Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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UEMC and JESE Ship and Station Construction Guide
Door jarhead
This guide is to help you figure out what is needed for both large and small ships and how to classify them for their size and use. I made this guide because of all the different classification systems out there and wanted a set standard that everyone can use. If you are reading this guide it is not meant to be a solid instruction manuel for building your ships. This guide is meant to instead help you find ways of designing your own ships then classifying them.
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Title and begining
UEMC and JESE Ship and Station Classification System
To use this system you will have to label (or name) your ships (and stations) using only the capital letters from the classification list below as follows. Everything in this section will apply to all ships.

Class Size/Class Type-Production Number (try to fit at least 4 digits for production number)
  • Civilian = no weapons of any kind. (These can be transport, miner, repair, construction, and production type vessels and Stations.)
  • Operations = only gatling (external), and interior turrets (inside) allowed. (These can be carrier, production, and drone control type vessels and stations.)
  • Military = all weapon types allowed. (These are any type of vessel or station not covered by the above types.)
(ship example SH/C-0001) <---shows super heavy / civilain first produced ("Ship Name") <---your ship name goes here (station example SSH/C-0001) <---shows station superheavy / civilain first produced ("Ship Name") <---your ship name goes here
Small Ship Classes
Small Ship Classes
Max size is in large block format (5 small blocks = 1 large)(high x wide x long)
  • Drone = no cockpit (max size 3x5x5) (will add "D" to begining of class label)
  • Scout = 1 crew (high speed, long range, no armor, no weapons, max size of 3x5x5)
  • Miner = 1 crew (heavy armor, short range, drills, max sioze of 3x5x5)
  • Fighter = 1 crew (light armor, high speed, short range, gatling guns, max size of 3x5x5)
  • Bomber = 1 crew (light armor, high speed, short range, rocket launchers, max size of 3x5x5)
  • Corvette = 1 crew (heavy armor, high speed, short range, gatling guns, rocket launchers, max size of 3x5x6)
  • Gunship = 2 crew (heavy armor, high speed, short range, gatling guns, rocket launchers, torpedo weapons max size of 3x5x6)
  • Shuttle = 2 crew, 2-8 passenger (heavy armor, high speed, short range, no weapons, max size of 3x5x7)
Large Ship/Station Classes
Large Ship/Station Classes
  • Drone = no cockpit and under 1mil kg
  • Light = under 1mil kg
  • Medium = 1mil kg - 10mil kg
  • Heavy = 10mil kg - 25mil kg
  • Super Heavy = 25mil kg - 50mil kg
  • Capital = 50mil kg - 100mil kg
  • Super Capital = above 100mil kg
  • Station = any size so long as static
Basic Room List for Large Ships
Basic Room List for Large Ships.
This is the basic layout for JESE large ships (most are able to carry at least 1 other ship inside). This is a guide to show what is needed in each ship (not all categories will be needed nor all items in all categories).

  • Nav deck (sticks out of the ship surrounded by glass [front, sides, top, parts of rear])
  • Engineering (located near rear center of ship, contain main reactors [large])
  • Command (located behind and below nav deck)
  • Medical (with 4 med bays, 4 cryo units, 8 beds, and 2 quarantine rooms)
  • Flight deck (is where all ships enter and leave hangers)
  • Flight control (controls hanger, flight deck doors, and the flight deck)
  • Dock control (controls the docking systems both inside and outside of the hangers)
  • Production (is where your refineries, arc furnaces, assemblers are found)
  • Cargo (located below main engineering)
  • Observation (optional, dependent on ship)
  • Nav deck (is placed behind some sort of armor [vent style windows] below main nav deck so front is dropped back 1 block space)
  • Engineering (located toward front of ship [placement of this is dependent on ship], contains back up reactors [small])
  • Command (located in front of main engineering surrounded by armor)
  • Medical (is 1/2 of main medical, located near hanger)
  • Flight deck (is used for larger ships that can not fit in main flight deck)
  • Flight control (is armored and not able to see the area it is controlling)
  • Dock control (is armored and not able to see the area it is controlling)
  • Production (is where you can access any production or cargo for use in repairs of ship[s], is located near hanger)
  • Cargo (1/2 size of main cargo located at opposite end of ship near top or one side)
  • Observation (optional, dependent on ship)
  • Nav deck (is placed deep inside the ship connected to front of 3rd command)
  • Engineering (located toward bottom of ship [placement of this is dependent on ship], contains batteries [emergency power])
  • Command (is placed deep inside the ship surrounded by armor)
  • Medical (is 1/2 of main medical, located near external docking or second hanger)
  • Flight deck (is located on the outside of the ship)
  • Flight control (is part of 3rd command)
  • Dock control (is part of 3rd command)
  • Production (is where you can access any production or cargo for use in repairs of ship[s], is located near external docking or second hanger)
  • Cargo (1/2 size of main cargo located at opposite end of ship near bottom or opposite side of 2nd cargo)
  • Observation (optional, dependent on ship)
Basic Large Ship Design Layout
Basic Large Ship Design Layout:
This is a guide to show the basic layout (positions) for each item in a JESE large ship. Not all parts will apply to all ships.
  • Hangers are meant to be inside the ship but are dependent on ship design and should have some sort of 0g flight deck nearby that has direct access to outside.
  • Command staff quarters near the top rear of the ship (windows) and be connected to the back of the main command deck below the level of the nav deck.
  • Officers quarters should be located to the sides of the command deck below the level of the nav deck.
  • Crew quarters can be located in any of the other unused areas of the ship.
  • Command staff mess should be located between the 5 command staff quarters.
  • Officers mess hall should be below the main command deck with access to the officers quarters.
  • Crew mess. If there is 1 it should be located behind the main medical center. If there is a second it should be located at the opposite end of the ship.
  • Escape pods can be the crew quarters them selves.
  • Brig should be near the bottom center of the ship away from everything else.
  • Briefing rooms. If there is 1 it should be near the command deck. If there are 2 the second should be at opposite end of ship near the hanger (s)(for flight crew and pilots).
  • Science lab should be near the hanger above or below the main medical center.
Ending and Comments
I hope this guide helps. If any one has questions or editing suggestions please leave a comment. This guide was created during construction of my fleet command carrier and is based off of it. This guide is adaptable for use in smaller ships as well (just skip the parts that don't apply to your ship).

Guide finished and posted on my 31st birthday (03-11-1984) (date of posting 03-11-2015).
If you would like to join my server and/or group then please look for JESE for space engineers (hoping it is still up when you see this).
13 opmerkingen
jarhead  [auteur] 19 mrt 2015 om 11:49 
as an update the new o2 system would end up being built so the 02 gen is in with the other production stuff, the tanks with the other cargo/storage, and vents placed trough out the ships (1 in each room)
TJRoh 19 mrt 2015 om 11:36 
Great guide, thanks!
jarhead  [auteur] 16 mrt 2015 om 17:49 
it can still apply because todays carriers have an internal hanger that is accessed from side or rear of the ship (dependant on class of carrier)
miele dishwasher 16 mrt 2015 om 7:02 
Well, I have only made one large ship and thats a open air carrier(Like an aircraft carrier)
M 14 mrt 2015 om 13:37 
Even still, if humanity gets to such a degree of space travel, it is possible that completely new classifications will be created that might not be reflective of craft on earth, it is impossible to know such things, so everything is speculation. Besides that-Great guide man, looks good.
jarhead  [auteur] 14 mrt 2015 om 2:03 
Sleuth Kog'Maw 13 mrt 2015 om 23:14 
These comments are AIDS
jarhead  [auteur] 13 mrt 2015 om 3:08 
I know I can still learn more from others, it's just hard to find anything that I don't know something about (167 IQ with multiple degrees in engineering, electronics, physics, theretical math, robotics, and medical).
Kozenger 12 mrt 2015 om 23:01 
Just as others shouldn't act like they know more than you on a given subject, you shouldn't act like you know more than them as well. Others can learn from you just as you can learn from others.
Hazardous13 12 mrt 2015 om 18:07 
I always wondered why in nearly every ship reactors seem to be in the back. Theoretically it makes sense since you generally face the enemy forward on. I myself try to get away from that and put at least the back up reactors somwhere else like you mentioned.