Ocen: 982
The Ultimate Boss Guide
Autorstwa: DeathWantsMore
In this guide I'll describe and show you how to kill every single boss fast and efficient while maintaining an S-Rank and taking no damage on Revengeance difficulty.
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General Notes
  • This guide is for PC version in general, I played also PS3 version and I can assure you that enemy behavior slightly differs on console, therefore some strategies described in this guide might not work as intended.

  • This guide is for Revengeance difficulty only.

  • All moves must be acquired.

  • Everything must be unlocked / bought (swords, CBs, wigs etc.) and maxed out.

  • All score tables taken from Metal Gear Rising Revengeance Official Guide.

  • Sometimes I'll be referring to the XBOX control scheme (X / Y / A / B / RB / LB / RT / LT), as well as directional inputs (U / D / L / R).

  • RM - Ripper Mode.

  • QTE - Quick Time Event.

  • BMC - Blade Mode Cut / Counter.

  • RNG - Random Number Generator.

  • j / aerial - Means move must be performed in air / mid-air.

  • (C) - Means charged move.
█████████ Main Game █████████
Raiden Gameplay Tips

  • Practice Parry Counter technique (yeah, really).
  • Know your move list. Learn every combo move, number of hits, potential damage, time to execute and possible canceling.
  • Always use Ninja Run when you see/hear machine guns.
  • Abuse dodge (X+A, aka Defensive Offensive), keep in mind that you can cancel almost every move with dodge, also - forward dodge has the most invincibility frames in it, use it to your advantage.
  • Ripper Mode is essential. Not only it adds extra damage to your attacks and slows time even more in Blade Mode but also helps to stagger bosses more quickly.
Metal Gear RAY (Part 1)

First boss of the game. The bad thing about this fight is that you don't have any upgrades/weapons/CBs and even moves, just default Raiden. Also - any hit you take will be fatal unless it's a rocket (~75% damage per hit) or machine gun (~25-33% damage per hit), so basically No Damage bonus will most likely be yours. Good thing is that you can actually just block most of his attacks which will also prompt a BMC. This fight is heavily RNG based, sometimes you can kill him fast and sometimes he'll just jump around like an idiot.

Main Weapon
Secondary Weapon

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: You just need to get either a Time Requirement or a No Damage bonus for an S-Rank, its pretty easy to get both though.

  • Metal Gear RAY has a variety of attacks, every melee attack can be blocked.
  • His Laser Beam and Rocket Salvo attacks are unblockable though its easy to dodge them.
  • Do not cut his shoulder cannons, only do so with his head armor. This way you'll have an infinite amount of BMCs after blocking his bites and charges.
  • After BMC try to damage Metal Gear RAYs head while falling down with some light X-attacks, do this as near to the ground as possible so that you may land fast and block if he'll try to bite you. It may prevent unnecessary deaths since Raiden cant air-block in this form.
  • Provoke his bites by Ninja Running around his head and spamming X-attacks.
  • Preemptively chase him when he tries to jump away from you.
  • Technically it is possible to Parry Counter a bullet from shoulder cannons and hit Metal Gear RAY with it, but many conditions must be met:
    cannons must be shooting (obviously), Metal Gear RAY must start a bite and you must parry a bullet right when he tries to bite you (in front of his head). Damage from a Parry Counter is not that rewarding though, its only around ~25%. Here's a small video example.

  1. Metal Gear RAY will start with a quick bite (or backdash and bite, if you follow him), block it and cut his head armor.
  2. Chase him while spamming X-attacks in front of his head to bait more bites, block them and perform BMC without cutting his shoulder cannons.
  3. Metal Gear RAY will most likely attack you with his tail*, block and cut it for additional damage.
  4. If he jumps away, chase him and repeat #2 until you drop him to 0.1%.
  5. Perform the final QTE.

* He usually does this after backdash -> Rocket Salvo.

Metal Gear RAY (Part 2)

Metal Gear RAY as it turns out is still around. This fight is relatively easy, you just need to land one fancy Parry Counter to instantly finish him off.

Main Weapon
Secondary Weapon

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: 2,000 points for the S-Rank this time around, you'll get +1,000 points for a kill anyway so its a No Damage or a Time Requirement again. Pretty easy to get both.

  1. After a short scene immediately run towards Metal Gear RAY and jump.
  2. Perform the following combo*: jY,Y (3 Hits) -> aerial X,X,X,X,X -> jY,Y (3 Hits).
  3. If done right, it will prompt a BMC.
  4. Run towards him, slightly to the right, where his remaining shoulder cannon is located.
  5. Here's a tricky part: you'll have to Parry Counter** a bullet coming from his shoulder cannon, Parry Counter will hit his head, instantly killing Metal Gear RAY***, prompting the final QTE.
  6. Run, avoiding rockets and beams, jump to avoid his final horizontal beam attack if necessary.

* Damage from this combo is calculated, it will drop Metal Gear RAY to 71.3% which will prompt a BMC, canceling his beam charge. Timing is also very strict, if you miss some hits or do it slowly, he'll just proceed with the standard double laser beam attack.
** It's not hard to do, don't mash buttons, keep your eyes on the cannon and parry right when bullet reaches you.
*** If you'll parry too early there is a chance that Parry Counter may miss his head.


There are two ways to obtain an S-Rank in this battle, both are relatively easy and fast to perform, so choose the one you like best and lets get started.

Main Weapon
High-Frequency Murasama Blade
Secondary Weapon
Pincer Blades
Custom Body (Red)
Wig B

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: 5,000 points for an S-Rank, not necessarily an easy one. 3 minutes is more than enough, add an easy No Damage bonus to it and you got 2,500 points already. Remaining points you'll need to accumulate depending on the strategy. If you want to do it without backup then you'll have to cut some crates for parts to get additional BP and pick up all 3 nanopastes in the area before killing LQ-84i as well as performing a 30 hit combo on him during an execution sequence, I'll elaborate further on this in the strategy section. Another strategy includes 3 standard cyborgs to deal with, here you just have to kill them and perform a 10 hit combo while picking up some occasional holo-chips for additional BP, pretty simple.

  1. As LQ-84i jumps down - hit him with Y -> X+A, it will drop his health to 91.1%*
  2. Now your goal is to destroy all 3 metal crates in the area, pick up all 3 nanopastes they'll drop and cut them for parts** while evading/ignoring LQ-84i. Keep Ninja Running while spamming X-attacks to make it easier.
  3. After that Parry Counter his attack***, but before make sure that combo counter has been reset and you received BP bonus for all those parts.
  4. Cancel Parry Counter right after it hits LQ-84i with Blade Mode and hit him 3+ times to drop his health below 10%, preventing retreat.
  5. Initiate an execution and be sure to perform a 30+ hit combo during this sequence.

* It is important not to damage LQ-84i any further after this point or he'll just jump away to call for backup right after you Parry Counter him later.
** You need a decent amount of parts here, lets say a number between 70 and 100. Keep in mind that maximum BP bonus for parts is 100, 1 BP for each part in a combo, which means that any additional number of parts above 100 will still result in a 100 BP bonus.
*** There are four attacks which you can successfully Parry Counter: Pounce, Wall Dive Pounce, Claw Swipe and Pin & Stab Grab (foreshadowed by a series of leaps).

  1. As soon as LQ-84i lands hit him with D,U,+X, wait a second and he'll backdash to the wall*.
  2. Activate Ripper Mode and start Ninja Running towards him.
  3. Parry Counter his first attack**, it will drop his health down to only 0.1%.
  4. LQ-84i will retreat and call for back up, 3 standard cyborgs will jump in.
  5. Slice them with running X-attacks, don't forget to rack up the combo counter to at least 10 hits and pick up some Holo-Chips they might drop for additional BP.
  6. Wait until LQ-84i jumps back into the fight and finish him off with a single blow.

* Sometimes he starts with a combo, parry/block it or just restart.
** There are four attacks which you can successfully Parry Counter: Pounce, Wall Dive Pounce, Claw Swipe and Pin & Stab Grab (foreshadowed by a series of leaps).


We will be skipping most of the fight, so you basically just need to perform one Parry Counter on her and a couple of hits.

Main Weapon
High-Frequency Murasama Blade
Secondary Weapon
Pincer Blades
Custom Body (Red)
Wig B

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: 8,000 points to get a desired S-Rank now. Don't look on that timer though, we will be doing this in two minutes. Combo, Kills and BP requirements are easily achievable, thanks to Mistrals tripods, basically just get a 30 hit combo on them and its done. +2,000 Points for a No Damage bonus of course.

  1. As soon as this battle starts perform the following:
    RM -> U,U+Y -> Pole Cut - > RM -> Y -> dodge (X+A)* -> Y** -> forward dodge (X+A) -> Parry Counter*** -> dodge (X+A).
  2. She'll jump on the pipe and start throwing firetripods at you, Ninja Run spamming X-attacks in the meantime to boost your combo/kill counter on remaining tripods, remember that you need at least a 30 hit combo here.
  3. Eventually she'll jump down, wait for her QTE attack.
  4. Cut her pole**** and watch the cutscene transferring you to the second phase.
  5. As soon as this cutscene ends Mistral will slide away up to the pipe and start to throw firetripods at you again, run towards her position and clear any tripods behind you with some attacks of your choice.
  6. When Mistral jumps back to you - block/parry whatever attack she throws at you and proceed to the final phase.
  7. If you did everything right - she'll outright start with the final QTE attack, ending this battle.

* This attack should "wake" her up from stun after the pole cut.
** Mistral will grab a tripod and throw it at you, be prepared to Parry Counter this attack.
*** It will drop her health below 10%, which effectively skips next two battle phases.
**** If you purposely lose this cutscene by not cutting her pole - there is a chance that Mistral wont slide away to throw tripods but instead she'll just attack you once and end next phase immediately after. Note that even if you lose this cutscene - you wont take any damage.

Prodigal Murderer
Defeat Mistral without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.

Easy fight again, just one Parry Counter and a few hits. I don't think it's necessary to cover "pushing" phase - you just run towards him and push with some X-attacks, that's all.

Main Weapon
FOX Blade
Secondary Weapon
Pincer Blades
Custom Body (Red)
Wig B

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: 8,000 points again. Time & Kills are instantly yours. BP, you'll get at least 150 just by killing them, so its +1,000 points, you can earn more by ripping them apart, though it's not necessary. You'll get at least 10 hit combo using this strategy and its at the very least +1,200 points which is more than enough. Don't forget about the usual No Damage bonus.

  1. Start with RM -> U,U+Y -> Parry Counter -> Y,Y(C)* -> Execution.
  2. Finish off remaining GRAD with basic X-attacks.

* There is a "lock on bug" in this battle. If you'll lock him on before doing your combo - few pincer blade hits will not deal any damage to him, ruining this strategy. DO NOT lock him on.


Now that's a challenge. This battle can be pretty rough and all because of the random nature of this boss. He'll sometimes do stuff you're not expecting or not prepared for. I have a decent strategy for this battle and we'll try to reduce the number of RNG-elements in this fight to an absolute minimum, so lets get started.

Main Weapon
High-Frequency Murasama Blade
Secondary Weapon
Pincer Blades
Custom Body (Red)
Wig A
EM Grenades

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: 8,000 points for this one. Lets say Time, Kills and No Damage bonuses are yours and its already 6,000, so you just need 2,000 more points. All you actually need is 100 BP and a 5 hit combo to get +2,000 (1,000 per category) points which is absurd cause you'll get them anyway. Pretty easy S-Rank requirements for a "not-so-easy" battle.

  • As I said before, this guy is very random, keep your guard up.
  • You will be in a permanent Ripper Mode whole battle, so Wig B is useless.
  • This battle consists of at least 6 phases, which cannot be skipped (although you can skip some additional ones). No matter how much damage you can deal to him it will be capped to the maximum possible damage of the current phase.
  • Always keep him locked on. When you cut his head - it falls to the random directions and you don't want to waste your precious seconds searching for it.
  • RP Grenades Toss is the only unblockable attack in his arsenal, if he ever uses it - dodge immediately.

  1. As the battle starts - immediately run towards the left or right fence (wall), keep running when you reach it, this will bait his Aerial Grab attack* which you will Parry Counter**.
  2. Monsoon will be staggered, hit him with Y,Y(C) -> X+A, he'll jump away and start Magnetic Force phase.
  3. Blade Mode-cut all vehicles and collect all three items for some extra BP.
  4. He'll jump back down to you, lock on and immediately throw an EM Grenade at him and cut his head.
  5. Run towards his head and hit it with Y,Y,Y(C)***.
  6. Lorentz Force phase. Double block and BMC it.
  7. Now be prepared for his Extending Arm Attack, lock on, dodge forward (X+A)**** and immediately Ninja Run towards him. When you see his arm retracting - throw an EM Grenade and cut his head.
  8. Hit his head with Y,Y,Y(C)***** again. He'll drop down to 10% health.
  9. There is a chance that Monsoon will launch another attack as a last resort right after your combo. The bad thing about this is that he recovers almost instantly from your last hits and he can perform ANY attack from his arsenal including RP Grenades Toss (with full sequence), so be prepared to block/dodge any of those.
  10. Second Lorentz Force phase. Same as before - double block and BMC it to start the final QTE.

* 50/50 Monsoon will use his Roundhouse Kick instead, it could be Parry Countered but it is extremely difficult to position yourself properly for this to happen. Just restart in this case, not a big deal.
** As he jumps into the air - take a few steps back and be sure you're facing a wall when you Parry Countering his attack. This way you'll prevent him from dodging your Parry Counter.
*** Timing is crucial here, you need to connect first hit of Y,Y,Y(C) as soon as Monsoon assembles himself and gets up on his feet. First hit will stagger him, during second hit he will recover and during final hits he'll attempt to attack you (sometimes you'll notice it by appearing red lines indicating an upcoming attack), this way he'll only get a massive counter attack damage without even scratching you which will drop him down to 40% health and force Monsoon to begin Lorentz Force phase. If you hit too early Monsoon wont be able to even start an attack and therefore he'll take less damage (down to ~45%) and this will result in additional Magnetic Force phase with a huge amount of junk.
**** You must dodge it just before hit connects.
***** Here's where RNG kicks in hard, this time you need to hit Monsoons head with Y,Y,Y(C) as soon as possible and hope that he'll counter attack (he usually does) otherwise you'll drop him only to about 20% health and it will start an extra Magnetic Force phase. Also note that if you'll be too slow with Y,Y,Y(C) Monsoon may use his last attack (described in #9) during your combo and this could potentially screw everything up.

Genius Destroyer
Defeat Monsoon without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.
Mistral AI & Monsoon AI

Not as hard as it might've been since both of them are only at 37% of the actual boss health values. It doesn't mean that Monsoon will be less random though, so its still a bit of work to do.

Main Weapon
High-Frequency Murasama Blade
Secondary Weapon
Pincer Blades
Custom Body (Red)
Wig B
EM Grenades

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: Only 4,000 points for an S-Rank, its just free. Time and No Damage yields 2,500 points already and you only need a mere 1,500 points. BP, Combo & Kills you can easily get from tripods, just make sure you did a 10 hit combo and got 200+ BP for all your troubles after killing Mistral AI.

  1. Enter the room, run towards Mistral AI, lock on -> RM -> U,U+Y -> Pole Cut.
  2. Reactivate RM, run behind Mistral AI and hit once to "help" her recover.
  3. After recovering she'll attempt to grab and throw tripod at you, Parry Counter it to kill her.
  4. Ninja Run around killing remaining tripods to get some BP/combo hits.
  5. Now run in the corner* and wait until Monsoon AI appears.
  6. He will always start with a Smoke Screen and it's a good thing. Since you're in the corner it limits him to attack only from 1-2 directions so you don't have to guess much. Block his first attack.
  7. Now you need to damage him while he tries to assault you, use basic X-attack or dodge (X+A) just before he appears and then immediately block. Repeat until he drops down to 69.9% health**. Just block several remaining attacks.
  8. After smoke disappears he'll attack you with whatever move he chooses to*** (except RP Grenades Toss). Be sure to block/dodge.
  9. Lock on, throw an EM Grenade and cut his head as usual.
  10. RM -> Y(C) him as soon as he assembles.
  11. Monsoon AI will attack once more, block/dodge it again, throw another EM Grenade**** and cut his head.
  12. Repeat RM -> Y(C) on him after assembling and it's done.

* It doesn't matter which one, you just need to be in the corner. It's shown in the video.
** He'll enter Purple Aura mode in which you cant damage him.
*** If you cant see Monsoon AI on the screen, don't waste time rotating the camera - just toss in blind EM Grenade, sometimes you can stun him before he even starts an attack.
**** Monsoon AI can decide to teleport away from you and perform one of his charge moves, that's a good thing since you can prevent this with a precise EM Grenade throw and kill him even faster.


There are may ways to approach this fight but we want to just skip most of it while maintaining an S-Rank and it's actually not that big of a deal. Despite Sundowners bulky appearance he is prone to juggling and we surely will abuse it. Important thing to note: you cant Parry Counter him. Even if you corner him and parry his attack, he'll just flip over your head without taking any damage (in fact you actually can one shot him with an air Parry Counter, but you'll take like 2-3% damage due to his powered up shield block so unfortunately its not an option in this No Damage run).

Main Weapon
High-Frequency Murasama Blade
Secondary Weapon
Custom Body (Red)
Wig B
Homing Missile

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: So now it's finally serious, 10,000 points for an S-Rank. Lets see. Time is easy, add No Damage and it's 4,000 points. 400 BP, you'll get some for combo, rest of it you'll earn while slicing Sundowner into pieces or by getting a 4-5 kill streak during the Slider Phase. 50 hit combo you'll get just by following this strategy. 2 Zandatsus... Uhm, people say that if you drag this fight long enough Sundowner will summon some cyborgs for help. I've never seen this so don't count on Zandatsus. 3 Kills, pretty easy: Sundowner, 1 Hammerhead and at least 1 Slider.

  1. At the start - lock him on and then immediately switch lock on to the Hammerhead.
  2. Sundowner usually opens fight with his QTE Shield Dash*, forward dodge (X+A) through it and then tap LB once to fire a missile at the Hammerhead, while activating Ripper Mode.
  3. Turn around, lock Sundowner on, hit him with two X-attacks**, forward dodge (X+A) his shield attack and then launch him with U,U,+X***.
  4. Now you have to maintain him in the juggled state for a longer period of time. To do this perform the following: jX -> jX -> jX****.
  5. After third jump (implying you did everything right) just start comboing him with basic X-attacks***** until the cutscene.
  6. During Slider Phase****** keep yourself at the lower left corner and repeatedly shoot missiles with X button.
  7. Slice through ceiling (optionally slice it for ~100 parts if you had low kill count (1-2) during the Slider Phase) and proceed to the final QTE.
  8. Cut Sundowner a bit (~100 parts) to get some additional BP.

* About 75% chance for this to happen. If he does not - restart.
** You have roughly 4 hits before staggering him, after stagger you wont be able to launch him so easily.
*** He'll enter juggled state.
**** This way you'll extend his juggled state long enough to be able to combo him from the ground with basic X-attacks. There are several ways to do it, but I found this one to be the most reliable.
***** Although its pretty calculated, double check your combo counter just to be sure you got 50+ hits. Usually its 50-55 hits.
****** Keep in mind that you need to kill at least 1 Slider during this phase to get 2,000 points in Kills category. If you'll be lucky enough to get a 4-5 kill streak then you don't need to worry about BP anymore.

Truly Human
Defeat Sundowner without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.
Samuel Rodrigues (aka Jetstream Sam)

Extremely easy fight on Revengeance difficulty, few hits, one Parry Counter and he's gone. You just have to accumulate some BP in order to get an S-Rank before finishing him off and it's a pretty easy task considering how passive Samuel is at the start of this battle.

Main Weapon
High-Frequency Murasama Blade
Secondary Weapon
Pincer Blades
Custom Body (Red)
Wig B

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: Getting 10,000 points here is not actually an easy task. Time & No Damage - got this. Its hard to get 1,000 BP in this fight, although you need only 200+ BP to seal an S-Rank which is manageable. You'll get some BP for combo and a small amount for finishing the fight, but that's not enough, you need to cut some objects into parts (50-100 parts, just to be 100% sure) and pick up 1 nanopaste. All that is left for you to do is a 10 hit combo for another 1,000 points, easily achievable during the fight, any leftover hits you can get during the final QTE. You will also get a tremendous amount of 4,000 points just for killing him.

  1. As the battle starts - activate Ripper Mode, Ninja Run towards a wooden crate which is right behind Samuel, slice it with running X-attacks and it will drop a nanopaste, be sure to pick it up.
  2. Keep Ninja Running and slicing a rock (which is beside a crate) until you get 50-100 parts on the counter.
  3. Now turn around, lock Sam on and perform the following combo*: Y(C) -> Y(C)**.
  4. Samuel will immediately start one of his combos***, block first 3 hits and Parry Counter last one.
  5. It'll drop Sams health below 10% and he will charge at you with the final QTE attack.
  6. Make sure you did a 10+ hit combo before slashing his right hand.

* This must be done at a medium distance, if you'll be too close Sam will start dodging your attacks.
** You'll get a LVL2 (Y,Y(C)) charge, implying that you didn't move to reset the combo. Also sometimes (if he attempts to block) he may get staggered during final hits of Y,Y(C), if this happens - just follow up with 1-2 basic X-attacks to provoke his combo starter.
*** Jetstream Sam has 4 combos with different attack patterns, each of them consists of 4 hits, only last hit of every combo can be Parry Countered. One of those 4 combos cannot be Parry Countered at all (the one with a downwards slash ender).

Chosen by History
Defeat Samuel without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.

I'd say it's a pretty long and boring fight. EXCELSUS by itself posses little threat throughout the whole battle, the only phase you should worry about is when he constantly shooting Laser Beams while you being chased by wild Gekkos. Other than that its just a minor S-Rank requirements hunt.

Main Weapon
FOX Blade
Secondary Weapon
Pincer Blades
Custom Body (Red)
Wig B

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: 10,000 points, not an easy one. We get Time and No Damage as usual, no problems. Getting 800 BP is not too hard, just cut some Gekkos during Laser Beam phase and pick up some occasional Holo-Chips they might drop. 80 Hit combo? Forget about it. Get at least 10 hits for an extra 1,000 points. Don't forget to perform at least 1 zandastu on a Gekko during Laser Beam phase to get additional 1,000 points. You also need to kill 3 Gekkos to fulfill Kills requirement (EXCELSUS automatically included) to get another 2,000 points.

  1. Fight always starts with Two-arm Guillotine from EXCELSUS, wait until attack begins and slide (running Y) to the left, evading the hit.
  2. Activate Ripper Mode, run towards the cliff where his left leg is located and perform the following: Y,Y(C) -> Y,Y(C)*.
  3. Perform a BMC, cutting his leg (EXCELSUS should be at ~55% health now).
  4. EXCELSUS will be stunned, from your landing position run slightly to the right where his head falls.
  5. Perform RM -> Y,Y(C) on his head**.
  6. From this position run to the right until you reach another cliff and wait while EXCELSUS moving his legs, as soon as one of his legs will be in your reach hit it with Y,Y,Y(C)***, it will drop his health down to 25-20%.
  7. Laser Beam phase starts, turn around, kill one of the Gekkos which just jumped in, performing zandatsu**** and dodge (X+A) first Laser Beam.
  8. EXCELSUS will start relentlessly shooting Laser Beams*****. Avoid them while killing Gekkos******. Combo dead Gekkos for additional parts and combo hits while you have time to do so.
  9. When Laser Beam phase ends - kill remaining Gekkos and run towards cliff on the right again, wait for his right leg to be in your reach, activate Ripper Mode and hit it with a couple of Y-attacks until you see a BMC prompt.
  10. Perform another BMC followed by the final QTE.

* For some reason EXCELSUS takes much less damage from your attacks if you hit him during movement sequences, so delay 2nd Y,Y(C) for a second or two until EXCELSUS stops moving.
** Purposely miss first Y attack, so that EXCELSUS stays stunned for your Y,Y(C) to fully connect, otherwise he'll recover much faster and you'll deal much less damage.
*** Again, make sure EXCELSUS stopped movement before third hit of Y,Y,Y(C) connects to deal full damage.
**** You don't necessarily need to perform zandatsu on the first two Gekkos, just make sure you did at least one throughout the Laser Beam phase.
***** The pattern is: two vertical beams aimed at your position, one horizontal beam across the area. He repeats it two times.
****** You need to kill 3 of them, note that Gekkos killed by Laser Beams do not count as your kills.

Steven Armstrong (Part 1)

You need about 10 seconds to finish this one. Pretty much free.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Time Requirement and No Damage bonuses are cumulative for all three parts.

Main Weapon
High-Frequency Murasama Blade
Secondary Weapon
Pincer Blades
Custom Body (Red)
Wig B

  1. Start by locking Armstrong on, activating Ripper Mode and strike with Y as soon as he dashes at you*.
  2. Dodge (X+A) his attack(s) right after your Y connects, immediately charge** and hit him with Y,Y(C)*** to end 1st part.

* If he starts with Grab - just restart, because he recovers way too fast and you don't want to deal with his super armor.
** LVL2 (Y,Y(C)) charge should be available after your first Y-attack, implying that you didn't move to reset the combo.
*** Be sure Armstrong didn't damage you through Pincer Blades super armor.

Steven Armstrong (Part 2)

This part is pretty much just a dodge contest. Read General Tips section for further info.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Time Requirement and No Damage bonuses are cumulative for all three parts.

Main Weapon
Secondary Weapon
Custom Body (Red)
Wig B

  • No strategies involved, you just have to dodge (X+A) his attacks for approximately 2:30 minutes.
  • On Revengeance difficulty there are no ways to end this part quickly without taking damage.
  • Keep him at distance and never stay in the corners*.
  • Dodge preemptively to avoid his lightning fast kicks.
  • Be very cautious while at a medium distance from him, Armstrong may choose to kick you and this mid-range attack doesn't have the usual "tackle" animation to predict it, it just comes out instantly and connects in less than a second.
  • It is wise to dodge his Grab attempts sideways.
  • Note that he rarely uses his Hammer Punch attack (the one he ends part 2 with), don't mistook it for ending and dodge or be at a safe distance while he performs it.

* After dashing to you he may choose to perform a 2-4 hits combo and you most likely wont be able to dodge all of those hits if you trap yourself in the corner.

Steven Armstrong (Part 3)

Third part will be a big combo exhibition (at least most of it). Nothing too fancy, you'll just have to understand some principles of this fight, general Armstrong moves and his behavior and then just perform everything nice and smooth.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Time Requirement and No Damage bonuses are cumulative for all three parts.

Main Weapon
High-Frequency Murasama Blade (FORCED)
Secondary Weapon
Custom Body (Red)
Wig B

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: One last time it is 10,000 points. You get No Damage, Kills and Zandatsu (just by finishing him off). Its 6,000 already, not too shabby I'd say. What we got next, Time. 5:00 - Impossible (considering Time requirement is a sum of all 3 parts), aim for 8 minutes, you'll get 1,500 points for that. 800 BP, you don't need that much anyway. Some BP you'll earn just by progressing through battle and some from combos, you need 100+ BP to get at least 1,000 points, but you'll get 220-260 just by following this strategy. And last but not least is a 100 hit combo. While it is easily achievable with Wig B and Blade Mode - it is not necessary, since you only need 50 hits to top 10,000 requirement with 1,500 more points and you'll get those just by performing an actual combo on him, no sweat.

  1. Armstrong will start with his Ground Punch attack*, your goal for the time being is to drop his health to about 160%**.
  2. Lock him on and perform the following combo:
    RM -> U,U+Y -> forward dodge (X+A) -> U,U+X (x2) -> forward dodge (X+A) -> U,U,+X -> forward dodge (X+A)*** -> U,U+X (x2) (second hit will stagger Armstrong) -> Y,Y,Y -> U,U,+Y -> dodge (X+A)****.
  3. If you did everything right he should start a Fire Charge QTE attack, damage him even further while he's at it: U,U+Y -> dodge (X+A) -> U,U+Y -> QTE*****.
  4. After QTE ends Armstrong will adopt a Regeneration Stance, run backwards to grab your sword and them quickly move behind him, enter Blade Mode and cut his weak spot.
  5. It will heavily stagger Armstrong, use this opportunity and pummel him with a heavy combo******. You need to drop his health down to ~50% in order to force him into a Regeneration Stance once more. To achieve this perform the following combo:
    RM -> Y,Y,Y,X (x3) (reset each sequence with an additional X-attack to avoid combo finishers and their knock down effects) -> U,U+X (x2).
  6. If you dealt enough damage, it will force him to use Regeneration Stance once more. Carefully cut the weak spot again. Your goal now is to drop his health below 10%, just repeat previous combo with an additional U,U+Y at the end:
    RM -> Y,Y,Y,X (x3) (with resets again) -> U,U+X (x2) -> U,U+Y*******.
  7. If successful, Armstrong will jump away and start the final junk throwing sequence. Ninja Run towards/underneath it to completely avoid.
  8. He'll jump back down to you and will immediately start the final QTE.

* 50/50 He'll perform a double Ground Punch.
** Further damage will cause him to jump away and start a junk throwing sequence and we don't want that.
*** In case of a second Ground Punch. Even if decides to perform only one Ground Punch add a second forward dodge (X+A) in you combo anyway to deal as much damage as possible.
**** It is important to create some space between you and Armstrong with this dodge to bait his Fire Charge QTE attack. Wait for about 0.5-1 second to visually confirm start up of this move before taking any actions.
***** You don't have to block or parry Fire Charge in order to get a QTE, just be sure not to dodge it (as it's the only way to avoid it). You'll also need a "clash" QTE (50% chance of occurrence) instead of "elbow drop" version in order to proceed, if you didn't get it - restart, since "elbow drop" QTE deals significantly less damage to Armstrong. Also note - the harder you mash X-button during belly punch sequence the more damage you'll deal. Make sure Armstrong is below 80% health after this QTE.
****** This is where you start a 50 hit combo, keep an eye on the counter.
******* This combo ensures that you'll drop him below 10% health (most likely to 0.1%, if you did everything perfectly).

The Politics of Silencing Foes
Defeat Sen. Armstrong without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.
████████ Jetstream DLC ████████
Jetstream Sam Gameplay Tips

  • Jetstream Sam is NOT Raiden. They didn't just copy paste Raiden with slightly different moveset. The sooner you realize it - the better.
  • This DLC introduces new mechanic exclusive to Jestream Sam called Taunt (UP on a D-Pad). In some ways it is similar to Raidens Ripper Mode, it adds damage against taunted enemies, helps to cut through their armor and stagger them. While it doesn't require any energy to use it has a few downsides:
    1) Taunted enemies deal more damage to you.
    2) You cant parry them.
    3) You receive chip-damage when you block their attacks.
    Keep this in mind when deciding whether to Taunt or not, in certain situations it's not a wise move to do. Also Taunt can be canceled (preserving the effect) with dodge (X+A) in any direction.
  • While Sams normal attacks are slower than Raidens, his mobility is superior with ultra fast Ninja Run, double jump and an air dash.
  • Also Jetstream Sam possesses a variety of charge moves (much like Pincer Blades charge moves, but without super armor), in conjunction with Taunt they can be very devastating.
  • Sams defense is mediocre though. He has less active block frames, forcing you to block more precisely while his Parry Counter deals significantly less damage even on Revengeance difficulty.
  • He cant perform Stealth Kills.

LQ-84i again, this time around he's faster and more aggressive. Sams Parry Counter deals only 20% damage to him on Revengeance difficulty, so you need at least 3-4 Parry Counters and some manual damage on him before you can perform an execution. Fortunately there are many ways to deal with him fast.

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: 4,000 points, pretty easy S-Rank requirements for a sub-boss. 2:30 Minutes - more than enough, 250 BP - you simply don't need them. Make sure to perform a 15+ hit combo to get at least +500 points. Kills and No Damage are pretty self explanatory.

  • LQ-84i usually starts this fight with a Pounce or a Claw Swipe, Parry Counter him to get a good start.
  • Don't fight him up close, his chainsaw attacks are fast, hard to block and cannot be Parry Countered.
  • Use Sams superior mobility to avoid most of his attacks, you can even outrun his knife throws.
  • Try keeping his back against a wall to provoke for a Wall Dive Pounce, this attack is not hard to react to and can be easily Parry Countered.
  • As with previous LQ-84i enemy archetypes there are only four attacks which you can successfully Parry Counter: Pounce, Wall Dive Pounce, Claw Swipe and Pin & Stab Grab (foreshadowed by a series of leaps).

NOTE: Due to a random behavior of this boss - it's not a 100% fixed strategy, but you'll get the idea behind this.

  1. Start by Parry Countering his first attack*.
  2. Follow up with U,U+Y -> jX -> jY. As soon as you land - dodge (X+A) to the left and immediately start attacking LQ-84i**, he'll respond with a Wall Dive Pounce.
  3. Perform a back flip (X+A) and Parry Counter this attack.
  4. Immediately start charging Y(C), hit LQ-84i with it and perform a double back flip (X+A) right after, dodging possible incoming attacks.
  5. Parry Counter another Wall Dive Pounce and repeat step #4.
  6. Perform an execution.

* Refer to the list of Parry Counterable attacks in General Tips section.
** If you'll do it fast enough it may provoke LQ-84i to perform an instant Wall Dive Pounce. If you didn't achieve this - I suggest restarting.

NOTE: You'll need 1 Red Phosphorous Grenade to perform this.

  1. Start by Parry Countering his first attack*.
  2. Follow up with U,U+Y -> L2 cancel (Blade Mode) -> Taunt -> forward dodge (X+A) -> Red Phosphorous Grenade throw** -> X,X,Y(C) -> L2 cancel on the last hit***.
  3. Ninja Run towards LQ-84i and perform the following combo:
    running Y(C) -> L2 cancel on charged hit (x4).
  4. Add some basic X-attacks to "re-stand" him and perform an execution.

* Refer to the list of Parry Counterable attacks in General Tips section.
** It will make LQ-84i blind and unable to respond to your attacks for a short duration.
*** It should throw LQ-84i into the corner.

NOTE: This is a very cheap but effective strategy, you'll need 5 Homing Missiles for this one.

  1. Start off by Parry Countering his first attack to deal 20% damage*.
  2. Taunt him.
  3. Prepare to shoot Homing Missiles. The pattern here is pretty simple:
    LQ-84i is taking an action -> you dodge (X+A) it and shooting a Homing Missile while he recovers.
  4. Repeat five times and he's history.

* Refer to the list of Parry Counterable attacks in General Tips section.

Metal Gear RAY

As with LQ-84i - he's faster and much more aggressive, although it's still just an old Metal Gear RAY with all his tricks intact and by now you've probably memorized them very well. Using Sams Taunt ability you can dispose of him in no time.

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: Another 4,000 points in this DLC and again its a pretty much free S-Rank. You can get this with your eyes closed. You only need like a minute to kill him, get some BP/combo hits for cutting his armor (it is not necessary though), pair all this with No Damage bonus and... *sigh* So free.

  1. Start by running towards Metal Gear RAY to get in Taunts range (experiment a bit or watch in the video).
  2. Taunt him and forward dodge (X+A) his Laser Beam attack.
  3. Now run slightly towards his left leg and attack with X,Y(C)*.
  4. Cut hit head armor to get some BP and combo hits.
  5. When you finished slicing his head, you'll start falling down to the ground, keep falling for a second and then jY(C)** his head yet again.
  6. Cut his shoulder cannon.
  7. You'll start falling again, as soon as you land on the ground - immediately X,Y(C)*** to hit his jaw.
  8. Cut another shoulder cannon and it will trigger the final execution cutscene.

* Just start charging X,Y(C) (shown in the video), Metal Gear RAY will start biting you and this attack should directly hit his jaw while he's at it.
** This attack must connect before he attempts to perform any action, so timing here is crucial.
*** You must perform it as soon as possible or Metal Gear RAY will just jump away.

NOTE: Like with LQ-84i you can cheese Metal Gear RAY with Taunt / Homing Missiles combo while still getting an S-Rank. You'll need 5 Homing Missiles again.

  1. Start is the same - get in Taunts range and Taunt him while forward dodging (X+A) first Laser Beam.
  2. Shoot one Homing Missile and forward dodge (X+A) second Laser Beam.
  3. Now unload all 3 remaining Homing Missiles at him to seal the deal.

Steven Armstrong

Here it is, an ultimate test of your skill and patience. Yeah, its still Armstrong, but on some heavy drugs. He's faster, he hits hard, his moves have much less recovery frames and his Fire Charge attack has evolved into something sinister.

Longest Combo
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: 6,000 points, pretty unusual. Getting all 3 requirements for 6,000 points total is hard, but we'll be doing this without taking damage anyway, right? So basically its +2,000 points, that means you can give yourself some slack while hunting for BP and getting those combo hits. Well then, lets see. 5:00 Minutes? Easy, you need 2-3 even in the worst case scenario. 500 BP, not so hard, you can pick up some nanopastes form helicopters, you only need around 100 BP to seal an S-Rank though. As for combo - opt for about 10-15 hits, this will be enough.

  1. Start with locking him on and attack with running X, you'll see a short cutscene where Armstrong powers up himself.
  2. After this cutscene Taunt him, dodge (X+A) cancel to the left and Ninja Run forward, evading Ground Punch (or a double Ground Punch).
  3. Pick up nanopaste (from a crashed helicopter) behind his back and Y(C)* him.
  4. Armstrong will try to knock you off with some melee attacks**, forward dodge (X+A) them while squeezing some of your own attacks. Pattern here looks like this: X,X,X -> forward dodge -> Y(C)*** -> LT (Blade Mode cancel) -> Y(C). This will be enough to drop his health down to 50%, ending first phase.
  5. While he slides away, run to the left bottom corner (from your position) and grab a second nanopaste.
  6. Armstrong will throw 5 helicopters at you, stay in the corner and wait for a Blade Mode prompt, tap LT once when you see it and dodge (X+A) in any direction.
  7. Immediately after Ninja Run to the center and perform running Y(C), while pointing left analog stick UP. If done right - this attack should hit Armstrong right after he jumps back in****.
  8. You'll see another "power up" cutscene, Armstrong will attack you right away*****. Taunt him and forward dodge (X+A) his first attack******.
  9. After dodging an attack prepare to dodge two more melee attacks, again - squeeze some of your strikes in between. Pattern should look like this: forward dodge (X+A) -> X,Y -> forward dodge (X+A) -> X,Y -> forward dodge (X+A) -> X,X,Y(C).
  10. After two melee attacks he will perform a Volcanic Ground Punch, dodge it sideways and strike him with X,Y(C). If you did everything right this should be enough to prompt the final QTE.

* If you'll take too long with this move Armstrong may start performing other long ranged attacks including an updated Fire Charge.
** If you're up close to Armstrong he'll always perform 2 melee attacks before doing another charged move.
*** It will stagger Armstrong.
**** You'll see a blood splatter indicating a direct hit.
***** If you restart from this checkpoint Armstrong will always start with a Fire Charge and possibly another Fire Charge straight away.
****** As this phase starts Armstrong usually dashes in to your position and performs an attack. It can be a kick, triple hit combo or a grab. Forward dodging a grab may be tricky cause of its long active frames, so you'll probably have to practice it first. Note the dodging backwards or sideways provokes Armstrong for a series of grab attempts followed up by a charge move which will most likely be a Fire Charge and you certainly don't want to deal with that.

You're Hired
Defeat Sen. Armstrong without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.
███████▌Blade Wolf DLC ███████▌
Blade Wolf Gameplay Tips

  • Blade Wolf inherits almost all moves from LQ-84i and Chainsaw Fenrir enemies except for a few. He cant perform a Pin & Stab Grab as well as Wall Dive Pounce although he can Pounce whenever you want him to just by pressing U,U+Y or simply Y while running.
  • He still can throw Heat Knifes although only one at a time and you're limited to carry a maximum of 10 knifes. You can aim them with LB much like any other sub-weapon in the game, it helps to lure/control enemies while taking a stealth approach.
  • Blade Wolf has a launcher attack (U,U+X, works just like Raidens) and some decent air moves, most notably a Chainsaw Spin which can strip armor pretty quickly.
  • His block is very good with a huge amount of active frames while dodge leaves much to be desired, being just a small jump in any direction with some invincibility frames and a pretty nasty recovery lag. Parry Counter damage is on par with Jetstream Sam but with wider range. I suggest utilizing block/parry more frequently while dodging only long ranged attacks.
  • Unlike Jetstream Sam - Blade Wolf can perform Stealth Kills (called Hunt Kills), both ground and aerial versions.

Last time you'll be facing LQ-84i, this time in a mirror match-up. He's very slow much like default Fenrirs and wont take much of your time since Parry Counters in this fight deal significant amount of damage (~40%).

NOTE: He's a secret sub-boss appearing in VR Training - Denver Offices mission. In order him to appear: clear this mission (any rank), go back to the main office room (biggest one), Mistral will say "hurry to the objective", exit the room and re-enter to trigger the encounter. He also drops a Health Tank after you destroy him.

Longest Combo
Hunt Kills
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: Only 4,000 for an S-Rank, so you don't even need to worry about points, just perform a 5 hit combo on him and get a No Damage bonus for a guaranteed S-Rank.

  1. Clear some office furniture before triggering his appearance to have a clear view on his actions.
  2. Start with U,U+Y and block/parry his first attack*.
  3. Now wait for another attack and Parry Counter it.
  4. Hit him with another U,U+Y and run back a little to bait a Pounce from him.
  5. Parry Counter his attack -> U,U+Y -> U,U+Y -> Execution.

* Usually its a Chainsaw Combo or a Knifes Throw.


At last a completely new boss, pretty strong with variety of moves and most of them with weird hitboxes. The worst thing is that your damage on him is pathetic, all attacks just chipping his health by 0.5-1%, even Parry Counter deals an abysmal 10%. That's why you need a deliberate approach to this fight.

Longest Combo
Hunt Kills
No Damage Bonus

NOTE: 10,000 points, looks serious at first but actually its not. 4:00 minutes is pretty generous, you wont need that much time. 500 BP - you can pick up nanopastes from the concrete blocks Khamsin usually tends to break with his axe, not to mention that there are 2 nanopastes right at the start of the battle, be sure to pick them up. You can perform a 30 hit combo on him easily though it's not a necessity, you'll be fine with around 15-20 hits. All in all - you need to either pick up 3 nanopastes and perform a 15 hit combo or pick up 2 nanopastes and perform a 20 hit combo and it is always an option to cut him for some additional BP during the final QTE if you missed some nanopastes. You get 1 Hunt Kill each time you press B behind Khamsin after a Ground Smash attack, note that you must remain unseen to him before attempting. You must perform at least 1 Hunt Kill in order to get an S-Rank. Add a No Damage bonus and a Kill for 3,500 more points.

NOTE: You'll need 10 Heat Knifes.

  1. Start by throwing all 10 Heat Knifes at Khamsin*.
  2. After last throw run backwards, grab a nanopaste and wait for Khamsins Running Roundhouse Slash**.
  3. Now's a tricky part, while he charges at you - Parry Counter a bullet from his machine gun***, it will hit Khamsin for 10% health.
  4. He'll start charging a Ground Smash**** attack*****, perform the following combo while he's at it: X,X,X -> L2 (Blade Mode) cancel -> X,X and block Ground Smash right after.
  5. Some concrete blocks will pop out, hide behind them until Khamsin performs an attack or jump over the block when he looks away and quickly run behind him and press B, performing a Hunt Kill (which is not actually a kill, but w/e).
  6. While Khamsin stunned attack him with the following combo: X,X,X -> L2 cancel (x3) -> X,X.
  7. He'll perform a Double Roundhouse Slash which is an unblockable attack, to dodge it simply jump and hit him with jX,X,X******. If you did everything right up to this point - Khamsin should be at 40% health already.
  8. Now quickly run away from Khamsin to bait another Running Roundhouse Slash and
    Parry Counter a bullet once more.
  9. He'll start charging another Ground Smash, this time just dodge (X+A) it******* (pick up some nanopastes while you have time).
  10. After dodging - run away again, wait for another Running Roundhouse Slash and dodge a bullet.
  11. Prepare for the last Ground Smash, dodge it, run away to bait yet another Running Roundhouse Slash and dodge last bullet.
  12. Now just wait for Khamsins final QTE attack, try picking up some additional nanopastes meanwhile.

* You must hit his human body directly to deal maximum damage. Throw 2-3 knifes at a time then reposition right stick according to his movements and throw again. Khamsin will be stunned after each 3rd successful throw. Maximum possible damage from all 10 direct knife hits is 25%.
** Sometimes Khamsin may choose not to chase you down with his Running Roundhouse Slash (I am not sure whether it's an AI behavior bug or not), if that happens you'll need to "reset" him by getting into melee range and provoking for an attack, just run away again afterwards.
*** To make it easier - dodge (X+A) backwards or sideways to neglect most of machine gun bullets and then perform a Parry Counter.
**** Foreshadowed by a huge leap in your direction.
***** Khamsin may try to attack you a couple of times before attempting a Ground Smash, be sure to dodge/block them.
****** If you want a 20 hit combo add a Chainsaw Spin by pressing Y right after aerial X,X,X combo, but be prepared to block/dodge Khamsins attack as he'll be fully recovered after missed Double Roundhouse Slash.
******* Like most of Khamsins attacks Ground Smash has enormously large hitbox and many active frames therefore it must be dodged just before the impact.

Wolf's Pride
Defeat Khamsin without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.
Komentarzy: 218
Vd65_63RUS 21 sierpnia o 8:58 
Thanks man, just got armstrong in Sam dlc on S rank no-hit. Forward dodge was very important during 2nd phase
K0T0KPA6 20 lipca o 11:21 
Khamsin guide seems to be partially outdated. Most important change is that he's closer to you when the fight starts (in YT vid he's noticeably further from you than he's in the game right now) 10 knives cut 15-16% of his health at best, sometimes he doesn't get stunned on 3rd knife, 50/50 chance that he will start charging his ground smash after all 10 knives (even if you're very far away), if he doesn't charge ground smash after knife and we hit him with parry counter +XXX, XX it will almost always drop him to 69,6%+-2,3% HP, everything else is just like it was 2-3 years ago
Fluffy Boi 3 lipca o 3:58 
Sundowner does not enter his juggled state despite me following every step (tried this on both Hard and Revengeance). Also the first forward dodge rarely actually hits him for some reason, is it the timing or something?
sonicrules04 18 maja o 0:07 
Any tips for doing it on NG?
this is kind of like dark souls 21 grudnia 2023 o 8:40 
sam's armstrong isnt powering up after the first hit?
surely i dont have to play through the dlc just to get a strat to work
Sizar 20 listopada 2023 o 8:40 
great guide! wish this was for PC controls aswell though
Wank Mk2 12 lipca 2023 o 20:56 
dude this is incredible. I wish I had seen this when I was going for the stormbringer achievement. would have made it so much easier lmao. Something I found that helped me with Mistral AI was an infinite(? not super sure but it felt like one if done right). Basically, once you managed to get the prompt to cut her polearm, instantly go into a sky high. Once that move is finished, instantly press the first attack of *your* polearm combo, which with ripper mode and the weapon maxxed out should break her guard again, which lets you go into sky high once more while also keeping away the tripods. the way you could tell you got it right was once the prompt to enter blade mode to cut her weapon appeared, you should already see raiden out of the animation for his polearm, and standing normally as he does at the beginning of the animation for sky high.
Encryption 10 maja 2023 o 3:15 
Very nice guide
Lizard Ears 19 kwietnia 2023 o 21:40 
Just parried a bullet. S rank on Ray. I am losing my mind. Thank you so much for the guide. With this and another guide to fill out the other fights in the missions, I will be able to S rank all of Revengeance.
♂️Deli♂ 12 kwietnia 2023 o 14:28 
if i dont get s rank can i restart the mission or wut do i do if i dont get s rank on a mission?