DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

101 ratings
So you want to be a mage?
By Phantius
This guide will show you how to become a proper PvP mage in Dark Souls 2 and is ofcourse heavily influenced by my own opnion.
I will not explain any mechanics of magic and spells in general for I kindly assume you have atleast a decent knowledge on how magic in this game works. No this guide is more based on what other spells you might want to take as a mage while leaving the meta spells like Soul Spears and Homing Crystal Mass behind. I will give my opnion about certain spells on how they might fit in a mage build and why they may not fit in, show some examples on what types of spell combinations you could use and showcase some pictures of my own mage build.
So you want to be a mage? And not only that, but a proper one too?
Well then you have come to the right adress, I shall show you the way on how to become a proper mage without simply relying on spamming Crystal Souls Spears and other similar spell variants that deal high damage.
My tutorial is mostly meant for people who want to tune their PvP mages up for a more magical experience and less for a walking casting machinegun experience.
Ofcourse this tutorial is based on my own opnion, so in case you disagree on certain aspects thats fine, just fine.
How to be a proper mage
As a mage your character will mainly rely on spells (kinda obvious) and therefore you character should be formed around the types of spells you use (form follows function).
Luckily for us Dark Souls 2 has quite the array of spells in the form of Hexes, Sorceries, Miracles and Pyromancies. Each of those forms have their own Cons and Pros and some more than the other.

So as a "proper" mage in PvP you should focus on spells that allow you the following things:
  • Grant you some form of ground control.
  • Allows you to set up combo's with other spells.
  • Have a decent to fast casting speed.
  • Has generally enough casts to be used in a 1v1 senario, whithout you running out of spells.
While at the same time you want to avoid these type of spells:
  • In general, leave the buff spells at home. You will need the attunment slots for other spells.
  • Spells that make you spam them to make them usefull.
  • Spells that are already heavily overused, you want something fresh not the same thing other people have been doing for ages.

So which spells should you use and how would you use them?
Well in the next sections I will be adressing multiple spells from the different categories available in the game. These will be spells I recommend you to avoid if you want to continue with this build or spells that I recommend as possible options within your own mage build.
Sorceries are really good for long range casting, do quite alot of damage and also allows the user for some utilitty.

Soul Arrows and Homing Soul Arrows
They are pretty much the basic type of spell with quite a long range and a decent amount of damage. Especially the homing variant which you can buy from Straid are very usefull. They have a fast casting speed and enough casts to use them without having to worry about running out of them. So how would you use them? Personally I use them to take down people who run away from me with a low amount of health as they can travel quite some distance before fading. Especially the homing variant is great at doing this as it is able to make quite some adjustments to its trajectory when following someone.
In most duels I use them rarely however as those are most of the time more close ranged based but when invading I always take atleast one slot for the Heavy Homing Soul Arrow.

Soul Spears and Crystal Soul Spears
Ah yes, who has not encounterd being spammed to death by one of these two spells?
They are pretty much the highest damage dealing sorceries that you can find and because of that a lot of people stack them and pretty much fill out all of their attunment slots with these spells.
Yet I encourage you to not take one of these spells, why you ask? Well these spells are on their own good enough to take someone down in PvP and have no other tactical use then nuking someone to kingdome come. Think of it like this: What was more badass? Dumbledore's duel versus Voldermort or Wormtail killing Cedric with one spell?

Soul Greatsword
One of my personal favorites and a usefull sorcery in both duels and invasions. It deals a lot of damage, has 3-6 uses, is able to hit enemies through obstacles and has a fast casting speed.
I would recommend this sorcery or its darker brother, the Dark Greatsword, in allmost every Sorcerer build. For it allows you to deal a ton of damage when a melee enemy tries to get near you and is also quite able in catching people that try to roll begind you.

Homing Soul Mass and Homing Crystal Soul Mass
If want to go for a proper mage build then do not, I repeat, do not take these. They are the cheesiest form of magic, require zero skill to use and experienced players are pretty much always able to dodge them or just wait for the duration to be over making them a waste of attunment slots.

Soul Bolt and Focus Souls
These are pretty much the same spells as where Soul Bolt fires one energy beam in a straight line across the ground and Focus Souls fires four. In my opnion Soul Bolt is a waste of attunement slots, Focus Souls however is a awesome spell. It has a bigger AOE then Soul Bolt, is able to catch people rolling and has a fast casting speed. It is also one of my favorite spells to use in a combo with another spell.

Soul Shower
Not a fantastic spell by any means, but can be a lot of fun to use. It is however pretty much useless in any confined area as the spell simply disapears when it comes into contact with the roof or overhanging structures so I advice you to use this spells mostly in outside areas or in places where the roof is waaaaaay above you, like the Grand Catherdral in Eleum Loyce. This spell is best optimized with a stronger spell as people try to roll away from the smaller bolts that come from the "shower" leaving them open to be hit with a more powerfull spell.

Magic Weapon and Crystal Magic Weapon
You remember me saying earlier that you should leave the buffs alone, that also counts for these buffs.
Well I don't mean you have to throw them away and to never speak of them, but they will be of not much use if you mainly use a staff. You could make a expection if you mainly you use the Blue Flame sword but then you are no longer heading towards a mage based class but more towards the battlemage types that uses magic to enhance their weapon damage.
(also a lot of fun, but not the point of my tutorial)

Soul Flash
Its a good spell to suprise people with, but its biggest problem is the fact that it only has 2 uses.
It does how ever stunlock or knockback enemies that where close enough to you, making it a great spell to set-up combo's with. It is also quite usefull when invading to knock people off platforms with. All in all a good spell with its biggest drawback it having only 2 uses.

Soul Geyser
For PvP its only usefull when you are able to suprise someone for example while sneaking up to someone while invading, this is mainly because the casting speed is terrible. Also it is fairly easy to dodge and the number of spell uses is to low to be of any intrest when doing PvP.
It does however a tremendous amount of damage when it hits a enemy, so you might consider it usefull when someone is standing still....

Soul Vortex
While roughly as slow Soul Geyser when casting and dealing a much lower amount of damage in comparison, this spell is however better optimized for PvP then the former. This is mostly because its wide AoE and slow movement, allowing you to set up other spells while it moves towards your target. So the strenght of this spell does not lies in its damage but in the fact that it gives you windows of opportunity to cast other spells after it, like Focus Souls.
If you go pure sorceries on your mage, then you just might want to take this one. Otherwise, there are spells that allow you to do almost the same thing but deal more damage and have a faster casting speed.

Soul Spear Barrage
Got not much good to say about this spell, its pretty much utter garbage. It makes you stand still for the complete duration allowing people to get behind you and the damage is simple to low for them to actually care about it when they get hit by it.
Soul Shower does pretty much the same thing, but way better.

Utility Spells
Spells like Chameleon, Cast Light, Repair, Fall Control, Hush I label as utility spells. And personally I find them not worth it when dueling, you might find some uses for them when invading but most of the time they are not that usefull and most of their effects can be done with items and consumables. The only one that you might find usefull is fall control when invading as it negates all fall damage for a 90 second duration, but some falls might kill you anyway.

Thats about it for note-worthy sorceries in my opnion.

While miracles are more something for a cleric build, that does not mean they should be abandoned for a mage build. Especially when you already have decided to put in some Hex or Pyro spells in your build, which would mean that you have increased that Faith stat already. So whats holding you back from using them?

Hands down the biggest reason why you should invest even a lil bit into miracles, having a heal spell when doing PvP is almost a must, regardless of your build. You will always come across that one host that just keeps chucking down estus while steadily lowering your health or when invading a host with multiple summons and in those situations being able to actually fall back and heal is fantastic. So for a PvP mage I would highly recommend a self-heal spell.

Blinding Bolt
Falls pretty much in the same category as the Soul Shower sorcery, but deals way more damage then Soul Shower. Its only drawback is that the missiles it fires are way more random compared to the Soul Showers ones as those have a bit of homing in them, while those from the blinding bolt do not. Nonetheless a great miracle with quite some damage potential.

Usefullness in PvP duels, pretty much zero. When invading however its a fun miracle to have aboard as it alows you to push people from cliffs and from there on gravity will do the rest.

Heavenly Thunder
As a fast casting lightning storm type of spell its quite good, but the lightning strikes are a bit to random and linger not as long as with similar so you just might want to skip this one and take the pyromancy tempest or the hex scraps of life instead.

Wrath of the Gods
The only problem I got with Wrath of the Gods is that getting it might take a while, you got to be Blue Sentinals Rank 2 or in NG++ to buy it from a merchant. But aside from that (and the low amount of spell uses) it hits like a ton of bricks and you can hit people with it through obstacles. If you mainly use sorceries or hexes and have this miracle in one of your slots then you can suprise some people quite hard with it.

Lightning Spears
Long Range single target nukes, thats pretty much what these are. Compared to the sorcery Soul Spear this is the lesser one of the two as it goes in a straight line while the Soul Spear can make some small adjustments to its trajectory. And just like the Soul Spears I personally don't like it much and leave it for the Sunbros.

Splintering Lightning Spear
Splintering Lightning spell is a great looking spell and is pretty much the Lightning Spear miracle and the Heavenly Thunder miracle fused into a single spell. I personally find it a lot of fun to use as it is able to hit people hiding behind walls but having only 2 spell uses makes it not that viable damage-wise in PvP matches.

Great Magic Barrier
Its a buff spell, I don't like it. But that does not mean this is a bad spell, but for a mage it a terrible spell to have against you. It pretty much reduces your damage on your target by 25% which is quite alot and the duration of 90 seconds is also not to shabby. As a mage you will encounter this spell mostly in PvP duels, when invading however its almost none existent.

All those other buff spells
The Miracle department as a lot of them and as my personal opnion for a mage, I have found them quite useless.

In the end with miracles you can make your own choice about them, I personally like having some lightning damage in the form of Blinding Bolt or Wrath of the Gods and would definitely recommend putting a heal in your mage build.
These type of spells require most of the time quite some heavy stat requirments, deal a lot of damage and require a mixed use of catalysts between staffs and chimes to use completly.

Resonant Soul (and Climax)
Pretty much the most common Hex spells in PvP and then most of the time not in the good way, they get spammed quite alot. I personally leave them alone as they fall for me in the category as the Soul Spear sorceries, these spells profit to much from being spammed and act as your only type of damage.
Also they consume your souls so unless you have reached the point of no longer needing to increase stats or upgrade weapons I would not recomend these spells for your mage build.

Dark Orb
Also quite a common sight in the PvP world, just like Soul Arrows this spell comes with quite a lot of uses 20 to 30. If you want to be a proper mage and use these then just try not to spam them to much, because a proper mage does not rely on one type of damage to win the day.
Use them to open up a fight or to take down a fleeing enemy.

Dark Hail
It pretty much acts the same way as a shotgun, dealing a enormous amount of damage on close range where all orbs can hit the enemy while dealing significantly less damage on long range.
A great spell to suprise your opponent with on close range. Its only drawback being that it uses two attunement slots which, depending on your other spells, might be to much.

Dark Fog
Sadly this spell also takes up two attunement slots, it is however a great spell to gain some zone control while fighting and allows you to obscure your opponents sight as they most likely don't dare to pass through it, allowing you to set-up your next spell without them noticing.

If you thought that the Homing Crystal Soul Mass was cheese, then Affinity is that same cheese but then rotten trough the core. It requires comepletly no skill to use and anyone calling themself a mage using these kind of spells is a disgrace to all the other mages.

Whisper of Despair
One of the few Hexes that is usefull on long range, but also has quite a long cast time. The best moment to use this is a the start of a battle but then your opponent has the biggest chance to simpley roll away from it. I personally don't use it much, but its effect is noticable against heavy armoured enemies so if its fits in your build then give it a try I would say.

Scraps of Life
A personal favorite, I love this spell. Its easy to get, has low requirments and gives you a lot of zone control. When cast it shoots up pillars of black flame similar to the pyromancy Firestorm but allows you to move after casting it making it a lot more usefull. It also knocks down opponents who are not wearing heavy armour allowing you to chain this spell with other slower casting spells.

A decent spell with its biggest drawback that the caster has to stay put while its active. It deals a decent amount of damage and is able to knock down other players, I would personally recommend Scraps of Life instead of this spell. But you could also combine its effect with that of Scraps of Life by instantly casting it afterwards, this kinda depends on your situation to work.

Profound Still
Whats that? You are a mage? Okay now you can't do sh*t.
Thats pretty much this spell, while its not that common to see in PvP as its quite situational it can quickly shut down any mage when cast. It does however not apply to its caster, meaning that if you are a mage and want to screw other mages over, then this spell might just be something for you.

Dark Greatsword
The darker brother of the Soul Greatsword. It has however a shorter range on the actual sword then the Soul Greatsword but also shoots two projectiles and if you manage to hit someone with both the blade and the two projectiles the amount of damage is insane. Its a personal favorite and a fantastic spell to use in close quarters. Its only drawback is that it uses two attunements slots while the Soul Greatsword only uses one, while having almost the same ammount of casts.

Its the hex variant of Soul Shower and Blinging Bolt with its biggest use allowing you to set-up other spells. It does however share the same missle effect as Whisper of Despair, making it possible to use that spell without someone noticing among the missiles from this one.

Dark Dance
Fast casting speed and a potential insane high amount of damage make this spell a force to reckoned with. Its biggest drawback? It consumes up to 5000 souls and its damage output relies on how much souls have been consumed, furthermore it needs two attunement slots for only two uses.

Repel and Twisted Barricade
The ideas behind these spells are really cool. You wave with your staff and all of sudden you become invurnable to (spell) damage. But its only for 1,5 seconds and this can not be extended with the Lingering Dragoncrest ring, sadly enough. The concept is cool, but in PvP its not that usefull. Other players can just attack to many times, that while it might block the first few hits it does noting against the several that come afterwards. Its best use lies in defending yourself from ranged attacks like bows or other spells and not close combat making its three attunment slots not so worthy.

Having Dark Magic as a mage is handy as it deals (most of the time) the most damage compared to your other spells. The biggest dilemma with dark magic is that you might have to choose between using a staff or a chime or both if you want to use hexes. Using the chime opens up quite some good combo's with miracles, while using the staff allows the combination of Hexes and Sorceries.

Pyromancies compared to the other spells has the biggest drawback that it does not share a catalyst with any of the other type of spells. On the plus side, it has explosions, high damage, fast to decent casting speeds and no stat requirements.

Fireball - Fire Orb - Great Fireball - Great Chaos Fireball
If you decide to take pyromancies in your mage build, then consider taking one of the four variations of fireballs. They have a fast casting speed, deal decent to enormous amounts of damage, a decent amount of uses, AoE and a lingering damage effect. They also all take only one attunement slot, exept for Great Chaos Fireball which takes two, and are definitely worth it.
There only drawback is that they have short to medium range, but this can be compensated with adding some long range spells to your spell list.

Firestorm - Fire Tempest - Chaos Storm
Allows you to deal great amounts of damage to players within your nearby proximity while also knocking them back. Its biggest drawback might be that in PvP when people see you casting the spell will try to backstab you before you can finish casting as the casting speed is fairly long compared to most pyromancies. However with some good timing you can catch them just as they try to run towards you for that backstab stepping right inside the spells area of effect.

There are two version of this spell, the smaller one and the big one. The big one is a great spell in PvP to use on people who are knocked down onto the ground as a wake-up tool, while the smaller one is great as a small close combat weapon as it has a incredible fast casting speed. The range of both versions is around close combat level. A fun spell to use instead of a close combat weapon and the smaller verion can easily be farmed through bonfire aestetics in Huntsman's Copse.

Fire Whip
Is just like combustion a close quarters based spell, but deals more poise damage and is beter at catching people who try to roll past you. It makes for good offhand weapon if you use a staff or chime in your other hand.

Poison Mist - Toxic Mist - Acid Surge
Just like the hex Dark Fog these spells are great at obscuring your opponent view, granting you some ground control and giving you the opportunity to cast a other spell without them seeing it.
Poisen Mist and Toxic Mist both have similair effects as they stack-up a poison or toxic meter. While Acid Surge deals durability damage to armor and rings. Its especially fearsome for people using one of the Dragon Rings as those have a rather low durability. If you decide to take one of these three, then there is no need to take Dark Fog as it takes two attunments slots while these only take one.

Lingering Flame
A usefull spell for in PvP as its practically a landmine hovering in the air. Its only problem is that it has quite slow casting speed. so its best used in moments when your opponent can not see you or when you are placing a trap while invading. While this spell can be quite hard to use, the results can be nothing short of amazing. Placing several flames around a doorway where you know your target has to move through can result in their immidiate demise on passing through.

Flame Swathe
While having a fast casting speed its the spells delay in detonating that makes it tricky to use.
Its great at catching enemy's in a mid roll and also deals a significant amount of damage. The fact that its not a missile but a immediate effect also grants it some points in its favour. Its best used in combination with sight obscuring spells or with a fast missile to catch up with your target when he tries to roll away from the explosion.

A good alternative for the Heal miracle when you decide not to put any points in faith. Its only drawback is that is heals everybody, friend or enemy. Tons of fun when invading as a Mirrorglass Squire as it allows you to heal the Mirror Knight quite effectively.

Forbidden Sun
For a mage build, this spell is not worth it. Having to invest three attunment slots for it is a hefty price when you only get one to three uses out of it. Also in terms of damage the Chaos Great Fireball deals more when it hits, has more uses abky only costs two attunement slots but is slightly harder to get and is ofcourse, in comparision, a bit slower.

This spell is quite similar to the Firestorm variants, but allows you to move after you have cast it and deals more damage. It has however less casts compared to the other variants and uses two attunments slots instead of one.

Fire Snake
Hands down one of the best looking pyromancies and also one of the best in my opnion. Its slow moving patern allows for you to cast a second spell with a fast casting speed directly after being cast and should it hit its target (or anyone who stands in its way) it will deal a lot of damage and knocks them down, giving you once more the opportunity to cast a spell or to peddle back a bit to create more distance between you and your opponent.

Pyromancy can be a fantastic add-on to your spell lay-out and makes for a good offhand catalyst while wielding a staff or chime in your main hand.
Combinating Spells and using multiple catalysts.
After you have chosen several of the spells in the former section you might come to the conclusion that they use completly different catalyst from each other, this is not a problem. Depanding on which spells you want to use as a mage you might end up using a staff in the main-hand and a chime or pyromancy flame in your offhand. Your biggest challenge will be getting use to using the right catalysts with the right spells. But when you become able to do that, then you will be able to use magic with devestating power.
There are ofcourse always a easier way to use many different types of spells and that is through the use of multi-purpose catalysts. Because thankfully someone at From Software thought about including items such as the Sanctum Shield and the Black Witch's Staff whom allow you to pretty much cast any Sorcery, Hex or Miracle with a single catalyst.

For combing spells into combo's there are several things you need to know:
  • How long is the spells casting time?
  • How much time does the spell linger around?
  • How much stamina does it drains from me?
  • How fast can you cast the next spell?

For example one of my personal favorites goes as follows:
First I cast Scraps of Life, giving me some ground control and protection while casting the next spell.
Then I cast Fire Snake, which has a decent casting speed and is pretty slow but follows the target around (more or less).
My next spell depends a bit on the host.
Is the host running straight into my direction? Then I will cast Focus Souls as he will run straight into it as it haves a fast casting speed and also staggers the host potentially allowing the Fire Snake to still catch up and damage the host.
Is the host running away? If still targeted then I send a Heavy Homing Arrow after him otherwise I wait with casting any spells until the host gets back within range.
If the host got caught by the Fire Snake then he will most likely also be knocked down, allowing me to close in and use Dark Greatsword.

A other possibility could be using one of the mist type spells and then casting Blinding Bolt, making it harder for your opponent to dodge the bolts.

Its not hard to make good working combinations with different types of spells, the hardest part is adjusting to your opponents reactions. Finding a combination that works for you might take time, but in the end it is so much more satisfying to take down a opponent with multiple well placed spells, then continuously spamming the same spell over and over again.
It is also always wise to adjust your spells to the area you are in. Some areas have enhanced or disminishing effects on your spell. If you are fighting for example in a wet area, like Shrine of Armanna, then lightning based spells will do increased damage while fire based spell will do less.
Also taking spells with staggering effects or knock back/downs in areas where falling off cliffs or bridges is a simply just a shot step away, can earn you a quick victory while giving your opponent a lesson in gravity.
Equipment (Fashion Souls)
The Dark Souls games are one of the few types of games where everybody can wear everything. Mages in heavy armour (check), greatsword users without pants (check), Clowns wielding katanas (check), me wearing Orensteins armour (oohw, damn it).
So what does that mean for our proper mage build? Go with what ever you like, but atleast take the effort to look like a mage and not a Havel monster wielding a staff.

Just for the sake of some inspiration I will leave some of my own mage like screenshots.

But while fashion souls is a lot of fun, some people rather want usefull equipment that might improve their combat prowess.
These people can consinder using any of the flowing equipment:
Black Hollow Hood [drops from necromancers in Huntsman's Copse]
- Increase your intelligence with 1 point.
White Hollow Hood [drops from hollow mages in Brightsone Cove]
- Increase your intelligence with 1 point.
White Priest Headpiece [bought from Cromwell in Brightstone Cove]
- Increase your intelligence with 1 point.
Moon Hat [bought from Navlaan in Aldia's Keep]
- Increase your intelligence with 2 points.
Lydia Hood [drops from the Lydia Witches in the Undead Crypt]
- Increase your intelligence and Faith with 1 point.
Hexers Hood [Gained from Felkin the Outcast]
-Increase your intelligence and Faith with 1 point, also increases your number of spell casts.
Saints Hood [Gained from Licia of Lindeldt]
-Increase your intelligence and Faith with 1 point, also increases your number of spell casts.
Black Hood [Gained from Straid of Olaphis]
-Increase your intelligence and Faith with 2 points, also increase casting speed.
Chaos Hood [Gained from Navlaan]
-Increase your intelligence with 3 points, also increase casting speed.
Desert Sorceress Hood [Drops from Desert Sorceress in Earthen Peak]
-Increase your intelligence with 3 points.
Black Witch Hat [bought from Navlaan in Aldia's Keep]
-Increases your number of attunement slots with 1.
Black Witch Domino Mask [Very rare drop from Duel Avelyn Guardian in Belfry Sol]
-Decreases your HP with +/- 15% and increases your spell damage with 3%.
Lion Mage Set [Found in a chest in the Shaded Woods]
-Any piece of the Lion mage set increases your casting speed with 5,2%
(I personally pretty much always wear the cuffs)
Penal Handcuffs [bought from Maughlin after defeating the Lost Sinner boss]
-Increase the damage of your pyromancy by +/- 7%
Crown of the Sunken King [Found after defeating Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon]
-Decreases your VGR and VIT by 1, but increases STR, DEX, END, INT and FTH by 1.
Crown of the Old Iron King [Found after defeating the Fume Knight]
-Restores 20% of your spell uses every 2 minutes, does not work while invading does work when invaded.
Northwarder Set [Found in Eleum Loyce on a corpse]
-Every piece increases spell duration. The manchettes (gloves) grant the biggest boost, a whole 12,5% while the other pieces do 2,5% or 5%.
(This piece of equipment is mostly handy for people who use buff spells, cool for battlemages though, increases the duration of you magic crystal sword and such)

Best thing about these pieces of equipment is that they mostly are only for your hands or head, meaning that you can wear any type of chest or legg piece you want while still benfitting from a INT, FTH or other spell related bonus. So feel free to mix equipment up. Because your just a mage, getting killed in two hits in close combat will pretty much be your job description, so don't choose something heavy and cumbersome to wear. Instead wear something fancy, something that makes you look good while you die. Because die you will, this is Dark Souls after all.

Last but not least
Just remember that this mage tutorial is to make magic more interesting and fun for you to play with, not to make you win every PvP duel or invasion. Because thats not the intention of this build, the intention is for you to create a fun and exiting mage build that does not rely on the more common and dispised spells like Resonant Soul, Homing Crystal Soul Mass or Crystal Soul Spear.
It is about suprising your opponent with the wide array of spells Dark Souls 2 has to offer.
And above all, its to make magic for everybody less generic. Because spamming spells is just as boring for you as for your opponent.

I hope you might have gotten some inspiration from this guide, I personally love playing a mage and find it a big shame that so many people use only a small portion of the wide array of spells Dark Souls 2 has to offer.
My build and pictures, because why the hell not.
This last chapter is there for the people who are intrested in my own take on the "proper mage" build and consist of several pictures of it in action and my inventory.
I have been building this mage build up for quite sometime tweaking it a bit and there, the character is LvL 233 in NG+, meaning that in PvP it will pretty much only consist out of NG+ players or other players with around the same soul memory.

  • Black Witch Hat
  • Black Witch Robe
  • Lion Mage Cuffs
  • Sanctum Knight Leggings
The Black Witch Hat is for that sweet extra attunement slot, the Lion Mage Cuffs for some increased Casting Speed and the Sanctum Knight Leggings grant me some reduced fall damage which can be really usefull when invading.

  • Black Witch's Staff
  • Dark infused dagger
  • Pyromancy flame
  • Target shield
I run with a four spell types, so for my weapons I choose the ohw so handy Black Witch's staff for my sorceries, hexes and miracles. While using the Pyromancy flame for pyromancies ofcourse.
The shield is there mostly for switching out the Pyromancy flames when I'm all out of casts for it and the dagger for incase I might need it.

  • Clear Bluestone ring
  • Slumbering dragon
  • Stone ring
  • Southern Ritual Band
Clear Bluestone ring for that much needed faster casting speed. Slumbering dragon because someone once told me that it would increase the time the pilars of scraps of life hang around (not 100% sure about it, but I wear it just incase). The Stone ring for that bonus poise damage on my sorceries. Last but not least, the Southern Ritual Band for more attunement slots.

  • Scraps of Life
  • Dark Greatsword
  • Great Heal
  • Wrath of the Gods
  • Great Fire Ball
  • Fire Snake
  • Heavy Homing Soul Arrow
  • Focus Souls
The combination of these spells allows me for some nice ground control with Scraps of Life while using heavy spells like Fire Snake to grab my opponents attention. Most of the time its a suprise Wrath of the Gods after someone got staggered or knocked down by one of my earlier castings (like Fire Snake or Focus Souls) that finishes off someone.


Sadly its not always a succes.
peblo 16 Mar, 2021 @ 4:40am 
yeah julio, what the fuck
WeinaGawd 16 Mar, 2021 @ 12:01am 
bruh julio how tf are you going to comment anything about this. this game is fucking dead
Julio, The Resurrection! 25 Apr, 2020 @ 12:25am 
dont listen to this guy about not slotting in HCSM or Regular Soul Mass, if you can learn how to delay the release of the particles and time+combo it with another spell cast, it can do crazy damage.
Affinity is trash, however, only good against noobs and people who have high latency against you
Tavurth 26 Oct, 2017 @ 2:35pm 
Just wanna mention that you missed a few spells
Tavurth 8 Oct, 2017 @ 2:40pm 
A enjoyable tutorial and as a close combat main, you have sparked my interest in using magic in these games!
Phantius  [author] 21 Jun, 2017 @ 12:18pm 
Most things that reduce fall damage stack, so I would guess yes.
Karma 15 Jun, 2017 @ 7:39pm 
Does fall control stack with silvercat ring?
Sanguine Regis 10 Mar, 2017 @ 3:58pm 
Thank you for telling people how to actually play as a mage, and to not just sit there spamming the same spells and constantly healing, because by god do I hate those people.
Phantius  [author] 6 Nov, 2015 @ 10:16am 
@Rompetangas Thanks for the feedback, I can always use some advice on which I can improve my english!
RighteousDistancing 5 Nov, 2015 @ 6:02pm 
I'm going to give you a like because i fancy any kind of magic, but revise your grammar please, those "then" rather than "than" are everywhere. Also, in Focus Souls, at the end of the paragraph, i think you meant "another" and not "a other".

Anyways, great guide:p2turret: