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Heart & Slash Weapons and Enemies Guide.
Autorstwa: Rucksack#1
Hello again, did you miss me? If you didn't know already, I was the crator of the first guide for "Heart & Slash" using steam guide creator. If this is incorrect, then by god something went terribly wrong. Since my fist guide went down in the gutter, with the lack of "proper care", I decided to try again, fresh and new. Now, this time, I will be making sure to leave out any tips that are in the game already, and put in my own personal experience with (Most of) the game. Please leave a comment below if I may have left anything out.
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Since the last update, the enemies have slightly changed in variety and order, along so I have to start again with a new summary of all the enemies. None the less, heres what I have learned about these new bots.

Differences in bots(Red, Blue, Green, Rusted, Yellow, and White)
- Now these bots are probably the simplest form of bot to fight, and are very easy to get a handle of once you learn the basic techniques of the game.
-Reds-First off, the Red they are mostly what you may find in the beggining of the first level. They have no real resistance to any type of attack, however, they have no real weakness either, and they do have strong attacks, your best bet to fight them would be a quick swipe, then dodge for your next attack.
-Yellow- The Yellow are very similar to the Red, in that they are normally slower and do pack a mean punch, and can be found in the first level of the game, when the rooms start changing to bright orange and red coloration. However these guys, unlike the Red, are a weakness to electricity, so any strong enough attack with a shock weapon can do some damage and take them out pretty quickly.
-Green- (Not to be confused with Rusted) These guys, normally found when the rooms start becoming more rustic and old, are a little tougher from the yellow or Red guys. They do, however, look pretty bad batookins, and also are weak to Fire, and are resistant to every other element. This cuts out normal, and electric damage, so if fighting green guys, fire elemental weapontry is key Choice.
-Blue- Blue enemies, also known as COPS, are only found on the second level,(More in city than sewers) and normally fight you in surprise swarms when your carelessly running about your day. They can also trap you in a bubble shield, so be careful when that happens and to not be stuck outside, last I ran out didn't end so well.
-Rusted- Rusted enemies,(not to be confused with green, just a reminder) are the only bot I found to be quite a challenge. Coming in many various forms, and their surprisingly fast movements for being,"Rusted" they will prove a challenge. Since you are here for advice, here is a tip, stay off the ground often, and keep distance. Especially for the worms, thier v arious forms make them the worst you have to face, the last thing you want is to Big Brutish Bot Bashing you head in while 2 snake robots worm their way up your... this is actually sounding a lot less appropriate than I meant for it to be...
-White- White enemies are quite possibly, the easiest enemy to encounter, surprisingly,(especially since they are called,"Elite"), and are found at the last level and, on occasion, the first level of the game. I have yet to see any in the second level, but this is beyond the point. How to beat them is very easy, you just have to have a strong normal attack and they are finished. They normally are easy in the first 2 levels, but the 3rd they gain different resistances to everything but one element, so be wary of the third level and bring atleast 2 types of elemental weapons
Weapons and Armors for Whoopens and Hot Smores
- Weapons, all on their own, are hard to make a guide on. They come in so many varieties and in different scenarios, some would be better than others. I will try my best to make this section as discrete and as basic as possible.

- :Practice: - I don't need to let you know thaat, practice makes perfect. So if you want to try out a new weapon you never seen before, or want to find out what each individual one does, then practice using it. It doesn't hurt to sit in a empty room and see the different combinations of heavy and light attacks, and what adding to a combined attack will do.

- Weapon types - It's really hard to put a weapon in a type class, like spear or sword or anything, cause each weapon as I said, comes in many varieties. But there are 2 types generally, prime weapons, and secondary weapons. Any Slicers, Hammers & the BaseBat are some examples for Prime weapons, Cause they are always equipt. Shields and guns are examples of secondary weapont. Ofcourse, any weapon can be upgraded with scrap metal, and I will try my best, to make sure it is clear what each individual type is meant for, and how it is useful for in it's own way. Also, don't be afraid not to spend too many points on a bad round. If you find a weapon you believe is horrible and nothing useful for you, don't waste the scrap. If anything, upgrade your scrap recycling, you can start with all the scrap but nothing to spend it on, but that doesn't mean you won't potentially get anything in the future.

- Maces - Like I said before, some maces can be faster than others, but over all, maces are normally a slow hitter. Although speed is not a benefit, strength is it's key point. They hit slow and hard, long and short of it. Their knock down ability is also useful for enemies that can cause a problem later, but it normally requires a heavy attack. My suggestion, upgrade range and speed, then damage later. It's already got damage as a benefit, so going for faster hits from a farther distance is better than going for full strength.

- Spears - Spears come in 2 varieties, double edged (Fire blades, ect.), and single edged (Blade on a stick, ect.) They are not much of a damage buff, and are pretty difficult to use, but their range is what makes them special. They can hit enemies from farther, which allows space for evade and running. Their jump attacks are also useful, going with propelled attacks(Blades) or a drop(Blade on Stick) I suggest to go with full Range on this, then strength. I know little about these weapons, not cause i don't have them, but because I don't use them often...

- Swords - These weapons are useful for speed and speed alone. Infact, if gotten, upgrading it's speed can help segificantly. Being able to hit then immediately dodge or run is a good tactic for these weapons. Of course their heavy attack can also do a good amount of damage to some robots. They also come with various combined moves, as you can find in the tutorial.

- Fisticuffs - Fisticuffs are the shortest range weapon (along with daggers) that provide the greatest speed than any other weapon (Besides dagger) The light attacks can provide hit enemies with rapid succession (Bad Boy Knuckles), and the heavy attacks can stun or even knock over enemies (Boxing gloves). Just be wary about where you are at when fighting, for you have to be close to make contact with these weapons. I recommend upgrading speed and damage, mainly speed, so you can dodge quicker.

- Daggers - These weapons have been added more recently in the game and are majorly for backstabs for increased power. Their heavy attack is used for jumping behind enemies but not the most reliable for getting a hit in the back. However, it is a useful tool to use to get behind an enemy, and can lead to further backstabs, so it's good overall. It's one of the fastest swinging weapons so if you can't get a backstab you can still dodge and swing.

-Ranged- Ranged weapons are a secondary type of weapon, meaning that you can not equipt them permenantly like you would with swords or equip it in your main slot. When it comes to ranged weapons, there are two basic types, the gun, and the throwables, and since I thought it would be easier to do so, I will cover both here rather than make two seperate sections. For the guns, there are aslo two types, the pistols and the shortguns. Shortguns are for power upclose, and prove very useful, though hold less ammo and are less effective at farther ranges. Pistols are good for farther ranges and have larger clips, but have less power. See the relation here? Anyway, the good imbetween of the pistols will have to be the throwables, which come in too many forms I can know. *I bet there are only two, and I just seem like an idiot* They can be useful for any circumstance, however, there is one flaw in them. If you miss, you can not retrieve your ammo back. I believe the same goes with the gun, but I'm not sure. I can only remember, in more than one cercumstance, where I ran out of ammo and couldn't fire my weapon anymore.

- Simple combo weapons -You ever play a Beat em' up game? You know how they have those, heavy and light attack combos you can use to defeat enemies? If you don't, these weapons will basically sum up what I'm talking about for you. (By the way when I say beat em' up, I mean a game in which you "beat things up" with "beat em' up" controls, being the heavy and light attacks mean different combos, *ex., Castle Crashers, Charlie Murder, Ect.*) Anyway, if your the kind of person who isn't too fancy and like to use a basic weapon, these ones will be your kind. MeatClever are examples of these weapons.

-Shields- Since Shields are more of a defensive means in combat, but are not able to be worn as armor, I thought it will be best to put it snuggly in the middle of weapons and armor. Shields are not prime weapons like maces or meat clevers, they are a secondary type of weapon, so you can't equip them in your main slot or use them for long periods of time. They have infinite uses unlike ranged weapons, and can be useful when welly timed. Shields can parry attacks as well as block attacks to prevent damage. However they can only block attacks from one direction, so it's not good in the means of protecting yourself from behind. Also, you can't face your enemy while walking away from them, so that means you have to either push foward or stand ground. Some shields have a lock on feature with them, allowing you to face your enemy, so that may help if you feel a little overwelmed. Along with this, some shields have different attacks you can use if you use prime attack, like adding shock to your shield or parrying to send enemies off guard.

- Armor - Armor comes in four different body parts, and it's a little rare to find 2 of the same set laying around. I've only had one quincidence where I found a full suit of the same armor in the sewer on stage 2, where arena took place(I believe this is precidurally staged area, but placed randomy in the map to find) All armor sets have different capabilities and are all useful in their own way. You can make several combinations of armor, from head, legs, arms and torso, so go with what ever set you want. Arms normally add to your damage(1%Arms) in some way. Legs I believe increase dodging, running(1%Pants), jumping(Clockwork Springs), so on so forth. Torso normally adds either a defensive ability, or a special activated attack to your arsenal (Clockwork Corronade). Head is normally varied, they can add to your map (Explorer hat), help focus on enemies (Rocket Cam), Add defensive abilities(FrankHead), so on so forth. Again, they vary in abilities depending on the set. So it's a bit more complicated than that, and have yet to get them all, so I'll need time to figure out what exactly they all do.
-Apologies for this being so long-
(Level 1) Heart Tech Inc. Bosses
- Bosses - If you didn't know,(which if you gave the game time, you should) The bosses of the game, are at sections of each level randomly placed 10 rooms or so from your location. Not exactly sure of the programming, but I know about the bosses, and each one leads you to the next area in one way or another. I'll explain it here.(Also, I will try to refrain from using "He" or "She" and try to only use it, since these enemies are technically gender neutral. The it's will be italisised, so you know I'm referring to the enemy)

- HeartTech Security Robot: B-DSS Knight -

- B-DSS Knight is found in the active, well kept parts of the Heart Tech Factory (Level 1) when you follow the signs with an excelation point (!) on them. B-DSS is, by far, the EASIEST Boss to fight. B-DSS is maily about attack, but has almost zero defensive abilities. It has 3 stages, all pretty easy to get through once you notice the technique. All you really need is a strong weapon, like a mace or a sword, upgrade all your hearts(Body of choice) to max and your weapon of choice to max. Dodge to avoid any of it's attacks, cause it packs a serious punch. Don't try to avoid it's attacks by staying at a distance, it's first and second stage has a cannon that can shoot you, and the third stage you want to run from him until it does a jump attack and get's it's swords stuck on the ground. Shock weapons like the Lightning Sword can stun him too if lucky.

- Old Doomed Remnant: Frank-Y -

- The Remnant Frank-Y is found when you travel through the more decreped parts of the Heart Tech Factory when following the rusted signs. one of the harder choices for a boss, for this one does have more health than the last. It's attacks are harder to get away from, and you cannot retreat for he can fire cannons similar to the B-DSS Knight.Ithas only one stage, but select few weak point on his body that you can actually hit, instead of being able to wail on it's anywhere on it's body. These spots are the white robot (Idk his name) and Frank-Y's knees. You want to take it's knees first, since this makes Frank-Y temorarily stunned. When it's stunned, beat the white robot at the center.(This will not be a racial crime since the main character is white) You want to do this twice, since it has only two knees to knock over, and once one is destroyed, you can't knock it over again. If this happens, you will need to revert to a hit and run stratagy to beat it. You may want to use a fire weapon, or a physical damage weapon, both with high damage output, this seems to work very well when dealing with Frank-Y.

- Cautional Spoiler Alert -
- You've been warned...-

For where you go next based on level design is up to you. If you fight B-DSS Knight, the level ends with B-DSS falling over and the door outside opening, leading you to the city portion of the second level, where you are greeted by a sign synamatic and a parking lot with oddly parked cars... If you fight Frank-Y, the level ends with what looks like Frank-Y doing a dramatic dance pose from Thriller, and the head of the white robot popping off and destroying the grate you originally tried opening, where you fall miles below the earths surface to a well lit sewer with graffiti and liquid across the ground which (For those who had PS2 and played Monsters Inc.)can only be described as Primordial Ooze, for those who never played the game it can be described as only Insert appropriate Foul language here
(Level 2) City/Sewer Section Bosses
For the Second level, there are two main sections of the scene, The city, which is filled with a variation of Blue bots (Or Cops) and rusted bots (or, uhh... Thugs?), You will also find the Tripods there, (Those big cannon bots, come in vintage Cop edition or Rusted automobile), and Sentries which have a varied amout of uses, including knocking you over, spawning more robots, shooting railgun rounds in the air instead of at you, and rockets which prove very ineffective and prove more of a problem to them then it does to you. The sewer filled with rusted robots and more Primordial Ooze (Insert "Amazing," from Monsters Inc. tutorial), with dogs that can have a acid effect (Acid damages you and you can get hit for more damage) and various other combination of robot. You will see very few Blue bots and sentries there, but the enemies are quicker so watch yourself.
- Lt.Col. Copgore -

- Copgore is the tougher of the two optional bosses in the second level, which you get to by taking an elevator up a tower you find in the city portion of the second level. The reason Copgore is difficult is because it's a plane... that flies, only reason being there is only one way to hit him (Without using a projectile weapon or armor, which I beieve can't work). The concept of fighting Copgore is simple, it has 4 attacks. First it can drops enemies to fight you, which can prove quite a pest, especially if they use range weapons like Rubber Ball Guns. If you try to take one out before 3 are on the tower, it will spawn another, and you can use this for grinding Scrap very easy. Next is it's machine guns, which are a pain to avoid, but you can stand behind the pillar in the middle of the tower (If no enemies knock you into fire). There are also small rockets it can fire in a barrage, which can be hit back, but I'm not sure it does anything to it. Last move is it launches a large rocket, and this is when you can hit it. What you do is when the rocket is fired, you can send it back by hitting it with a melee attack, and this can do damage to Copgore. Now this is the only way I know of that can damage Copgore. I believe you need to send 3-5 of them for Copgore to die, minus the chance it can hit the middle pole while flying back, or act as a dud and do no damage. A Bat or a Frying pan along with Clockwork Arms is a good combination with this boss.

- Salvaged Queen Herbie -

- Herbie I always found to be the easier choice to go with, mainly due to the abundance of space you have to run around, and the pattern of which Herbie attacks go. It varies how the attacks go in order, but the 4th one is always the same. One attack it can do is a sweep of the area, which is easy to avoid because, well I already told you. Second to that is the one where Herbie jumps up and down from Ceiling to floor, which is easy to track because of it leaves a trail in the water where ever it is going. Then there is one where it can surround you and enemies spawn inside, and don't bother leaving, because Herbie hurts you if you hit the walls, and moves with your location, and you can use this because it damages the robots it spawns too. (Not recommended for the robots can get lost and you have to hunt them down, which is a hassel)
The last attack can come third or fourth to the previous attacks, but always has an order of being the fourth one used, and for good reason. This is a charge attack where herbie charges straight for your location. Again, easy to avoid, but when Herbie hits the wall, it's stunned and you may strike. From behind, there are propane tanks, which explode and damage Herbie. The goal is to get to Herbie's head through it's subway cars, starting (Or it's tube like structure that is liniar, scrapped, found commonly running doun tunnels underground in areas of cities, similar to a subway train) Starting from behind Someone mentioned Clockwork arms being useful, but almost anything will do.

-Again Spoiler Alert Below-
-You may Read at your own risk-

Afterward, whichever boss you choose, it doesn't really matter. You will make it to the space elevator either way. Which is filled with Elite Bots, but with various different weaknesses and immunities, so just going with Physical Damage can work, but is recommended to bring a elemental weapon of each type (Shock, Fire, Physical), or the Zaber (A type of multi use sword) works too if you know how to use it. Acid damage weapons can also be viable if able to be obtained.
(Level 3) Space Elevator Boss
This battle is probably the most difficult, if you don't come prepared for it. If you followed the story route with Slash, which requires multiple restarts, it becomes very easy, but without, it is a little difficult. What you need is gear that requires a lot of scrap to upgrade. The idea of this is more scrap you use to upgrade the, the more hearts you get out of it. The 1% suit is a good example of this. The next thing you need is a weapon with a straight drop attack, a good example is a MeatClever, but almost anything like this will do.

- QualityAssuranceSystem(QuAsSy) - QuAsSy is the most challenging of the bunch, mainly because it's invincible for a long time. But in truth, you probably didn't know this, there is a secret to the QuAsSy battle, a "Dead switch" if you will. If you know what I'm talking about, good, but if you don't, look in your iventory and select the Heart general upgrades, where you upgrade your recycling unit and jump modulators. Tell me, was that recycle button always there? Exactly, it's only purpose is for this battle. Click it, and you will give your Chassis to Slash, who will help you get the H&S end. Ofcourse, this means completely exposing you to attack, 1 hit and your dead, but that's why you prepared the gear. Recycle it and you will get hearts back. (Makes sence, you gave your chassis, only fare you can makeshift a new one.) Get enough until you think your confident with fighting the boss, just recycle your weapons last. All you really need to do is fight the little bots he uses for batlle with the lasers. Break all 6 and he will expose himself temporarily, then you can hit. This is able to be done without helping slash, but I prefer to do it with Slash, because A:) Robot can feel love, and B:) with this, QuAsSy will have half his ordinary health when fighting him. Best time to strike is when they are lined up vertically, (hence why the Meat Clever is suggested)
Komentarzy: 3
mother´s milk 19 lutego 2021 o 14:36 
Thank you so much
Rucksack#1  [autor] 6 listopada 2016 o 12:07 
I'm sorry I couldn't read this comment at 4:20
MrFlaptastic 5 listopada 2016 o 19:13 
This guide was funny and useful. It's gr8 m8 no deb8