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The HuniePop Guide to Success on Every Date
Vytvořil: Winter Raven
This Guide / Walkthrough will give you good advice and teach you everthing you need to know for success on every date. On this play through I got 12 out of the 20 achievements.
Some people have trouble with failed dates, but there is no need to fail. Come on, I'll show you how it's done.
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Tutorial Puzzle
I am going to start from the very beginning. You may have already started, that's ok, I'll catch up to where you are in a minute.
The first thing that happens to us after the game starts is we meet Kyu. She takes us through the tutorial puzzle. She does not let you lose that puzzle, but let's impress her by showing how much we've listened. We can do that by succeeding with several moves to spare. Let's look at that puzzle, it always starts the same.
The first thing I want to do is the two passion matches. Passion level is the multiplier for all affection matches. That's why it's #1 priority. I match the most central heart up. I don't move it left, that would mess up the bells(joy). Then on the right, bring the lower heart down. In general: if you know you have two moves to make, do the upper one first. That way it won't take the second out of alignment. Next we have two joy matches to make. They are next in priority. One match on the left the other on the right. Now those are done and the puzzle looks like this:
You may think, "That sentiment on top would be easy to grab". We don't need it, there are no more date gifts in this puzzle.
Look carefully at the lower left section of the puzzle. There is a killer move there. Two 4 token matches in one move! When I move the central talent token down the flirtation token comes up for the double 4. See it? OK, we make that move and look at all those points! We have used 10% of our moves, but we already have 40% of our points. Nice.

At this point your game may vary from this one. Now we go to the upper right and pull the romance down. That will set up a (vertical) passion 4 match in the upper middle-left section. See it?
That boosts our passion to level 3. We focus on joy, passion and 4+ matches. Maybe you noticed that flirtation matches give more affection than other tokens. That's good, we have discovered her favorite token, so we concentrate on those too.

By the time our score reaches the puzzle goal, we have a passion level of 4, great. We got so much affection for our matches, that we finish the game with 6 moves to spare. Excellent!
Now we move on to our first date. I chose to start at the University, a popular place to start. The University and the Shopping Mall both start in the morning which is important on some achievement runs. We meet Tiffany and now we can talk/date/gift her.
First we buy her a gift she loves (heart symbol) so we can get a date gift in return. Let's see what we get?

Wow! Look at that, nothin' but one lonly gift she likes. No, gift's she loves. I'm not sure I've ever had such bad luck. What a perfect test.
I don't buy anything now. I can't upgrade with a mere 500 points. Besides, when I see Audrey she will give me a date gift in return for those glow sticks she loves. Before I go out on the date I do something to level the playing field. I open the HunieBee and click settings (gear) then switch from normal to easy. I can always switch it back later once I'm out of danger.
This screenshot shows that I had moves to spare at the end. I had good luck with early passion and joy matches; then plenty of 4+ matches. Having the difficulty set on easy made the goal 79 instead of 120. I only had 5 points to go and a flirtation 4 match sitting on top so, success with 12 moves remaining was the final.
After the date I bought a unique gift to multiply Hunie from talking and food to prolong the
conversation. Then we talked until she was out of food.
Next I met Aiko. I check the Hunibee for gifts she loves(heart symbol). This time there is one. I give Aiko the yo-yo and she gives me a date gift in return. I get the orchid, it consumes all talent tokens. Not one of the better date gifts but I will carry it on all dates until I can replace it with a better one. I also buy the garden shovel, it is a gift she likes(star symbol). Even though it is not a gift she loves it will give me enough Hunie to upgrade my traits. It is important to upgrade traits as soon as you can. I upgrade passion first. It is the multiplier for all affection token matches. I keep passion 1-2 levels ahead of all other traits. My date with Aiko is successful. I am using the same strategy as the tutorial game with Kyu. First I match passion (to increase the multiplier), then joy for more moves. I will need at least 6 sentiment for the bear date gift, so when convenient I match those too. I look for 4+ matches (matches that include four or more like tokens), especially in her favorite trait. Look at your dates preferences on the Huniebee to learn that. Aiko's is sexuality (red drops). The date is successful and afterwards we talk so I can get more Hunie.
Beli - Jessie
Now I meet Beli. There are no date gifts she loves. I have enough Hunie to upgrade a (1,500) trait so I choose romance, her favorite. I had to interrupt the game and close it out. It changed my difficulty level back to normal and I didn't notice. I squeeked by and the game was successful even though I had a broken heart match(accidentally).

Next I meet Jessie. There is one gift she loves so I give that to her and get a date gift in return. This time I get the nail polish which is a fairly good one. I upgrade my sexuality trait, Jessie's favorite. I have extra Munie so I load her up with food. That will give me 4 extra moves on the date. More importantly it will give me 3 extra opportunities to talk after the date. I change back to easy (game difficulty) and begin the date. This time I have no broken heart matches and I finish with 20 moves to spare. I would get a Quickie Achievement for that. After the date we talk until she is hungry. Because my next date will be with Lola I don't need to save any junk food for her (she doesn't like it). I can give it all to Jessie and keep talking and earning Hunie.
Lola - Nikki

Here is Lola I see that there are two gifts she loves so I buy those. Look at all that Hunie I got from talking to Jessie. After I give Lola the gifts I have enough Hunie to upgrade passion. I also buy her the swim cap to get enough Hunie for one more 1,500 upgrade. I also know that my final date will be with Nikki and she has no interest in swimming. I plan ahead by upgrading talent for my next date with Nikki, I don't need to upgrade passion or romance they are already done. The date is successful.

Because Nikki is the last date of the day, I don't have to "save" anything for later. I buy her all the food she will eat and drink to fill the meter. That way I'll have more sentiment to start the date and get more Hunie for talk afterwards. I can make one more trait upgrade (1,500) so I choose luck. The date with Nikki was rather easy. I could have set the difficulty back to normal, right now I am ahead of the trait-goal curve. I'll explain that more later.
It is now the next day, Tue 02 Morning. Audrey comes next. The store's inventory is re-stocked, the beverage shop is re-filled and we are ready. I have played this game so much, I know the bag of goldfish has a special purpose so I buy it and save it for later. There are no gifts she loves. I have over 1,500 Hunie so I upgrade flirtation, her favorite. I have extra Munie so I max her food and give her her favorite drink.
At first I want to match sentiment and passion. Joy is right up there on the priority list. This game is randomly producing many joy matches. I started with 24 moves from the food. My passion level is 4 and I still have 23 moves because of the joy matches. I have 8 broken hearts on the board so now is a good time to give her the bear and turn them into passion tokens.
In a few moves the passion is maxed from the heart matches (after I gave her the bear). I also gave her the nail polish and you can see the power sexuality tokens it created. That will be my last match, the sexuality three match with two power tokens. Success with 13 moves remaining. I guess it's time to change back to normal difficulty setting. After our date I talk to Audrey to gain Hunie, it should become a habit after every date.
Kyanna is our next find. I check the store and find there are two gifts she loves. I purchase both. Be sure to unwrap all date gifts in return and move them to your date gift area on the Huniebee Inventory.
I like Kyanna look at those wonderful date gifts I got in return, the stuffed lamb and the sunflower. I am now feeling lucky. All I have is 400 for food, but I buy her that so I get a couple of extra moves and more energy for talk after the date. I have 3,750 Hunie, but I decide not to upgrade my traits because I want to upgrade passion next and I need a little more Hunie. I switch to normal difficulty and begin the date.
The affection goal is 395 because of the difficulty setting change. I make many good matches and with 14 moves to go I have given her the bear and passion is maxed. I've given her the nail polish and the 3 power tokens are visible. There is a 4 token talent match with one power token sitting there waiting to win the game (date success). There is only one problem, when the 4 talent tokens are drained from the board they are replaced with 3 broken heart tokens which match and drop the affection gained back to less than before the move. Don't worry 14 moves was more than enough to build back up and win. After our date I talk to gain Hunie now I have enough to upgrade passion. It is now level-3, 2 levels ahead of all others.
Second Dates and Momo
Our 1st second date is with Tiffany. There is one gift she loves in the store so I buy it for her. I will continue to buy gifts she loves to get date gifts in return. Right now we don't need any more. The ones we have are pretty good, but later when the affection goal is in the thousands and not hundreds, we will need the best. We can plan ahead by purchasing more than we need now, searching for the rare gems that eventually we cannot proceed without. The date with Tiffany goes well, success with 7 moves remaining. After the date I talk to her, but before I do I check the Huniebee to see which questions I've already asked her. I don't want to repeat a question, I don't get Hunie for that. If she asks me a question about something she told me, I should either have it memorized or have a chart of correct answers I can refer to.
Before I find Aiko I want to unlock a hidden character. I take out my Huniebee and go to the inventory. I drag the bag of goldfish to the garbage can. This must be done at an outdoor location (park, campus, beach). Then I try to go to another place but Momo appears. She is a hidden character that I can now date. I buy her a gift she loves and all the food she will eat. I buy her a gift she likes and her favorite drink. I now have enough Hunie to upgrade romance, her favorite. This date went really well 18 moves remaining, wow. After our date we talk. I buy her another drink to multiply hunie from talking. I learn more about cats than I ever thought I would, but it is worth it look at all that Hunie I earned. I go to Aiko next and upgrade sexuality her favorite trait. I have enough Munie to buy her a gifts she likes, but not enough for an upgrade of traits. I buy her food instead for more moves and more energy for talk after the date. I check to see which questions she has already answered, then we talk until her food is gone. Nikki will be next, that is out of order, but if I finish with her first I will have more opportunities to meet her at the beach at night to unlock another hidden character. There is one gift she loves in the store so I give her that. I am still looking for the heart necklace, the leopard print pumps, and the pearl necklace. The Penguin would be nice too. I will keep buying gifts she loves until I have all of them. From now on when possible I will give a girl all the food I can and all the drinks that I can afford, (when she will take it) before each date. I go on to win every second (round) date using this routine.
Now let's jump to the third dates.
Third Dates
Now it is the 4th game day and I have dated all 8 regular girls and Momo 2 times. Tiffany is the 1st third date. Lets look and see where my trait levels are. Notice that passion is 1- 2 levels higher than any other trait. It is the multiplier for all affection matches. I will upgrade more as I go, every time I have enough Hunie. Just look at all those gorgeous date gifts. The only one I really need that I don't have yet is the Leopard print pumps. The dates with Tiffany and Aiko go smoothly, I am still succeeding in games with 5-15 moves remaining. I continue my strategy and all the 3rd dates for all the girls are successful. Lets take a break to talk about strategy and tricks.
The Hat Trick
In this example run I have been playing, we have had good luck and I haven't made any big errors. Not all runs are like this. Sometimes you can't seem to get a good date gift to save your life. Other times broken heart matches come out of nowhere to ruin your date. There are two main things you can do to compensate for this. The first is the "Hat Trick". Most players date girls sequentially (one right after another) that is the fastest way to play but not the most advantageous. What takes longer, but is more secure is to socialize. At any time you can quit dating and simply go from girl to girl talking, collecting Hunie, upgrading traits, moving on, talking, collecting Hunie, upgrading traits....You can do this as long as you want. This is a long range strategy that puts you way ahead of the trait /goal curve. It will not work if you are on a timed achievement run (limited number of days) and can't spend time. Otherwise it works like a charm every time. Why is it called the Hat Trick? Because you leave your hat on and just cruise around talkin' to the ladies.
I said I would explain the trait /goal curve. In this game there is a race, a ratio of escalating factors. One is the affection goal, it keeps increasing making it harder to win. Traits are the opposite, they make it easier to win. Trait upgrades (unlike goal increases) don't happen automatically, you must earn Hunie to upgrade. If you do not upgrade enough you get behind the curve and it is hard to win.
If you use the Hat Trick or have good luck and have upgraded your traits many times then you are ahead of the curve and it is easy to win.

There is also an emergency panic button that can save you from losing a game, if that is important. If you're on certain achievement runs it is. If you have a feeling of dread, like you are pretty sure you are going to lose the game, don't finish it. Hit the white x in the red rectangle and exit the game. When you restart you will be back at the beginning of the date and you can make better choices. Did you forget to upgrade traits? Do you have lots of Munie that you could have spent on food and drinks, but forgot? Did you forget to change your date gift line up for a particular date? What ever it was, fix it and try again. If that doesn't work lower the difficulty setting on the Huniebee. Finally if that is not enough either then start the Hat Trick. Honestly if you are conscientious and patient you can have success on every date.
Fourth Dates and Kyu
The fourth dates are usually every ones' favorites. If they are at night you get a bedroom bonus puzzle. If that is successful an erotic full screen photo appears as well as her panties showing up in your inventory. What is our strategy then? Pretty standard, max her food and drink if you can and use your puzzle skills. If you are successful on your 4th date at night and then get a bonus round you cannot change difficulty level once the first puzzle starts. You may have read that some people find the bedroom bonus puzzle too hard. I can do it fairly easily on easy mode. I can do it on medium, but it takes awhile and I get a little annoyed. I have never completed a bedroom puzzle on hard difficulty, although lots of other people have. I like to play this game because it is fun. I don't want it to be annoying so I do the fourth night date on easy. Aiko is first. The regular date is successful and now the bedroom puzzle.
I like to keep the sound low, it can be distracting. Also I keep the particle level low it can cloud your view of the tokens. You have probably heard before; try to keep your matches towards the bottom and center that way you have more co-incidental matches as tokens come down the board. Keep at it, keep matching. Don't get hung-up or space out. While one side of the board is "settling" look at the other half so you can match again immediately.
The bedroom puzzle is successful, it takes about 2 minutes. I still talk to Aiko in the morning. I will be needing Hunie to upgrade traits until they are all maxed. Afterwards When I try to leave Kyu appears and announces that she wants to be added to the Huniebee. That is great, I check to see if there are any gifts she loves. I buy her food and we go on a date that is successful. Now let's look at the trait levels and date gifts.
This is good, right where you would expect trait levels to be for the 4th date round. Passion is maxed. By the time I have the undies of half the girls all of the affection traits will be at 4 as well as luck and charisma. If your levels aren't this high you might want to spend a day on the Hat Trick to get them up.
Look at all those gorgeous date gifts. This run has been exceptionally lucky for date gifts. I have every date gift I need for:
1. Make the Move Achievement
2. Quickie Achievement
3. Every single Alpha Mode date including #100
I would explain all that, but I already have!, in my other guides. The Achievement guides by Winter Raven.
Before we leave Kyu, we need to give her two things from our inventory. Give her the dirty magazine and you get a weird thing in return. Give her the tissue box and get a date gift in return. The weird thing is needed to unlock another "secret" character. The stuffed Kyu doll is a date gift used by a few but not by many. I don't find it useful myself.
Celeste and Venus
While on the round of 4th dates with the girls, I visit Nikki at night at the beach. I already have her panties in my inventory, what I want her to do is help unlock a hidden character. I must visit the beach at night and Nikki is the only girl that goes there then. I have the "wierd thing" in the Huniebee's inventory .When I try to leave, Celeste the Alien shows up. Wouldn't you know it, she is willing to date too. Great, now I have more to do in the daytime. I can date Celeste everyday until I have her panties. Dates are going well and the bedroom puzzles on easy difficulty are movin' right along. At the rate I'm going I will have 5 pairs of panties on day 11.
This can be a good time to pick up the Make a Move Achievement. I used the suede ankle booties, cinnamon perfume, bear, penguin, nail polish, and lip stick in that order. here is what I got.
You can see the set up on the left, that beautiful sexuality 5 match with 3 power tokens! This is the good life. I stand and deliver and the math is 5 x 1115 = 5,575 way more than enough for a 2,000 achievement. In the next game I had an unexpected luck and ended up with this.
Success on a date with 21 moves remaining is good enough for a Quickie achievement.
Lola is the last pair of panties from the regular girls. After I talk to her in the morning and try to leave, Venus shows up and is added to the Huniebee. The last hidden character Venus unlocks after you have gone to bed with all the regular girls and Kyu. On one of my dates with Venus I get another opportunity for a Quickie. Why not, it's fun?!

Here it is the last screen shot from regular game play. There are all 12 pairs of panties in my inventory. It is day 22, I could not have gotten the Pickup Master. I did however get the Smooth as F*ck achievement. When I try to leave from here Kyu will ask me if I want to enter Alpha mode. That will be the next section.
Alpha Mode
I have given all 12 pairs of panties to Kyu. Now I am in Alpha Mode. Oh, I just got an achievement too.
I have all my traits maxed by this time. If you don't, continue to talk to the girls after the date to earn Hunie and get all your traits maxed. If you don't have all the good date gifts by now, keep giving her gifts she loves to get date gifts in return. You have a lot more room in the inventory after the panties are gone.
At first I don't change my date gift strategy, I have good ones. These will work fine up until Alpha date #13. After that I will need to switch to percentage based gifts. Here is Alpha date #6. As always in Alpha mode, her food and drink meters are maxed before the date. You can see the date gift line up. It includes the Leopard print pumps because it takes allot of moves to reach goals over 10,000.That date was successful. Here was the date gift delivery order. Suede ankle booties(before first move), Leopard print pumps(as soon as possible), her favorite perfume(as soon as possible), bear, penguin, and lipstick.

Now let's look at alpha date #21. It has a different date gift line up that includes the heart necklace and the pearl necklace (percentage date gifts).
Again we start by giving the suede ankle booties before the first move. Then we give the Leopard print pumps as soon as possible. Then I match passion, sentiment and joy. Even more than those I look for and set up 4+ matches (matches of 4 or more like kind affection tokens). The shoe don't work unless you make lots of 4+ matches. Let's see how I do.This is good. I have 9 moves left. There are 8 broken hearts on the board so I give her the penguin. My passion level is already 14, it will easily max at 16 before the last move. I have only 28 sentiment, I am going to need more. I will have lots of moves after I cash in on the bells the penguin brings.Here I am at the moment of truth. I am going to get 32% of my affection goal for the heart necklace.Now I am going to get 27% of my affection goal for the pearl necklace.I thought I would only get 22% because of the 5 sentiment requirement, but if that were true I would not have had a successful date.
By now I have earned all three Alpha mode achievements.
Now let's look at Alpha date #23. This date has the date gift lineup that I used to get all the way to #100. What I used in #21 was really good, but this is just a little better. It trades the bear for the whale. Passion will max in a long game even without the bear. The whale adds sentiment which is the key to success in Alpha past date #20. The deployment of the shoes is the same. When I would normally give the bear is the same time I give the whale. Which is after the broken hearts have built up to 8. I wait to deploy the penguin until broken hearts have built to 8 again or I am running out of moves. You can see sentiment is up to 70. 78 would have been better, but 70 worked. Passion was at 14, 16 is the max, again 14 worked. You can also see in the screen shot a romance 4 match sitting there reminding me to slow down and concentrate. I could have added 3 more sentiment before my final move. Oh well.

This is where I end this guide to success on every date. Later on in Alpha mode everybody fails a few dates. The affection goal eventually reaches over 270,000. Good luck and have fun out there.
Alternate Token Movement
I got to Alpha Date #100 the first time in 160 dates. After losing my data saves I did it again.
This time it only took 120 dates because of a technique explained in this guide:
Using this technique increases date sucess by 10-20%!
Počet komentářů: 14
woKen 24. led. 2024 v 8.35 
thanks you bro ))))))))))))
Master 7. led. 2023 v 9.24 
Amazing gruide thank you!
Winter Raven  [autor] 12. říj. 2021 v 11.46 
The date gifts you get from giving a girl gifts that she loves is random. Every run through is different. Eventually you will be able to get every different date gift there is. To get the most date gift options give the girls date gifts that they loves as often as possible.
Ribeiro𓅓 12. říj. 2021 v 11.24 
why i dont have the same gifts in store as you?
Hellhound 10. úno. 2021 v 23.18 
long shot. but does anyone have any tips for the bedroom puzzles, unfortunately it seems to take quick thinking and i can barely think fast enough to stand and walk.
Garrett 28. srp. 2020 v 23.45 
This is pretty old and It's likely no one will care but the intro date can be done better than just following Kyu's instructions, then making good moves. If on the very first move you, instead of matching the romance tokens like Kyu says, you move a broken heart through the romance's to knock them into place, putting the broken heart one space to the right and up the other broken heart on the grid, this is much better. What happens is that when you use the teddy bear a 5 of passion falls into place in part due to that broken heart move, right afterward as well a 5 of flirtation falls into place netting you almost all of the point total. This can be done 100% of the time with no luck involved. There's video proof of me using this trick in my WR speedrun run of Get Laid% - Easy if you are curious. In this clip, I do get lucky with a 6th green token appearing from the top, but if it doesn't appear then you would still have the 5 of green.
Awesome Ninja 7. dub. 2020 v 5.35 
alpha mode i cant get past the 5th one
Christyna64 30. čvn. 2017 v 21.53 
Can't read the text becuase you overlaid it with pics.
Bitchman 4. čvn. 2016 v 7.52 
i just noticed that only 12 year old kids wanna know this so they can get laid with every girl btw thats exactally what i am:steamfacepalm: