Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

87 평점
Long Lines Building (Unique)
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7.496 MB
2015년 4월 18일 오전 5시 22분
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Long Lines Building (Unique)

Long Lines Building (Unique)

The Long Lines Building in Manhattan houses massive telecommunications switches. Designed in the 1970s it is built like bunker, designed to withstand a nuclear blast in Manhattan and with water and power to be self-sufficient for two weeks, as well as radiation protection. Since electronics don't need windows to look at the sun, this building didn't need windows either.

5x8 footprint. The side with the low wall has a hidden pedpath connecting roads to the front and rear of the building.

Custom Model
2705 Tris
1k textures

Custom LOD, 191 tri. Texture is autogenerated, unfortunately the editor kept artifacting my own.

This is a recategorized version of the same building I uploaded earlier, if you want to have the same building as this but with added gameplay, clicky here
댓글 3
CreideikiStormbringer 2015년 5월 17일 오후 3시 10분 
I absolutely love the look of the Long Lines building. I also like the history behind it (having some interesting in the old telephone system of the 60s, 70s, and early 80s). Definitely going to be plonking this down in my city core!
Domattee  [작성자] 2015년 4월 18일 오후 3시 31분 
I just can't texture worth shit but pasting tiling or concrete over everything is easy enough.

It helps that they fit in surprisingly well with the vanilla buildings while still having a distinct style that makes them immediately recognisable.

I'll look into the UN headquarter. I've got two other things I'm working on at the moment (one of them isn't even brutalist!) that I would definitely like to finish first though.
Sanguine 2015년 4월 18일 오후 2시 13분 
You must love the Brutalist arhitectural style, I personally am more of an Art Deco kinda person, but I still love this building!

And could I possibly trouble you to make th United Nations Headquarters? It is just you are obviously a great building creator with work such as this! :)