858 оценки
Mosconi & Judge: The Annihilator Build [Death Wish Certified]
От wat [VR] и 1 сътрудника
In this guide, we'll be bringing you the Ultimate Damage Dealing and High Survivability build tailored for Slayers to conduct Massive Decimation and Wreck Havoc upon Law Enforcers.

Regarding skill revamp (update 100): This build is still extremely powerful after skill revamp. We have made and are looking to make more videos with post-skill-revamp Annihilator builds. You can find these videos in the Build In Action section of the guide. However, for the time being, we're not going to spend dozens of hours rewriting the whole guide only to find out that Overkill is going to re-balance the entire skill revamp again in the near future. Besides, the current Death Wish difficulty is at best the old "Very Hard" - it is insultingly easy.
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Build Introduction

In this guide, we'll be showing you one of our favorite Shotgun Dodge Builds which centers around two core Skills (Overkill and Low Blow) and utilizes two weapons (Mosconi and Judge). It is hands down one of the highest damage output Builds out there. By using this Build in Death Wish, you will get 1 shot 1 kill all day and clear areas or hold choke points like a boss. Therefore, this Build is suitable for solo or duo Death Wish Loud heists where sufficient firepower is much needed. Alternatively, this Build suits the role of the main slayer in a crew.

You need to be at least Infamy 2 Reputation 100 (i.e. II-100) to use this Build. You must spend your Infamy Point on the Slaughterhouse Set, which reduces Skill Point requirements for Enforcer and Fugitive Skill Trees. You must also have all the weapon mods listed under Weapons section.

  • High mobility
  • High DPS
  • Insanely high burst damage output (sometimes 1 shot Bulldozer)
  • 1 shot 1 kill most of the time
  • Highly sustainable Ammo (you don't need to hit Ammo bags if you actively pick up dropped Ammo)
  • Highly effective against Bulldozers and Shields
  • High Dodge
  • High survivability
  • Incredibly Fun

  • Low Armor
  • Snipers can 1 shot you
  • Taser is your demise as you only have 2 rounds in your Mosconi
  • Frequent reload requires good timing via practice
  • Unable to take out long-range targets effectively
  • Unable to play support roles due to the lack of relevant Skills

Why do you claim this Build is Death Wish certified?
We only play Loud on Death Wish difficulty, hence all our Builds are Death Wish certified by default, you Overkill scrub.

Bulldozer you say? 1 shot!

Taser you say? 1 shot 3 Tazers!
*All GIFs and clips are filmed in Death Wish difficulty.
Build In Action
*********************************Updated for skill revamp/update100*********************************
Transport: Train Heist Death Wish Loud Duo (No AI, No Downs, No Assets)
wat's perspective:

Santa's Workshop Death Wish Loud Duo (No AI, No Downs, No Assets)
Kriegstic's perspective (with commentary):
wat's perspective:

**************************************Pre- skill revamp/update100**************************************
Undercover Death Wish Loud Duo (No AI, No Downs, No Assets) (Grinder Perk Deck)
Kriegstic's perspective (with commentary)

Hoxton Breakout Death Wish Loud Duo (No AI, No Downs, No Kiting)
Kriegstic's perspective (with commentary)
wat's perspective

Framing Frame Day 3 Death Wish Loud Duo (No AI, No Assets, No Downs, No Kiting)
Kriegstic's perspective (with commentary)
wat's perspective

The Diamond Death Wish Loud Duo (No AI, No Assets, No Downs, No Kiting)
Kriegstic's perspective (with commentary)
wat's perspective

Watchdogs Death Wish Duo (No AI, No Assets, No Downs, No Kiting, All Bags)
Kriegstic's perspective (with commentary)
wat's perspective

Rats Death Wish Duo (No AI, No Assets, No Downs, All Bags)
Kriegstic's perspective (with commentary)
wat's perspective

Hoxton Revenge Death Wish Loud Duo (No AI, No Assets, No Downs)
Kriegstic's perspective (with commentary)

Reputation Beyond Reproach (Election Day, day 2, Breaking Ballot, No Downs)
wat's perspective
Skill Point Allocation

For those of you who can't live without pd2skills, click here[].

Why do you have Berserker aced in tandem with aced First Aid Kits?
  • Depending on your playstyle, Berserker can either be used as a consistent damage multiplier or a lifesaver. If you want to be a true glass cannon, use this Skill as a consistent damage multiplier* and save your First Aid Kits (FAKs) for your crew members. If you want to play with care and minimize your downs while dealing vast amount of damage, this Skill will help you score that critical (last) kill so that you can have some breathing room to take an ♥♥♥.
  • Besides, there is no other lower Tier Skills that are truely useful for our Build and there is no point to only acquire the basic version of Berserker.
  • In the case where you are not playing with an experienced crew who cannot play and defend mission objectives efficiently, all your FAKs will eventually run dry. When that happens, Berserker is your best friend. You will constantly have a huge damage multiplier thanks to Berserker, which, coupled with the Dodge bonus from Sneaky Bastard, allows you to kill efficiently and survive. Such benefit of aced Berserker is particularly evident if you are the last one standing and you need to clutch and finish the mission all by yourself.
  • In addition, when you play with your crew, if you are downed (not by a Cloaker and not bleeding out), the damage multiplier of Berserker is set to a stunning 200% (i.e. max damage boost), which allows you to clear the area around you with ease so that your crew members can try and revive you.
*Being revived from downs in Death Wish difficulty, Berserker (aced) is activated by default and ranged damage multiplier is set to 1.6x (10% of totaly Health).
Mastermind's Allocated Skill Points
  • Endurance (basic)

    Since at least one of your crew members will have Endurance aced in most cases, there is no point in acing yours as crew bonus doesn't stack.
Enforcer's Allocated Skill Points
  • Transporter (aced)

    The most useful Tier 1 Skill in the Enforcer Skill Tree.

  • Die Hard (aced)

    Armor recovery bonus is great as, being the main slayer of your crew, your Armor will go down a lot.

  • Underdog (basic)

    Wielding two Shotguns, you will mostly engage your enemies up close, therefore damage bonus of this Skill will remain active throughout the majority of all Assault Phases.

  • Shotgun Impact (aced)

    This is a Shotgun build.

  • Stun Resistance (aced)

    Wielding two Shotguns, you will mostly engage your enemies up close, therefore you will get flashed/stunned a lot. This Skill will help you tremendously in terms of survivability.

  • Shotgun CQB (basic)

    Since Mosconi has a magazine size of 2, you will spend a lot of time in reloading. This Skill will vastly increase your overall damage output as well as your survivability.

  • Berserker (aced)

    • Depending on your playstyle, Berserker can either be used as a consistent damage multiplier or a lifesaver. If you want to be a true glass cannon, use this Skill as a consistent damage multiplier* and save your First Aid Kits (FAKs) for your crew members. If you want to play with care and minimize your downs while dealing vast amount of damage, this Skill will help you score that critical (last) kill so that you can have some breathing room to take an ♥♥♥.
    • Besides, there is no other lower Tier Skills that are truely useful for our Build and there is no point to only acquire the basic version of Berserker.
    • In the case where you are not playing with an experienced crew who cannot play and defend mission objectives efficiently, all your FAKs will eventually run dry. When that happens, Berserker is your best friend. You will constantly have a huge damage multiplier thanks to Berserker, which, coupled with the Dodge bonus from Sneaky Bastard, allows you to kill efficiently and survive. Such benefit of aced Berserker is particularly evident if you are the last one standing and you need to clutch and finish the mission all by yourself.
    • In addition, when you play with your crew, if you are downed (not by a Cloaker and not bleeding out), the damage multiplier of Berserker is set to a stunning 200% (i.e. max damage boost), which allows you to clear the area around you with ease so that your crew members can try and revive you.
    *Being revived from downs in Death Wish difficulty, Berserker (aced) is activated by default and ranged damage multiplier is set to 1.6x (10% of totaly Health).

  • Fully Loaded (aced)

    Increasing your total Ammo capacity and your Ammo pick-up rate, this Skill gives you more rounds to shoot (more damage you can potentially deal) and ensures that you will seldom run out of Ammo.

  • Overkill (basic) (core)

    Core damage dealing skill, which will be activated by Mosconi*, allows you to deal an insane amount of damage from your Judge if Low Blow is simultaneously activated.
    *Overkill cannot be activated by HE rounds (i.e. Judge).
Technician's Allocated Skill Points
  • Nerves of Steel (basic)

    In case you are the last one standing in your crew and you have to revive your crew members, this Skill can be the key between success and fail. It also helps with doing mission objectives.
Ghost's Allocated Skill Points
  • Sprinter (aced)

    This Skill enhances your Stamina, increases your run speed and gives you a flat 25% extra Dodge when sprinting. The best Tier 1 Skill in the Ghost Skill Tree.

  • Cat Burglar (basic)

    This Skill can (quite often) save your life from fall damage.

  • Fast Hands (aced)

    This is Payday 2.

  • Cleaner (basic)

    Extra damage against Specials will increase your overall damage dealt by a ton as, being the main slayer of your crew, you will kill a lot of Specials during a typical heist.

  • Shinobi (basic)

    You will spend the majority of your time either crouching or sprinting or crouch-jumping, increase in crouch speed helps you get to cover faster and therefore increases your survivability.
Fugitive's Allocated Skill Points
  • Hidden Blade (ace)

    Extra Concealment from your melee weapon allows you to enjoy the full benefits from Low Blow and Sneaky Bastard. You MUST have the basic version of this Skill. If you choose to ace this Skill, then you can spend the remaining 1 Skill Point on either Thick Skin (basic) for extra steadiness or Daredevil (basic) depending on the nature of the heist itself. If you choose to just get the basic version of this Skill, then you can choose to ace either Thick Skin (if you are using LBV, although no recommended) or Daredevil.

  • Thick Skin (basic)

    Extra steadiness is always good.

  • Run and Gun (aced)

    Extra movement speed is always good. Since occasionally you will aim down sights using Judge in order to take out mid-long-range targets, aced version of this Skill will help you maneuver around the battlefield better.

  • Duck and Cover (aced)

    You will spend the majority of your time either crouching or sprinting or crouch-jumping, a flat 15% extra Dodge when crouching vastly increases your overall survivability.

  • Quick Fix (aced)

    ♥♥♥ is your main equipment. In addition, aced version of this Skill gives you valuable damage reduction when you need to run mission objectives under fire.

  • Uppers (aced)

    ♥♥♥ is your main equipment.

  • Low Blow (basic) (core)

    Simultaneous activation of this Skill and Overkill will quite often allow you to take out Bulldozers with your Judge in 1-2 shots. Definitely an overpowered combo.
    Please note that we never claim that we are the first to discover or suggest this combo, as it has made its appearances in other guides before.

  • Counter-Strike (aced)

    The pain of Cloakers ... especially when you are the host ... Need I say more? Being the main slayer of your crew, your job is to kill as many enemies as fast as possible with minimal number of downs so as to provide cover for your crew. Being downed by a Cloaker means your crew members will have to clear the area around you to revive your *ss, which can sometimes lead to tragedy.

    Why not ace Swan Song?
    Same reasoning as above. Being the main slayer of your crew, your job is to kill as many enemies as fast as possible with minimal number of downs so as to provide cover for your crew. While Swan Song can clear areas effectively, being downed when Swan Song ends means your crew members will have to revive your *ss, which can sometimes lead to tragedy depending on the position where you are downed. If you spend the majority of your Swan Song navigating yourself to safety (with a 60% movement speed penalty) so that your crew members can revive you with relative ease, then you lose out on the huge amount of potential damage you can dish out. If you are too focused on dealing damage and are therefore downed at a rather "inconvenient" place, then your crew members will have a hard time reviving your *ss, which (quite often) may even trigger a cascade of unfortunate events that eventually lead to mission failure (speaking from our own experience).
    Acing Counter-Strike on the other hand ensures maximum survivability. If you are often the host, you should know that, as a host, you have (much) less reaction time to kill/deal with Cloakers. Counter-Strike is an amazing Skill that keeps your alive so that you can do your job as a slayer. How can you possibly kill while being downed?
    Not saying that Swan Song is not useful, in fact, Swan Song is one of the most overpowered Skills in this game that allows less-skilled players to be able to clear Loud heists in Death Wish. However, it doesn't fit the core of our Build here, hence it is not aced.

  • Bullseye (basic)

    You will only take Health damage if your Armor is depleted. By forcing restoration of some Armor via headshots, this Skill effectively increases your survivability as a slayer by a lot.

  • Sneaky Bastard (basic)

    Extra Dodge is always good.
Mosconi 12G

  • Road Warrior Barrel

  • Gangsta Special Stock

The Judge

  • HE Round

  • King's Crown Compensator (optional*)

  • Compact Laser Module (optional)
*The additional Accuracy from King's Crown Compensator helps take out mid-long-range targets. However, this barrel ext. increases overall Detection Risk to 6, which means you will no longer enjoy the full benefits from Low Blow (30% Critical chance reduced to 27%) and Sneaky Bastard (10% Dodge reduced to 9%). The choice is in your hands.

Why not Joceline O/U 12G?
(Equipped - Mosconi; Selected - Joceline)
When modded for Concealment, the difference between Joceline and Mosconi is quite obvious. The two Shotguns have the exact same stats except that Joceline has a higher Stability but worse Concealment. However, a Stability of 10 doesn't help much especially considering the magazine size of both guns is only 2. When equipped with Joceline, the overall Detection Risk is increased to 14 (or 12 depending on the barrel ext. of Judge), which effectively reduces Critical chance bonus to 21% and Dodge bonus to 7% - compared to the Stability gain, such tradeoff is not worthwhile.
Moreover, the reload time of Joceline (roughly 1.8s with Shotgun CQB) is longer than that of Mosconi (roughly 1.6s with Shotgun CQB). With a magazine size of 2, this puts Joceline at a huge disadvantage in terms of damage output per time frame and overall survivability.
Perk Deck, Armor, Gadget, Melee Weapons
Perk Deck
I cannot emphasize enough how Rogue is the best all-round Perk Deck for Dodge players ever since the Perk Deck system was introduced. With this Perk Deck, you will have little to no troubles dealing with Specials due to the weapon swap speed bonus of Rogue. The only Special that you have to be cautious of is Taser. For more information on handling Specials, please proceed to the Playstyle section.

B*tch prease... I wanna run Crook...
As the Japanese says, "douzo" means please go ahead. But keep in mind that the 75% damage bonus of the Overkill Skill only lasts for 5 seconds, without the +80% weapon swap speed bonus, you are left with a MUCH shorter time window to switch to your other equipped weapon and deal damage.

Two-piece Suit (2PS)

For Dodge players, it's either Two-piece Suit or Light Ballistic vest (LBV). Two-piece Suit is preferred as LBV can only take 1 or 2 more shots in Death Wish compared to 2PS, which is not worth the tradeoff of a -10% Dodge penalty (i.e. it's better to get max Dodge from 2PS for overall survivability).

First Aid Kit (♥♥♥)

This is your main equipment. Even though you have 14 FAKs, it's not as many as you might think (and be a team player please, share your FAKs). By playing too aggressively and constantly taking damage, your ♥♥♥ supplies will drain rapidly and you will find problems during late games.

Melee Weapons

Any melee weapons that has a default Concealment of 30 (you need to be able to charge melee attack with it) will do. Please make sure that you have the basic version of Hidden Blade which gives you +2 Concealment to your melee weapons and allows you to enjoy the full benefits of Low Blow and Sneaky Bastard.
  • Try to remain crouching, sprinting or crouch-jumping at all times to get as high Dodge as possible.
  • Engage your enemies at close range.
  • Don't get too close to your enemies (aka. their melee range) as their melee attacks hurt a lot.
  • Try to aim at their heads.
  • Use Mosconi to get a kill first in order to activate Overkill. Subsequently, switch to Judge and deal with Shields or Bulldozers.
  • Try to stay behind cover at all times. Peek briefly, take your shot, then duck back to cover. Rinse and repeat.
  • Always reload behind cover only.
  • Your Mosconi only has a magazine size of 2 rounds. If you can't take out enemies fast enough, you need to swiftly move to a safer area to avoid being surrounded/swarmed.
  • Beware of your surroundings. Don't rush into a clusterf*ck.
  • Spam "F" (or whichever key assigned by you to mark Specials) whenever possible.
  • Taser is your demise as you only have 2 rounds in your Mosconi. Stay away from them at all times.
  • When you hear a Cloaker charging at you, press and hold melee key while navigating your way back to cover.
  • When facing against a Bulldozer, if Low Blow is not activated when you shoot your Judge, remain calm, make sure that both face-shield and faceplate are blasted off by Judge, then quickly switch back to Mosconi. You only need around 2 shots from Mosconi to take out a Bulldozer.
Build Variations
Variation 1

For those of you who can't live without pd2skills, click here[].
Swan Song is aced instead of Counter-Strike. For less-skilled players who go down often, this Build better helps you do you job as a slayer due to the insane damage output combo of Berserker (aced) and Swan Song (aced). Although if you go down often, you should probably consider not playing as the slayer role to begin with or at least try to practice a bit more since slayer is supposed to slay and provide cover rather than going down all the time and effectively becoming a burden to your crew.

Variation 2 (suggested by Nick)

For those of you who can't live without pd2skills, click here[].
The following Skills are dropped in order to ace Low Blow and Sneaky Bastard:
Fully Loaded (ace), Nerves of Steel (basic), Fast Hands (ace), Cleaner (basic) and Shinobi (basic). Low Blow and Sneaky Bastard have to be aced as weapons are modded for higher Accuracy (and Stability) instead of Concealment.

  • Capable of taking out enemies more effectively due to higher weapon Accuracy*
  • Capable or engaging enemies at mid-long range due to Flechette*
  • Higher weapon Stability*
  • Higher total Ammo*
  • Capable of 1 shotting all non-special cops except "Tans" (Maximum Force Responders)
*Refer to Weapons section below.

  • Slower reload which puts you in a disadvantage especially for close quarter combat (CQC)*
  • Less weapon damage (164 versus 193)*
  • Unable to 1 shot "Tans"
  • No damage bonus against Specials due to lack of basic Cleaner
  • Reduced Ammo sustainability due to lack of aced Fully Loaded (major drawback, field tested)
  • Reduced Ammo sustainability due to mid-long-range engagement
  • Reduced mobility due to lack of basic Shinobi when crouching
  • Unable to move bags efficiently due to lack of Fast Hands, which is kind of a big deal in PD2
  • Unable to do objectives or revive teammates safely due to lack of basic Nerves of Steel
*Refer to Weapons section below.

Mosconi 12G

Mosconi, when modded for Accuracy, with either Road Warrior Barrel or Gangsta Special Stock removed and with Flechette, its Accuracy is merely 8 and its Stability is 0. Hence Mosconi is NOT the ideal weapon of choice for this Build variation.

Joceline O/U 12G

Joceline has, when modded for Accuracy, an Accuracy of 6 without Flechette (left picture above) or an Accuracy of 10 with Flechette (right picture above), both of which offer the same Stability of 21. With slightly less damage (164 versus 193), Flechette offers a much better Accuracy and increases Shotgun effective range. Therefore, the Flechette version is recommended. In addition, Joceline has a higher total Ammo pool of 43, as compared to Mosconi's 33. Please also note that Joceline has a somewhat slower reload (~1.8s) than Mosconi (~1.6s).

  • Saw Off Barrel

  • Luxurious Ammo Pouch

Variation 3

For those of you who can't live without pd2skills, click here[].
This is arguably the strongest version of the Annihilator build as of now, provided that you have access to Grinder Perk Deck. The build is pretty much the same as the original build except that Berserker aced is replaced with Ammunition Specialist aced for better utility and team support. Your survivability no longer depends on FAKs thanks to Grinder. If you play smart, you shouldn't need FAKs at all during the entirety of a heist. However, due to reduced Dodge compared to Rogue Perk Deck, resupplying from Ammo drops becomes riskier. Hence, it is adviced to bring Ammo bags as long as one of your teammates has aced FAKs. You can still be self-sufficient should you choose to pick up Ammo drops, albeit higher risk.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • Q1. Can I ask a question?

    • Sure. But before you go ahead, are you absolutely sure you have read everything we have written? If the answer is in the guide itself, you will be frequently Tased or Cloaked to death for the next 2 years of your PD2.

  • Q2. I've modified your Build somewhat and I think mine is better.

    • If your modification indeed makes good sense, we'll consider making it a variation of our Build. If we don't agree with your modification or if we think your modification deviates from the core of our Build, feel free to make your own Build guide.

  • Q3. Can you explain a little bit further on why the overpowered combination of Overkill and Low Blow on HE Judge can kill Bulldozers outright in 1 shot? And are you the first to think of such OP combo?

    • HE Judge with Low Blow active already has a chance to take out Death Wish Bulldozers in 1 shot, but the chance of that happening is very low (i.e. it requires multiple Critical hits simultaneously and therefore impractical). Overkill being active drastically decreases the number of Critical hits required and thereby increases the probability of killing Death Wish Bulldozers in 1 shot considerably. Hence, Overkill is the key that makes killing Bulldozers in 1 shot with HE Judge and Low Blow active a viable option.
    • Nope. We never said we are the first to discover or suggest such combo, as it has made its appearances in other guides before.

  • Q4. Why not ace Swan Song instead of Counter-Strike?

    • Being the main slayer of your crew, your job is to kill as many enemies as fast as possible with minimal number of downs so as to provide cover for your crew. While Swan Song can clear areas effectively, being downed when Swan Song ends means your crew members will have to revive your *ss, which can sometimes lead to tragedy depending on the position where you are downed. If you spend the majority of your Swan Song navigating yourself to safety (with a 60% movement speed penalty) so that your crew members can revive you with relative ease, then you lose out on the huge amount of potential damage you can dish out. If you are too focused on dealing damage and are therefore downed at a rather "inconvenient" place, then your crew members will have a hard time reviving your *ss, which (quite often) may even trigger a cascade of unfortunate events that eventually lead to mission failure (speaking from our own experience).
      Acing Counter-Strike on the other hand ensures maximum survivability. If you are often the host, you should know that, as a host, you have (much) less reaction time to kill/deal with Cloakers. Counter-Strike is an amazing Skill that keeps your alive so that you can do your job as a slayer. How can you possibly kill while being downed?
      Not saying that Swan Song is not useful, in fact, Swan Song is one of the most overpowered Skills in this game that allows less-skilled players to be able to clear Loud heists in Death Wish. However, it doesn't fit the core of our Build here, hence it is not aced.

  • Q5. Why do you have Berserker aced in tandem with aced First Aid Kits?

    • Depending on your playstyle, Berserker can either be used as a consistent damage multiplier or a lifesaver. If you want to be a true glass cannon, use this Skill as a consistent damage multiplier* and save your First Aid Kits (FAKs) for your crew members. If you want to play with care and minimize your downs while dealing vast amount of damage, this Skill will help you score that critical (last) kill so that you can have some breathing room to take an ♥♥♥.
    • Besides, there is no other lower Tier Skills that are truely useful for our Build and there is no point to only acquire the basic version of Berserker.
    • In the case where you are not playing with an experienced crew who cannot play and defend mission objectives efficiently, all your FAKs will eventually run dry. When that happens, Berserker is your best friend. You will constantly have a huge damage multiplier thanks to Berserker, which, coupled with the Dodge bonus from Sneaky Bastard, allows you to kill efficiently and survive. Such benefit of aced Berserker is particularly evident if you are the last one standing and you need to clutch and finish the mission all by yourself.
    • In addition, when you play with your crew, if you are downed (not by a Cloaker and not bleeding out), the damage multiplier of Berserker is set to a stunning 200% (i.e. max damage boost), which allows you to clear the area around you with ease so that your crew members can try and revive you.
    *Being revived from downs in Death Wish difficulty, Berserker (aced) is activated by default and ranged damage multiplier is set to 1.6x (10% of totaly Health).

  • Q6. Why not use Raven instead of Mosconi?

    • Both Raven and Mosconi have their own merits. Raven has a larger magazine size and total Ammo pool. However, its damage is only half of that of Mosconi's. Therefore, you need to be able to score headshots to maintain your killstreak. Mosconi, on the other hand, doesn't require you to consistently get headshots to kill enemies. It's easier to score kills with Mosconi due to its insanely high damage (even more so if coupled with Overkill).
    • Furthermore, with Mosconi, you will find yourself getting double kills, triple kills (or even quad kills, although rare) quite easily thanks to its 0 Accuracy and high damage, which is something that can hardly be accomplished by Raven. Multi-kills are just pure awesomeness.
    • On a side note, you need to have Gage Shotgun Pack DLC to be able to use Raven, while Mosconi comes with the vanilla game.
    • Nevertheless, Raven is definitely a viable weapon choice for this Build. You will be able to get mid-long-range kills more consistently with Raven. Especially when modded with Flechette Ammo, Raven excels at mid-long-range combat.
    • Recommended Raven modifications and weapon stats.

      This is the weapons stats of Raven without Flechette. As compared to Mosconi, it has a much bigger magazine, larger total Ammo pool, better Accuracy and similar Concealment. The major downside of Raven is its less raw damage. Consequently, you need to get headshot to kill consistently with Raven and you will get less multi-kills due to its higher Accuracy and less raw damage.

      • Short Barrel

      • King's Crown Compensator

      • Flip-up Sight

      • Flechette (optional)

  • Q7. What are the HUDs you are using in your videos that display the buffs and timers of related Skills?

    • Pocohud and/or Hoxhud. You can actually run them both at the same time.
    • Link to PocoHud.
    • Link to HoxHud.
    • You have to join respective groups in order to download the HUDs.

  • Q8.Where do you get the mods that make your game look different (and better) than mine?

    • All mods we are using are from Last Bullet Gaming. Please find their public Payday 2 mods HERE[] for download.
  • 28 March 2015 @ 10:35 : Added the reason why Berserker (aced) is in our Build to both Skill Point Allocation and FAQs sections.
  • 28 March 2015 @ 12:15: Added the reasoning behind acing Counter-Strike instead of Swan Song to both Fugitive's Allocated Skill Points and FAQs sections.
  • 28 March 2015 @ 12:15: Added Build Variation section. Added Build variation 1.
  • 28 March 2015 @ 20:00: Added the comparison between Mosconi and Raven to FAQs section.
  • 28 March 2015 @ 22:30: Added additional argument which explains why Berserker (aced) is in our Build to both Skill Point Allocation and FAQs sections.
  • 29 March 2015 @ 13:00: Added Build variation 2, suggested by Nick. Added detailed explanation on its pros and cons, together with weapon of choice and its recommended modifications.
  • 30 March 2015 @ 11:40: Added a new FAQ regarding the HUDs used in our videos.
  • 30 March 2015 @ 13:40: Added pd2skills version of the Build and Build variations.
  • 1 April 2015 @19:00: Added a new FAQ regarding the mods we are using and where to download them.
  • 2 April 2015 @ 1:45: Added recommended weapon modifications and stats of Raven to Q6 in the FAQs section.
  • 3 April 2015: Added Hoxton Breakout Death Wish Duo (no AI, no assets, no downs) to Build In Action section (both perspectives).
  • 4 April 2015: Added Watchdogs Death Wish Duo (no AI, no assets, no downs, all loot bags) to Build In Action Section (both perspectives).
  • 5 April 2015: Added further explanation to FAQs Q3 on why the overpowered combination of Overkill and Low Blow can kill Death Wish Bulldozers outright in 1 shot.
  • 5 April 2015: Added Rats Death Wish Duo (no AI, no assets, no downs, all loot bags) to Build In Action Section (both perspectives).
  • 11 April 2015: Added Framing Frame Day 3 Death Wish Duo (no AI, no assets, no downs, no kiting) to Build In Action Section (both perspectives).
  • 15 September 2015: Added Build variation 3, utilizing the recently released Grinder Perk Deck, arguably the strongest version of the Annihilator build as of now.
  • 21 March 2016: Added Undercover Death Wish Duo (no AI, no assets, no downs, no kiting) to Build In Action Section (Kriegstic's perspectives).
  • 9 July 2016: Added Santa's Workshop Death Wish Duo (no AI, no assets, no downs, no kiting) showcase videos with updated builds for skill revamp (update 100) to Build In Action Section (both perspectives). More videos with updated builds coming soon. Stay tuned!
  • 10 July 2016: Added Transport: Train Heist Death Wish Duo (no AI, no assets, no downs) showcase video with ICTV variation of the Annihilator build for skill revamp (update 100) to Build In Action Section (wat's perspectives). More videos with updated builds coming soon. Stay tuned!
263 коментара
buddmah 1 март 2020 в 4:53 
I know I'm very late to the party, but I just wanted to say that the IZHMA, always coupled with the Judge, is a good alternative if you get tired of the Mosconi. I've been heisting some Death Sentence One-Down heists with it and it looks viable. Just puttin this out there!
ARegicide 25 окт. 2019 в 10:33 
Props for using the logo of the Thrash metal band of the same name.
buddmah 17 септ. 2019 в 3:04 
Still manages to be a super-good build! It's almost impossible not to be the main slayer with this one; only thing is I found myself getting up the hostage skilltrees rather than FAKs skilltrees as that seems to be the meatshield meta for Death Sentence One Down, the rest's pretty ok though!
Frozium 6 дек. 2017 в 8:52 
It's OK, I also stopped. I just played a bit recently to see how things are going on
wat [VR]  [автор] 6 дек. 2017 в 8:47 
Ah~ the good old days. Unfortunately I stopped playing for a long time now.
Frozium 1 дек. 2017 в 15:52 
I still remember when this was the shit. Loads upon loads of corpses.
русская кошка 7 авг. 2016 в 11:35 Best way to replicate the build I think
wat [VR]  [автор] 5 авг. 2016 в 7:11 
@ DominatorLegend
Refer to the new videos in Build In Action section. If by update you mean overhaul of the entire guide, I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Frozium 4 авг. 2016 в 19:16 
Will this build be updated to the new skill system someday?
Munto 14 юли 2016 в 7:12 
Take this lightly, I don't mean to offend.
This build and the way you write about it make me want to punch you in the face. This is the most pretentious, elitest guide I've ever seen. You should have just wrote "Yeah, the meta? Do that. Oh you want to help your friends? Fuck you, bring first aid and forget team skills." It would have had the same effect.