GemCraft - Chasing Shadows

GemCraft - Chasing Shadows

Оцінок: 290
GC: CS Vision Field Walkthrough
Від Ivan247 та 1 співавторів
Banging your head over some vision fields? This is the place you should come. This guide contains hints, as well as a complete walkthrough for the vision fields.
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This is a guide intended to help you beat the 23 vision fields in GC: CS. It will provide both a hint section and a solution section that tries to give players some hints on beating the fields before spoiling a possible solution in full.
Vision fields are played with a fixed set of abilities that vary with each vision field and ignores the player’s wizard level, skills and talismans. This makes them more puzzle like and some can be difficult to figure out at first.
In this guide, the following short forms for gems will be commonly used (but not always).
GX: Grade X gem, e.g. G7 = g7 = Grade 7 gem
r: Red, y: Yellow, b: Black, o: Orange, w: White. The other 4 colors will be used without short forms.
Usually these will be used like this: G5 3y1r. In this example, this short form means a Grade 5 gem created with 3 portions of yellow and 1 portion of red. (make 3 G1 y and a G1 r, combine them and then upgrade until G5) Sometimes the 1 is ignored. e.g. G5 3yr or G4 2yrb.
WoE stands for the Wake of Eternity spell
W means wave
Remember the achievement for this map (no, not really, but the same place as a normal field)? It tells you what you should use here. Also try to use walls to block of walls so that there are adequate monsters passing through the 5 Ensnaring nodes.
You’ll want to destroy the weakest monster nest immediately. Again, ensure that there are monsters to charge the Summoning nodes. But this time, you may want to tweak your paths during the battle.
Appropriate gem types will let you breeze through this field. I suggest placing a tower above the Gem of Eternity.
The Shadow’s too tough? Bolt is the solution. Don't forget your standard Shadow defense!
Unlike V4 where the Shadow is your main threat, Shadows here are just a joke and can be killed in one hit through some method.
Looks like you can’t build stuff, but maybe you can break through the Static Beacons using a tower? Swarmlings are not a threat at all with the stuff you have at start, but the giants in the later waves are.
Trouble with the auto opening tombs? There is a way to spray some serious damage to 100+ enemies easily. Have the monsters go through a maze, then use some delayed damage, curse, (Censored by the Forgotten).
This one should be a cakewalk, but don’t forget to bring the nests down.
2 killgems and maybe a mana farming one should be good enough for this.
The mana shard is the key... Have some gems tear through the shell quick and start harvesting! Just don’t put too much on the shard and ignore your defense.
Bolt, Bolt, Bolt and more Bolt…
You have to get the G10 yellow gem out. Try to do it as soon as possible.
Monster armor stopping your killing spree? Try to ignore their armor.
As long as you get your priorities right, the late wave monsters can be defeated.
Again, get your priorities right. Don’t forget your spells!
Don’t waste your mana on purple gems. Armor should NOT be a concern here.
Kill the Spires as soon as possible when you can. Just remember to create longer paths for the monsters.
I don’t think I need to give a hint for this, because the spells you have are doing this for me.
A G10 pure yellow gem is a powerful tool to kill a lot of stuff, which does include the Guardians in this stage when used with some blue gems to slow them down. Don’t forget that bolt (tower or trap) and beam (tower only) ignore armor!
A nice tower placement should tame the monsters well. The Guardians require some methods though (can you troll the Guardians?).
You need some chain hit to deal with the monsters. One of the later waves will also want you to use a specific gem type. For the guardians, you need to deal with their armor.
Your killgem is fast and powerful enough at G12. But still do everything you can to slow down and kill the Guardians.
Fight the dark monsters with their direct opposites. Combine this with minimal portion of another gem type to gain additional damage.

Setup the walls and towers as in the image. Create a G7 pure yellow and place it as in the image. Upgrade this gem when you have enough mana. The gem should be enough to deal with the monsters. Use bolt/beam if necessary. This field most revolves around freezing the monsters strategically. While simple freezing is enough, one can increase their efficiency by doing this nicely through incoporating these two points:
  • Refreeze: Try to do this when you notice a larger group of monsters approching an ensnaring node and have the second spell (nearly) charged. Freeze some monsters around the node, then when the trailing monsters passes the frozen ones, freeze them on the same spot which also refreezes the previous group. This can charge up a node at a considerably fast pace because of a overall larger frozen monster count.
  • Intersections: Notice the closer nodes. You can freeze monsters and charge up both nodes at the same time.
Charge up the 3 Ensnaring nodes at the right first, then the 2 at the left. When you need to charge the node at the upper left, move the yellow gem to the tower above the orb. You should be able to charge up all 5 nodes before wave 70.
First, build a wall at the red line and a tower at the red X in the image. Insert a G8 3o1r gem into this tower. Upgrade when you have enough mana and use gem enhancements when necessary.
Focus on charging the 2 lower left nodes first. Beware that cursed monsters still move, so adjust your aim accordingly. You'll probably also charge the upper left node a bit as a result.
After charging the 2 nodes, demolish the leftmost part of the red wall and build the unmarked walls. Move your gem closer to the tower to let the monsters charge the nodes before getting killed. When the gem reaches G10 build a tower to the right of the original one and move to the new one. You should be able to complete this at around wave 70.
Set up tower and amplifiers at the center (the tower is where the Gem of Eternity was in GC0). Amplifier gems are G5 y, tower gem is G9 8w7y1r. Fast forward and spam waves (but stop spamming when monsters start piling up). Upgrade the G9 when you have enough mana and you should eventually reach G13 which is enough to take down everything in this field.

If this looks too boring, you can actually set up a mana farm here and have G20+ gems at the end. Replace G5 yellow in amps with lower grades, Build a mana farm with 4 G8 8w7o1r (you can afford one at the beginning), put them in traps at the starting horizontal path and amp the traps with pure orange. Put a 8w7blue1r gem just before the 4 8w7o1r gems. Upgrade orange gems and their amps when you can afford them, the yellow ones when you need more killing power. Upgrade blue gem when you feel like it, but stop at 90% slow. Enrage waves for more monsters and mana within your limits. Remember to reduce range of the yellow gem on tower when it can hit enemies at/before the mana farm and enhance the orange and blue gems with beam.
Start the field by building a G4 pure gem. (either yellow or green, both work equally well, but stick to the color you start with throughout the battle). Build the wall section and place the G4 in the preset tower (the one with the G6 in the image). Upgrade until the gem reaches G6. Build the 2 amplifiers as shown in the image, insert G2 of the same color as the G6 into them, then the 3 towers and their G1. You should be able to do this before the Shadow comes at wave 10. (If you feel unsafe, you can add 1-2 more towers around to the orb.)

When the Shadow comes, use bolt whenever it enters your G6's bolt range. (Important note, especially if you're using Yellow gems: Click on the Shadow to ensure your bolt hit the Shadow but not its projectiles). Upgrade your G6 to G7 when you have 6100+ mana so you have a buffer against banishments and missed projectiles. Keep using bolt until the Shadow is dead. After that there isn't much threat left.
Left tower: G6, 2yrb, lower tower: G4 2orb
Enrage w1-w6 with a G1
DO NOT use gem Enhacement shrine whenever charged and monsters are in range with killgem - you might be happy when a shadow is in range of the shrine and you can use it! Make sure, no monsters will pass due to this - (recharging time, recharging time can be cut off with spell),
Upgrade killgem (the 2yrb) to G7, use beam on managem (the 2orb) when monsters are in range
First specter: No problem
First Spire: Tower top right, above the monster nest, G7 green with beam
First shadow: place three towers to the orb, G3 green/purple against the projectiles, the green gem somewhere next to the shadow, use bolt (or beam) on your killgem when shadow is in range, select the shadow, WoE the Shadow to reduce armor
Next spire from below: the G7 green again with beam, new tower
Next specter: you should have enough mana to upgrade your killgem to G8, use bolt to kill it, do so with the next one, too.
Next shadow: WoE twice, maybe you are lucky and the shadow is in range of your shrine.
Upgrade you killgem!
Next Spire: Use your poison gem again: freeze it, curse it, beam it - Wooosh!
Next Shadow: WoE twice, bolt on killgem when shadow is in range, freeze the shadow to slow it down
For Wave 45 (mana burner): use barrage on your killgem
And... done.
Build a tower at the right of the field and place a yellow gem there.
Take the green gem, duplicate it and place the copy in another trap - upgrade the poison gems to G3.

When the first beacon is destroyed, build a new tower left to the old one, upgrade the gem with a yellow/black gem until you reach a G7 - that gem is able to shoot the next beacon.

If you want to, you can move your gem in the middle of the map: Then you can shoot the giants without any problems!

This field requires lots of micromanagement, so be prepared. Start with the walls and towers marked RED. Place G4 pure green on the tower. Quickly complete the ORANGE walls on the left, then on the right. Now move the G4 green gem to the new tower (that has a G6 in the image) and focus on upgrading it to G6. Use barrage if necessary. After that, Build the G3 y to demolish the monster nests, starting from the 2 on the right. Now quickly build the YELLOW walls before the first tomb is opened.

Now the first tomb wave should rush towards the orb. Wait until they are about to exit the (incomplete) maze, pause, then curse and freeze everything in range, use beam, set target priority to random, and see all the monsters getting poisoned to death. You can also pick up the gem, wait until some monsters are dead, then put it down to conserve beam time.

Complete the GREEN walls after that, and get your green gem to G7 asap because the second tomb will be opened soon. Use the same tactic when the tomb monsters arrive.

For the remaining tombs it's just the same. Upgrade your green gem to G8 when you can and it should fend off any tomb monsters and the remaining waves. You may want to set Least HP to kill the reavers and swarmlings first, and possibly select those which are close to escaping the gem's range. Watch out for the w37 mana burning reavers. You will want to kill them quickly. The giants can be left untouched and killed one by one when all the reavers and swarmlings are dead. Just focus on the weakest one and give them all the spells you can. You can follow them with towers, or even upgrade the G8 at this point.

Optional: with a G7+ green gem you may want to consider moving up the tower to the green circle marked on the image when using the beam+curse+freeze+random combo.
Use a g3 2yrb gem in a tower, upgrade it to g5 till wave 5 has started.

Build a new tower with a g4 2yrb to fight some swarmlings
Start to destroy the nests with a copy of that g4.
Upgrade your first killgem to grade 6 and the other two gems to g5

When nests are destroyed, combine all you gems, surround it with amps (g3y) and finish the map.

Place a g7 5y2ro in a tower, 2 amps g1y
Enrage the first 3 waves with one g1 - later enraging is very cheap, thanks to the forgotten
When the first monsters coming from the right side passes your tower to the left (around wave 11) place the next gem, g6. That should look like this:

(Note: giants at ~w18-20 may be a bit tough but killable for a g7. Consider upgrading the amped towergem to g8 first before upgrading the unamped towergem)

The rest of the map is freezing, bolting (for giants) and beaming (for swarmlings)...
In the end, join your gems for a g10
Ah: built some walls next to your gems to prevent the discharging beacons spawn around it!
Build a g4 3y1r in a tower.
In traps, place g2 gems(o,o,blue,green,green, as in picture)
Upgrade killgem to g5, build 2 amps, g1y

Upgrade to g6 (wave 9), add another amp
By wave 12 you should have the 4th amp
Place a tower to the shard, g5 yellow [That's not really necessary, but such a big shard - I can't resist!]
For the giants w14, use bolt. When the shielded friends appear, you might need curse the first time
Get your shard gem, upgrade it to g6 and combine it in your killgem for a g7!
Use a new shard gem, g2 or 3
Upgrade your amp gems to g2, later to g3
Upgrade your shard gem to g5
Btw: Don't forget to curse and bolt the monsters
Upgrade your shardgem to g7 and combine it with your killgem for a g8. This should be around the time the first swarmling spawn from dying giants
Use a new shard gem, g3 or 4
If you like, place some walls to prevent beacons from spawning - I did not do so...
HEY the shard is open!!
Around Wave 30 you need some clicking on monsters to prevent firing at the first one but on killable monsters
In the end, when reavers and giants are on screen, use "least hp"

Put the g1 green, set to random, in the first tower, and a G3 (1r3y) as soon as you have the mana in the second tower

When first giants reach the second tower, upgrade gem (g4) and use bolt...
When bolt is recharged and you have enough mana, upgrade gem with a pure yellow to a g5 and use bolt.

When you have not enough mana but bolt is charged, use bolt.
A g7 is enough to win this map.
Place a tower like shown in the pic, pure red.
carefully angering the first 2 reaver waves with one g1

Most important: Keep the sealed armorgem selected the whole time till it is freed by the end of w12
Upgrade the towergem asap - pure red till g5, after that combine with pure black.
When you've got the armor gem, place it in a tower near the sealed yellow gem and select target: structures
Sell the other free gems (red/white, later the white/black and cyan/black)
upgrade your red/black gem to g7 - the gem should now deal >12.000 damage on structures when used as a gembomb. So throw it on the sealed yellow when the seal has less (Hit points+Armor) defense than the damage of the gembomb. Place the yellow G10 in tower! You can do this by w15!

Build some walls to protect from beacon-spawning if you like to.
Fast forward and done.
Place a tower at the second inner ring, top left, G4 green, random
Enrage W1&w2 with 1 g1
Place a tower at the second inner ring, bottom right, G4 green, random
Place a tower at the third inner ring, bottom left, G4 green, next to orb
Place a tower at the second inner ring, top right, G4 green, random
Upgrade gems one by one when possible
When only giants left, combine gems so you have a g8, a g7 and a g6 or even a g9, that should be enough to kill all monsters.
As most of the towers are set to random, it might happen, that you have to redo the map. I did three consecutive winning runs (and no 'defeats') with this strategy, so hold on!

Tower setup:
Combine the gems until you have 2 g7 gems set one to least hp, build one tower for a g8 gem where you later can add 4 amps, g3 gems in amps are enough.
By Wave 17, start with selecting targets, the giants don't have to pass.
When W22 has started, call the next wave, so the swarmlings do not disturb the gems from killing the giants.
When W22 giants go to orb, select the last monster of the group. Change the target priority from least hp to swarmlings. In the end, last 4 or 5 waves, combine the gems to a g9, do some micro-management to kill reavers and giants. Select monsters carefully, often it's better, to select the last monster of a group and fire the whole time on it than to shoot at the first and have only a few tiles to fire on it.
Setup a new tower and build some walls.
Build a G4 2yrb gem and anger waves 1,2,5 with a g1.
Right before the swarmlings (W3) come, place a copy of the gem in the first tower.
When the swarmlings are gone, combine the gems and build the first amp (g2, y)
use bolt on giants (w4)
Place a copy of the gem in the first tower right before the swarmlings (W3) come.
Freeze when a shielded runner wants to escape, maybe you need some micromanagement for the shielded ones (target selection), use bolt on them.
When the swarmlings (w7) are gone, combine the two gems again (G6 now), 2nd amp and two walls to cover the gem from beacons!

Your map should look like this:

Freeze, when a shielded one (w9 )will escape, use some bolt for remaining monsters
Say hello to W10, W10-12 should be no problem now
Build a second gem (G5, 2yrb) and place it in first tower right before the swarmlings come, update it to g6 ASAP
When the fast manaburner (W14) are gone, combine the gems to g7, third amp
Welcome the giants of W15, game should run till W19 now.
The fast reavers of W20 are crying for some freeze and some bolts... Give it to them!
When you have some bolts left, w21 is killed almost immediately.
When W23 wants to pass your tower, freeze them, when the giants try to break through, bolt them!
DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR GEM (unless you know what you do), you might need the mana more than a higher gem!
W25/26 are a little nasty, they come through, but that should be no problem, pay much more attention to W27, mana burning freaks! Kill them with bolt and select every single monster.
The remaining monsters might pass your orb but that should be no problem...
A general advice: When you select the monsters one by one as target, make sure they are long enough in the range of your gem to be killed, it is not helpful, when you select the first monster and it survives, select the next, it survives, too - better select the second or third monster and let the first pass...
A trap-only map...
First three traps on the map: g2 o, next trap g2 cyan - enhance them all with beam asap.
Middle trap last row : g4 3y1r, enhance with bolt asap (enhance all trapped killgems always with bolt to ignore armor!).
Duplicate the killgem asap, place it in the right trap in last row. Repeat until the last four traps on the map are filled with killing gems.
Upgrade the gems from the orb to the front.
Upgrade the cyan to g4 or 5 when you have time and mana for it.
Use freeze when the giants are on a killtrap, use WoE to weaken the monsters.
In the end, a little micromanagement can be helpful, you should end up having i.e. two g7 and one g8 killgem.
This is a pretty nice map: Start with a g3 2yrb in the center with g1 y in all the amps, make a path, i.e. outside clockwise, inner circle other direction.

In the beginning farm hits with beam, enrage the first 30 waves with i.e. 1g1 (adjust, if you like). Upgrade, when you have enough mana update the amps to g2-3.
When the spires arrive, fight them with an extra tower using poison and beam (set priority to special entities). You should have a g7 2yrb and be able to afford a g5 poison gem and its tower when the first spire arrive. Upgrade the poison gem to g6 after killing the first spire, and to g7 after you upgrade your 2yrb to g9. Also make sure to use beam on the poison gem. Finally remember that an exploding spire destroys your walls...

Build a new tower in the middle of the map, place a G5 gem in it and build an amp for the first g2.

Use beam whenever possible and freeze when you need to. Upgrade your gem to a g8, meanwhile add some more amps.

Follow the tower setup: The gems are G8 y and G3 o. Set orange gem to Least HP. Upgrade the orange gem until G7 and use beam to farm mana when available. Upgrade the yellow gem to G9 when you have enough mana. Bolt when necessary. At w15 and w22 there are some giants, try to keep one that spawns at the monster nest alive as it'll be useful. In later waves you may want to use Least HP on the yellow gem and occasional target selection. A G9 yellow should be good enough for the monsters.

Before you enter the Guardian phase, leave the last monster alive (giant preferred, therefore why I said to keep a w15/22 giant alive.) Let it go through the path for several times to gain more mana from orange beam and mana regeneration until you can afford the following after selling the G7 orange: upgrading the G9 y to G10, a few G5 blue gems, and towers for them.

For the Guardians, try to keep the strongest Guardian (from the nest) under fire by at least 1 G5 blue gem (on tower), and the closest one under fire by 1 G5 blue gem (on tower) and the G10 y. Spam your beams with the G10 y on the closest Guardian whenever available. For bolt, put a trap under the Guardian, put the G10 in, enhance with bolt, have the trap fire away until the Guardian gets through, then place the G10 on tower and use the bolts. Eventually you will defeat the 5 Guardians.
Place a tower to block on the left path that directly leads to your orb, and then create a G3 3y1r around the center so it covers the path below (the G9's position on the image). Upgrade it as soon as you have enough mana and monsters will not leak through during resocketing. (leaking 1 or 2 is acceptable as long as they are not mana burners) Your gem should be soon covering a larger part of the path at G5, and you can reach a G9 at the end which is enough for the monsters.

Create a G7 purple when the Guardians arrive, and focus on the 2 at the upper left corner first. Reason: You have to gain more time to kill the remaining using juggling and these 2 will break the juggling. What's juggling? When the 500k HP Guardian is about to reach the intersection, demolish the the tower formerly acting as a wall. Now build a tower to block the Guardian's way to force them to take another path. Repeat when the group of 3 gets close to the orb. This keeps the Guardians away from the orb and gives you enough time to kill them.
(Author's Note @ 29 Aug 2020: I have updated this field's walkthrough for a hopefully consistent solution. If this still doesn't work for you, please comment and I will try to provide assistance in the comments.)

Before you start the field, check the speed of the first 2 reaver waves. If both are 1.57, you may want to restart the field to try to get at least one "speed 0.87" wave. (It's possible to beat all waves with all waves having faster speeds i.e. speed 1.57 reavers and speed 1.8 swarmlings but things can get tough. Credits to Bill Wilson from GemCraft Discord for checking this.)

Create a G3 3r1cyan and place into the tower as shown on the image and start the field. Quickly build another tower directly next to the G3 (the empty tower in the image) and place a duplicate of the G3. Upgrade whenever you have enough mana. You should be likely getting 2 g7 gems before/during the last swarmling wave (24). Keep killing until most of the swarmling wave is killed and combine the 2 G7 into a G8. Set its priorities to Least HP and you should be able to kill the last waves without getting overwhelmed (you can occasionally click on monsters that are about to be banished but killable before leaving gem range to reduce banishments by a bit). Be careful if the last waves are mostly fast waves for it may impose pressure on your defenses (Try to kill monsters spawning from the closest entrance first to reduce pressure from banishments.)

If you haven't collected the mana from the unearthed mana shard because it's not spawned next to your gems, do it before killing the last monster. You will also want to leave the last monster alive to regenerate as much mana as you can before killing it (after banishment cost starts to nullify your natural mana regeneration).

You should have mana for a G6 purple gem and several towers when the Guardians arrive. Build 2 towers next to each other between the 2 eastern entrances where the closest Guardian spawn. Follow the Guardians with your towers and gems so they are constantly under fire. You should be able to upgrade the purple gem to G7 and defeat the Guardians.

Note: If you get fast waves for waves 1-2 or even 1-3, the following alternative setup may help. Start the field by building the g3 gem and its tower at where the g8 gem in the image is, then cover up the leaking monsters with the second g3 gem at the empty tower in the image.

The monsters part is not really difficult. Place a G11 y into the tower marked with a red X. Soon you should have enough mana to upgrade it to a G12 and kill every wave with that. Meawhile you should build towers in other positions (I recommend the towers with G5 blue gems, and the one above the red X) and move your G12 to take down any spawned beacons, just be wary not to leak monsters during the process. The safest way is to keep a giant far away from the orb alive and take down the beacons with priority Structures.

Now comes the Guardians part. You should have enough mana to create a G8 and 6 G5 blue gems at this point. Place the G5s in the western part and along the center path. The G8 should accompany the G12 and placed in the two towers with a yellow X (close to where the closest 2 Guardians arrive). Set all the blue gems's priority to Random. Move the G12 and G8 (later you can upgrade it to G9) to the approching Guardians to keep firing at them. You should be able to kill the Guardians before they reach your orb.
Start by placing a G3 3w1(any other color) in the tower as in the image. You should regenerate enough mana to combine with a G3 w to make a G4 before the first monster is within range. Now upgrade the gem by combining with same grade pure white gems only when you have enough mana. This is enough to keep the monsters controlled, and you should reach a G8. Now gather enough mana to make a G7 by combing G1 w with G1 of another color, then combine with same grade white gems. Place the G7 next to the G8 and it should help you take care of the extra strong wave 33.

When the Guardians arrive, sell the G7 and buy a G8 purple gem. Keep building towers and move your 2 G8 gems to fire at the closest Guardian continuously, and move to the next when it's killed and it's done. The closest Guardian of all 6 spawns at the east entrance.

Коментарів: 42
trevorswansonbtw 10 квіт. о 22:55 
Thank you so much for this guide!!! I was able to beat all of them but V19 prior to discovering it. I bet I tried it over 100 times. Your guide had me on track so that only a few attempts and I was able to finally beat this last level and as a result, all the levels. I got a quick boost from dropping 2 L1 gems on wave 1 and 6 L1 gems on wave 2. With the positioning you set for gems, it didn't let any through for me
Lain2rizzy 23 січ. о 11:02 
V21 worked each time I tried it, thanks!
Ivan247  [автор] 14 верес. 2023 о 10:40 
To clarify, the V21 strategy didn't ask you to mix gems of different grades which is obviously suboptimal in this case. 3r1c(yan) means that the gem should have 3 portions of red and 1 portion of cyan, which is made by combining 1 g1 red with g1 cyan gem, then combine the g2 dual gem with a g2 pure red.
darkterminator2901 13 верес. 2023 о 12:45 
The strategy for V21 doesn't give nearly enough mana for the gems it tells you to make, so I had to experiment a bit, but I found a version that might work a bit better. Instead of mixing a grade 3 red and grade 1 cyan, just keep the levels even. That will cut down significantly on mana costs. Instead of upgrading as soon as possible, try to wait until the mana pool levels up so you get mana faster. I found it best to upgrade the left one after the first pool level, then each one once on each pool after that until I had a G6 and G5. Then upgrade the G6 on the next pool, and then both ASAP after the next one. I also summoned waves early a bit immediately after resocketing finished, to further help with the mana. With those changes to the strategy, it still took several tries, but I was able to get it done with both spawn waves fast and the mana shard nowhere near the middle.
melodian 25 груд. 2022 о 22:37 
So far this guide's instructions have only worked for 1 out of the 5 fields I've tried (field V11). Most of the failed ones, the instructions don't even come close.
Mestev 6 лют. 2022 о 21:53 
Well finally got V21, so far that been the worse one to get done even with this guide but it's been very useful with the other vision fields.

One point of note which I find helps getting things done is to know when to get a mana pool level verse spending mana. That little bit of extra mana regen helps tip the balance in your favour at times.
hman690 6 лют. 2021 о 14:55 
V10 does not work
you dont start with enough mana to get the gems needed
sgalanter 22 січ. 2021 о 12:05 
Thank you - finally got through V21. Great guide!
RandomSanity 28 серп. 2020 о 6:59 
Came here due to issues with V21. The provided solution does not work at all, there is not enough mana to follow any of the instructions.
Chippai 6 січ. 2020 о 10:32 
V21 does not work consistently at all.