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This guide is full of life you may or may not have come across, have you ever stopped and thought about that plant that glows red mabey you have and you think cool, buuut did you think hmm this plant or life form could have an amazing future in this game and you would know were to find it and were to look, looking at this guide may help you to think about locations for bases or idea's you would like to share with the devs's. this community changes only to the subnautica people :0

For a less painfull experience use your arrow keys :0 !
Adic. a Favoritos
Nos Favoritos
Safe Shallows (1m - 50m)

Kelp Forest (25m - 150m)

Grassy Plateaus (100m - 150m)

Mushroom Forest (125m - 200m)

Koosh Zone (225m - 275m)

Grand Reef (175m - 190m)

Floater Islands (Surface)

CAVES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jelly Shroom Caves ( Giant pink Shrooms 180-275 meters )

Kelp Forest Caves ( Quite dangerous to player 150-200 meters )

Lava Caves ( Large caves which tend to be deep 400-1000 meters )

Mushroom Forest Caves ( Very large empty caves with blue clusters 75-200+ )

Overgrown Caves ( Full of all kinds of life 125-200 meters )

Safe Shallows Caves ( Not alot of danger can inhabbit life 10-75 meters )

Spike Plant Caves ( can have plants with Bioluminescent fetures150-175 meters )

Inactive Lava Zone ( the deepest biome so far 1000-1300 meters )
Exotic Plantlife on Land

These plants are all on land and have the most iconic features out of all plants this being because there is more sunlight and well "oxygen" these plants may have many new interesting features and uses in the future of this wonderful game, Food ? Barbicue ? party ? alien sea girls ? or that fish with the hole in its fin ?
Plant Life sea (WHITE ZONE) 0-100

In the "white zone" meaning 0-100m there are many life forms more than I have got here plus sea creatures, for the future of this game my hypothesis is these plants are sure to have some use here and there weather its to colour your Cyclops or Seamoth Pink or something the idea's are endless, leave a comment if you think there is an idea ill be sure to add your name to suggestions and thoughts list.
Plant Life (YELLOW ZONE) 100-200

These life forms in (YELLOW ZONE 100m-200m) are very unique to Subnautica because they have potential uses, I have many thoughts and ideas on which they could be used, for example poisons or flammable torpedoes, acid all sorts of ideas, but these plants are on there way to adapting to dark situations meaning if it becomes to dark for that life form it will either die or adapt and evolve to fit in, for instance a plant that does not gain enough light can sometimes evolve a florescent organ which can attract animals for feeding "the cycle of life" I may go to in-depth with these ideas but this game has so much more potential all though its not as realistic as "STRANDED DEEP" in terms of graphics and building but this game has an interesting future though this game is set a "few" years ahead it gives you a scare here and there but I do say the best part about this game would have to be the sound quality the music the atmosphere that puts the game in a league of its own leave a comment to see what you think and a like if your feeling subcurious.
PlantLife (RED ZONE) 200-300+

Now these plants lack sunlight and have evolved to have A florescent light due to UV genetics and stuff but for sure the mushroom field down at roughly 200 + meters is very weird and interesting may have lots of new animals and plants at some point for example the angler fish, it lives down in deep waters and has a florescent organ on its head which attracts food and other "things".

Id like thank Fudger for finding this rare plant
Surfaces (ALL DEPTHS)

Now your probably wondering why the hell has he got pictures of surfaces ?
my answer would be say they added mining and your able to mine obsidian ? then your wondering what the hell does it look like ? just come here and find out, last but not least if you think stuff could change then leave a comment and a like ill be sure to look into it.
Community idea's (new)
I have an idea, the idea is not really based in game or around it. Its based around you guys, if we as a community come up with and idea, a really good idea we could all send in the same idea and it may have a larger chance of in game completion, me and 1 idea is not suitable but 10 mabey 20 people and still one idea, they might think 'hey those guys think its a good idea' we may have a chance of moulding the game as a community ?

leave a comment even if your passing through THANKS !!

Email me with ideas:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Lone Wanderer he knows a story or two :0

EvilKittyCommander V♦V♦R
If you want to explore the ocean without doing cheats, there is a glitch where you build a corridor then place a window and thew end of the corridor (window looks like a dome) then you go into the window as much as you can, then delete it with your builder. And now you can explore the ocean without your oxygen depleting, although you can only walk.

If your looking for the island look at the engines and go south from them :0
62 comentários
enderlord1006 22 dez. 2016 às 7:28 
but the tiger plant was added at the start of the game tho
NO_FEAR  [autor] 20 dez. 2016 às 3:21 
enderlord this is outdated havnt taking pictures since they added coosh biome
enderlord1006 20 dez. 2016 às 0:27 
u forgot the tiger plant its in yellow zone
Imafishb 4 dez. 2016 às 19:13 
What happened to you then did leaks happen and you drowned did you stay there did you go back up?
Rinzler00000 24 jun. 2016 às 22:17 
The deepest I have got is 10,000. You know how they say life finds a way? Not in this ocean, where I am down 10,000 metres below sea level, and can no longer hear the ocean life that was once around me. The flood lights on my cyclops could not even dent what I was surrounded by, it was too dark. It was darker than ANY cave in this game I have seen. The cyclops horn did not work, the sound was swallowed by the depth. I knew the true meaning of helplessness, and fear while sitting there. Don't try it, it will haunt you. It may be just a game, but there is something different going on.
Pura Spirit 10 ago. 2015 às 1:36 
yeah you to.
NO_FEAR  [autor] 10 ago. 2015 às 1:35 
nice talking to ya ;)
Pura Spirit 10 ago. 2015 às 1:35 
Pura Spirit 10 ago. 2015 às 1:35 
Thats what i do but i have never found something that deep. Oh well. it doesnt matter.
NO_FEAR  [autor] 9 ago. 2015 às 8:51 
there are pockets of missing terrain i just expolore them