Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Type de contenu: Addon
Type d'addon: Carte
Mots-clés d'addon: Construction, Scénique
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48.851 MB
25 avr. 2015 à 7h38
25 avr. 2015 à 20h43
3 notes de changement ( voir )

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An abandoned research facility nestled deep within a volcano, with dangers waiting around every corner. A visually diverse and atmospheric map designed to provide a broad, diverse experience each time.

Traitors can utilize several traps, while innocents can risk the dangerous path to the tester to prove themselves, and pray that the person being tested won't betray them.

This map was used as a means to learn the ropes of Hammer. I'm proud to say that the end result is an efficient, fps friendly map with all features working as expected. Focus has been placed heavily on the visuals and lighting, while forcing myself to learn more about the functionality.

A rearm script can be downloaded here:
It includes multiple spawn locations, many random weapon/ammo spawns and several set weapon locations, such as deagle, shotgun, and rifle.
39 commentaires
MyavkaSh 11 avr. 2024 à 16h05 
how the heck do i get the textures:steamhappy:
ManicVA 28 juin 2023 à 23h20 
CS:S is free, guys! stop wining and get the free game!
Kkoolleett 7 juil. 2022 à 5h29 
this sucks its missing textures and errors and the lava dosent even damage NPCs.
some random gopnik 2 sept. 2021 à 1h12 
Errors everywhere
PooPooKing1 28 aout 2021 à 12h56 
everything is a error
Soulless Husk 15 mars 2021 à 15h54 
dagooooth 22 aout 2020 à 8h08 
rynegeist 22 aout 2020 à 2h35 
Why does everything require CS:S?
Wolffman109 18 aout 2019 à 11h53 
Could you please attempt to re-create the Mustafar map? The one that's currently on the Workshop is not very accurate and there's not much to do.
SyntaxError  [créateur] 30 aout 2018 à 0h01 
I apologize for the meagre amounts of magma.