Dead Island: Epidemic

Dead Island: Epidemic

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Armored Berg Guide (YOUDEAD?!)
By Ice Cream
Here is a guide, this guide is about the underrated killing machine known as Armored Berg. I will teach you guys how this Armored Canadian Lumberjack can be usefull, skill rotation, and types of loadouts that will either maximize the current damage cap (try to hit one of the highest damage caps) or will help you just clean house. (Assuming you have T16 gear)

Edit : Just remembered that not everyone will have access to gear like this, so I should point out, if you guys have lower you should use gear with similar stats like the ones mentioned here.
Armored Berg Overview and Skills
As the Epidemic went on, Berg Started to think he'd never get to don hockey gear again. Then Isys set him up with some reinforced armor and he could stomp into battle better than ever before.

Combat Role
Mobile, Brawler, Steady Damage
Armored Berg's main strength lie in dishing out a good amount of melee damage and chasing down enemies.

Skill 1 : Tackle
This skill is basically the deciding factor for the first few seconds of initiating. A well timed tackle can seperate one person from the group allowing for your team mates to help dish out damage, or for your own damage. It can also be used as a snipe skill to hunt running people down. Tackle does more damage the farther the receiver is.

Augment 1 : Combat Ready
Gives 60% damage reduction for 3 seconds after you Tackle. This augment is mainly just to up your survivability while at the end of your tackle.

Augment 2: Thrust
Gives 20% distance increase to Tackle and Imobilizes enemy for 1.5 seconds. These 1.5 seconds don't sound like much, but it really is a long time while playing this character.

Skill 2 : Ground Pound
This skill is your AoE skill. You use the ability and people around you will become incapacitated for .5 seconds. You can use it to interrupt people's skills with longer cast times, like The Fuse's grenade launcher.

Augment 1 : Seismic Stomp
You get a bonus 1 second of incapacitation, leaving you at a 1.5 overall incapacitate in skill 2.

Augment 2 : Distance Increase
Gives Now here's where your options to initiating start to increase. This augment lets you Stomp in a 85% range now. What this means is that the AoE stays the same, however it can be cast in a different spot and not directly under you.

Skill 3 : Skull Clap
This skill comes out in a cone. Once you use it, your target will become dizzy. A dizzy target has a 33% chance of missing their attacks. This stays effective for 4 seconds. This skill is what should be used second after initiating with Tackle.

Augment 1 : Uppercut
Gives an option to uppercut the enemy right after clapping. This sends the opponent flying directly infront of where you cast the skill. This is good for seperating one person from the herd.

Augment 2 : Intercept
This augment is the most important augment so listen up. This augment gives a 6 SECOND COOLDOWN REDUCTION to Tackle. This is the most important thing to keeping Berg dishing out damage and keeping him alive. You Tackle in, cooldown is at 12, Skull Clap the enemy and bam, the cooldown goes to 6 immediately.

Ultimate Skill : Berserk
25% Damage Multiplier, 30% Increased Attack Speed, 25% Haste, 50% Crowd Control Reduction ALL for 8 Seconds. This is the defining skill of Armored Berg. Upon activation, you dispel lesser buffs, (one of the only skills to remove crowd control in the game) also, you gain a bear's spirit ontop of your head :D

Augment 1 : Juggernaut
Upon activation you now gain a shield with 250% absorption. Use this to go to town.
Skill Points and Rotation
Skill Points

People can view differently, but this is how I like to play this character.

Level 1 : Skull Clap
Level 2 : Tackle
Level 3 : Ground Pound
Level 4 : Skull Clap
Level 5 : Berserk
Level 6 : Skullclap
Level 7 : Tackle
Level 8 : Tackle
Level 9 : Ground Pound
Level 10 : Berserk
Level 11 : Ground Pound
Level 12 : Ground Pound
Level 13 : Tackle
Level 14 : Skull Clap
Level 15 : Berserk

You want to Tackle in, Skull Clap to get your Tackle Cooldown activated, Ground Pound for Extra Damage and Incapacitation, fight for a bit, see the enemies escape options/if you are overwhelmed, then Tackle to your destination.

Skill Rotation

1, 3, 2, 1

Initiating to Seperate
1, 3, 2, 3, 1

Initiating for Team Fight
4, 1, 3 ,2, 1

Initiating to Grab Crates after Hoarder...
1, 3, 3, 1

...And Leg It for some Clutch Crate Score?
1, 3, 3, 1, 4

These weapons and loadouts are only based on weapons that I've acquired and played with. There might be some better but yeah, this is what I got :p

Maximum Damage;Assassin
Electric Fender
66 Fury
44 Critical Strike
28 Stamina
33% Thunder Strike - 15% extra damage and a stun
Frenzy - 10% damage boost 4 seconds (damage output is increased when rage bar is full)
Gladiator - 6% attack speed boost on crit
Charge Critical Strike
This weapon is fantastic for rage builds. Using a 3 bar Secondary will ensure a stun, pop a rage pill and realize you are using Armored Berg for a 10% Boost to damage after using a Secondary. Beautiful passive, I know. Using this set will give you a chance to hit 1100s, that was my max during testing this weapon out. That was without using Berserk by the way.
Note : Two full rage bar hits with this weapon can and will hit anywhere between 500-2k damage.
To do the math
~150% Bonus Damage on a secondary (correct me if I'm wrong)
50% Bonus Damage on Crit
25% Bonus Damage Multiplier Ultimate
15% Bonus Damage Fender
10% Bonus Damage Passive
10% Bonus Damage Frenzy

150+50+25+15+10+10 = 260% Bonus Damage Total

Acquire Freeform Jazz/Janitor
Hot Jazz
One handed weapon (not giving up the chance at that picture pun :p)
62 Attack Speed
41 Critical Strike
34 Fury
20% Ignitor - Chance to ignite enemies, 75% damage over time for 3 seconds
15% Lethal Attacks
6% Gladiator
Charge Critical Strike
This weapon is a more versatile option. Most people nowdays see you charge with a fender and haul ass. While one loadout is hit and miss, this one is a more sturdy one. Also, with an AoE secondary attack, it really opens up for doing mass damage to crowds. In other words, clean house.

Cooldown Slot
Nitrovolver(always pick this up for your secondary weapon slot)
69 Focus(ayy lmao)
41 Fury
28 Critical Strike
5% Nitrocharge - Using skills charges guns for bonus damage and freeze chance
15% Ultimate Recharger
33% Loosen Up - 33% Chance/Rage Bar to increase attack speed on secondary attack
Charge Focus

Another fantastic versatile weapon. I love how much cooldowns it brings to all my skills. With Armored Berg, you need to have your skills at the click of a button. In the midst of battle, sure you can cheese people and juke em out, but eventually their skills will cool down faster than yours, going in for the kill. This is a hard counter towards that. To put in perspective, most of my skills have a 10 second cooldown, and my ultimate, 83 seconds in level 1, ~60-70 level 2. Having your ultimate is and can be a deciding factor for each battle you enter.
Change Log
None, critisize the hell out of this post please, I want it to be perfect :D
A word from the creator.
Hey readers, it's P-Town here, just wanted to say, I have put off making this guide forever now. After listening to some EDM music, a RedBull, and 2 hours of work, I present to you this gude :D. I just have to say I thank all the peeps I've played with, except those people who play premades with hella crowd control.
Ice Cream  [author] 3 May, 2015 @ 3:41pm 
@四百二十 Ah then use what's the best available to you.
Warung Tony Soprano 3 May, 2015 @ 3:38pm 
yeah true :p i was just wondering cause i dont have the jazz xD
Ice Cream  [author] 3 May, 2015 @ 3:33pm 
@四百二十 Actually, I think it would be worse off instead of the Hot Jazz. Reason being is that it's only 10% chance. If I do the math right, that's once out of every ten hits you get a stun, for .5, most people roll Stun Resister. Also, why would you take away all that extra damage from the Hot Jazz's passive.
Warung Tony Soprano 3 May, 2015 @ 3:26pm 
Ice Cream  [author] 3 May, 2015 @ 2:04pm 
@四百二十 Hmm not sure, I might need to play with it first. Let's hope this next lockbox I open is the Surge Bear xD.
Warung Tony Soprano 3 May, 2015 @ 1:41pm 
75 crit, 14 atk speed, 50 stamina w/ 10% chance to stun enemies for 0.5s
Ice Cream  [author] 3 May, 2015 @ 12:32pm 
@operkot Heh, thanks a lot man.
operkot 3 May, 2015 @ 12:32pm 
Very good manual, thanks!
Ice Cream  [author] 2 May, 2015 @ 5:40pm 
@四百二十 Don't have it, stats and effect?
Warung Tony Soprano 2 May, 2015 @ 5:17pm 
hey dude how would you recommend the surge bear?