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HuniePop Guide for the Pickup Artist Achievement
Tekijältä Winter Raven
This Guide - Walk Through will make getting the Pickup Artist achievment easy. The key to this one is limiting the number of girls you date and prepare for the unexpected with backup. Come on, I'll show you how.
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Guide - Walk Through
The Pickup Artist achievement: Spend the night with a girl within 4 days.

Time is of the essence on this run. We have plenty of time, but that doesn't mean we can waste it.

If you have not already opened a new data save, now is the time to do that. Exit the game and then start it again. There are 4 data saves, you probably have a blank one. Open it. If not erase one you don't need and use that. Now progress to the point where Kyu asks where you want to begin. Most people start all achievement runs either at the university campus or the mall. That is because they both start in the morning. This walk through starts at the mall.

Audrey is the first girl I meet. I want to buy her a gift. I check the inventory. What! no gifts she loves (heart symbol), but there are gold fish. Here I have good and bad luck. Bad luck, no gifts she loves. I need those to get date gifts in return. The gold fish is good luck because I can date Momo right away which has advantages (She never goes out of town). Before I start my date I ask myself : Am I doing this for fun and to get an achievement? or Am I looking for a challenge?

Difficulty settings: (When you use this guide) easy is easy, normal is not that hard, hard is challenging.
Because I am making a guide, and certainly don't want to look incompetent, I'll use easy.
My date with Audrey is successful and then I talk to her until her food level is 0. Next I meet Kyanna. I buy her 2 gifts she love and get 2 date gifts in return. Now I have enough Hunie to upgrade a trait. I always upgrade passion first and keep it at least 2 levels higher than any other. I get a passion flower and a passion perfume as date gifts in return. Those are ok gifts. I will be buying allot more to get better ones.

Don't forget to unwrap your date gifts and place them in your date inventory each time you receive them.

Next I met Tiffany, I bought 2 gifts she loves. I got some shoes I never use and a good one, the sunflower in return. I upgraded flirtation this time, Tiff's favorite. That date was successful. Afterwards I could afford a unique gift to boost Hunie/talk so I gave her that. We talked until she was hungry. Before I left I tossed the gold fish into an outdoor garbage can to unlock Momo.
That means I am now meeting Momo. I can't buy her a gift she love because there are none. I have lots of Munie so I get her a gift she likes (star symbol). I won't get a date gift in return, but I will get Hunie to upgrade traits. I upgraded romance her favorite. I had Munie to spare so I max out her food to get 4 more moves. It's like no-fail insurance. After our date we talk until her food is gone.
I check the time and it's morning! The mall is such a good place to start. I have all the girls I need. I cannot date a girl twice in the same day so I have three periods to simply go from girl to girl and chat and get Hunie. That's what I do. I also bought 2 girls unique gifts to boost Hunie/talk payout.

Now it is morning of day 2. I have dated 4 girls. I am also swimming in Hunie from all that talk. I upgrade 3 traits plus passion again. Now I am on top of the world.
Audrey is asleep, so today I date Tiffany first. With the passion upgrade I win with 8 move remaining. From this point on every game has that margin of success. If it's too easy for you, change to normal difficulty level. I talk to her after the date as I always do.
Audrey is awake. One gift she loves, then upgrade talent. Flirtation was already upgraded for the Tiffany date so on the Audrey date I planned ahead and upgraded a trait for the next girl (Kyanna).
We are sailin' along upgrading, dating, talking, in that order. After Kyanna, then Momo.

Now it is the morning of day 3 we have had 2 successful dates with 4 different girls.

This screen shot shows all of date gifts I have received in return for gifts she loves. It also shows the ones I cherry picked (the best) to take on dates. I will continue to buy date gifts she loves just in case I get something really useful in return. I am still upgrading traits before dates and talking afterwards. I am feeding her to the max if I can afford it, before each date. When you give food before a date it benefits you twice. Extra moves plus more energy for more talking after the date.

On day three I dated Tiffanny, Audrey, Kyanna, and Momo in that order. I had my trait levels up to:
Passion level 3 (the number of increases)
Talent, Romance, Flirting level 2
Sex, Charm, Luck level 1
Sensitivity, Charisma level 0
All the dates were successful and now we go to our final day.

On the morning of day four we have successfully dated 4 different girls 3 times. On the fourth day we will get the achievement if we have a successful night date with any of them. Now our strategy radically changes. Do not give any girl food until the night date. We need it all to make sure our night girl has all she can eat. Also there is no real point in feeding anyone else. We also do not go on any dates until the night date. Why? Because you cannot date a girl twice in the same day. So what do we do? Talk, get Hunie and make our final upgrade of traits. Now it is the final hour.

Kyanna is our girl. I got the bottle of perfume she likes, so I chose her for the night date.
The current trait levels:
Passion up4
Talent up3
Flirtation, Romance up2
Sex, Luck, Sensitivity, Charisma up1
I fed her and gave her all the drinks she would take.(more insurance)
I had confidence because when I asked Kyanna out on our night date she said "Let's make it happen!" . It's like she knew this was the grand finale to our achievement run.

And then it Happened!

These two screen shots show that our night date was successful and our bedroom puzzle was successful. We completed the date on day 04 and the achievement unlocked in the morning. We can see her panties in the inventory.

Finally you do have a fail safe, a panic button. If you think you are going to fail a date and lose the achievement, bail out, exit the game. You will start back up, then figure out what the problem was. Do you need to set the difficulty of play setting lower? Did you just forget to upgrade your traits? It's probably something that is easy to correct. One other tip: Do not rely on after date photos from your Huniebee to keep track of who you have dated. Sometimes they go missing for awhile. It is better to keep a simple journal of your game activities. The run should take about 3 hours. Have fun out there.
17 kommenttia
ScarletSRSLY 7.8.2021 klo 17.42 
I don't usually comment on things, but this guide saved me a TON of time - so thanks a bunch! :hp_beli:
Mr.Hyde 26.3.2020 klo 21.01 
Thanks Winter Raven!
Winter Raven  [tekijä] 21.3.2020 klo 12.38 
the picture next to the guide title is from the artwork DLC
Mr.Hyde 21.3.2020 klo 6.31 
Where can I find the picture next to the guide title?
Flotop 6.1.2020 klo 3.49 
Glad you answered me, thanks you this is what I thought. Very pleasant game you created, if YOU did.
Winter Raven  [tekijä] 6.1.2020 klo 3.45 
Flotop, that is a harder achievement to get. You can get the pickup artist on the way to getting the pickup legend achievement, on the same play through. :hp_kyu:
Flotop 6.1.2020 klo 3.36 
Hey, I'm about to do the challenge, isn't it better to complete the "all the girls in 18 days" ?
Idunhaël 9.6.2018 klo 21.00 
Nah, I had 4 hearts... I'm so confused o.O
Winter Raven  [tekijä] 9.6.2018 klo 20.58 
Only thing I can think of is if you didn't have 4 hearts with her , no bedroom puzzle.
Idunhaël 9.6.2018 klo 20.50 
So, it was night on day 4, I won the puzzle, and then... nothing happened. No transition to bedroom. What did I do wrong?