Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Ways you can know you are playing too much Space Engineers!!!
Oleh BeanDownUnder
Ways you can know you are playing too much Space Engineers!!!

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You know are playing too much Space Engineers when....
Quotes are from various sources including Keen Software House forums, and comments to this guide. Thankyou to everyone.

(Comments will be only added to list at authors discretion.)

  • When your total amount of hours spent building and welding blocks in a week exceeds that of a full time job.

  • When you look up at the night sky, and all those stars, and say to yourself "Damn, why isn't my jetpack turning on?"

  • When your preferred unit of speed is m/s.

  • When you are watching a video or looking at a screenshot of Space Engineers and you hold alt to try and pan camera.

  • When it's Friday, and you haven't downloaded the last update yet. Because you haven't left the game yet.

  • When you are late for work because something in Space Engineers was causing delay.

  • When you rebind controls in other games to better match those in Space Engineers.

  • When you think about building a beacon on your car so you can find it in the supermarket carpark.

  • When you wish you could pull your welder tool out and fix the dents in your vehicle.

  • When you mention to the wife that if she hangs any more pictures on the wall it will cause an FPS drop.

  • When walking around, you can't stop asking yourself "How's my suit energy doing?"

  • When you bring a grinder to a yard sale.

  • When you try to enable jetpack in other games.

  • When you wonder why your laundry isn't flowing through a conveyor system from your washer to your dryer.

  • Looking for Uranium deposits when out hiking.

  • When you limit lights that are on in your house to conserve energy and FPS.

  • When you are flying in another sandbox game and you try to press 'Q' and 'E' to rotate your character... Ed: So done this myself, most recently in Medieval Engineers of course.

  • When you're reading this guide, and suddenly remember that you have Space Engineers open, and you are wasting your time reading this guide.

  • When you upgrade your real world computer to increase the FPS. Just to finish that full sized Star Destroyer you have been building.

  • When you enter a crowded server and notice you have more time played than the sum of everyone on the server.

  • When you feel an uncontrollable urge to make this very thread.

  • When you have to go to rehab because of your serious issue with Space Engineers, and you smuggle in a laptop and build a ship when nobody is watching. (Ed. This is why there has not been any recent comments added to list.)

  • When you are in game and you go chasing after imaginary ships.

  • When you work out how many days the hours listed for your play time on space represent, and realize, that somehow you have spent almost an entire year in the game.. (Ed. I'm 63% of the way into the 8760 hours in a year)
278 Komentar
SilverPhoenix_Virtual 17 Sep 2019 @ 9:45pm 
quack let me in
Tomty1332 25 Jan 2018 @ 9:50am 
When you play other sandbox games and attempt to use insert, pgd, pgu, home, end, and delete to rotate things.
Evilmario5 16 Nov 2017 @ 7:09am 
When you perfect a gravity cannon design/ round that can punch a hole thro 6+ layers of spaced light armor blocks.
-MH- Pentium P6 30 Jan 2017 @ 3:25pm 
When the only time you ever read this guide is when using the Shift+Tab overay on steam while playing Space Engineers.
Riucario~ 20 Agu 2016 @ 2:30pm 
When you're reading this guide, and suddenly remember that you have Space Engineers open, and you are wasting your time reading this guide.
This made my day xd
Captain X (PhoenixX) 4 Jul 2016 @ 3:53am 
or s i just did 2 mins ago... when you set an autopilot on in game to go to the bathroom in real life without impacting travel time in game lol
BeanDownUnder  [pembuat] 4 Jul 2016 @ 3:42am 
oh and 1,817 hrs ain't all that many :P
BeanDownUnder  [pembuat] 4 Jul 2016 @ 3:37am 
@PhoenixX, love some of those comments, will add to list. :)
Captain X (PhoenixX) 4 Jul 2016 @ 3:25am 
When you have to stop yourself adding items to this list because you realise you have played this game so much you could probably keep adding items all night...
Captain X (PhoenixX) 4 Jul 2016 @ 3:23am 
When you play the game, you notice you started taking it so seriously, you give sit-reps as you prepare your ship for take off..