Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

71 ratings
CS:GO | Guide to Lurking
By Frostfeint
This Guide will teach you how to be a successful Lurker. Once you've mastered this, the Enemy WILL fear you. Lurking is REALLY important for winning rounds and some people need to understand why lurking is this important and how to lurk.

It is possible that I will make a guide for each map in the future if anyone wants to help me.

Dont forget to rate the guide!
The Importance of a Lurker
Most people you will be playing with will probably question your lurking. They will tell you that you are doing nothing at all to even help your team. Little do they know, lurking is a real important role for your team and has a lot of impact on winning rounds. A good lurker is feared of and will be able to take the life of their enemy using the element of surprise. A good Lurker is also patient and will wait for the right time to strike in order to help their team. The lurker’s job is to stay out of sight and get important frags for your team. This also means you should use the information and whereabouts the enemy team is to your advantage and giving your team information. Your information can increase your chances of winning rounds.
Positioning and Movement
This is a very important factor to becoming a good lurker. You will not succeed at lurking if you are trying to sneak around right out in the open, and do not run around when lurking and enemies are nearby, that’s like being in an empty room and a woman runs in wearing stilettos. *CLICK* *CLACK* *CLICK* *CLACK* The whole enemy team will know exactly where you are if they are listening. If you want to become a successful lurker, you will need to hide in dark corners, in crawl spaces, behind boxes or any other cover that will hide you from the enemy. When hiding, absolutely do not peek until the time is right as the enemy will likely see you. Most good lurkers will take the longer routes to a certain area in order to flank the enemy. Yes, I know it’s annoying, but it’s worth it because it will win you rounds. Your movement in the map should be slow and sneaky beaky like. A lurker shouldn’t ever rush unless absolutely necessary.
Getting Frags While Lurking
Getting frags while lurking should be very easy if you use good positioning and movement around the map, but there’s one last thing you should know before you begin lurking. You will need to know when to kill the enemy or enemies and which ones to kill first. Let’s say you’re a Terrorist on Inferno and you’re hiding in Crawlspace or “Mexico” and your team is pushing through Mid or Apartments. You should wait and try to catch the CT rotation through Banana as they will most likely want to flank your team once they receive the callout that your team is pushing either Mid or Apartments. You can still do this if your team is pushing Banana, the CTs will probably rotate to Banana through Mid. Bear in mind that it is very likely for 2 CTs to rotate. If that type of situation happens wait for both of them to to cross. Don’t peek if you think they are facing crawlspace, wait until you think they aren’t looking and start to follow them. Only fire when you see both CTs so you don’t have to go searching for the other CT once you’ve killed the first one. If you kill only one and not both, the other CT will probably already have received information from his teammate telling him that there’s a T near Crawlspace. That is why it’s important to wait for both to cross in those situations. The next thing you could begin doing once you’ve mastered positioning and movement is going for knife kills, this will help your team even more than just shooting the enemy as it gives you $1500 when you kill an enemy with a knife and you might just get a free gun out of it.. Bear in mind that this is very risky, only attempt this if you are confident that you can do it, it can be worth the risk, yet it can also screw up the economy on your team if you fail.

Here is a video showing how GeT_RiGhT lurks and how he gets frags while he is lurking.

More "Sneaky Beaky" Moments
Don’t lurk if you are inexperienced.
Be quiet, don’t let the enemy hear you.
Listen for the enemy.
Lurking is really important in a team.
Be cheeky and hide in unexpected places, not obvious places.
Be patient and wait for the right time to strike.
Help me improve this Guide
This is my first guide. Help me improve it.
If you think something is missing or should be added to the guide just let me know so I can improve it to help others learn how to lurk. :)
Chad ThunderCock 1 Apr, 2019 @ 1:54pm 
This whole guide has helped me to increase my in game performance as well as in bed. My penis has grown 17 times since the conception of this guide. Your mothers have all seen a great deal of increased performance in bed, as well as your sisters and girlfriends. Thank you once again man, you have a massive penis.
Wayne Glensky (Retired 4real) 1 Apr, 2019 @ 1:52pm 
I have the gey
Wayne Glensky (Retired 4real) 1 Apr, 2019 @ 1:52pm 
Where is "use MP5" on here?
-rikud0ff-/ 31 Aug, 2018 @ 1:42pm 
if u lurk and u spot enemies, u dont need to actually kill them.
you can callout the enemies and than you can sneak behind them and help ur team.
Frostfeint  [author] 26 May, 2017 @ 12:01pm 
no problem man
Noctis 23 May, 2017 @ 9:29am 
@fr0zt They are here now. The didn't appear no matter what i did. Thanks for the Guide ;3
Frostfeint  [author] 22 May, 2017 @ 2:00pm 
Nothing wrong with the videos, they're working.
Noctis 21 May, 2017 @ 1:57am 
You can't watch the Videos. Please add them. Thank you. Else this Guide was extremly helpful.
shurm ⍨ 1 Jun, 2016 @ 8:00pm 
I'm good at lurking just not killing ;D
YEET 11 May, 2016 @ 1:24pm 
Thanks bro..helped me .