War Thunder

War Thunder

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The various types of players and how to deal with them. (Work In Progress)
Oleh kolaborator April_Twenty dan 1
This will be a constantly updating guide explaining all the types of players (that I've encountered) who play War Thunder and how each should be dealt with.
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A memento
This guide is not finished, so please try and refrain from saying "you forgot about x" "please add x" "how about x", I have not forgotten about them, I have simply not added them in yet.

-patience is a virtue
The Team Player
-This is one of the more rare player types, as they are a dying breed and are being overtaken by more hostile groups.

-Team Players usually have the best intentions for their team, they will support their allies, tow you into cover if you're hurt, and will not get enraged when the odds are stacked against them. They will spot targets and be friendly in chat. If you see a Team Player being picked on by their supposed "teammates", it is advisable to side with them in the arguement, but let them speak for themselves, if you antagonise a Team Player, please do everybody a favor and bury yourself in a hole and let the Earth reclaim what is hers.

-Team Players should be kept alive at all costs as their survival is usually the determaining factor in whether a match is won or lost. Do not confuse Team Players with Commanders (see below).

-Dealing with Team Players is quite easy... don't. A Team Player should be seen as a gift from the Gaijin Gods and should not be disrespected, if a Team Player is disrespected, prepare yourself for the wrath of Stalin.
The Commander
-The Commander is a very assertive type of person, they see themselves as the leader of the team simply because they believe they know more and have more strategic and tactical knowledge than everybody else on their team and can lead everyone to a flawless victory if they follow his/her exact orders.

-Commanders are very easy to identify because the second that the game starts, they will tell everyone where to go, when to go, and how to get there, they are very assertive and will not tollerate any resistance. Arguing with a Commander is highly pointless as they will use their (lack of) knowledge to push you back down into submission.

-As contradictory as it may seem, a dead Commander is far more dangourus than one which is alive. If a Commander is alive, they can only look at the map and make assumptions as to how the battles are going. But if a commander is dead, they can spectate individual players and see how they are preforming.

-Dealing with Commanders is easy, but is high risk. Simply ignoring them is perfectly acceptable. However, Commanders are prone to friendly fire, meaning if they don't like how you're preforming, they will disable your vehicle or straight up kill you.
The Privilaged Kid
-At a glace, these players are more of an annoyance than a real threat, although they do have some traits that can allow them to affect a battle.

-A Privilaged Kid's most notable trait is simply the ammount of vehicles they have at the ready. Being a privilaged child who got everything they wanted in life, they will almost always have at least 10 crew slots (that they bought with their mothers credit card of course) meaning that you will need to be extremely persistant and vigilant when dealing with these little runts.

-In terms of chat, the Privilaged Kid is actually quite similer to the commander, they think that because they've always had the best in life, that they deserve to command the team.

-Dealing with Privilaged Kid's can be a semi-difficult task seeing as there are many different sub-sections, all with their own traits, but a general rule that works is to simply ignore them. You may attempt to talk some sense into them and show them that we are all equal, but you and me both know that won't work. I've tried on multiple occasions and all it turned into was their jimmes becoming extremely rustled and attacking me with a few hateful messages so, just ignore them, because they'll get whats coming to them eventually.
The Blamer
-The Blamer is a type of player that is found almost exclusivlely in arcade battles. Usually a child of 13 or younger, they are distinctivly bad at the game, and after they die enough times (about once or twice) they will start to trash-talk their team in chat, calling them bad, saying that they are the only good player in the match, that the team is incompetent, bad, garbage, etc. simply due to the fact that they can't make sensible decisions and keep themselves alive.

-The Blamer is found predominantly in air battles, but they can be found in ground forces as well (albeit in much smaller numbers) and can be extremely annoying simply due to their arrogance. They can be found at all tiers, but are found predominantly in tiers 2-4, with 3 being the highest concentration.

-The Blamer is usually not physically harmful, but can be very verbally abusive in chat, sometimes even reaching the point of "joining" the enemy team and assisting them in your defeat.
"That guy"
- We've all met "that guy", and we've all felt the same hatred for him. "That Guy" is the heartless, unforgiving, unremorsful, unrelentless scumbag who will ram your plane out of the sky on purpsose, simply because he couldn't kill you in one strafe. This man would rather die then let you live, and follows the motto "if I can't kill you then nobody can".

- There is no way to avoid this monster, other than to simply not play the game, but we all know thats not going to happen. "that guy" is usually pretty quiet in chat, prefering to play normally, until he gets fixated on a target and rams him. If you try to fight "that guy" in chat then you will lose, his testosterone levels will skyrocket and you will be caught completly off guard as he turns into a caveman and starts spitting out every swear word in the English, German, French, Indian, Mexican, and Russian language.

- "That guy" can be defeated however, simply using aerobatics to avoid him will pervent the problem from arising in the first place. If you are rammed however, do not fight back, just continue your game.
The Unicorn
- NOTE: This player does not exist, if you find a unicorn, please befriend it immedietly and study it for future refrence, the boys at the labs would be very happy to have a live suspect and it would lead to many scientific breakthroughs.

- The unicorn is exectly what it sounds like, a myth. Little is known about the unicorn, other than it will bring infinate happiness and wealth to everyone it encounters.

- Nobody knows where unicorns reside, although data suggests that they play a mix of arcade and realistic, but prefer realistic.

- Unicorns can often be mistaken for Team Players, this is a common mistake, the Unicorns behaviour patterns are not known.

- Again, if you find a unicorn, record their name, befriend them, and contact the local athorities as soon as possible.
The PS4 Player
- The PS4 Player is someone who has downloaded and plays War Thunder on their PlayStation 4.

- PS4 Players are often less able to preform complicated manouvers in the air and therefor should be seen as slightly less of a threat.

115 Komentar
acehill801 9 Feb @ 7:16pm 
i'd take a shot for anyone, any day
P'u-Poo 3 Feb @ 7:08am 
I have never spoken in warthunder and will continue to never speak
errornotfound 24 Jun 2023 @ 5:17am 
am team player
mhansen1224 23 Apr 2023 @ 11:45am 
and used to be a ps4 player
mhansen1224 23 Apr 2023 @ 11:44am 
Wildgoose 24 Feb 2023 @ 9:21pm 
i liked this, i will try and be less of a 'commander' and more of a 'team player'.... it is hard to be a team player sometimes thou...
DunelmianHooman 11 Feb 2023 @ 9:14pm 
I do my best to be a team player. I've barely played for 24 hours total and I've already been insulted twice XD
rango 9 Des 2021 @ 5:09pm 
I believe that unicorns can be mistaken for "that guy" because they try to kill with guns but can't get out of the way fast enough to not ram.
Commissar Reichenbach 17 Okt 2021 @ 9:48pm 
i once met a "Kommandent" who wasent a major asshole
20 gallons of motor oil 20 Agu 2021 @ 1:49pm 
To bad frebreeze, the FBI is on their way