Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

248 ratings
Battleship Girls
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54.628 MB
26 Apr, 2015 @ 12:44am
28 Apr, 2015 @ 7:00am
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Battleship Girls


This Civilization relies heavily on BNW systems, and has only been tested to work with BNW. Do not load this without the BNW expansion, or worst possible events will probably happen.

I will give my credit to Kidanor and other playtesters who gave me the excellent feedback that is useful for my mod. Also i will give thanks to JFD, Vicevirtuoso, DarkScythe, and Typholomence, for giving me the permission to use their LUA script. And many thanks to other players who give me many priceless support towards my mod.



6 New Civilizations

Japan : Led by Nagato. She will mainly focused on Domination or Scientific Victory.
Unique Ability : Each killed enemy naval units will give science. All melee naval units have the Prize Ships promotion, allowing them to capture defeated ships. Pay only one-third the usual cost for naval unit maintenance.
Unique Units: Yamato Class Dreadnought, Kongo Class Battleship, Takao Class Cruiser, Kagero Class Destroyer, Kaga Class Carrier, I-400 Type Submarine, Zero Fighter, Mitsubishi Sonia Divebomber
Unique Building : Ship School, Give +25XP to new builded air and naval units in the city. +1 Science for every 2 Citizens in this City. City must have an Armory.

United Kingdom : Led by Elizabeth. She always try to win Diplomatic or else Domination if that needed.
Unique Ability: +2 Movement for all naval units. All Naval Units given Supply promotion, enable them to heals outside friendly territory. Air and Naval Unit Production is increased for every Pledge of Protection that you have with City-States.
Unique Units: Queen Elizabeth Class Dreadnought, Nelson Class Battleship, Illustrious Class Carrier, Renown Class Cruiser, Tribal Class Destroyer, T-Class Submarine, Spitfire, Hawker DiveBomber
Unique Building : Royal Dockyard, Allows Food and production to be moved from this city along trade routes inside UK. Extra +2 production and gold for each improved sea resources. Free Frigate when completed.

Germany : Led by Bismarck. She will mainly focused on Domination or Scientific Victory.
Unique Ability: All German units can move after attacking and have +20% combat strength if any friendly unit adjecent with them, Production of Air and Naval Units increased to 20% during war. Military and naval structures within a city increases the spawn rate of Great Scientist and Engineer.
Unique Units: Bismarck-Class Dreadnought, Graf Zeppelin Class Carrier, Scharnhorst Class Battleship, U-Boat Type IX Submarine, Z Class Destroyer, Messerschmitt BF 109, Stuka Dive Bomber.

USA : Led by Alaska. Mainly focused on Domination or Diplomatic Victory.
Unique Ability: Gain 35 influence when gifting a unit to CS. Militaristic City-States gift units twice as often when at war with a common foe. Air and Naval units receive +1 Combat Strength for every allied City-State American have.
Unique Units: Alaska-class Dreadnought, Baltimore-class cruiser, Fletcher-class destroyer, Nevada-class Battleship, Essex-class Carrier, Gato-class submarine, Mustang P-51, and Thunderbolt DiveBomber.

Russia: Led by Sovetsky. Mainly focused on expanding and get strategic resources.
Unique Ability: +15% combat strength in friendly lands for all units. Strategic Resources provide +1 Science and all Strategic Resources provide double quantity. New cities increase Social Policy costs by 50% less.
Unique Units : Sovetsky Soyuz Class Dreadnought, Project 71 Class Carrier, Kirov Class Cruiser, Gangut Class Battleship, Shchuka Class Submarine, Gnevny Class Destroyer, Yakovlev Yak-9, Ilyushin IL-10
Unique Building: Rechnoy Vokzal (replace Seaport)
Provides 1 extra copy of each improved luxury resource near this City. It allows "water city connections" (see rules) between cities. +1 Production and Gold from Sea Resources worked by this City. +15% Production when building Naval Units. City must be built on the coast or have a direct river connection with the coast. Not need a habour being prior built.

France : Led by Richlieu. Mainly focused on cultural victory
Unique Ability: Both military and naval structures give culture, Research technologies by civilizations with whom you are friends faster.
Unique units: La Galissonniere Class Cruiser, Fantasque Class Destroyer, Dunkerque Class Battleship, Richelieu Class Dreadnought, Joffre Class Carrier,
Redoutable Class Submarine, Dewoitine D.520, Breguet 690
Unique Building: Restaurant
When both Great Work slots are filled, all Units trained in this city gain +1 Sight and earn 20% more experience from combat. Reveals tiles adjacent to the city if under the control of another civilization.+33% Culture in this City.City must have a Museum.


Each ships in the mod will be remodel (upgrade) to Kai if they reach Level 5. Plus, their stats will be increase
when they are remodelling into Kai.
Same goes to Kai Ni remodel ships. Only that Kai ships will remodel to Kai Ni if they reached Level 10.
Each nations will have their own name of remodel badge, just to give some immersion inside the mod.
They are:

Kai and Kai Ni -Japan
MkI and MKII -UK
Zwei and Drei-German
2.0 and 3.0-USA
Dva and Trei- Russia
Deux and Trois- France

Altenative link: Here[]
Popular Discussions View All (1)
17 Sep, 2016 @ 6:49am
Improvement for the MOD discussion
I know this is a long shot, but does anyone have the exact track that plays with the US in this mod? Ive been searching for it on and off for years but cant quite find it.
rickhavoc321 23 Jan @ 9:47am 
Can anyone tell me how to get my air units to attack other units in this mod? All my other units work fine, but I can't get my aircraft to attack.
ninja_and_fluffy 28 Jun, 2023 @ 3:46am 
Hello am having a problem with my MOD. I would very much like your help with solving these errors I am having with this MOD.

Please look at this comment for more information.

Please refer to
olit 8 Dec, 2019 @ 9:58am 
I don't think this is still updated, and it's unfortunately the only Civ5 mod of its kind, while there are multiple Kancolle mods for Civ6.
♥Darkini blessy♥ 13 Sep, 2019 @ 7:04pm 
When I play with this mod, the tech to reveal the resources for creating the kantai ships didn't spawn in a way to fix or an update coming if this mod is still up. Bauxite Ragnite and mining contracts not there?
Silver Crescent 14 Mar, 2019 @ 6:18pm 
Neither Bismarck or Yamato were Dreadnoughts, Bismarck was a pocket battleship or fast battleship, Yamato was a super battleship. The Elizabeth class was a dreadnought class and so to I believe was the Alaska class, but why not give america the Iowa class?
完达Zw 9 Mar, 2019 @ 3:02am 
Swarms are everywhere
ninja_and_fluffy 11 Nov, 2018 @ 12:11am 
[continued here...]
<Text>Leader of The American Navy</Text>
<Text>Wannabe Big Seven Member</Text>
ninja_and_fluffy 11 Nov, 2018 @ 12:10am 
Hello again @ZekkeN_MY, I undated Alaska's XML Leader file with the text below. My alterations are after the <Row Tag="TXT_KEY_CIVILOPEDIA_LEADERS_KANCOLLEALASKA_TEXT_1">
part of the <Language_en_US> data.

It is I (wannabe Iowa-Class Balttleship), the pride of American Navy (which accually goes to the IOWA-CLASS), the mightiest navy in the world.[NEWLINE]Do American ideals of freedom, self-governance, Life, Liberty, and the Persuit of Happiness fascinated you? It's alright, you can praise me more (until someone fact-checks my 'Bullshit' American naval claims).[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]As an entirely different class of vessel apart from one of the (actual) 'Big Seven' members in the American Navy (USS Colorado,
USS Maryland, and USS West Virginia), I shall be operating to keep peace in this world. You can expect much (unproven military facts) from this (decommissioned only two years after the war ended) Cruiser! (Yay?)
olit 3 Oct, 2018 @ 6:29am 
Just asking, using this mod affects all other civilizations fleets / tech trees also, is that intended? And, would it be possible to limit the new units to the civs of this mod alone?