The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable

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How to see your feet when you look down
Por SlightlySimple
The narrator says you can't see your feet when you look down. Well now you can!
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At one point in the game, the narrator says that you can't see your feet when you look down. This guide will explain how to do just that. First of all, mae sure you enable your console before doing this. This is also per-map, so whn you transition to a new map, you will have to repeat this process. Also, this process is a lot easier if you type the command 'crosshair 1' before beginning.
Creating the legs
First off, aim at the floor and type in the following command: 'prop_dynamic_create characters/stanley'. This will create a Stanley in a sitting position. Now, aim your crosshair at the newly made Stanley, and type in the following command: 'ent_setname Stanley'. You can change the name to whatever you wish. Also, make sure you don't rename an important entity in the map. After naming Stanley, type in the following: 'ent_fire Stanley setanimation look' 'ent_fire Stanley disablecollision'. This will disable collision with Stanley and put him in a standing still pose. Then, adjust your position and angle so that it is as if you are looking through Stanley's eyes. Position and angle are crucial for this next step. Once in position, type in the following command: 'ent_fire Stanley setparent !player'. This will bond Stanley to the player.
Animating the legs
You now have legs, but when you move around, the legs stay in place. There is a way to animate them To do this, type in the following two commands: 'bind o "ent_fire Stanley setanimation walk; ent_fire Stanley setdefaultanimation walk"' 'bind p "ent_fire Stanley setanimation look; ent_fire Stanley setdefaultanimation look"'. Now, when you move around, press o, and when you are standing still, press p.
I hope this article helped you defy the narrator even further by seeing your feet when you look down. Enjoy your new legs.
15 comentário(s)
LittleNinja 8/jul./2020 às 13:40 
Nevermind. I don't know how these commands work. I'll just use "Stanley"
LittleNinja 8/jul./2020 às 13:34 
Just a random name I came up with.
LittleNinja 8/jul./2020 às 13:33 
I'll do this (to make sure I don't rename something important): MrPoopyFace
UltraMagnumOpus 25/mar./2020 às 13:50 
I'm trying to post this in multiple places, but if ` or ~ does not work for console press the c key while in game. Your Welcome!
ㄒ卄乇 匚卄丨匚卂 10/fev./2019 às 12:25 
I...just...can' t !
Officer Puncake 31/dez./2018 às 9:24 
and the girl in the dead ending is called "woman" in the files.
Officer Puncake 31/dez./2018 às 9:23 
the animation for him in the intro is called "pushing" by the way
you will not believe how much trouble i went through to read that one word
yard 11/mar./2017 às 0:34 
doesn't really matter
SlightlySimple  [autor(a)] 10/mar./2017 às 9:25 
Then you must've done something wrong. There are plenty of guides out there for opening the console in The Stanley Parable.
yard 10/mar./2017 às 5:06 
it didn't work though