Dota 2
The Scarab's Armory - Antlers
즐겨찾기 해제
Heroes: Weaver
Slots: Head
Non Hero: Wearable
Utility: Imported
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20.629 KB
2015년 5월 23일 오전 3시 17분
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Airborn_Studios님의 1 모음집
The Scarab's Armory
아이템 6개
The Scarab's Armory - Antlers

In the last days before Skitskurr’s exile, when the thrill of creation was intoxicating and new, the Weaver dabbled in the civilizations of men, shearing one thread in fate’s fabric, spinning another, observing the chaotic patterns that emerged from his work. In these mortals, Skitskurr found a distant echo of his own desire to build and create, and he became fascinated with their brief and furious lives. As his curiosity grew, he began to seek opportunities to break one of the most sacred rules of the Weavers--he sought to step into the tapestry itself and walk among the mortals.

The people to whom the Weaver appeared believed him to be a god, and in a way, he was. Skitskurr’s transgressions spawned legends, and in one case, an entire religion.

When Skitskurr was exiled and his world snipped from the tapestry, he sought refuge among the temples where he was still worshipped. His believers offered him sacrifices, and fashioned him holy armor from the carapace of the one of the vast, nearly indestructible sand scarabs of the Scintillant Waste. Skitskurr donned this new armor over his own, as a sign of might and an iridescent symbol of his new freedom to create and destroy.

Airborn Studios

Concept: Dario Coelho
Model: Calvin Verhoolen
Loading Screen: Simon Kopp
Lore: Ian Dorsch