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Dyscourse 100% Achievement Guide
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Welcome to our 100% Achievement Guide for Dyscourse.

Special thanks goes to all the Tier 2 (and up) backers for the sizable support!
Baalseraph, Carly P, Chris Fifty-Two, Damien, Danko, GreyGore, Karl, Milknorf, Rumplestiltskin
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Intro & Progress Tracking
Hopefully you enjoy reading this guide as much as we enjoyed writing it. By the end of the game, your main menu should look like this (with all stamps collected):

If you want to see all the specific choices I've been making over and over to slowly unlock each achievement, check the guide below.

It may even help you pinpoint a certain achievement if you experience any technical difficulties.

I Needed An Adult
Left Garrett alone and unsupervised at camp with a concussion. Have you no heart?

On day 2, go look for fresh water. Make Garrett collect the water. He will have leeches on him. Tell him he has leeches stuck to him and he will panic and run into a tree. He will knock himself out and become disoriented for the rest of the day. The next day, go build a signal with Teddy and decide that Garrett will be fine. When you get back, Garrett will have been bitten by a snake.

Electric Snake
The GameBrick -- A gaming and snake-killing multi-device! Convenient!

If you go look for fresh water on day 3, it will start to rain and the pool of water will have mud around its vicinity. Get Garrett to collect water and he will get stuck in the mud. When the snake appears, make Garrett throw his GameBrick.

Kitties n' Bits
Curiosity did its thing in the worst way possible.

Bring Garrett to the military base. On the way out, he'll step on a landmine. The cat will try to follow him. If you don't do anything. Garrett may stop the cat by using his old name. Instead, you should tell the cat to stop using his NEW name so that he doesn't respond. If Garrett dies with Mr. Whiskers, you get the achievement.

Baby Ruthless
Murdered Garrett after his chocoloate bar transgression. Don't worry -- we were all thinking it.

To get this achievement, you need to keep Garrett alive all the way near the end. There are a few ways to do this. One of which is to bring at least 3 people to the mountain top (you need flares for this). Once 3 people are on top, grab ONLY 2 eggs. Garrett will act suspiciously by giving up any rights to the eggs. The following day, you discover a chocolate wrapper and it is revealed Garrett has been hiding food all this time. You'll have the option to push him off the cliff for the achievement.

This next one also applies for Jolene since they're a couple.

Till Death Do Us Part
Good job keeping their marriage intact. Plus, divorce is expensive anyway!

This achievement can be a bit tricky to unlock. First, try not to antagonize Jolene (like when she decides to kill someone while heading for the village), and talk to George & Jolene every chance you get - supporting their relationship together.

On day 3, head to the beach with Teddy, and pick up the divorce papers, and Disky (I think Disky helps reduce arguments in the group). Make sure you open the divorce papers before returning to the camp. They need to be alive at the rescue, so choose to go the far side of the island. Electing either one of them will work.

Friends, Rita, countrymen, Lend Me Your Ears
Heard George's 'poem' for Jolene. Yep, we cried too

On day 3, make sure you don't pick up the divorce papers. Later, when you're handing out food in the cave, make sure you feed George, but not yourself. Bring him to the military base, where he will tell you his poem.

It's Raining Cats And ... Cats
Apparently you valued the kitty over all the humans. Solid decision.

Although it's not clear which of the decisions I made triggered this achievement, I can think of 2 reasons why this unlocked. One is because I had Jolene grab and chase the cat (day 4). The other is because I picked Garrett who wanted to bring the cat with him to the raft when we headed for the offshore light (day 6). The point is that the cat ended up surviving.

Secret Acquirer
Jolene told you about her web of purple lies.

If you feed Jolene in the cave and bring her with you the following day, you'll have the chance to talk to her. She'll open up to you about George's eggplant business.

Last Woman Standing
Nobody but you lived to witness your beautiful rescue.

For this achievement, I suggest making sure nobody dies before you reach the cave. Once you are in the cave. Feed Steve and Jolene. The next morning, go out with Jolene to the shipwreck. Leave her for dead by crossing first on the way back. When you reach the campsite, 2 others should have died from poison (most likely Teddy and Garrett). This will leave you with George and Steve. Choose to go to the mountain. On the way up to the mountaintop, leave Steve behind. After climbing the rope, get George to fix up the tower. Get some food and go to sleep. Once there is a sign of a ship, get George to try again. He will get electrocuted in the process.

Congratulations! You are the Last Woman Standing! I think it's kind of messed up that Rita leaves the cat though. Especially after all they've been through together.

Nice Kitty
Lost a limb to a jaguar. At least it wasn't your frying pan arm.

If you decide to find shelter when it starts to rain on day 3, a Jaguar will attack Jolene. Hold George back and fight the Jaguar yourself. You will end up losing an arm which will grant you an achievement.

I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up
Went out on a limb one too many times.

In order to get this achievement, you need to save the supplies on day 3 (to get flares). Then, make sure Rita is fed during that scene in the cave. Having Rita fed will ensure you get home before nightfall. This will allow Rita to save the other survivors (and probably the flares). With everyone relatively healthy and fed, choose to go to the mountains. Bring whoever you want (preferably George+Jolene) since they don't seem to take breaks. When you reach the base of the rope, try to go to sleep and use the flares to make a fire. This will prevent Rita from freezing since there are only 2 sleeping bags.

The following day, since everyone is healthy, Rita is able to get all 3 eggs at the mountain top herself. Try to grab the 3rd egg and she will fall (and miraculously survive). This miracle will trigger the achievement.

Maybe Lightning Does Strike Twice
Steve has two close calls with the wrath of Zeus.

The first close call is on day 3. If you go with Steve to the plane wreckage, his cigarette will ignite the jet fuel around the area. If you tell him to jump out on the first chance you get, he will avoid getting hit by a lightning strike.

To get the second close call, you will want to take the mountain route on day 9. Make sure Steve reaches the mountaintop and make sure to feed him. I suggest letting Steve decide what to do when you see the helicopter. It will be raining and lightning will strike the radio tower. Steve will then comment on his good fortune.

Stapled Inseam
Steve finally put his 10 years of stapling experience to good use.

Bring Steve on to the offshore light route. Order him to find supplies. He will find some clothes which he will staple (Hint: inseam).

Time Enough at Last
Teddy's glasses were broken. He unfortunately cannot read this achievement description right now.

On day 5 (in the cave), you can investigate outside with Teddy. If you end up going to the coast (top left), you will end up entering a shipwreck. Have Teddy go first both times you cross the walkway. On the second crossing, the walkway can collapse if you just move through it like the first time you crossed. When you fall down with Teddy, his glasses will break.

Loyalty Test
Teddy somehow convinced you to abandon the group, but it was
all a ruse! Sucker!

Feed Teddy in the cave and go explore the military base with him. Once in the military base, Teddy will ask you to abandon the rest of the group. Choose "I'm listening..." and then "Yeah, let's leave them."

That's Not A Tin Can
Used Teddy's metal detector to detect some seriously hazardous metal.

Bring Teddy to the military base, and do the objective. On the way out, Teddy looks around with his metal detector and discovers a minefield.

Elected a plastic disc as your leader? Seriously? Maybe you should have run a background check on him first.

If you go with Teddy on day 2 or 3 (for the signal), you can find Disky on the left side of the beach. Bring him all the way to the inland route (far side) and vote for him as your leader. You will get the achievement when you survive.

Military Issue Border Vehicle
We thought that purple truck looked familiar...

On day 5, if you investigate the top right of the map (outside the cave) and go inside the military base. There will be a purple truck on the top right past the gates.

Murder She Wrote
Witnessed blood spilled in the jungle... and you didn't even get any coconuts!

I got this when I had only Steve, George, and Jolene left. Steve was slowing everyone down and Jolene wanted him to have 'an accident'. I attacked her before she could hit Steve with a rock and she died as a result. I put this under Miscellaneous because I think the achievement goes both ways (if Steve is killed directly by Jolene).

The Cold Shoulder
Ice job! Give yourself a hand.

On day 8 of the mountain route, Rita will lose her hand to frostbite if she doesn't use a sleeping bag.

To Serve Man
Took a bite out of a fellow survivor. Meat's meat, right?

When you pick out 2 survivors to bring up to to the mountaintop, make sure to bring someone who you fed back in the cave. When you reach the sleeping bags (the first set), you'll notice there's only 2 of them. The survivor (except Rita) who does not use these sleeping bags will freeze to death. The survivor who you fed/treated well will willingly give up a sleeping bag. The following day, this same survivor will have died and you get the option to cannibalize them.

Party like it's 1999
Partied on a boat.

When you explore the coast and enter the shipwreck, let your partner cross first (both times). On the cross back to the entrance, you fall and your partner falls in with you. In the pit you fall to, you'll see 3 crates, one of them will have party goods. Just keep interacting with these party goods and eventually you can wear the party hats for an achievement.

Rusty Cage and Run
Left someone for dead in the shipwreck. So much for comradery!

When you explore the coast and enter the shipwreck, you partner will fall into a pit if you let him/her cross LAST the second time around. You'll have 3 choices to try and save your partner. If you neglect all these choices, you'll get the achievement.

Shady Business Practices
Gathered enough evidence to put an end to Dysast Air. Seriously... Bus parts and duct tape?

Evidence List:
  • Clipboard - western part of the boar map (need to join Jolene after pretzels are stolen)
  • Duct Tape - right above the tree Garrett smacks into after panicking (go for fresh water)
  • Bus Part - feed Garrett when in the cave and take him out with you (with the kitty) then go south of the cave and inspect the plane wreckage (the cat is essential here)

Everyone Else Was Doing It
Ate hallucination mushrooms. Took a trip... While on a trip.

Depending on who you bring when you decide to Travel on the far side of the island, you can either trigger Rita's hunger flag or a jungle murder flag. Personally, George and Jolene tried to kill Steve. This is why I intentionally killed off George and Jolene (Garrett too just to be more precise) and only brought Teddy and Steve to the far side of the island.

If you trigger Rita's hunger scene, she will stop the group to search for something to eat. There will be mushrooms on the eastern side of the same map.

The following achievements require no explanation as they are very basic and are essentially storyline achievements.

Garrett Rescued
Garrett was rescued from the island.

George Rescued
George was rescued from the island.

Jolene Rescued
Jolene was rescued from the island.

Rita Rescued
Rita was rescued from the island.

Steve Rescued
Steve was rescued from the island.

Teddy Rescued
Teddy was rescued from the island.

Check the Death Trigger section below if you are missing any survivor endings.
Death Triggers
As the category implies, this section is to give players an idea of the various death triggers. There are still many death flags not document in this section so please feel free to contribute information.

  • Garrett can die from a snake bite if you leave him unsupervised.
  • It's also possible to kill Garrett if you take him to one of the endings but not feed him. He'll reveal a chocolate bar which will trigger an event wherein you can kill him.
  • The cat will run after Garrett on the minefield. If you use the cat's new name, he won't respond and cause the minefield to explode.

  • If you have George switch beds with Teddy on day 3 (when you decide to stay) but don't immediately save him. He dies.

  • When you end up in the cave on day 4, a cat will pop out. If you tell Jolene to grab it and then make her chase it, she will die during the Storm.
  • If you choose to attack her on day 7 of the inland route, she will die from getting hit by your frying pan.

  • On day 3, you can go investigate the plane wreckage with Steve. If you don't get Steve jump twice, rain will fall and he will get struck by lightning while celebrating.
  • On day 7 of the inland route, he will die if you warn him of Jolene's attack. He will run into a log trap.

  • Teddy can die on day 3 if everyone stays and nobody switches sleeping bags. A tree will fall on Teddy and you have to save him immediately or else he dies.

  • Anyone you don't feed on day 5 can die on day 6 via poison gas (when you return from exploring the area).
  • Anyone you don't feed on day 8 (offshore light route) while on the raft can die.
  • Anyone you bring to the mountain (for the climb) who is well-fed will agree to give up a sleeping bag. The same survivor will freeze to death the next morning.
  • Whoever you assign to fix the radio tower on top of the mountain will get electrocuted IF you tell them to keep trying (Exception: Teddy & Garrett).
  • Anyone you bring along to explore the shipwreck can die from being left for dead after falling (while crossing back).
Information Contributors:
  • Newman
  • Voidberry
  • PhOeNiX_H
  • The Walking Fat
Thanks to all the contributors who made this guide a possibility:
  • Baalseraph
  • Carly P
  • Chris Fifty-Two
  • Damien
  • Danko
  • GreyGore
  • Karl
  • Milknorf
  • Pink Monkey
  • proudlarry
  • Rumplestiltskin
Комментариев: 63
Wilfur 30 апр. 2017 г. в 16:01 
You can kill rita in the explosion.
KeeperBvK 24 ноя. 2016 г. в 8:17 
Ok, after the fourth try it finally unlocked..the first three (failed) attempts I went to the shipwreck, whereas on my fourth try I went to the military base with Jolene, just like in your pic up in the guide. Maybe the achievement only unlocks there for some reason?
KeeperBvK 23 ноя. 2016 г. в 11:58 
I had Jolene tell me about her eggplant secret twice, but Secret Acquirer still wouldn't unlock. Is it a bug or is that section of your guide missing anything?
BeauTAEful 15 апр. 2016 г. в 20:35 
Someone can die of explosion if you don't release water from the shipwreck before blowing up the wall.
Xate Aorora 9 апр. 2016 г. в 16:55 
If you bring George during the raft, he'll catch a big fish that will feed everyone.
Petite Fleur Sasha 15 мар. 2016 г. в 4:20 
Thank you for the guide! Also my Rita took the cat with her and I've got Last Woman Standing :3 It was nice, I couldn't forgive her if she had left the cat alone :Batcat:
Hassat Hunter 31 янв. 2016 г. в 9:04 
Just finished my first run... left Jolene and Steve going for the off-shore light, and Jolene had an "accident"
Also even when the kitty got into the heli with us, no raining cats achievement, though I did wait in the cave rather than having people chase it.
newman  [создатель] 31 янв. 2016 г. в 4:46 
Congratulations :trophy:
TreeTrunk 31 янв. 2016 г. в 4:22 
Great work, I have all achieves now because of you :squirtyay:
Ceaseless Duality 10 янв. 2016 г. в 15:29 
I don't know if someone else said this, but whenever I did Last Woman Standing, the cat went with her on the helicopter. I wonder what would cause her take him or not take him.