Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Modular Avenue v2 - Integrated Park-Road-Electric system - Now with menu icons.
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NOTICE: Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this update. If you built avenues with previous versions I ask you to kindly rebuilt them with these pieces.


Whats new in version 2?

- Menu Icons! Yes you read that right, no more scrolling and waiting for pop-up bubbles. This version comes with shiny new menu icons for your enjoyment!
Big thank you to Ratonces, who showed me how to do it.

- No more guide grids; easy, flexible placement; tolerates slopes.

- More realistic spacing of elements. Less fountains, trees and benches.

- Removed garbage production and reduced EntertainmentAccumulation, as well as Tourism numbers.

- Changed piece size standard from 6x10 to 6x12, fillers from 4x2 to 6x2.

The MAv2 is an Integrated Park, Roads and Electric Grid system. This version features major improvements in usability, look and versatility.

17 Assets in total allow the creation of a beautiful avenue system with integrated park effect and electric transmission as a bonus.

The Guide Grid system from the previous version has been done away with completely and several new avenue pieces added instead.

These can be plopped anywhere(except in water, shore or on very steep terrain), and don't require to be placed next to a road as normal parks do. They are fully functional both as parks and as transport systems. You can zone next to them, build services, bus-stops, and even make your own Avenue Median filler parks (6x2) to customize the look of your avenues. Or zone in the median for some nice shopping spaces.

The Cims love to use the avenue, they sit on the benches, they walk on the median, they gather on corners, they take the pedestrian overpasses. It makes your city acquire an additional layer of liveliness and realism.

The pieces have a unified lanscaped look. Common elements are benches, fountains, trashcans, flower pots, trees, shrubs, and other vanilla props.

Some variety is added through the use of vending machines props, kiosks, as well as "crowd" props to bring some spots to life, and others. More customization is available if you make your own fillers in the Asset Editor, or as future releases from me.

The collection contains all you need to build your Avenues.

My videos about the first version are now obsolete.

How to use - Simple General Instructions

For detailed tutorials on how to use it, please visit, as I can't attach multiple images to collections(Why? STEAM!)

You can also watch a short video (no sound) on how to use it at

Familiarize yourself with the pieces, which are now all in the parks menu and have icons.

Pick your first piece and plop it.

Select the two-lane one-way-road with trees tool and drag a 4 cell (300 construction cost in hard mode) stretch from an outgoing stub on the avenue piece.

Using the grid created by the road you just drew as a guide, draw another 4 cell road but this time in the opposite direction.

Now you can snap another piece into those stubs. Then repeat the above process, making sure to use the two-lane one-way-road with trees tool and ensuring you are always making 300 construction cost (6 cells) segments.

Rinse and repeat until you are done making any layout you want. Easy huh?

How to use - perpendicular avenues

To make a crossing between two perpendicular avenues, or a T intersection, use the 4 node avenue intersection piece. Plop it, then do the same as above, but when you drag from the stubless nodes, this time drag 2 extra, or 6 cells (450 contruction cost in hard mode) This is to account for the missing stubs on this piece. If you don't care about symmetry or about putting fillers in all gaps, you can drag as many cells as you want in length.

You can use the 5 node piece to make an intersection as above but with a 6-lane road leaving on one side.

How to use - Intersections

I've condensed U-turns, Ts and Intersections for the normal roads into one piece for each road type. For normal "intersection" pieces (ones without the word "nodes" in them), you plop the piece, then you can either leave it as it is for a U-Turn effect, drag the respective road type from one side for a T intersection, or from both sides for a full intersection.


The rest of the pieces are fairly intuitive once you get the hang of how it works.

There are some Half-T pieces, which means the road joins the avenue but only on one side; and Double-T pieces, which means the roads join on both sides but dont traverse the median.
Then there is a curve piece for making avenue corners, a straight piece, and a filler for the gaps between sections.

The filler you can use to fill these gaps left between pieces, or you can zone in them for some shops to be in the median, or you can make your own 6x2 filler parks to add variety!

Have fun building!
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