there, go back and block creeps.
Incoming gangs
You are going to fast push towers, the most important thing in Leshrac offlane is make game as fast as possible, get rax before enemy get big items. But when you will push towers, enemies will focus on ganging you because of your bad position.
When you see incoming gang, you have 2 options depend on their heroses (stuners/nukers etc) or possiblity of escape (enemy may have haste rune etc):
1. You can run away under your tower.
2. You can try to fight, you have great aoe, with level 6 and 75%+ mana you can win a fight even vs 2-3 heroes. But it can't be open space fight, you should use possibilities volvo gave you:
If you are radiant, you can use tango on that highlight tree and run around there with your and and also keep spaming when you are able to.
Mid game
After you push t1, you have 3 options, you will decide what will be more save for you:
1. If you know enemies are away becasue of your harras or you see there are on other lane, you can push t2 to force glif (probably they will instantly glif when they will see you pushing t2 in 10 min of game) and then you go for next t1.
2. You can wait for enemy carry that will try to farm because creep wave will be close to his t2. You can nuke him down realy fast and fall back.
3. You go other lane to push next t1.

Even if you have farming-no-matter-what teammates, it's not that hard to push all t1. But when you will try to push t2, enemies will try to gang you for sure, so you must be very careful with that.

Leshrac's job in mid game is take down every t1/t2:
Late game
You should finish game before 30 min of game, but it is not always possible. Don't be afraid of late game, because Leshrac can farm easily with his skills and farmed Leshrac is realy strong. I carried my team vs 6 sloted or . In 6.84 there are a lot of players that try to finish game before late game so even if your enemies will try to take your rax in 20-25 min of game, don't flame or give up, because only Leshrac can kill incoming creeps and you may have also teammates with same possibilities.
When you are 6-sloted:
you are one of the strongest carry in game. Just save for buyback, and don't try YOLO 1vs5 and you will be fine.
Additional informations
One of the easiest carry you will fight with as Leshrac is .

You should be careful on magic immune piercing skills like

My worst lane i was fightning with was and
when Gyrocopter maxed becaue it has huge damage in early game and i had no chance to destroy missle, because when i would try to do it, Vengeful would stun me and it would finish with double stun in me.
231 kommentarer
dord21雨 13. apr. 2019 kl. 5.17 
Почему это дерьмо до сих пор в топе???
sava 15. jan. 2019 kl. 13.57 
RUS : Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
ENG : Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same! +rep Good player 💜
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+rep One shot, one kill. No luck, just skill ✔
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lukjov  [skaper] 23. mai 2016 kl. 14.02 
I can't promise that because don't play much dota latly. But about small update: shiva is better than aghanim scepter. Agha was enough 4-5k mmr, but after that you see differences in gameplay and you see the power of armor.
COVID-19 23. mai 2016 kl. 11.38 
will this guide get updatet?
psyhotrix 5. apr. 2016 kl. 22.14 
+rep good player
+rep nice player
I will answer the same!
Отвечу Тем же!
psyhotrix 5. apr. 2016 kl. 22.14 
+rep good player
+rep nice player
I will answer the same!
Отвечу Тем же!
[epX.]CyberPanda 28. nov. 2015 kl. 5.32 
leshrac is dead. so this guide
zorndyke 29. sep. 2015 kl. 19.36 
no update for 6.85? since they're nerfed Lesh, he is no longer scary with this build :steamsad:
Pantheon- 25. aug. 2015 kl. 20.11 
Взаимный +rep ребята
76561198143241674 19. aug. 2015 kl. 22.28 
fucking great man !:steambored: