Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Bonk! In MVM
By Doll-011
Today, i will teach you the basic steps using Bonk! in MVM
Deploying The Bonk
Timing (more likely same then Deploying the Bonk!)
Advantages And Disadvantages
Weapon Loadout For Bonk!

This is on my opinion and i hope you all have no offence on this because maybe some of it.......maybe can be wrong too but hey
Lets not judge about my opinion and lets just get started
Deploying The Bonk!

Information About The Bonk!
Lets take a closer look about the Bonk!, shall we?

If you guys have acquired Bonk! some of you will always think like this, am i wrong?
  • Why did i even get it or i even buy this Bonk! in the steam shop? i dont know why they even put it in the steam shop
  • I just have this kind of shadowy effect when i run but i cant attack whenever there is like sentries and enemies.
  • Im almost immune to all attacks but why not map hazards? Example like the pit hole in coal town and the moving gear in Mannhattan (correct me if im wrong please)

Well if yes, let me explain them clearly one by one of the following lists here
  1. No, its not a waste of money or maybe you are lucky or you just got an achievement for scout (unless you want to use it for crafting or messing around and many more)
  2. It also tells you that your Bonk! effect is still in use (its obvious cause its goes to third person camera mode).....once the shadowy effect is gone, then you know that the Bonk! effect is worn off (dont forget about immunity to attacks only but not map hazards)
  3. Yes, this is also useful when you want to get away from a group of giant bots or any other bots that will bring you to the corner and beat the crap outta you

And as i have said from the beginning, Deploying the Bonk! is more likely referred to the section on
Timing on using the bonk
Timing on using the Bonk!
Now before deploying the Bonk!, remember a few couple things im gonna say and make sure to remember them when you are in any necessary situation..

    Tips To Remember When Deploying The Bonk!
  1. Make sure you know the map and memorise the routes of different map in MVM and also the tracks where the robots go.
  2. Use it only when you need to escape and to distract giants and other bots when you are collecting money (i recommend you only to use it when you are collecting money as your health may go up like from 125 to 625 health maybe or even up to 900 health) (you will also notice that you're overheal decays slowly one by one as you are using Bonk! effect which also gives you more chances on surviving under heavy attacks like rockets flying everywhere or so much of bots charging towards your teammates)

  3. Find a safe spot to deploy the Bonk! like a medic about to deploy his own uber by himself (no offence really, but dont just charge them when using Bonk!, you gotta surprise them from the back or maybe help to do the final blow and BAM!!! round complete)
  4. Mostly, I rarely use Bonk! when comes to MVM.....mostly cause of some people just dont know maybe Bonk! was actually made for a reason in MVM too....... TO BE HONEST......i only use Bonk! when i need to collect money and once the Bonk! effect is gone, then i can attack the robots and have more time to supply support for teammates.

OH, i almost forgot.....if you got cornered by a bunch of scouts hitting you while you have used the Bonk! effect....try to jump and you will realise that the momentum of your scout will have float over the group of scouts and have made it without dying and continue to do your job as a scout obviously
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages On Using The Bonk!
Now, as you have understand the concepts of Bonk!......Let's dig deeper about the situation of the Bonk!

A few number of people does not have tricks and tips of Bonk! for scouts being useful in only collecting money unless you do have no other choice like no Crit-a-cola or Mad Milk when collecting money and support teammates along the battlefield
but still i recommend ONLY use Bonk! when you want to play Support Scout (you'll understand what i mean after this or maybe not XD)
But hey, maybe its only for emergencies and whenever you need to reach to the defense line on the bots and may also have chances on counter attacking them.......its mostly best to just collect money and help distract the bots for your teammates to help them buy enough time to kill robots that are heavily armed.

Disadvantages On Using The Bonk!
Yes, as i was saying.......Bonk! can also be a disadvantage when comes to MVM
Your Bonk! only has 8 seconds immunity against all attacks seriously though -_- just dont ask me about the map hazards But the worst part is when you deploy the Bonk! in the wrong situation or wrong timing........things may come not as it is unexpected for the whole team's frontline in the battle.......But keep in mind on your recharge rate and remember how long the effect of immunity will wear off (depending on the upgrades and the amount of time taken for the Bonk! to charge in a lesser timing)
Weapon Choices When Using Bonk!
Primary and Melee Weapons
When Bonk! is acquired
Soda Popper
Use the hyper + Bonk! and you can almost outmanuever giants and group of bots coming towards you
Baby Face Blaster
able to jump higher and works similarly same as the soda popper
The Atomizer
Allows you to do a triple jump while the immunity is on....but may also need some of your health for a sacrifice
Fan'o war
Make sure to have a lot of overheal when you wanna use this weapon (after giants are distracted and bonk! wears off, you will then have a chance to beat the crap out of this giants for a while and you have successfully managed to mark one of them without getting killed (unless you did it wrongly then dont blame me XD)
This are just some weapons i only recommend when you need to get out of some situations.
Two Types Of Scout's Job
Support Scout
Support scout is a very easy job.....and all you have to do is collect money, distract bots and also focus on some of the bots your teammates will tell you to watch out for.
But seriously though, Just get money and kill only few robots and leave the rest for the other teammates to destroy them and round complete again

Recommend to all scouts out there that have few tricks that can use in MVM as well

Damage Scout
To be honest, as for myself......i dont really do a lot damage when comes to scout some i am more only attacking the weak robots like spies or scouts and thats almost about it....(Do not use Bonk! when you are a Damage scout which can also result in breakdown on your teammates defenses)
Also, please always alert your teammates too when you are helping your team to get money and kill more robots.....
But still, scouts were not meant for damaging......They are only specialized on like capturing points or pushing the cart in payload.
Thats actually about it.

End Of The Guide
I hope this guide had helped you and improved your perfomance on scout
This is so far what i know so much on tricks and techniques on using Bonk! which i find it useful in MVM
Anyways, thank you so much for your time and dont forget to join my group called 'Bots Demolisher Incorporation" which is only for MVM lovers only

And yes, have a greadt day and dont forget to like,put it to favourites and share this guide :D

Hope to see you guys again~
OH BOY I Freakin' Love Sawdust! 21 Oct, 2021 @ 2:04pm 
very interesting guide on troll juice
JustJules 8 Jun, 2015 @ 4:40am 
I'd argue bonk is actually more useful for damage scout than support scout. Reason being is that the primary use of bonk is to get past enemies and collect cash that you normally wouldn't reach due to bot aggro. Well support scout will generally focus resists allowing him to mitigate the damage he would take while damage scout wouldn't, allowing him to more easily get the cash and replenish his health pool to get back into the swing of it.

Sure you'r not dealing damage while it's active but you take more advantage of the benefits as damage scout.
Doll-011  [author] 5 Jun, 2015 @ 7:09pm 
@CAR_ yes what i meant to say is.......only some people are more good in doing both jobs at the same time or they do at least either support or damge and thats it......i can see you at least dealed more damage than the others
Profile Name 4 Jun, 2015 @ 5:05pm 
0/10 not Cola.

Also, your grasp on even very basic TF2 gameplay seems rather tenuous.
Rainbeon 4 Jun, 2015 @ 10:53am 
Baby Face Blaster able to jump higher and works similarly same as the soda popper?

BFB increases speed I thought?
Doll-011  [author] 4 Jun, 2015 @ 2:53am 
thanks @EniaxCod
WÿteȞaẑy 4 Jun, 2015 @ 2:53am 
Very nice work xD
Eniax 4 Jun, 2015 @ 2:49am 
Eniax 4 Jun, 2015 @ 2:49am