House of Caravan

House of Caravan

179 ratings
By Löwenzahn
Step-to-step walkthrough with puzzles solving and items locations
Hi everybody,

This is a step-to-step walkthrough with puzzles solutions and items locations.

Spoil alert
You won't find any spoil about the Caravans story.

Using items
To use an item on it, you must focus the target (the name of the target and a white border appear), as shown on the picture below:

Then right-click until the item you want use is displayed, as shown on the picture below:

Left-click and that's all!

For the documents locations, please refer to my other guide: Documents locations for "Hellreader" achievement.

At last, my English writing is not perfect but I would like to improve it.
If you see any mistake in text, please contact me =)

Arthur Jr. Caravan room
  • Pick up the matchbox in the small bookshelf standing on the left of the fireplace (you can see a blue puppet above it).
  • Switch on the lamp on the nightstand.
  • Open the cupboard, grab the document (put it away) then grab the Arthur Jr. room's key.
  • If you're afraid of the dark, you also can light the candle on the chest of drawers, on the other side of the bed ;)
  • Unlock the door with Arthur Jr. room's key and exit the room.
Corridor (part 1)
  • After exiting Arthur Jr.'s room, grab the flashlight sitting on the sideboard immediately on your right.
  • In the same sideboard, open the right door and grab the matchbox.
  • Go towards the window, at the bottom of the corridor (on your way, you can light the candle on your right).
  • Open the left door of the sideboard and grab an other matchbox.
  • Turn around and make your way along the corridor (you can ignore the bathroom on your right, there's nothing to find inside). After the first angle, look inside the sideboard for an other matchbox, under an enlightened painting of a young lady.
  • Then make your way until you reach stairs on your right.
  • Go downstairs
  • Once 1st floor reached, go left then look into the sideboard near the telephone for a matchbox.
  • Go to the Dinner Room next to you.
Dinner Room
  • Light the candle on the small table in front of you, against the opposite wall.
  • Turn around then turn on the lamp on the middle sideboard, behind the large table.
  • On the same sideboard, grab the magnifying glass in the left drawer.
  • Next to the right of the sideboard is standing a big dresser. Grab a photograph in the left drawer.
  • Turn around and go to the kitchen, on the other side of the large table.
  • Once in the kitchen, pass the curtains facing you in the darkened corner.
  • Go downstairs and turn on the lamp on the barrel.
  • Go under hanged rabbits and birds of prey by crouching, then grab the knife on the barrel.
  • Go back upstairs to the kitchen.
  • Go to the table under the bells then grab a photograph in the left drawer and a matchbox in the right drawer.
  • Go back to the Dinner Room
Dinner Room
  • Go to the corner on your left and interact with the box on the small table.
  • On the box, there are six letters around a number. Above the box, you can see parts of the both photographes you have previously found in Dinner Room and Kitchen.
    The aim of this puzzle is combine two of the six letters with a defined number for each letter.
    Each letter-number combination can be found on each photograph.
  • Let's find the first letter-number combination:
    Click on the left photograph then click again on this one in order to zoom thanks to the magnifying glass.
    "European Disctrict Calcutta"
    You can see a circled C letter. That's the first clue.

    If you zoom on one of the carriages in the street, you can find a figure: 7. That's the second clue.

    Thus, we have our first combination: C 7. Let's try it on the box.
    Click somewhere out of the photograph in order to go back to the box puzzle.
  • Click on C button, then click repeatedly on the up or down arrow button until you get the figure 7.
    If you succeed, you will hear a click sound.
  • Let's find the second letter-number combination:
  • As you did for the first photograph, click on the right photograph then click again on this one in order to zoom thanks to the magnifying glass.
    "Rue de Rambuteau Paris"
    You can see a circled P letter. That's the first clue.

    If you zoom at the bottom part of the "Fabre" advert, you can find a number: 14. That's the second clue.

    Thus, we have our second combination: P 14. Let's try it on the box.
    Click somewhere out of the photograph in order to go back to the box puzzle.
  • Click on P button, then click repeatedly on the up or down arrow button until you get the figure 14.
    If you succeed, you will hear a click sound and said "Great".
  • The box is now open. Grab the Madeline Room & Library Keys.
  • Leave the Dinner Room via entrance hall.
Corridor (part 2)
  • Go upstairs
  • Once on 2nd floor, go left and make your way until you reach Madeline Room on your right, facing the Bathroom.
  • Unlock this door with the Madeline Room & Library Keys, previously found in the box in the Dinner Room, and go inside.
Madeline Room
  • Turn on the lamp and light the candle on both nightstands.
  • Grab the matchbox in the bottom drawer of the left nightstand.
  • Next to the right of the bed, open the left door of the cupboard and grab the Paper Pieces.
  • Turn around then go the dressing table and turn on the lamp.
  • Use the Paper Pieces on the Paper Holder in order to start a new puzzle.
  • This puzzle is very classic. Follow the notice displayed at the top of screen the solve the puzzle.
    You get a message about safety deposit box code and masts.
  • Leave Madeline Room.
  • Go back in the corridor and go left a bit, to reach the Library door on your right.
  • Unlock this door with the Madeline Room & Library Keys, previously found in the box in the Dinner Room and go inside.
  • In front you, between the armchairs on your right, turn on the lamp on the small table.
  • Go to the ship at the corner and rotate its mast.
  • A secret compartment opens under the ship. Grab the Paper inside.
    A number is written on this Paper: 34.
    This is the second part of the safety deposit box code.
  • Turn around and go to the other side of the room and turn on the lamp on the small table between the armchairs.
  • Go to the ship at the corner and rotate its mast.
  • A secret compartment opens under the ship. Grab the Paper inside.
    A number is written on this Paper: 42.
    This is the first part of the safety deposit box code.
  • Now you have the whole safety deposit box code, which is 4234, go back Madeline Room.
Madeline Room
  • Once in Madeline Room, look at the giant Tapestry on the wall on your left.
  • Roll the Tapestry up.
  • Interact with the Safe Box and type the code previously found in the Library: 4234, then grab the Hairpin inside.
  • Next to the door of the Madeline Room, unlock the small chest with the Hairpin then grab the Caravan Room, Trophy Room & Studio Keys inside.
  • Leave Madeline Room.
Corridor (part 3)
  • Go left and make your way until you reach the stairs, but, this time, instead of going downstairs, go forward to the other part of the 2nd floor.
  • Before the first angle, look into the sideboard on your left for a Matchbox.
  • Go to the end of the corridor and look in the sideboard next to the window: grab the Battery inside.
  • Turn around, unlock the second door on your right with the Caravan Room, Trophy Room & Studio Keys and get in the Trophy Room.
Trophy Room
  • Turn on the lamp on the table between the sofas.
  • Next to the right of the Golden Eagle statue, open the bottom left drawer of the cupboard and grab a Photograph.
  • Then grab a Matchbox in the right drawer.
  • Go to the opposite corner of the room, where you can find a zebra skin laid on the floor.
  • Light the candle on the bookshelf.
  • Open the frame which is representing an old car, on the left wall, and grab the (Prehistoric Signs) Book inside.
  • Leave the Trophy Room.
  • Unlock the door facing you with the Caravan Room, Trophy Room & Studio Keys and get in the Studio.
  • Once in the Studio, turn right and go to the right corner behind the 8-pool, and turn on the green lamp on the small table.
  • Open the left drawer and grab the Letter Opener.
  • Next to the door, open the bottom left drawer of the large bookshelf and grab a Matchbox.
  • Leave the Studio.
  • Go right and unlock the first door on your left with the Caravan Room, Trophy Room & Studio Keys and get in the Caravan Room.
Caravan Room
  • Once in the Caravan Room, turn on the lamp on the right nightstand and light the candle on the left nightstand.
  • On the left of the door, open the large cupboard and grab a Matchbox.
  • Open the bottom drawer of the right nightstand and grab an other Matchbox.
  • Open the bottom drawer of the left nightstand and grab a Photograph.
  • Turn around and go to the darkened corner on the right of the fireplace.
  • Turn on the lamp on the desk.
  • Unlock the Desk Slide with the Letter Opener.
  • Interact with the box.
    This puzzle is similar to that of the dining room: you have to find two letter-number combinations in order to open the box. But there is an additional difficulty: the letters and numbers are replaced by northlandish signs in the photographes and you have to find the letters and numbers corresponding to each sign with the book.
  • Let's find the first combination:
    Click on the left photograph behind the box and look after the signs.
    First clue:

    Second clue:

    Let's translate these signs thanks to the book:

    So, our first combination is B 17.
    Go back to the box and try the combination.
    Click on B button and repeatedly on the up or down arrow until the number 17 is displayed in the middle of the box.
    If you succeed, you will hear a click sound.
  • Let's find the second combination:
    Click on the right photograph behind the box and look after the signs.
    First clue:

    Second clue:

    Let's translate these signs thanks to the book:

    So, our second combination is T 13.
    Go back to the box and try the combination.
    Click on T button and repeatedly on the up or down arrow until the number 13 is displayed in the middle of the box.
    If you succeed, you will hear a click sound and "Perfect!".
  • The box is open. Grab the document inside.
    This is a message about a globe and coords. It is said 16 and 82.
  • Turn around and go to the statue carrying a globe near the large bookshelf.
  • Interact with the globe and enter the code 1682.
  • Leave the room via the secret passage behind the large bookshelf.
  • Go downstairs to the cellar.
  • Facing you, there is a jail door but you cannot open it because there is no power and the Electric Box on the right wall doesn't work. You need 4 wires in order to start the Electric Box.
  • Facing the cellar, look inside the left sideboard and grab a Matchbox.
  • Light the candle between the statue and the doorless cupboard.
  • On the doorless cupboard, open both of the bottom drawers in order to grab anoter Matchbox and a Wire (1/4).
  • At the corner of the cellar, open the door next to the dummy then go to the Garage.
  • Once you are in the garage, go left and turn on the lamp on the workbench.
  • Open the second and the third drawers in order to grab a Hammer and a Matchbox.
  • Turn around and turn on the lamp on the opposite workbench.
  • Open the second and the last drawers in order to grab a Wire (2/4) and a Battery.
  • At the corner to the right of the workbench, open the small chest then grab another Wire (3/4).
  • Go back to the cellar.
  • Once you are in the cellar, go to the opposite wall and open the box on the small table with the Hammer then grab a Wire (4/4) inside.
  • Go to the Electric Box. This is a new puzzle that will solved in three steps.
  • First step: put back and rearrange the wires on the Electric Box

    For setting a wire, use a wire in the inventory on one of the left connectors (A/B/C/D) then select one of the right connectors (J/K/L/M).

    A wire is shortly highlighted when it is correctly set.
    Here is the correct schema:
    A => L
    B => K
    C => M
    D => J
  • Second step: power on the Electric Box
    Interact with the Electric Box.
    The aim of this step is connecting the bottom left plug to the top and third right plugs.
    Here is the correct schema:
  • Last step: pull the rod next to the Electric Box
  • The jail door is now open. Go up the stairs then go right to the Service.
  • Once you are in the Service, go left and turn on the lamp on the nightstand.
  • Go to the other nightstand, unlock the small box with the Knife then grab the Paper Pieces inside.
  • Turn around and go to the table next to the fireplace.
  • Use the Paper Pieces previously found in the nightstand on the Paper Holder.
  • Solve this new puzzle, like in Madeline Room, but with more pieces.
    Finally, you get a message that gives you the code for the Key Holder in the Kitchen: 1531.
  • Leave the room.
  • Go towards the opposite door then get in the Kitchen.
  • Once you are in the kitchen, interact with the Key Holder then enter the code 1531, previously found in Service.
  • Grab the Praying Room Key.
  • Go to the entrance via Dinner Room.
  • Go to the opposite door, on the other side of the stairs, and unlock it with the Praying Room Key.
  • Get in the Praying Room.
Praying Room
  • Once you are in the Prayer Room, go left and light the candle on the sideboard.
  • Open the chest next to the sideboard and grab the Matchbox inside.
  • Go behind the altar then grab another Matchbox.
  • Turn around and go to the Crypt.
  • Go downstairs until you reach a jail door.
  • Turn left and look into the sideboard for a Matchbox.
  • Interact with the Electric Box on the wall on your left.
  • As the puzzle in the cellar, you have to connect the left plugs to the right plug.
    Here is the correct schema:
  • Pull the rod behind you, on the wall, in order to open the jail door.
  • Go past the door then look after Amanda Caravan coffin on your right.
  • Open the coffin then grab the House of the Caravan's Key on the skeleton's neck.
  • Go back upstairs by pulling again the rod above the coffin on your right.
  • Go back to entrance via the Praying Room.
  • Once you are in the entrance hall, ensure yourself that you found all the 14 documents in the game before processing next step.
    If you didn't find all the 14 documents, please refer to the documents locations walkthrough.
  • Go to the entrance door then unlock it with the House of the Caravan's Key previously found in the Crypt to put an end to the game.
I hope you enjoyed reading this walkthrough and found all informations you were looking for.

If I didn't forget any item, you should have unlocked all the five achievements with this walkthrough.

I would like to thanks all the Rosebud team for this nice game in spite of a bit annoying defects of collision and... I can't wait for Death in Candlewood! ;-)
zachjd 14 Nov, 2021 @ 10:52am 
@Fromir I had the bug where the jaildoor didn't open either. Chair glitch did the trick though.It's unfortunate one must resort to that to continue the game.

Because of that door, I didn't get Master of Puzzles by the end. I started up a new game, did one puzzle and it unlocked.
tuxdelux 2 Nov, 2021 @ 4:19am 
fantastic walkthrough
thanks for taking all the screenshots
Apathetic 14 May, 2021 @ 1:06am 
thanks was lots of help :)
Luko 13 Jan, 2021 @ 10:48am 
mistake: corridor part 1 at the beginning: the candle to light is on the left side, not the right
zyxst 30 Oct, 2020 @ 11:58am 
Knowing about the crypt door bug ahead of time would've been nice. I got into the crypt first, thinking 'oh there's a switch and I fixed the electricity so I can come back later if I need to'. I've been trying the speedrun trick and end up launching myself into space. :berserk:
Löwenzahn  [author] 4 Oct, 2020 @ 2:01am 
@Fromir hello, I didn't encounter this bug. Maybe this thread should help you:
Fromir 3 Oct, 2020 @ 1:28pm 
The jail door in the Crypt doesn't open, I did the electric box puzzle but when I pull the rod nothing happens :(
LeLM 25 Jul, 2019 @ 8:24am 
thx it really helps great guide
Scarlet_Snatch 14 Feb, 2019 @ 12:54pm 
I got the key to open the main door, but when I go back to the entrance, I can't exit. My character keeps saying that "I need something" any idea on what I am missing?
littlesplicer 13 Jan, 2018 @ 12:46pm 
Game won't let me pick up any matches after the ones in initial bedroom. :(